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Our visit with Dr.Shoemaker

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It had been a long time coming, but we finally had the privilege to

meet Dr.Shoemaker, mere words just don't seem to be enough on how

this man impressed me, as far as his committment and deep concern

for his patients. Not to mention all the research he has done.

My wife Sharon (not to be confused with the other Sharon on this

board) has been on the CSM now for approx. 3 weeks now and of course

it is way too early to start shouting from the rafters..... But as

far as she can tell right now, trying not to jump the gun, she is

starting to feel better. Some of the symptoms seemed to have

subsided and are not occurring as much. Also, she has not been re-

exposed, which we are doing our best to avoid right now.

The only thing she is on right now, is the CSM, and has not had any

problems with it whatsoever and hopefully won't. Just food for

thought, since I have heard many mention of having a hard time

dissolving the CSM in water or beverage that you may be using. She

has not had any problem dissolving it in water. What she does is

fills a quarter glass with warm to hot water, stirs, then fills the

rest of the glass with tepid water and stirs again. Yes, it's a warm

drink, but seems to dissolve very well with very little grit.

Several have mentioned immediately after taking their daily dose of

cramping. She has not experienced this at all, nor has she

experienced any constipation. It has helped to regulate her. (I know

a real pleasant topic. lol) After taking her dose a natural burp

occurs and does help.

My concern is many may be trying to dissolve/drink this in cold or

ice cold water. Which from what I've always heard is not real

healthy to do anyway, all because of cramping. And the amount you

all have to drink at one time, this could be part of the problem. My

opinion, I would at least recommend tepid water, not ice cold. That

much water I think would cramp my stomach. Just a thought.

I hope this will continue going in the direction for my wife that it

already seems to be going, along with the rest of you that are on

the CSM. This does give me some hope. Something I seemed to have

been doing alot without, the last several years. We will keep you

updated on how things progress.

I've always said, whether it is Dr.Shoemaker, Dr.Marinkovich or any

other doctor, all the research/medication in the world does not make

any difference, if it is not helping the patients. It's what the

patients say that carries the most weight with me.

This is not a plug for Dr.Shoemaker or his treatment any more than

it would be for any other doctor that my wife was in the care of.

What is important is what is working and what isn't.

I'm not telling you who you have to see or that one doctor is better

than the other. If you're comfortable with the doctor you are seeing

and their treatment, by all means continue.

If it works for you, that's what counts.


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