Guest guest Posted November 13, 2005 Report Share Posted November 13, 2005 Clin Microbiol Rev. 2000 October; 13(4): 662–685. Copyright © 2000, American Society for Microbiology Fungal and Parasitic Infections of the Eye A. Klotz,1,2* C. Penn,3 Gerald J. Negvesky,4 and Salim I. Butrus4 Section of Infectious Diseases, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Kansas City, Missouri1; University of Kansas School of Medicine, Kansas City,2 and Lawrence Memorial Hospital, Lawrence,3 Kansas; and Department of Ophthalmology, Washington Hospital Center, Washington, D.C.4 *Corresponding author. Mailing address: Research, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, 4801 Linwood Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64128. Phone: (816) 861-4700, ext. 6713. Fax: (816) 922-4687. E-mail: klotzs@.... This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. ABSTRACT The unique structure of the human eye as well as exposure of the eye directly to the environment renders it vulnerable to a number of uncommon infectious diseases caused by fungi and parasites. Host defenses directed against these microorganisms, once anatomical barriers are breached, are often insufficient to prevent loss of vision. Therefore, the timely identification and treatment of the involved microorganisms are paramount. The anatomy of the eye and its surrounding structures is presented with an emphasis upon the association of the anatomy with specific infection of fungi and parasites. For example, filamentous fungal infections of the eye are usually due to penetrating trauma by objects contaminated by vegetable matter of the cornea or globe or, by extension, of infection from adjacent paranasal sinuses. Fungal endophthalmitis and chorioretinitis, on the other hand, are usually the result of antecedent fungemia seeding the ocular tissue. Candida spp. are the most common cause of endogenous endophthalmitis, although initial infection with the dimorphic fungi may lead to infection and scarring of the chorioretina. Contact lens wear is associated with keratitis caused by yeasts, filamentous fungi, and Acanthamoebae spp. Most parasitic infections of the eye, however, arise following bloodborne carriage of the microorganism to the eye or adjacent structures. This is a comprehensive review of the fungal and parasitic diseases of the eye. Numerous fungi and parasites infect the eye either by direct introduction through trauma or surgery,by extension from infected adjacent tissues, or by hematogenous dissemination to the eye. The majority of the clinically important species of fungi and parasites involved in eye infections are reviewed in this article. The fungi are discussed in relation to the anatomical part of the eye involved in disease, whereas parasites are discussed by the diseases they cause. Emphasis has been placed on literature published within this decade, but prior noteworthy reviews and case reports are included. A glossary of the ophthalmologic terms used is provided at the end of the paper (Appendix A). We suggest that the works of Beard and Quickert (26a) and Snell and Lemp (252a) be consulted as references concerning the anatomy of the eye. FUNGAL INFECTIONS OF THE EYE Epidemiology of Fungal Eye Infections Ophthalmologists and optometrists, in particular, and clinicians, in general, must be knowledgeable of the pathogenesis of fungal eye infections. Mycotic eye infections are commonplace. For example, the yeast Candida albicans is the most common cause of endogenous endophthalmitis. Filamentous fungi, such as Fusarium solani and Aspergillus flavus, may constitute up to one-third of all cases of traumatic infectious keratitis (157). Furthermore, patients with AIDS may contract many different fungal infections of the eye and adjacent structures (Table 2). In fungal eye disease, the pathogenesis of the infections is inextricably linked to the epidemiology. Therefore, in discussing the epidemiology of fungal eye infections, it is worthwhile at the outset to state several proposed pathogenetic principles of fungal eye disease. (i) It is likely that sustained fungemia with even saprophytic fungi will lead to endophthalmitis. (ii) At the time of initial infection with some of the dimorphic, pathogenic fungi, such as Histoplasma capsulatum and Coccidioides immitis, an unrecognized fungemia occurs and often leads to endophthalmitis. (iii) The paranasal sinuses, because of their direct communication with the ambient air, harbor saprophytic fungi, which may erode the bony walls of the sinus and invade the eye in certain circumstances, e.g., in a patient with neutropenia. (iv) Trauma, either from vegetable matter or surgery, may introduce saprophytic fungi into the cornea and/or adjacent tissue, giving rise to invasive disease. The epidemiology of endogenous endophthalmitis reflects both the natural habitats of the involved fungi and the habits and health status of the patients (Table 3). Candida endogenous endophthalmitis occurs as a direct result of the success of modern medical practice that sustains patients' lives with broad-spectrum antibiotics, indwelling central venous lines, parenteral nutrition, abdominal surgery, and cytotoxic chemotherapy. The recent origin of this disease is established by the fact that Candida endophthalmitis was first recognized clinically in 1958 (275). Candida and Aspergillus spp. also cause endophthalmitis in intravenous drug users. Virtually any intravascular prosthesis or device may become contaminated by bloodborne opportunistic fungi, and fungemia arising from such infection may lead to endogenous endophthalmitis. Endogenous endophthalmitis occurring as part of disseminated disease with the dimorphic fungi H. capsulatum, Blastomyces dermatitidis, and C. immitis is uncommon. Patients with disease from these fungi have resided in or traveled through the respective areas of endemicity. These are the Ohio and Mississippi river valleys for H. capsulatum; the Lower Sonoran Life Zone for C. immitis, including southern parts of California, Arizona, New Mexico, West Texas, and parts of Mexico and Argentina; and the Southeast and Midwest of the United States for B. dermatitidis. Residence along a waterway may be another important association for exposure to B. dermatitidis (67). H. capsulatum may flourish in bird and bat droppings; therefore, exposure to the fungus may occur through one's occupation, for example, demolition of old bird-infested buildings, or one's hobby, such as camping or spelunking. Exogenous endophthalmitis, on the other hand, results from trauma to the globe or preceding keratitis. It may also occur as a postoperative complication of lens removal, prosthetic lens implantation, or corneal transplantation. The vast majority of postoperative eye infections are due to coagulase-negative Staphylococcus; however, outbreaks of fungal exogenous endophthalmitis continue to occur episodically. These have been due to perioperative contamination of lens prostheses (204) or contamination of fluids used for irrigation (260) of the perioperative and postoperative eye. Candida species are particularly likely to occur in this setting, and infection may be enhanced by the pre- and postoperative use of topical corticosteroids and antibacterial agents. Mycotic keratitis is usually caused by filamentous fungi and occurs in conjunction with trauma to the cornea with vegetable matter. In the tropics it is common in male agricultural workers. The fungal genera causing keratitis in the tropics are more diverse and include some, such as Lasiodiplodia theobromae, that do not grow in temperate regions. Eye trauma is the cause of fungal keratitis in temperate areas as well, but the common fungal genera involved are Fusarium, Alternaria, and Aspergillus (71, 293). Keratitis caused by yeasts such as the Candida spp. almost always occur in previously abnormal eyes, e.g., in patients with dry eye, chronic corneal ulceration, or corneal scarring. Bloodborne Infections: Endogenous Endophthalmitis Endogenous endophthalmitis is uncommon; however, fungi cause this disease more often than gram-positive or gram-negative bacteria. The term endogenous endophthalmitis implies that bloodborne spread of microorganisms to the eye has occurred. Therefore, infection in the eye is the result of metastatic spread of infection from a distant site, for example, infected heart valves or the urinary tract. In this manner the eye becomes the site of numerous microabscesses. This mechanism of infection is to be contrasted to exogenous endophthalmitis (see below), which arises from the direct introduction of a microorganism(s) into the eye during trauma or surgery. Endogenous endophthalmitis is further distinguished from exogenous endophthalmitis by occurring in a greater number of immunocompromised patients, e.g., patients receiving chemotherapy or total parenteral nutrition, or intravenous drug abusers (Table 4). Endophthalmitis is recognized clinically by the presence of one or more creamy-white, well-circumscribed lesions of the choroid and retina, often accompanied by inflammatory infiltrates in the vitreous. These lesions can be detected using an ophthalmoscope after dilating the pupils. Often, there is inflammation in the anterior chamber manifested by the presence of a hypopyon. Typical lesions of chorioretinitis are shown in Fig. 2, left. Patients complain of eye pain and may have blurred vision or spots in their visual fields. Patients with endogenous endophthalmitis may have positive blood cultures antedating eye symptoms or signs. In the absence of a positive blood culture or characteristic clinical syndrome, aspiration of the vitreous (or biopsy) may be necessary to establish the causative microorganism. Why the eye is a common end organ target of fungemia is unknown. However, in a rabbit model of C. albicans endophthalmitis, more fungal elements are found in the eye per gram of tissue than are found in the kidneys of the same animals. Since C. albicans is believed to have a marked tropism for the kidneys and endothelium, the great number of organisms in the eye bespeak a tropism for the eye as well (142, 143). The candidal lesions in the rabbit are identical to those found in humans demonstrating a focal chorioretinitis (Fig. 2, middle left), with a mixture of granulomatous and suppurative host reactions (76). The infection likely begins in the choroid and progresses anteriorly to the retinal layers (226). This may be related mechanistically to the fact that the outer retinal layers, i.e., those considered to be infected first, receive blood from a high-flow system (150 mm/s), whereas the inner layers receive blood from a low-flow system (25 mm/s). It should be noted that drainage from the retinal layers is entirely through the venous system as there is no lymphatic system serving the inside of the globe. The most common cause of endogenous fungal endophthalmitis is C. albicans (287). Endogenous fungal endophthalmitis by definition follows fungemia; therefore, it is important to note that Candida species are the fourth most common cause of positive nosocomial blood cultures in the United States, exceeding the number of positive cultures of any single gram-negative bacterial genus (21). It is estimated that some 120,000 patients contract disseminated candidiasis (i.e., candidemia) per year in North America (58), and the usual estimates of the incidence of candidal endophthalmitis in patients with candidemia are around 30% (32, 196; J. R. , R. Y. Foos, and T. H. Pettit, presented at the 22nd Concilium Ophthalmologicum, 1974); thus, the disease is fairly common. If the definition of chorioretinitis is more stringent, i.e., if nonspecific lesions such as cotton wool spots and retinal hemorrhages are eliminated, the incidence is much less, on the order of 9.3% (70, 226). The pathogenesis of candidemia remains unknown but is likely multifactorial. There are characteristic clinical features of patients with candidemia, with one or another feature being found in each patient. These include the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics that eliminate competing normal microbiota of the host, the presence of central venous catheters, the administration of total parenteral nutrition, prior abdominal surgery, and/or neutropenia (164). One or all of these factors are sufficient to place a patient at risk for candidemia and, hence, for endophthalmitis. Neutropenia, although a risk factor for candidemia, reduces the incidence of candidal endophthalmitis in the rabbit model (122) and perhaps in patients as well (78). This suggests that the chorioretinal lesions are probably a reflection of a vigorous host response rather than just the sheer number of infecting microorganisms. During the introduction of total parenteral nutrition in the 1970s there was a marked increase in the number of patients with Candida endophthalmitis (77), which is likely related to the prolonged use of central venous catheters. Candida endophthalmitis has also been reported to occur after induced abortion (49), in the postpartum state (43), following treatment of toxic megacolon (123), and as a consequence of intravenous drug abuse. An addict's use of intravenous brown heroin often leads to a characteristic syndrome, at one time common in Europe, that includes pustular cutaneous lesions, endophthalmitis, and osteomyelitis. C. albicans can be isolated from all of these lesions (74). The microorganisms in this syndrome may be acquired from the drug abuser's own skin surface (79). Candida endophthalmitis may also occur after intravenous placement of a foreign device, such as a pacemaker (243), and following repeated intramuscular injections of medications, such as anabolic steroids (285). Species of Candida other than C. albicans are capable of causing endogenous endophthalmitis and may do so in proportion to their ability to cause candidemia (20, 53, 133, 243). Although Candida species are clearly the most-common causes of endogenous endophthalmitis, other fungi are occasionally encountered. Aspergillus species are the second most-common cause of fungal endophthalmitis (291). Aspergillus spp. may be less capable of causing endophthalmitis than Candida spp.; an example of this is the rabbit endogenous endophthalmitis model, in which larger inocula of Aspergillus spp. are required to cause the disease than with C. albicans (93). Many species of Aspergillus have been reported to cause endophthalmitis, but Aspergillus flavus is probably the most common (219), followed by Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus terreus, Aspergillus glaucus (281), and Aspergillus nidulans (271). Endogenous Aspergillus endophthalmitis may be encountered in neutropenic patients or in patients taking pharmacologic doses of corticosteroids, often for chronic lung disease. Aspergillus endophthalmitis has even been reported to occur following severe periodontitis, although entry of Aspergillus spp. into the bloodstream through the mouth certainly is not common (172). Intravenous drug addicts are at particular risk for disseminated aspergillosis (69). Aspergillus endophthalmitis has been reported in addicts abusing a mixture of intravenous cocaine, pentazocine, and tripelennamine. Three such individuals from Louisville, Ky., were infected with A. flavus in this manner (23). Patients receiving large doses of corticosteroids for lung disease may have negative blood cultures but evidence of severe Aspergillus endogenous endophthalmitis. Endophthalmitis, therefore, is the sole manifestation of disseminated disease and must be established by aspiration of the vitreous (281). Aspergillus endophthalmitis has also arisen in recipients of solid-organ transplants, in which the donated organ was the likely source of the fungus (16, 139). Pathologic specimens of invasive aspergillosis usually demonstrate angioinvasion by the hyphae, and thus Aspergillus species may possess a tropism for vascular tissue (279). The emerging pathogens of the genus Fusarium have been reported to cause endophthalmitis in neutropenic hosts (160), in an intravenous drug abuser (94), and in a patient with AIDS (106). Penicillium spp. also have caused endogenous endophthalmitis in an intravenous drug abuser (265). As mentioned in connection with C. albicans, endogenous endophthalmitis may occur from fungi seeding the bloodstream from a catheter or endocarditis. Pseudallescheria boydii has caused endophthalmitis from an infected porcine allograft of the aortic valve (259) and even in a patient without risk factors for the disease (193). The four dimorphic fungi H. capsulatum (165), B. dermatitidis (158), Sporothrix schenckii (2), and C. immitis (96) as well as Cryptococcus neoformans (59) may cause endogenous endophthalmitis as part of disseminated disease. Within the region of H. capsulatum endemicity in North America, roughly the Ohio and Mississippi river valleys, there is a well-described syndrome attributed to infection with H. capsulatum. This entity is known as presumed ocular histoplasmosis (POH), which occurs in immunocompetent individuals and is recognized by the presence of multiple diskiform atrophic chorioretinal scars without vitreous or aqueous humor inflammation. POH is said to affect 2,000 new individuals a year in areas of endemicity and in some cases may lead to visual loss and blindness (165). The lesions are usually burned out, but not all of them are static and some may reactivate (41). The lesions are thought to arise from the hematogenous spread of the fungus following initial infection. The initial infection, acquired by inhalation of microconidia into the lung, spreads throughout the body, including the eye, and is soon controlled by a competent host immune response (175, 249). H. capsulatum is not detectable in the scars of POH. However, there is strong epidemiological evidence, principally deriving from skin test surveys, linking the scars to histoplasmosis (95, 252). A primate model demonstrates pathology identical to that found in humans (250, 251). Similar lesions to those of POH are, however, observed in Europe, where histoplasmosis is rare (264), and therefore, it is likely that similar chorioretinal lesions are the end result of several different infectious agents. Active endophthalmitis in patients with disseminated histoplasmosis secondary to AIDS or immunosuppression occurs and is associated with numerous budding yeast cells in the choroidal tissue and endothelium (41, 88, 231). In some cases the endophthalmitis is accompanied by yeast cells in the anterior chamber angle structures such as the iris, ciliary muscle and canal of Schlemm (41, 88). Two cases of disseminated histoplasmosis, established by elevated H. capsulatum antigen in blood and urine and high complement fixing antibodies, occurred in immunocompetent brothers. Their disease was associated with choroiditis, which appears to progress to typical POH lesions (136). Thus, the link between active histoplasmosis and POH may be made by these and similar cases. Disseminated blastomycosis is common in dogs and is often accompanied by endophthalmitis (28); for example, 78 eyes in 74 dogs with disseminated disease had endophthalmitis. Canine blastomycosis of the eye always involves the choriocapillaries, and organisms are abundant in the choroid. The disease often progresses to panophthalmitis (38, 39, 246). Endophthalmitis is also seen in humans with disseminated blastomycosis (223), as evidenced by the presence of chorioretinal lesions (108, 223). Coccidioidomycosis is associated with lesions throughout the eye, including endogenous endophthalmitis (96). Chorioretinal scarring is common in individuals within the region of endemicity with positive skin tests to coccidioidin, a situation reminiscent of histoplasmosis. The chorioretinal lesions presumably occur at the time of initial infection and are usually clinically quiescent and asymptomatic. On the other hand, active chorioretinitis has been described in patients with disseminated disease (96). Anterior chamber disease has been documented in patients with disseminated disease, including iritis and large inflammatory masses in the anterior chamber (61, 96, 180, 298). It is interesting that disseminated coccidioidomycosis in dogs often starts in the posterior chamber and spreads to involve the anterior chamber (15). As previously mentioned, this is believed to be the same route of extension of disease with Candida and B. dermatitidis endophthalmitis. C. neoformans frequently causes visual symptoms when associated with meningitis. These symptoms are usually due to the swollen brain compressing the optic nerve or edema of the optic nerve itself. However, cryptococcosis may be associated with endophthalmitis manifesting as chorioretinitis, retinal tears, and overlying vitritis (59, 62, 108, 242). Pneumocystis carinii is also an infrequent cause of chorioretinitis in patients with AIDS (Fig. 2, middle right). Exogenous Endophthalmitis As the name implies, exogenous endophthalmitis occurs by introduction of microorganisms into the eye from trauma or surgery. It can also be the end result of preexisting scleritis or keratitis (29). Zygomycosis in the surrounding soft tissue and cryptococcal neuroretinitis may also lead to exogenous endophthalmitis. Patients with exogenous endophthalmitis are rarely immunocompromised. Cataract removal followed by placement of a prosthetic lens and corneal transplantation are the surgical procedures most often associated with postoperative fungal exogenous endophthalmitis. One report describes 19 patients from one hospital with exogenous endophthalmitis, and there was an approximately equal distribution of patients between the categories of postsurgical endophthalmitis, posttrauma endophthalmitis, and endophthalmitis following keratitis (205). Exogenous endophthalmitis may have a period of latency of weeks to months before clinically detectable disease occurs. Even then the infection is often confined to the anterior chamber, pupillary space, or anterior vitreous. Eighty-four percent of patients in one series received topical corticosteroids before diagnosis, and this may have potentiated the disease by reducing local host immunity (205). The most-common causes of postsurgical exogenous endophthalmitis are gram-positive bacteria, including coagulase-negative Staphylococcus, diphtheroids, and Propionibacterium acnes (287). The mycotic causes of exogenous endophthalmitis, such as yeasts (principally Candida species, including Candida glabrata [42] and Candida famata [211]), were found only in the postsurgical group, whereas Fusarium species were found only in the posttraumatic and postkeratitis groups (205). Other Candida spp. have caused exogenous endophthalmitis after lens surgery (211, 294). An epidemic of postsurgical endophthalmitis with Candida parapsilosis has been reported following the placement of anterior and posterior chamber lenses (260). Fifteen patients had ocular surgery over a 3-month period of time. At the time of surgery all eyes were irrigated with a solution from the same lot that was contaminated with C. parapsilosis. Paecilomyces lilacinus is a ubiquitous soil saprophyte implicated in cases of keratitis and endophthalmitis after trauma (191, 283). However, a large outbreak of P. lilacinus exogenous endophthalmitis followed intraocular lens implantation; the lenses had been contaminated by a bicarbonate solution used to neutralize the sodium hydroxide sterilant added to the lenses. P. lilacinus was cultured from the bicarbonate solution (204). Such fungi as Aspergillus species (29, 64, 194) and Acremonium kiliense (92) have caused infections following lens surgery. These infections, like postoperative P. lilacinus infections, may arise because of fungal contamination of operative and postoperative irrigating solutions (174, 190, 260). Fungal pathogens in posttraumatic endophthalmitis are legion and similar to those causing fungal keratitis. Recent reports include Fusarium moniliforme (257), Exophiala jeanselmei (114), P. boydii (44), A. niger (129), Scytalidium dimidiatum (9), Helminthosporium spp. (65), S. schenckii (292), Penicillium chrysogenum (82), and L. theobromae (29). Infections of the Cornea Fungal infections of the cornea (fungal keratitis or keratomycosis) may constitute 6 to 53% of all cases of ulcerative keratitis, depending upon the country of origin of the study (269). The majority of fungal keratitis occurs after trauma to the cornea in agricultural workers, usually, but not always, with fungus- contaminated plant material (leaves, grain, branches, or wood). The disease may also occur in gardeners and following corneal trauma from indoor plants as well. Occasionally the object striking the cornea is metal. The trauma to the cornea may be so slight as to be forgotten by the patient. Fungal keratitis also occurs with contact lens wear, and this will be discussed later. Trauma to the cornea with vegetable matter either introduces the fungus directly into a corneal epithelial defect or, alternatively, the defect may become infected following the trauma. The vast majority of cases of fungal keratitis are due to septate, filamentous, saprophytic fungi. Occasionally zygomycetes such as Absidia (168) or Rhizopus (233) spp. may be implicated in keratitis. On the other hand, the abnormal or compromised cornea, e.g., chronic dry eye, is subject to infection with yeasts, usually Candida species. Such uncommon Candida species as Candida lipolytica and Candida humicola have, however, been reported to cause posttraumatic keratitis (187, 188) and Candida guilliermondii after corneal transplant (3). More than 70 species representing 40 genera of fungi have been reported to cause fungal keratitis (269). The most common cause of fungal keratitis is F. solani and other Fusarium species, Aspergillus species, and Curvularia species (269). There may be a hierarchy of fungi capable of producing keratitis, e.g., from most to least capable, Fusarium, Acremonium, and Phialophora spp. This hierarchy is predicated upon their individual ability to invade and destroy the cornea (156). Fungal keratitis is recognizable by the presence of a coarse granular infiltration of the corneal epithelium and the anterior stroma (Fig. 2, right). The corneal defect usually becomes apparent within 24 to 36 h after the trauma. There is minimal to absent host cellular infiltration. The absence of inflammatory cells is likely a good prognostic finding, since products of polymorphonuclear leukocytes contribute to the destruction of the cornea. The infiltrate is often surrounded by a ring, which may represent the junction of fungal hyphae and host antibodies (156). Descemet's membrane, an interior basement membrane near the aqueous humor, is impermeable to bacteria but can be breached by fungal hyphae, leading to endophthalmitis (212). Even so, endophthalmitis is a rare consequence of fungal keratitis (29). Pathologic specimens of filamentous fungal keratitis demonstrate hyphae following the tissue planes of the cornea, i.e., laying parallel to the corneal collagen lamellae. Examination of multiple scrapings of the cornea establish the agent of fungal keratitis. In some cases a biopsy may need to be performed. Since many of the filamentous fungi grow slowly, the disease often remains unrecognized and untreated for days or weeks until growth is visually detected, and this delay may contribute to a poor response to therapy. The abnormal cornea in patients with dry eye syndrome, chronic ulceration, erythema multiforme, and perhaps human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection (particularly those with AIDS) is subject to fungal infection, most commonly with Candida species. Candida keratitis usually appears as a small demarcated ulcer with an underlying opacity of the cornea resembling bacterial keratitis. C. albicans was found to be the most common cause of microbial keratitis in a series of 13 AIDS patients (121). Candida keratitis has occurred as well in patients who chronically abused corneal anesthetics (49). The wearing of hard and soft extended-wear contact lenses is associated with infectious keratitis usually caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Both P. aeruginosa (36) and C. albicans (34) adhere to contact lenses, and the adherence of the former to lens surfaces is greatly enhanced in the presence of tear deposits (35), some of which could conceivably serve as carbohydrate receptors for the microorganisms (147). Adherent microorganisms secrete an extensive exopolymer that is virtually impenetrable to antibiotics and difficult to remove. Contact lenses coated with such biofilms likely increase the risk of infectious keratitis (80). The wearing of contact lenses leads to a relative hypoxia of the corneal epithelium that may lead to measurable changes in the cell surface glycoproteins (145). Perhaps microscopic defects are introduced by lens wear that enhance microorganism adherence to the otherwise nonadherent corneal epithelium (144). Fungal keratitis in association with contact lens wear is almost always due to Candida spp., although Cryptococcus laurentii (217) has been reported. Filamentous fungal keratitis occurs less often with lens wear (200, 261, 296), but the filamentous fungi can actually penetrate the lens matrix (141, 200, 245, 261, 289, 296). Fungi and the bacteria adherent to contact lenses arise from patient handling, including the cleaning and storage of the lenses. These adherent microorganisms also derive from the normal flora of the conjunctiva (181). Infections of Adjacent Structures Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 14, 2005 Report Share Posted November 14, 2005 thanks, kc, that's VERY informative! victoria [] Fungal and Parasitic Infections of the Eye Clin Microbiol Rev. 2000 October; 13(4): 662-685. Copyright © 2000, American Society for Microbiology Fungal and Parasitic Infections of the Eye A. Klotz,1,2* C. Penn,3 Gerald J. Negvesky,4 and Salim I. Butrus4 Section of Infectious Diseases, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Kansas City, Missouri1; University of Kansas School of Medicine, Kansas City,2 and Lawrence Memorial Hospital, Lawrence,3 Kansas; and Department of Ophthalmology, Washington Hospital Center, Washington, D.C.4 *Corresponding author. Mailing address: Research, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, 4801 Linwood Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64128. Phone: (816) 861-4700, ext. 6713. Fax: (816) 922-4687. E-mail: klotzs@.... This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. ABSTRACT The unique structure of the human eye as well as exposure of the eye directly to the environment renders it vulnerable to a number of uncommon infectious diseases caused by fungi and parasites. Host defenses directed against these microorganisms, once anatomical barriers are breached, are often insufficient to prevent loss of vision. Therefore, the timely identification and treatment of the involved microorganisms are paramount. The anatomy of the eye and its surrounding structures is presented with an emphasis upon the association of the anatomy with specific infection of fungi and parasites. For example, filamentous fungal infections of the eye are usually due to penetrating trauma by objects contaminated by vegetable matter of the cornea or globe or, by extension, of infection from adjacent paranasal sinuses. Fungal endophthalmitis and chorioretinitis, on the other hand, are usually the result of antecedent fungemia seeding the ocular tissue. Candida spp. are the most common cause of endogenous endophthalmitis, although initial infection with the dimorphic fungi may lead to infection and scarring of the chorioretina. Contact lens wear is associated with keratitis caused by yeasts, filamentous fungi, and Acanthamoebae spp. Most parasitic infections of the eye, however, arise following bloodborne carriage of the microorganism to the eye or adjacent structures. This is a comprehensive review of the fungal and parasitic diseases of the eye. Numerous fungi and parasites infect the eye either by direct introduction through trauma or surgery,by extension from infected adjacent tissues, or by hematogenous dissemination to the eye. The majority of the clinically important species of fungi and parasites involved in eye infections are reviewed in this article. The fungi are discussed in relation to the anatomical part of the eye involved in disease, whereas parasites are discussed by the diseases they cause. Emphasis has been placed on literature published within this decade, but prior noteworthy reviews and case reports are included. A glossary of the ophthalmologic terms used is provided at the end of the paper (Appendix A). We suggest that the works of Beard and Quickert (26a) and Snell and Lemp (252a) be consulted as references concerning the anatomy of the eye. FUNGAL INFECTIONS OF THE EYE Epidemiology of Fungal Eye Infections Ophthalmologists and optometrists, in particular, and clinicians, in general, must be knowledgeable of the pathogenesis of fungal eye infections. Mycotic eye infections are commonplace. For example, the yeast Candida albicans is the most common cause of endogenous endophthalmitis. Filamentous fungi, such as Fusarium solani and Aspergillus flavus, may constitute up to one-third of all cases of traumatic infectious keratitis (157). Furthermore, patients with AIDS may contract many different fungal infections of the eye and adjacent structures (Table 2). In fungal eye disease, the pathogenesis of the infections is inextricably linked to the epidemiology. Therefore, in discussing the epidemiology of fungal eye infections, it is worthwhile at the outset to state several proposed pathogenetic principles of fungal eye disease. (i) It is likely that sustained fungemia with even saprophytic fungi will lead to endophthalmitis. (ii) At the time of initial infection with some of the dimorphic, pathogenic fungi, such as Histoplasma capsulatum and Coccidioides immitis, an unrecognized fungemia occurs and often leads to endophthalmitis. (iii) The paranasal sinuses, because of their direct communication with the ambient air, harbor saprophytic fungi, which may erode the bony walls of the sinus and invade the eye in certain circumstances, e.g., in a patient with neutropenia. (iv) Trauma, either from vegetable matter or surgery, may introduce saprophytic fungi into the cornea and/or adjacent tissue, giving rise to invasive disease. The epidemiology of endogenous endophthalmitis reflects both the natural habitats of the involved fungi and the habits and health status of the patients (Table 3). Candida endogenous endophthalmitis occurs as a direct result of the success of modern medical practice that sustains patients' lives with broad-spectrum antibiotics, indwelling central venous lines, parenteral nutrition, abdominal surgery, and cytotoxic chemotherapy. The recent origin of this disease is established by the fact that Candida endophthalmitis was first recognized clinically in 1958 (275). Candida and Aspergillus spp. also cause endophthalmitis in intravenous drug users. Virtually any intravascular prosthesis or device may become contaminated by bloodborne opportunistic fungi, and fungemia arising from such infection may lead to endogenous endophthalmitis. Endogenous endophthalmitis occurring as part of disseminated disease with the dimorphic fungi H. capsulatum, Blastomyces dermatitidis, and C. immitis is uncommon. Patients with disease from these fungi have resided in or traveled through the respective areas of endemicity. These are the Ohio and Mississippi river valleys for H. capsulatum; the Lower Sonoran Life Zone for C. immitis, including southern parts of California, Arizona, New Mexico, West Texas, and parts of Mexico and Argentina; and the Southeast and Midwest of the United States for B. dermatitidis. Residence along a waterway may be another important association for exposure to B. dermatitidis (67). H. capsulatum may flourish in bird and bat droppings; therefore, exposure to the fungus may occur through one's occupation, for example, demolition of old bird-infested buildings, or one's hobby, such as camping or spelunking. Exogenous endophthalmitis, on the other hand, results from trauma to the globe or preceding keratitis. It may also occur as a postoperative complication of lens removal, prosthetic lens implantation, or corneal transplantation. The vast majority of postoperative eye infections are due to coagulase-negative Staphylococcus; however, outbreaks of fungal exogenous endophthalmitis continue to occur episodically. These have been due to perioperative contamination of lens prostheses (204) or contamination of fluids used for irrigation (260) of the perioperative and postoperative eye. Candida species are particularly likely to occur in this setting, and infection may be enhanced by the pre- and postoperative use of topical corticosteroids and antibacterial agents. Mycotic keratitis is usually caused by filamentous fungi and occurs in conjunction with trauma to the cornea with vegetable matter. In the tropics it is common in male agricultural workers. The fungal genera causing keratitis in the tropics are more diverse and include some, such as Lasiodiplodia theobromae, that do not grow in temperate regions. Eye trauma is the cause of fungal keratitis in temperate areas as well, but the common fungal genera involved are Fusarium, Alternaria, and Aspergillus (71, 293). Keratitis caused by yeasts such as the Candida spp. almost always occur in previously abnormal eyes, e.g., in patients with dry eye, chronic corneal ulceration, or corneal scarring. Bloodborne Infections: Endogenous Endophthalmitis Endogenous endophthalmitis is uncommon; however, fungi cause this disease more often than gram-positive or gram-negative bacteria. The term endogenous endophthalmitis implies that bloodborne spread of microorganisms to the eye has occurred. Therefore, infection in the eye is the result of metastatic spread of infection from a distant site, for example, infected heart valves or the urinary tract. In this manner the eye becomes the site of numerous microabscesses. This mechanism of infection is to be contrasted to exogenous endophthalmitis (see below), which arises from the direct introduction of a microorganism(s) into the eye during trauma or surgery. Endogenous endophthalmitis is further distinguished from exogenous endophthalmitis by occurring in a greater number of immunocompromised patients, e.g., patients receiving chemotherapy or total parenteral nutrition, or intravenous drug abusers (Table 4). Endophthalmitis is recognized clinically by the presence of one or more creamy-white, well-circumscribed lesions of the choroid and retina, often accompanied by inflammatory infiltrates in the vitreous. These lesions can be detected using an ophthalmoscope after dilating the pupils. Often, there is inflammation in the anterior chamber manifested by the presence of a hypopyon. Typical lesions of chorioretinitis are shown in Fig. 2, left. Patients complain of eye pain and may have blurred vision or spots in their visual fields. Patients with endogenous endophthalmitis may have positive blood cultures antedating eye symptoms or signs. In the absence of a positive blood culture or characteristic clinical syndrome, aspiration of the vitreous (or biopsy) may be necessary to establish the causative microorganism. Why the eye is a common end organ target of fungemia is unknown. However, in a rabbit model of C. albicans endophthalmitis, more fungal elements are found in the eye per gram of tissue than are found in the kidneys of the same animals. Since C. albicans is believed to have a marked tropism for the kidneys and endothelium, the great number of organisms in the eye bespeak a tropism for the eye as well (142, 143). The candidal lesions in the rabbit are identical to those found in humans demonstrating a focal chorioretinitis (Fig. 2, middle left), with a mixture of granulomatous and suppurative host reactions (76). The infection likely begins in the choroid and progresses anteriorly to the retinal layers (226). This may be related mechanistically to the fact that the outer retinal layers, i.e., those considered to be infected first, receive blood from a high-flow system (150 mm/s), whereas the inner layers receive blood from a low-flow system (25 mm/s). It should be noted that drainage from the retinal layers is entirely through the venous system as there is no lymphatic system serving the inside of the globe. The most common cause of endogenous fungal endophthalmitis is C. albicans (287). Endogenous fungal endophthalmitis by definition follows fungemia; therefore, it is important to note that Candida species are the fourth most common cause of positive nosocomial blood cultures in the United States, exceeding the number of positive cultures of any single gram-negative bacterial genus (21). It is estimated that some 120,000 patients contract disseminated candidiasis (i.e., candidemia) per year in North America (58), and the usual estimates of the incidence of candidal endophthalmitis in patients with candidemia are around 30% (32, 196; J. R. , R. Y. Foos, and T. H. Pettit, presented at the 22nd Concilium Ophthalmologicum, 1974); thus, the disease is fairly common. If the definition of chorioretinitis is more stringent, i.e., if nonspecific lesions such as cotton wool spots and retinal hemorrhages are eliminated, the incidence is much less, on the order of 9.3% (70, 226). The pathogenesis of candidemia remains unknown but is likely multifactorial. There are characteristic clinical features of patients with candidemia, with one or another feature being found in each patient. These include the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics that eliminate competing normal microbiota of the host, the presence of central venous catheters, the administration of total parenteral nutrition, prior abdominal surgery, and/or neutropenia (164). One or all of these factors are sufficient to place a patient at risk for candidemia and, hence, for endophthalmitis. Neutropenia, although a risk factor for candidemia, reduces the incidence of candidal endophthalmitis in the rabbit model (122) and perhaps in patients as well (78). This suggests that the chorioretinal lesions are probably a reflection of a vigorous host response rather than just the sheer number of infecting microorganisms. During the introduction of total parenteral nutrition in the 1970s there was a marked increase in the number of patients with Candida endophthalmitis (77), which is likely related to the prolonged use of central venous catheters. Candida endophthalmitis has also been reported to occur after induced abortion (49), in the postpartum state (43), following treatment of toxic megacolon (123), and as a consequence of intravenous drug abuse. An addict's use of intravenous brown heroin often leads to a characteristic syndrome, at one time common in Europe, that includes pustular cutaneous lesions, endophthalmitis, and osteomyelitis. C. albicans can be isolated from all of these lesions (74). The microorganisms in this syndrome may be acquired from the drug abuser's own skin surface (79). Candida endophthalmitis may also occur after intravenous placement of a foreign device, such as a pacemaker (243), and following repeated intramuscular injections of medications, such as anabolic steroids (285). Species of Candida other than C. albicans are capable of causing endogenous endophthalmitis and may do so in proportion to their ability to cause candidemia (20, 53, 133, 243). Although Candida species are clearly the most-common causes of endogenous endophthalmitis, other fungi are occasionally encountered. Aspergillus species are the second most-common cause of fungal endophthalmitis (291). Aspergillus spp. may be less capable of causing endophthalmitis than Candida spp.; an example of this is the rabbit endogenous endophthalmitis model, in which larger inocula of Aspergillus spp. are required to cause the disease than with C. albicans (93). Many species of Aspergillus have been reported to cause endophthalmitis, but Aspergillus flavus is probably the most common (219), followed by Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus terreus, Aspergillus glaucus (281), and Aspergillus nidulans (271). Endogenous Aspergillus endophthalmitis may be encountered in neutropenic patients or in patients taking pharmacologic doses of corticosteroids, often for chronic lung disease. Aspergillus endophthalmitis has even been reported to occur following severe periodontitis, although entry of Aspergillus spp. into the bloodstream through the mouth certainly is not common (172). Intravenous drug addicts are at particular risk for disseminated aspergillosis (69). Aspergillus endophthalmitis has been reported in addicts abusing a mixture of intravenous cocaine, pentazocine, and tripelennamine. Three such individuals from Louisville, Ky., were infected with A. flavus in this manner (23). Patients receiving large doses of corticosteroids for lung disease may have negative blood cultures but evidence of severe Aspergillus endogenous endophthalmitis. Endophthalmitis, therefore, is the sole manifestation of disseminated disease and must be established by aspiration of the vitreous (281). Aspergillus endophthalmitis has also arisen in recipients of solid-organ transplants, in which the donated organ was the likely source of the fungus (16, 139). Pathologic specimens of invasive aspergillosis usually demonstrate angioinvasion by the hyphae, and thus Aspergillus species may possess a tropism for vascular tissue (279). The emerging pathogens of the genus Fusarium have been reported to cause endophthalmitis in neutropenic hosts (160), in an intravenous drug abuser (94), and in a patient with AIDS (106). Penicillium spp. also have caused endogenous endophthalmitis in an intravenous drug abuser (265). As mentioned in connection with C. albicans, endogenous endophthalmitis may occur from fungi seeding the bloodstream from a catheter or endocarditis. Pseudallescheria boydii has caused endophthalmitis from an infected porcine allograft of the aortic valve (259) and even in a patient without risk factors for the disease (193). The four dimorphic fungi H. capsulatum (165), B. dermatitidis (158), Sporothrix schenckii (2), and C. immitis (96) as well as Cryptococcus neoformans (59) may cause endogenous endophthalmitis as part of disseminated disease. Within the region of H. capsulatum endemicity in North America, roughly the Ohio and Mississippi river valleys, there is a well-described syndrome attributed to infection with H. capsulatum. This entity is known as presumed ocular histoplasmosis (POH), which occurs in immunocompetent individuals and is recognized by the presence of multiple diskiform atrophic chorioretinal scars without vitreous or aqueous humor inflammation. POH is said to affect 2,000 new individuals a year in areas of endemicity and in some cases may lead to visual loss and blindness (165). The lesions are usually burned out, but not all of them are static and some may reactivate (41). The lesions are thought to arise from the hematogenous spread of the fungus following initial infection. The initial infection, acquired by inhalation of microconidia into the lung, spreads throughout the body, including the eye, and is soon controlled by a competent host immune response (175, 249). H. capsulatum is not detectable in the scars of POH. However, there is strong epidemiological evidence, principally deriving from skin test surveys, linking the scars to histoplasmosis (95, 252). A primate model demonstrates pathology identical to that found in humans (250, 251). Similar lesions to those of POH are, however, observed in Europe, where histoplasmosis is rare (264), and therefore, it is likely that similar chorioretinal lesions are the end result of several different infectious agents. Active endophthalmitis in patients with disseminated histoplasmosis secondary to AIDS or immunosuppression occurs and is associated with numerous budding yeast cells in the choroidal tissue and endothelium (41, 88, 231). In some cases the endophthalmitis is accompanied by yeast cells in the anterior chamber angle structures such as the iris, ciliary muscle and canal of Schlemm (41, 88). Two cases of disseminated histoplasmosis, established by elevated H. capsulatum antigen in blood and urine and high complement fixing antibodies, occurred in immunocompetent brothers. Their disease was associated with choroiditis, which appears to progress to typical POH lesions (136). Thus, the link between active histoplasmosis and POH may be made by these and similar cases. Disseminated blastomycosis is common in dogs and is often accompanied by endophthalmitis (28); for example, 78 eyes in 74 dogs with disseminated disease had endophthalmitis. Canine blastomycosis of the eye always involves the choriocapillaries, and organisms are abundant in the choroid. The disease often progresses to panophthalmitis (38, 39, 246). Endophthalmitis is also seen in humans with disseminated blastomycosis (223), as evidenced by the presence of chorioretinal lesions (108, 223). Coccidioidomycosis is associated with lesions throughout the eye, including endogenous endophthalmitis (96). Chorioretinal scarring is common in individuals within the region of endemicity with positive skin tests to coccidioidin, a situation reminiscent of histoplasmosis. The chorioretinal lesions presumably occur at the time of initial infection and are usually clinically quiescent and asymptomatic. On the other hand, active chorioretinitis has been described in patients with disseminated disease (96). Anterior chamber disease has been documented in patients with disseminated disease, including iritis and large inflammatory masses in the anterior chamber (61, 96, 180, 298). It is interesting that disseminated coccidioidomycosis in dogs often starts in the posterior chamber and spreads to involve the anterior chamber (15). As previously mentioned, this is believed to be the same route of extension of disease with Candida and B. dermatitidis endophthalmitis. C. neoformans frequently causes visual symptoms when associated with meningitis. These symptoms are usually due to the swollen brain compressing the optic nerve or edema of the optic nerve itself. However, cryptococcosis may be associated with endophthalmitis manifesting as chorioretinitis, retinal tears, and overlying vitritis (59, 62, 108, 242). Pneumocystis carinii is also an infrequent cause of chorioretinitis in patients with AIDS (Fig. 2, middle right). Exogenous Endophthalmitis As the name implies, exogenous endophthalmitis occurs by introduction of microorganisms into the eye from trauma or surgery. It can also be the end result of preexisting scleritis or keratitis (29). Zygomycosis in the surrounding soft tissue and cryptococcal neuroretinitis may also lead to exogenous endophthalmitis. Patients with exogenous endophthalmitis are rarely immunocompromised. Cataract removal followed by placement of a prosthetic lens and corneal transplantation are the surgical procedures most often associated with postoperative fungal exogenous endophthalmitis. One report describes 19 patients from one hospital with exogenous endophthalmitis, and there was an approximately equal distribution of patients between the categories of postsurgical endophthalmitis, posttrauma endophthalmitis, and endophthalmitis following keratitis (205). Exogenous endophthalmitis may have a period of latency of weeks to months before clinically detectable disease occurs. Even then the infection is often confined to the anterior chamber, pupillary space, or anterior vitreous. Eighty-four percent of patients in one series received topical corticosteroids before diagnosis, and this may have potentiated the disease by reducing local host immunity (205). The most-common causes of postsurgical exogenous endophthalmitis are gram-positive bacteria, including coagulase-negative Staphylococcus, diphtheroids, and Propionibacterium acnes (287). The mycotic causes of exogenous endophthalmitis, such as yeasts (principally Candida species, including Candida glabrata [42] and Candida famata [211]), were found only in the postsurgical group, whereas Fusarium species were found only in the posttraumatic and postkeratitis groups (205). Other Candida spp. have caused exogenous endophthalmitis after lens surgery (211, 294). An epidemic of postsurgical endophthalmitis with Candida parapsilosis has been reported following the placement of anterior and posterior chamber lenses (260). Fifteen patients had ocular surgery over a 3-month period of time. At the time of surgery all eyes were irrigated with a solution from the same lot that was contaminated with C. parapsilosis. Paecilomyces lilacinus is a ubiquitous soil saprophyte implicated in cases of keratitis and endophthalmitis after trauma (191, 283). However, a large outbreak of P. lilacinus exogenous endophthalmitis followed intraocular lens implantation; the lenses had been contaminated by a bicarbonate solution used to neutralize the sodium hydroxide sterilant added to the lenses. P. lilacinus was cultured from the bicarbonate solution (204). Such fungi as Aspergillus species (29, 64, 194) and Acremonium kiliense (92) have caused infections following lens surgery. These infections, like postoperative P. lilacinus infections, may arise because of fungal contamination of operative and postoperative irrigating solutions (174, 190, 260). Fungal pathogens in posttraumatic endophthalmitis are legion and similar to those causing fungal keratitis. Recent reports include Fusarium moniliforme (257), Exophiala jeanselmei (114), P. boydii (44), A. niger (129), Scytalidium dimidiatum (9), Helminthosporium spp. (65), S. schenckii (292), Penicillium chrysogenum (82), and L. theobromae (29). Infections of the Cornea Fungal infections of the cornea (fungal keratitis or keratomycosis) may constitute 6 to 53% of all cases of ulcerative keratitis, depending upon the country of origin of the study (269). The majority of fungal keratitis occurs after trauma to the cornea in agricultural workers, usually, but not always, with fungus- contaminated plant material (leaves, grain, branches, or wood). The disease may also occur in gardeners and following corneal trauma from indoor plants as well. Occasionally the object striking the cornea is metal. The trauma to the cornea may be so slight as to be forgotten by the patient. Fungal keratitis also occurs with contact lens wear, and this will be discussed later. Trauma to the cornea with vegetable matter either introduces the fungus directly into a corneal epithelial defect or, alternatively, the defect may become infected following the trauma. The vast majority of cases of fungal keratitis are due to septate, filamentous, saprophytic fungi. Occasionally zygomycetes such as Absidia (168) or Rhizopus (233) spp. may be implicated in keratitis. On the other hand, the abnormal or compromised cornea, e.g., chronic dry eye, is subject to infection with yeasts, usually Candida species. Such uncommon Candida species as Candida lipolytica and Candida humicola have, however, been reported to cause posttraumatic keratitis (187, 188) and Candida guilliermondii after corneal transplant (3). More than 70 species representing 40 genera of fungi have been reported to cause fungal keratitis (269). The most common cause of fungal keratitis is F. solani and other Fusarium species, Aspergillus species, and Curvularia species (269). There may be a hierarchy of fungi capable of producing keratitis, e.g., from most to least capable, Fusarium, Acremonium, and Phialophora spp. This hierarchy is predicated upon their individual ability to invade and destroy the cornea (156). Fungal keratitis is recognizable by the presence of a coarse granular infiltration of the corneal epithelium and the anterior stroma (Fig. 2, right). The corneal defect usually becomes apparent within 24 to 36 h after the trauma. There is minimal to absent host cellular infiltration. The absence of inflammatory cells is likely a good prognostic finding, since products of polymorphonuclear leukocytes contribute to the destruction of the cornea. The infiltrate is often surrounded by a ring, which may represent the junction of fungal hyphae and host antibodies (156). Descemet's membrane, an interior basement membrane near the aqueous humor, is impermeable to bacteria but can be breached by fungal hyphae, leading to endophthalmitis (212). Even so, endophthalmitis is a rare consequence of fungal keratitis (29). Pathologic specimens of filamentous fungal keratitis demonstrate hyphae following the tissue planes of the cornea, i.e., laying parallel to the corneal collagen lamellae. Examination of multiple scrapings of the cornea establish the agent of fungal keratitis. In some cases a biopsy may need to be performed. Since many of the filamentous fungi grow slowly, the disease often remains unrecognized and untreated for days or weeks until growth is visually detected, and this delay may contribute to a poor response to therapy. The abnormal cornea in patients with dry eye syndrome, chronic ulceration, erythema multiforme, and perhaps human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection (particularly those with AIDS) is subject to fungal infection, most commonly with Candida species. Candida keratitis usually appears as a small demarcated ulcer with an underlying opacity of the cornea resembling bacterial keratitis. C. albicans was found to be the most common cause of microbial keratitis in a series of 13 AIDS patients (121). Candida keratitis has occurred as well in patients who chronically abused corneal anesthetics (49). The wearing of hard and soft extended-wear contact lenses is associated with infectious keratitis usually caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Both P. aeruginosa (36) and C. albicans (34) adhere to contact lenses, and the adherence of the former to lens surfaces is greatly enhanced in the presence of tear deposits (35), some of which could conceivably serve as carbohydrate receptors for the microorganisms (147). Adherent microorganisms secrete an extensive exopolymer that is virtually impenetrable to antibiotics and difficult to remove. Contact lenses coated with such biofilms likely increase the risk of infectious keratitis (80). The wearing of contact lenses leads to a relative hypoxia of the corneal epithelium that may lead to measurable changes in the cell surface glycoproteins (145). Perhaps microscopic defects are introduced by lens wear that enhance microorganism adherence to the otherwise nonadherent corneal epithelium (144). Fungal keratitis in association with contact lens wear is almost always due to Candida spp., although Cryptococcus laurentii (217) has been reported. Filamentous fungal keratitis occurs less often with lens wear (200, 261, 296), but the filamentous fungi can actually penetrate the lens matrix (141, 200, 245, 261, 289, 296). Fungi and the bacteria adherent to contact lenses arise from patient handling, including the cleaning and storage of the lenses. These adherent microorganisms also derive from the normal flora of the conjunctiva (181). Infections of Adjacent Structures FAIR USE NOTICE: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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