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Re: Anybody else have the sweats -omega 3-Marcie

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Marcia Flax Seed Oil isn't for everyone especially for those who have

impaired digestion and inability to digest and assimilate fats. You know

your body better than I do and would ask you how well do you tolerate fats

and can you digest them without " burping " them back up using large doses.

If you cannot them I wouldn't advise the Flax Seed Oil. It is expensive and

I think another one of these " one size cures all " which it doesn't. It

helps some and not others. FYI Flax Seed Oil is high in ALA's; one of the

Omega 3's; it has to be converted in the body and with impaired digestions

or other imbalances some individuals cannot tolerate it for the above stated

reason and some bodies cannot convert it to assimilated Omega 3. I also

know you are on a fixed income. How do you feel about eating sardines

packed in water? They are an excellent source of true Omega 3's, will give

you the minerals your body is craving plus the protein at very little cost.

One of the cleanest brands I've found is Bumble Bee sardines packed in


If you want to try flax seed oil you might consider buying the seeds rather

than the oil and grinding them up daily in a coffee grinder. 1/2 ounce to

start with and sprinkle on top of some foods. Once ground flax seeds become

rancid very quickly and not healthy for us.

Here's good link:


http://www.mskcc.org/mskcc/html/11571.cfm?RecordID=690 & tab=HC

And a word of warning: Since flaxseed has phytoestrogenic effects, patients

with estrogen receptor positive (ER+) type of breast cancer should use

flaxseed with caution.

Just my two cents and thanks for asking me.


Re: [] Re: Anybody else have the sweats -omega 3

> ,


> I need to know what you are taking and how much. I will try anything

> right now.

> I have Multiple Sclerosis and had most of a brain tumor removed. I was

> exposed to Stachybotrys Mold and it seems like my 140 IQ has dropped

> somewhere around 12. LOL!

> Rosie, you are very informed on things like this....do you think it would

> help me?


> Thanks,


> Marcie


> kl_clayton <kl_clayton@...> wrote:

> Okay, this is experimental, but nutritional. There is some evidence that

> certain kinds of

> fats are required for neural rebuilding, and the ratio is important. The

> myelin sheath, I

> think is made from fatty tissue of some kind. So, I am taking some omega 3

> supplementation to try to help offset the neural damage I have suffered

> from the mold

> exposure. I am using flax oil, and now that my digestion is working again

> from the

> antifungals, I am digesting it too.


> This was recommended to me by a professional that works with people having

> brain

> damage, usually from trauma, but he rec. it for my obvious mental

> impairment from the

> mold. He thought my symptoms looked like those suffering from the sheath

> deteriorating,

> or something like that.


> I have not taken it long enough to tell the difference, or at the dosage

> required, it is yucky.


> Anyone else?





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Sardines....nope! When I lived in France, I was forced to eat them all the time.


I did get some Acetyl-L-carnitine today. I sold a vase to get it and some pet

food and personal items. Yes I guess you could say I am on a fixed income. The

company I worked for " fixed " it so I don't have one. LOL! No....I have -0- cash

income. NONE!

Rosie....thank you so much for your input. I trust your judgement much more

than my sisters and that is hard to say.( she told me my mold symptoms were

mostly in my head.) Oh well....wish we could pick our family because mine would

be a caring, loving one. Guess you just have to work with what you get. ( It's

been a lot of hard work too! LOL!) You guys are my NEW FAMILY!!!! ( Now I have a

Godfather...he...he..he!!) Private joke!


Healthier4All <Healthier4All@...> wrote:

Marcia Flax Seed Oil isn't for everyone especially for those who have

impaired digestion and inability to digest and assimilate fats. You know

your body better than I do and would ask you how well do you tolerate fats

and can you digest them without " burping " them back up using large doses.

If you cannot them I wouldn't advise the Flax Seed Oil. It is expensive and

I think another one of these " one size cures all " which it doesn't. It

helps some and not others. FYI Flax Seed Oil is high in ALA's; one of the

Omega 3's; it has to be converted in the body and with impaired digestions

or other imbalances some individuals cannot tolerate it for the above stated

reason and some bodies cannot convert it to assimilated Omega 3. I also

know you are on a fixed income. How do you feel about eating sardines

packed in water? They are an excellent source of true Omega 3's, will give

you the minerals your body is craving plus the protein at very little cost.

One of the cleanest brands I've found is Bumble Bee sardines packed in


If you want to try flax seed oil you might consider buying the seeds rather

than the oil and grinding them up daily in a coffee grinder. 1/2 ounce to

start with and sprinkle on top of some foods. Once ground flax seeds become

rancid very quickly and not healthy for us.

Here's good link:


http://www.mskcc.org/mskcc/html/11571.cfm?RecordID=690 & tab=HC

And a word of warning: Since flaxseed has phytoestrogenic effects, patients

with estrogen receptor positive (ER+) type of breast cancer should use

flaxseed with caution.

Just my two cents and thanks for asking me.


Re: [] Re: Anybody else have the sweats -omega 3

> ,


> I need to know what you are taking and how much. I will try anything

> right now.

> I have Multiple Sclerosis and had most of a brain tumor removed. I was

> exposed to Stachybotrys Mold and it seems like my 140 IQ has dropped

> somewhere around 12. LOL!

> Rosie, you are very informed on things like this....do you think it would

> help me?


> Thanks,


> Marcie


> kl_clayton <kl_clayton@...> wrote:

> Okay, this is experimental, but nutritional. There is some evidence that

> certain kinds of

> fats are required for neural rebuilding, and the ratio is important. The

> myelin sheath, I

> think is made from fatty tissue of some kind. So, I am taking some omega 3

> supplementation to try to help offset the neural damage I have suffered

> from the mold

> exposure. I am using flax oil, and now that my digestion is working again

> from the

> antifungals, I am digesting it too.


> This was recommended to me by a professional that works with people having

> brain

> damage, usually from trauma, but he rec. it for my obvious mental

> impairment from the

> mold. He thought my symptoms looked like those suffering from the sheath

> deteriorating,

> or something like that.


> I have not taken it long enough to tell the difference, or at the dosage

> required, it is yucky.


> Anyone else?






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Hi Marcy. lol you need to start loving sardines. I'm serious they are very

healthy and a great and inexpensive source of Omega 3's plus protein. lol

I don't even like looking at the darlings when I open the can and I don't.

I make up a home made from scratch modified version of " tuna salad " ---am

dairy and gluten free----will have my soft boiled egg in a container, to

that I add homemade mustard (so I know its gluten and dairy free), fresh

chickweed or purslane (which ever is in season and growing outside), a

little parsley, sometimes a mashed avocado, my home made version of Gomasio

(that's home ground sesame seeds, real or celtic sea salt all browned in a

skillet and some organic seaweed ground added to it). Ok, I take the ugly

sardines and quickly mash them into all the above and honestly they don't

taste as bad and I have a powerhouse of nutrients for my body. The sesame

seeds and seaweed give me extra calcium and minerals my body so desperately

needs. It makes a meal. To aid with the digestion I take a few drops of

homemade artichoke leaf tincture which is quite remarkable. Start thinking

of food as your medicine, good and healthy for you rather than the taste and

being on a budget you can make so much yourself for so little.

Without our digestive tract in working order no matter what you take will

only be a band-aid until you fix the digestive system from the mouth to the

end. I'm totally gluten and diary intolerant and always will so and will

have to avoid them for rest of my life. If we don't digest and assimilate

our foods and correct our leaky gut symptoms which so many with mold, MCS

and autoimmune diseases have, we will not assimilate our foods and taking

individual supplements will not be as beneficial as doing it the hard way;

that is doing the food log, assessing our food allergies and intolerances,

going on a strict diet, etc. Hard work yes but in the long run it pays off.

Thanks for the compliments. I'm sure your Sister is very good at her job;

however she doesn't have the specialized training nor does she have the time

to assess each individual. And if she thinks " its in your head " she hasn't

researched the right places. Many who work in a health food store really

don't have a specific education on various diseases; they are only taught

the basics and what they need to know to sell the products the store buyers

put on the shelves. That's why I could never work at a health food store;

it's not fair to the customers. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad we have the

stores and the ability to purchase alternative products which we need, but

we need better guidance that's specific for us.

So, please start keeping a daily food intake, symptom log and pulse log for

about 2-3 weeks and see if you can start to listen to what you body is

trying to tell you. Lots of foods I'd love to eat but my body will protest

when I do. It's my only body, I want quality of life so I had better feed

it want it needs rather than what tastes good to me.


Sis Rosie

Re: [] Re: Anybody else have the sweats -omega


> Sardines....nope! When I lived in France, I was forced to eat them all the

> time. YUCK!

> I did get some Acetyl-L-carnitine today. I sold a vase to get it and some

> pet food and personal items. Yes I guess you could say I am on a fixed

> income. The company I worked for " fixed " it so I don't have one. LOL!

> No....I have -0- cash income. NONE!

> Rosie....thank you so much for your input. I trust your judgement much

> more than my sisters and that is hard to say.( she told me my mold

> symptoms were mostly in my head.) Oh well....wish we could pick our family

> because mine would be a caring, loving one. Guess you just have to work

> with what you get. ( It's been a lot of hard work too! LOL!) You guys are

> my NEW FAMILY!!!! ( Now I have a Godfather...he...he..he!!) Private joke!



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This is a very good point, and one I have been working on for a long time. As a

vegan, I

would not take any fish oil, but I found an oil from algae, and also the flax

oil. I couldn't

tolerate much of it due to an inability to assimilate fats. I worked on this

with my

chiropractor, using other supplements (some enzyme preps for organ support,

diflucan, among other things) for a long time until it improved. I still only

use as much as I

can digest. By the way, flax oil is pretty cheap, as far as supplements go. Fish

oil can also

be contaminated with PCB's and other bad stuff, so it is not a one size fits all

kind of thing.

I think the researchers use fish oil because it is easily available everywhere.

One of the

studies I posted used the DHA from algae oil. That stuff is expensive in the

vegan version,

but not so bad in gelatin caps.

My dog unfortunately suffered a dog attack, which left her with what the vet

thought was

permanent neural damage to her right leg. I found a supplement with flax seeds

(it touted

omega 3's- vegetarian) and she has really healed tremendously since I have been

giving it

to her. It has been 2 or 3 weeks. Her damage is reversing itself, slowly, but

the difference

between 2 weeks ago and today is remarkable.

It is really important to come to know your own body. It is important to really

consider if

what you are told is helpful, and if you want to try it, ok, but go slowly and

see how you

think it may be affecting you. You can do testing on yourself, by trying it for

awhile, then

stopping it and see if you feel any different. This is what I have done with


everything. Becasue nobody knows me like I do.

I remember how, when I was nearly at death's door, it was hard to tell sometimes

what was

helping or hurting at first. Also, I was deficient in some vitamins and

minerals. I took an

awful lot of one particular vitamin/min, for over a year, but then I didn't need

it anymore.

My deficiencies had been alleviated.

It is amazing to me how many people say how I " have to " do whatever is their


schtick or I will continue to suffer, etc. It is all a bunch of hooey. I have

heard this from

many people- from many doctors telling me my mold problems are all in my head,

to well

meaning folks who are trying to help, but just don't have the whole picture.

Neither do I,

but I know my own body better than anyone else. By trial and error, I find what


Everything else is a theory waiting to be tested. By me, on me, at my control,

on my time.

Best wishes and good luck,

--- In , " Healthier4All " <Healthier4All@h...>



> Marcia Flax Seed Oil isn't for everyone especially for those who have

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