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KC- my letter to congress.

Sheila Asleson



Homeowners of deficient dwellings

Dear Mark and Norm,

I am wondering what you are going to do in helping victims of construction

defects in new homes (homes less than 10 years old) and now mold from


Is it true that only high govermental officals get their fix in a timely matter?

It would seem that is the case, as that what I have seen here in Minnesota. I

have been helping many victims of new home construction and MOLD in their homes

now for over 2 years.

People with new home construction have to FIGHT and I mean really FIGHT to get a

fix... and by the time they do (if they are lucky enough to get one) they are so

worn out from money expenses and mentally fighting the insurance companies

and/or builders to go on. (And YES these insurance companies and builders KNOW


It takes months and sometimes years to get help for these new home owners with

so many hoops to jump through...

Govermental officals are getting their fix immediately and getting a second SAFE

home to live in while the fix is going on... It is mind boggling to me.

The rich insurance companies in this country, that we have to pay monthly

premimiums to, are getting away with loop holes to pay for these claims in a

timely matter.

Plus if you are lucky enough to recieve a settlement, the insurance companies

pay such low amounts it is unbelievable! (And what happens when our monthly

insurance payment is a few days late? Cancelation is in order)

I know of an elderly couple in Minnesota (84 years old) that had a new home full

of construction defects and mold. Their fix cost them $150,000. Guess what

they got offered from the settlement? $62,000...

How are they suppose to pay for that bill? They are 84 years old!

Personally, I think we have to go back and look at:

1. Changing the building codes. Homes are too tight!

2. Arming the city and county inspectors with education of proper building

techniques. (And then holding these inspectors in some way accountable for

missing code violations.)

3. Builders should be required to know how to properly build a home.

4. Builders should lose their license if they have over 2 homes with

construction defects and MOLD. And NOT be able to disolve one company and start


Can you imagine a doctor not losing his license if he had over 2 surgeries that

the patient lost all their money and health because of a improper surgical


The way I look at it is that NO ONE wants a new home with construction defects

or MOLD.

Not the home owner, not the builder and not the insurance companies!

It is past time to step up to the plate and help victims of new home

construction defects and mold in their homes!

I would appreicate help with this issue and a timely response from you


Thank you for your time and I look forward to talking with you personally.

- - - - - -

Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 20:53:39 -0000

From: " tigerpaw2c "

Subject: Re: Go To CONGRESS.ORG Mold and Katrina: Who is Watching the Hen House?

Something is lacking and I'm very concerned. Sharon has provided a

link here that is very simple, put in your area code so this will go

out to your representatives in your state and also an area where you

can respond with personal stories or comments. The lack of response

also happened recently with the Boston Globe. This has been posted

on several websites and as of today it has been visited about 148

times/viewed, and only 4 that have taken action, in other words

responded. You don't have to post your name with your story or your


You know at times how you drive down the road and a dozen workers

will be standing on the side and only one will be working? You often

wonder how anything can get down and the waste of taxpayers money.

You just shake your head and basically say what the hell. Same thing

here folks. Even though we may have over 1500 members and out of

that 1500 lets say 500 are sick and probably a whole lot more. You

see where I'm going? Numbers are not adding up. It seems to be the

same people doing over and over again and yet I've had many ask me

what can I do to help. Well this is it, here is your chance. Please

spend the time and take action where it can actually do some good,

other than posting on this board today.

Hopefully these numbers will pick up and start to equal out or I'm

going to take action and really start to question the amount of time

I spend on this board and addressing each and everyones concerns on

the phone or by email, absorbing ALL of my time and just start

concentrating on my family alone. Why should I continue to bother if

no one wants to do.

I've never complained before, because I know how serious the need is

for the proper guidance and support. When one finds themselves in a

predicament such as this and there seems to be no way out.

Now I have am leaving it up to you. The next step is yours, were we

are going to go from here. Email the link to everyone you know that

is dealing with or has been affected personally. We need your help,

we can't do it alone.





> Dear Friends,


> Please go to Congress.org. Then click on " Mold and Katrina: Who

is Watching the Hen House? " Right now, this story is at the top on

the right hand side.

Put in your zip code and send a message to YOUR national and

state elected officials that for the safety of the American public, this double

standard regarding mold exposure needs to Stop!

You can also access this SoapBox Alert by pasting:

http://capwiz.com/congressorg/sbx/f/?aid=8106066 & r=1

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