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Re: Asthma discussion

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Hi ,You should check out Dr. Buteyko's work with asthma.  http://www.buteykoairways.com/index.htmlThis link is a pretty good place to start.  Dr. Buteyko basically saw asthma not as a disease process, but a predictable physiological response to over-breathing, or hyperventilation.  We essentially exhale too much CO2, and by training in more conscious use of carbon dioxide, we can reverse the asthmatic response.  Check it out.  Here's another juicy link in this regard:  http://mind-n-magick.com/search/offsite.php?http://members.westnet.com.au/pkolb/buteyko.htm Sears, DCNW PDX On Jan 2, 2008, at 5:55 PM, Abrahamson wrote:Old timey, die hard chiros. usually tell people to get chiropractic care forasthma.Medically oriented chiros. Tend to tell people that we aren't the panaceaand we are embarrassed by chiropractors who make outrageous claims aboutnon-NMS conditions. Their most important tool for patient care is thereferral pad.(By the way, we ARE the panacea. Hey! Who do you want working around yourspine and central nervous system, someone who thinks he's a plumber!!!?Nyuk! Nyuk! Nyuk!)OK, back to reality.I have a dear friend who is about 45. She has been struggling with breathingoff and on since childhood. It worsened severely when she was hit by asnowboarder (little turds!) about 5 years ago. When I learned of this partof her hx. (have treated her for about a year), I chased the idea of a"structural anterior-head-carriage with beginnings of c-spine DJD" down arabbit hole thinking that if a neck injury severely worsened her condition,it must be structural and emanate from her neck. I now think I was mistaken.She had a nasty episode over the holidays which put her in the hospital andthe doc told her that her lungs are pretty wet, rattling like crazy (rales?)and they will treat her crisis oriented (read Prednisone) and get herstabilized.Then the long term medical approach for asthma being bronchodilators andinflammatory symptom management. I have never heard of a physician treatingasthma as secondary and being the body's response to another trigger excepta half assed nod toward dust mites and animal dander.Allergies:We have had good luck with IgG4 food allergy testing (long term allergicrxn. Vs. acute onset reactions). She had both RAST and IgG4 testing and isabout as sensitized to everything as the allergist, ND, or lab has everseen.About supplements:I had asked awhile back about my 6 y/o grand-daughter sighing a lot and gotsome great suggestions. (It resolved on its own before I could heroicallyintervene. One wonders how many drugs are given to people who willeventually self limit, but I digress...usually.)The nutritional approach suggestions bother me. Why do we have to identify,choose, and prescribe so many dozens or hundreds of remedial supplements tobring people back to health if they are genetically programmed for thatstate of being? Aren't we just natural pharmaceutical persons (A.K.A. ThePusher- Steppenwolf, 1968)? And it seems like a cop out to say that ourlifestyles are so full of bleached out food, stress, strain, and toxins thatwe need to take supplements just to get up to zero.----------------------------------------------------------The bottom line is, in a discussion about chiropractic, when someone asks,"Do you guys really believe you can cure asthma?" The answer should be, "No,the body recovers from asthma but chiropractic can help the nervous systemwhich controls all other systems and adjustments should be an important partof health care."...and no, your managed care will not cover it. The conceptis beyond managed cares' ability to grasp but if you are going to let aninsurance carrier decide your course toward wellness, you are in for a longand troubled journey.I believe chiropractic adjustments should be tried with an expectation thatthey will help the respiratory system normalize or widen its margin forassault from irritants. Supporting these with changing how the pt. moves(sits), eats, and thinks, to help the person back to homeostasis.Appreciate your thoughts on asthma (and prayers) for my friend Luci.( E. Abrahamson, D.C.)Chiropractic physicianLake Oswego Chiropractic Clinic315 Second StreetLake Oswego, OR 97034503-635-6246Website: http://www.lakeoswegochiro.com

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Hi ,

As I work with asthma - there is SOOOO much of it around these days - I observe the connection between dyspnea and calcium needs. Powdered calcium, taken with each episode of distress, will temper that distress within the minute. As a person treats in this manner of response, the occurrence = and severity - of episodes begins to downtrend. Remember, when a person needs one nutrient, that nutrient needs all of its compadres in order to be properly used... meaning get her on the liquid minerals as well. Along with that, she needs to bring up her vit C and vit D needs.

Dairy is a major component of asthma, both contributory and stimulatory. 'Rattly lungs' can be symptomatic of the mucus production of casein consumption. When a person goes without diary for 2 - 5 days, their body will begin to discharge the residual mucus. If noticed in the lungs, it is called pneumonia, treated with antibiotics, rest and 'good food' meaning lots of milk ... hence downtrend of mucus purge. So, changing from cow-sourced liquid-sourced foods to liuqid plant foods can make a Huge difference in the occurrence and severity of acute episodes . One or two months of liquid alow (1 ounce/day) for 30 - 60 days after than change will further the cellular mucoid cleanse.

My 2 cents in this New Year.


Sunny Kierstyn, RN DC Fibromyalgia Care Center of Oregon 2677 Willakenzie Road, 7C

Eugene, Oregon, 97401

541- 344- 0509; Fx; 541- 344- 0955

From: drscott@...Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2008 17:55:11 -0800Subject: Asthma discussion

Old timey, die hard chiros. usually tell people to get chiropractic care forasthma.Medically oriented chiros. Tend to tell people that we aren't the panaceaand we are embarrassed by chiropractors who make outrageous claims aboutnon-NMS conditions. Their most important tool for patient care is thereferral pad.(By the way, we ARE the panacea. Hey! Who do you want working around yourspine and central nervous system, someone who thinks he's a plumber!!!?Nyuk! Nyuk! Nyuk!)OK, back to reality.I have a dear friend who is about 45. She has been struggling with breathingoff and on since childhood. It worsened severely when she was hit by asnowboarder (little turds!) about 5 years ago. When I learned of this partof her hx. (have treated her for about a year), I chased the idea of a"structural anterior-head-carriage with beginnings of c-spine DJD" down arabbit hole thinking that if a neck injury severely worsened her condition,it must be structural and emanate from her neck. I now think I was mistaken.She had a nasty episode over the holidays which put her in the hospital andthe doc told her that her lungs are pretty wet, rattling like crazy (rales?)and they will treat her crisis oriented (read Prednisone) and get herstabilized.Then the long term medical approach for asthma being bronchodilators andinflammatory symptom management. I have never heard of a physician treatingasthma as secondary and being the body's response to another trigger excepta half assed nod toward dust mites and animal dander.Allergies:We have had good luck with IgG4 food allergy testing (long term allergicrxn. Vs. acute onset reactions). She had both RAST and IgG4 testing and isabout as sensitized to everything as the allergist, ND, or lab has everseen.About supplements:I had asked awhile back about my 6 y/o grand-daughter sighing a lot and gotsome great suggestions. (It resolved on its own before I could heroicallyintervene. One wonders how many drugs are given to people who willeventually self limit, but I digress...usually.)The nutritional approach suggestions bother me. Why do we have to identify,choose, and prescribe so many dozens or hundreds of remedial supplements tobring people back to health if they are genetically programmed for thatstate of being? Aren't we just natural pharmaceutical persons (A.K.A. ThePusher- Steppenwolf, 1968)? And it seems like a cop out to say that ourlifestyles are so full of bleached out food, stress, strain, and toxins thatwe need to take supplements just to get up to zero.----------------------------------------------------------The bottom line is, in a discussion about chiropractic, when someone asks,"Do you guys really believe you can cure asthma?" The answer should be, "No,the body recovers from asthma but chiropractic can help the nervous systemwhich controls all other systems and adjustments should be an important partof health care."...and no, your managed care will not cover it. The conceptis beyond managed cares' ability to grasp but if you are going to let aninsurance carrier decide your course toward wellness, you are in for a longand troubled journey.I believe chiropractic adjustments should be tried with an expectation thatthey will help the respiratory system normalize or widen its margin forassault from irritants. Supporting these with changing how the pt. moves(sits), eats, and thinks, to help the person back to homeostasis.Appreciate your thoughts on asthma (and prayers) for my friend Luci.( E. Abrahamson, D.C.)Chiropractic physicianLake Oswego Chiropractic Clinic315 Second StreetLake Oswego, OR 97034503-635-6246Website: http://www.lakeoswegochiro.com Get the power of Windows + Web with the new Windows Live. Get it now!

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I have to agree with Sunny on this one. Here's the headline:

MILK CAN CAUSE ASTHMA SYMPTOMS, as can a poor environment, dust, mites, mold, pollution. Get rid of the milk. And add calcium and Vit D from cod liver oil. Dairy half-life is 52 days, so it can take three to six months to drain all the mucus causing stuff from the system. For converting the milk sugar more quickly, I've had some success using a Standard Process product Lactic Acid Yeast. Minerals, especially calcium are very important in these folks as well.

Christian Mathisen, DC

3654 S Pacific Hwy

Medford, OR 97501


Asthma discussion

Old timey, die hard chiros. usually tell people to get chiropractic care forasthma.Medically oriented chiros. Tend to tell people that we aren't the panaceaand we are embarrassed by chiropractors who make outrageous claims aboutnon-NMS conditions. Their most important tool for patient care is thereferral pad.(By the way, we ARE the panacea. Hey! Who do you want working around yourspine and central nervous system, someone who thinks he's a plumber!!!?Nyuk! Nyuk! Nyuk!)OK, back to reality.I have a dear friend who is about 45. She has been struggling with breathingoff and on since childhood. It worsened severely when she was hit by asnowboarder (little turds!) about 5 years ago. When I learned of this partof her hx. (have treated her for about a year), I chased the idea of a"structural anterior-head-carriage with beginnings of c-spine DJD" down arabbit hole thinking that if a neck injury severely worsened her c ondition,it must be structural and emanate from her neck. I now think I was mistaken.She had a nasty episode over the holidays which put her in the hospital andthe doc told her that her lungs are pretty wet, rattling like crazy (rales?)and they will treat her crisis oriented (read Prednisone) and get herstabilized.Then the long term medical approach for asthma being bronchodilators andinflammatory symptom management. I have never heard of a physician treatingasthma as secondary and being the body's response to another trigger excepta half assed nod toward dust mites and animal dander.Allergies:We have had good luck with IgG4 food allergy testing (long term allergicrxn. Vs. acute onset reactions). She had both RAST and IgG4 testing and isabout as sensitized to everything as the allergist, ND, or lab has everseen.About supplements:I had asked awhile back about my 6 y/o grand-daughter sighing a lot and gotsome great suggestions. (It resolved on its own before I could heroicallyintervene. One wonders how many drugs are given to people who willeventually self limit, but I digress...usually.)The nutritional approach suggestions bother me. Why do we have to identify,choose, and prescribe so many dozens or hundreds of remedial supplements tobring people back to health if they are genetically programmed for thatstate of being? Aren't we just natural pharmaceutical persons (A.K.A. ThePusher- Steppenwolf, 1968)? And it seems like a cop out to say that ourlifestyles are so full of bleached out food, stress, strain, and toxins thatwe need to take supplements just to get up to zero.----------------------------------------------------------The bottom line is, in a discussion about chiropractic, when someone asks,"Do you guys really believe you can cure asthma?" The answer should be, "No,the body recovers from asthma but chiropractic can help the nervous systemwhich controls all other systems and adjustments should be an important partof health care."...and no, your managed care will not cover it. The conceptis beyond managed cares' ability to grasp but if you are going to let aninsurance carrier decide your course toward wellness, you are in for a longand troubled journey.I believe chiropractic adjustments should be tried with an expectation thatthey will help the respiratory system normalize or widen its margin forassault from irritants. Supporting these with changing how the pt. moves(sits), eats, and thinks, to help the person back to homeostasis.Appreciate your thoughts on asthma (and prayers) for my friend Luci.( E. Abrahamson, D.C.)Chiropractic physicianLake Oswego Chiropractic Clinic315 Second StreetLake Oswego, OR 97034503-635-6246Website: http://www.lakeoswegochiro.com

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Re: Dairy half-life is 52 days”

Where does this come from?

Are you saying that the antigens in dairy protein are not eliminated for 52 days?

I know that it is scientific fact that swallowed bubble gum takes 7 years to digest as evidenced by research presented by my friend Kathy Brown at a conference at Rossman School playground in 1965, but I’m wondering where the research backs some of the claims made by the “I hate milk” people.

( E. Abrahamson, D.C.)

Chiropractic physician

Lake Oswego Chiropractic Clinic

315 Second Street

Lake Oswego, OR 97034


Website: http://www.lakeoswegochiro.com

From: Christian Mathisen <cmathdc@...>

Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2008 08:16:21 -0800

Oregon Chiropractors < >

Subject: Re: Asthma discussion


I have to agree with Sunny on this one. Here's the headline:

MILK CAN CAUSE ASTHMA SYMPTOMS, as can a poor environment, dust, mites, mold, pollution. Get rid of the milk. And add calcium and Vit D from cod liver oil. Dairy half-life is 52 days, so it can take three to six months to drain all the mucus causing stuff from the system. For converting the milk sugar more quickly, I've had some success using a Standard Process product Lactic Acid Yeast. Minerals, especially calcium are very important in these folks as well.

Christian Mathisen, DC

3654 S Pacific Hwy

Medford, OR 97501


Asthma discussion

Old timey, die hard chiros. usually tell people to get chiropractic care for


Medically oriented chiros. Tend to tell people that we aren't the panacea

and we are embarrassed by chiropractors who make outrageous claims about

non-NMS conditions. Their most important tool for patient care is the

referral pad.

(By the way, we ARE the panacea. Hey! Who do you want working around your

spine and central nervous system, someone who thinks he's a plumber!!!?

Nyuk! Nyuk! Nyuk!)

OK, back to reality.

I have a dear friend who is about 45. She has been struggling with breathing

off and on since childhood. It worsened severely when she was hit by a

snowboarder (little turds!) about 5 years ago. When I learned of this part

of her hx. (have treated her for about a year), I chased the idea of a

" structural anterior-head-carriage with beginnings of c-spine DJD " down a

rabbit hole thinking that if a neck injury severely worsened her c ondition,

it must be structural and emanate from her neck. I now think I was mistaken.

She had a nasty episode over the holidays which put her in the hospital and

the doc told her that her lungs are pretty wet, rattling like crazy (rales?)

and they will treat her crisis oriented (read Prednisone) and get her


Then the long term medical approach for asthma being bronchodilators and

inflammatory symptom management. I have never heard of a physician treating

asthma as secondary and being the body's response to another trigger except

a half assed nod toward dust mites and animal dander.


We have had good luck with IgG4 food allergy testing (long term allergic

rxn. Vs. acute onset reactions). She had both RAST and IgG4 testing and is

about as sensitized to everything as the allergist, ND, or lab has ever


About supplements:

I had asked awhile back about my 6 y/o grand-daughter sighing a lot and got

some great suggestions. (It resolved on its own before I could heroically

intervene. One wonders how many drugs are given to people who will

eventually self limit, but I digress...usually.)

The nutritional approach suggestions bother me. Why do we have to identify,

choose, and prescribe so many dozens or hundreds of remedial supplements to

bring people back to health if they are genetically programmed for that

state of being? Aren't we just natural pharmaceutical persons (A.K.A. The

Pusher- Steppenwolf, 1968)? And it seems like a cop out to say that our

lifestyles are so full of bleached out food, stress, strain, and toxins that

we need to take supplements just to get up to zero.


The bottom line is, in a discussion about chiropractic, when someone asks,

" Do you guys really believe you can cure asthma? " The answer should be, " No,

the body recovers from asthma but chiropractic can help the nervous system

which controls all other systems and adjustments should be an important part

of health care. " ...and no, your managed care will not cover it. The concept

is beyond managed cares' ability to grasp but if you are going to let an

insurance carrier decide your course toward wellness, you are in for a long

and troubled journey.

I believe chiropractic adjustments should be tried with an expectation that

they will help the respiratory system normalize or widen its margin for

assault from irritants. Supporting these with changing how the pt. moves

(sits), eats, and thinks, to help the person back to homeostasis.

Appreciate your thoughts on asthma (and prayers) for my friend Luci.

( E. Abrahamson, D.C.)

Chiropractic physician

Lake Oswego Chiropractic Clinic

315 Second Street

Lake Oswego, OR 97034


Website: http://www.lakeoswegochiro.com <http://www.l akeoswegochiro.com/>

Get the power of Windows + Web with the new Windows Live. Get it now! <http://www.windowslive.com?ocid=TXT_TAGHM_Wave2_powerofwindows_122007>

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