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ATTENTION: Please Speak Up Now

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Subject: ATTENTION: Please Speak Up Now -- Remember defectively built homes are

a prime source of mold.

http://forums.go.com/abcnews/2020/forum?start=0 & forumID=17 & byThread=true

Janet Ahmad, President

HomeOwners for Better Building

San , Texas



I have posted the comments below on ABC's 20/20 regarding the segment the aired

about Construction Defects and KB Homes building homes on bombs. While this is

not a KB Home issue it is KB's bad building practices that provides us an

opportunity to amplify our voices. I would encourage everyone, no matter who

your builder is to respond so that ABC and the world can read the magnitude of

the bad homebuilding throughout this country. The causes are, the building

industry is unregulated, builder warranties are worthless and our constitutional

rights have been denied due to binding arbitration requirements in builder


Remember all of you are taxpayers as well as casualties of the unregulated

homebuilding industry whose dreams have been shattered.

Please take a few minutes to Speak up now.

Go to ABC 20/20:

http://forums.go.com/abcnews/2020/forum?forumID=17 & byThread=true -

Register/Sign up

Go to: The outrage of buying nightmares and bombs

Click on:reply . I would encourage you to make your comment very short.

Continue to monitor the site to see other comments and respond again. Thanks a

million for your participation.


Janet Ahmad, President

HomeOwners for Better Building

San , Texas




The outrage of buying nightmares and bombs

The segment on 20/20 about KB Home building houses on bombs is a prime example

of how deregulation has led to an industry out of control. When KB Home began

building on the old bombing range in 2000 it was already designated a US Army

Corps of Engineers RAC 2 priority bomb cleanup.

With half subdivision complete and the new media documented homeowners anger

that their homes were built on bombs, the Corps of Engineers designated it a #1

priority clean up. More scandalous is the city of Arlington continued to issue

the remaining 250 + building permits on the remainder of the bomb contaminated

land. Taxpayers should be outraged at the $1.9 million price tag for the cleanup

and the added millions for the federally insured foreclosures.

The history of this taxpayer fiasco is reported on HomeOwners for Better

Building (HOBB) http://www.hobb.org. See: Southridge Hills Fact Sheet.

http://www.hobb.org/hobbv2/index.php?option=com_content & task=view & id=570 & Itemid=\


The idea that KB Home didn't know about the bombs is just not believable.

Unregulated home builders have gone where no one would dare to go --- the

swamplands, the corn fields, the fertile cow pastures and the water-laden stock

tank areas and now the bombing ranges of rural America. They have stripped the

lands of trees and sowed their cookie-cutter box shaped homes, blighting the

countryside with what many critics refer to as disposable housing, costing

taxpayers billions yearly.

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