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Hi Sharon, thanks for the information.

Just in case you start getting calls here are the news stations/papers I sent it


WOWT Channel 6 - NBC Affiliate - Omaha, Nebraska

KPTM Channel 42 - FOX Affiliate - Omaha, Nebraska

KETV Channel 7 - ABC Affiliate - Omaha, Nebraska

KMTV Channel 3 - CBS Affiliate - Omaha, Nebraska

Omaha World Herlad - Largest Newspaper in Omaha, Nebraska

Lincoln Journal Star - Largest Newspaper in Lincoln, Nebraska - State Capital


Ellen Dejeneres Show

Today Show

Thanks for raising awareness Sharon! I am taking my copy of Mold Warriors to my

doctor today. Maybe I will get some relief soon!

Take Care and God Bless!


snk1955@... wrote: Research Finds Mold May Only Be Harmful to

Government Officials'


(http://pdfserver.prweb.com/pdfdownload/296586/pr.pdf) _Download this press

release as an Adobe PDF document._


As if government officials did not have enough to worry about in these days

of allegations of rampant corruption, new research by health advocacy groups

finds government officials' families may be more susceptible to ‘toxic


than their constituents.

PRWEB October 25, 2005 -- While average citizens of New Orleans are being

encouraged to return with little warning of potential health hazards from

breathing molds and the toxins they produce, Lousiana Governor Kathleen Blanco


been residing outside of the Governor’s Mansion. The Mansion was undergoing

a taxpayer paid $800,000 renovation - $500,000 of which was for mold removal.

In August of this year, North Carolina Governor Mike Easley's family was

forced to move from the Governor’s Mansion because of mold. This is the


time in four years that the 114-year-old mansion has been invaded by mold.

According to Secretary of Administration Gwynn Swinson, the governor and his

family needed to clear out for health reasons.

In March 2005, Brown of the consumer protection division for Kansas

State Attorney Gen. Phill Kline, sued Kansas Republican Party Chairman Tim

Shallenburger over the home Brown purchased from Shallenburger, which was

reported to have mold (Case #05C-000305, ee County District Court,


Brown said things started falling apart in the house and that his children

became ill because of mold.

Brown has taken no known stance to assist numerous average Kansas citizens

claiming difficulty from mold. This would support what appears to be current

accepted scientific evidence: Mold is only dangerous for government officials'


As further evidence of this apparent phenomenon, implications of a study

done by allergists affiliated with the American College of Allergy, Asthma and

Immunology (ACAAI) are that average citizens complaining of serious mold

illnesses are simply liars and whiners out to scam money from the poor



ACAAI allergist Dr. Abba Terr from UCSF Medical Center was able to step

outside his field of study and into the realm of psychology to establish these

findings. Terr and associates did not connect any allergic reactions to the

poisoning from mold toxins and concluded the illnesses were therefore presumed.

Terr said, " Since these authors have determined that the patients they

describe do not have a mold-related disease but are nevertheless seeking

compensation for presumed illness through a legal process that has defined it


those terms, toxic mold disease is truly a diagnosis of litigation. "

Mold-Help.Org, a private organization that has assisted thousands of average

citizens, including infants, who 'presume' they are physically ill after

mold exposure, provided research regarding another mold susceptible government


After a $5.6 million dollar renovation of the South Carolina Governor’s

Mansion three years earlier, First Lady Sanford said in 2004, that

stachybotrys was causing health problems with her family. Stachybotrys is a


toxin producing mold.

Mike Sponhour, spokesman for the South Carolina State Budget and Control

Board which oversees maintenance on the building, said, " We understand the

concern the first lady has for the health of her family and children. We take

that very seriously. We’re committed to doing everything we can to fix the

problem and make sure it doesn’t happen again. "

Like numerous other government officials’ families from across the US,

including President W. Bush's, Governor Sanford’s family may be more

susceptible to mold than average families - who just presume they are.

A study recently published in the ls of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology,

the official publication of the ACAAI, substantiated average citizens as

those who may not suffer from the same mold susceptibility as analyzed in

government officials’ families.

Dr. Emil Bardana, President of the ACAAI and prolific expert witness in mold

litigation, examined 50 mold cases that were referred to specified

physicians largely by representatives of defendants named in the lawsuits.

The study by allergist Bardana concluded that no credible medical evidence

has emerged to link mold exposure to the wide range of serious medical

conditions associated with toxic mold syndrome - which is a poisoning, not an


Although memory and immunological complications have been reported by many

Americans who have been exposed to mold in damp buildings, a WebMD Health

Advisory regarding toxic mold syndrome and issued to the public in September of

this year quoted allergist Bardana as saying, " We know that mold can make

people sick if they end up in the foods they eat. But there is little evidence

that inhaled environmental mold exposure can cause the serious illnesses that

are attributed to it. "

After the implication of public safety from the WebMD Health Advisory, sales

of OSHA recommended HazMat suits and respirators that are typically worn to

protect from inhaling molds during remediation of buildings are anticipated

to decline.

Information obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

(CDC) indicates that molds can produce toxic substances called mycotoxins. Some

of the molds that are known to produce mycotoxins are commonly found in

moisture-damaged buildings. Exposure pathways for mycotoxins can include

inhalation, ingestion, or skin contact.

The CDC goes on to state that much of the information on the human health

effects of inhalation exposure to mycotoxins comes from studies done in the

workplace and some case studies or case reports. And that many symptoms and

human health effects attributed to inhalation of mycotoxins have been reported

including: mucous membrane irritation, skin rash, nausea, immune system

suppression, acute or chronic liver damage, acute or chronic central nervous


damage, endocrine effects and cancer.

Through the University of Mississippi, research by ACAAI allergists is under

way to determine if stress from Katrina plays any role in increasing the

impact of mold. It is uncertain to this author if the focus of this stress

research should be from Katrina itself, or the stress of having the medical

community not educated to the well documented toxic effects produced by some


Either way, in the wake of Katrina with more people exposed to damp

buildings, prescriptions of antidepressants and referrals to allergists are

anticipated to increase. Because of mixed information, the number of mold cases

currently clogging our courts are anticipated to grow - furthering the need for

expert witnesses.

Carstens, Moderator of Sickbuildings, a 1,500-member support group of

average citizens, who, according to the ACAAI, are experiencing " presumed "

debilitating mold illnesses - said, " The CDC keeps saying more studies are

needed to get a clear picture of the health effects related to mycotoxins. I am

not aware of any new CDC initiated studies of the matter or even any tracking

of these illnesses. Nor have I seen any warning to the public regarding the

potential serious health effects of inhaling mycotoxins. I guess the burden

of proof will fall on the children of New Orleans. "

The analysis by health groups observed many government officials who

required extensive mold remediation for the protection of their families that

average citizens did not. Yet it was inconclusive in establishing if government

positions made officials more susceptible to mold than their constituents, or


their positions might have served to benefit the health of them and their



What average citizens need to know about mold illnesses is that the

contention in our courtrooms and fear of financial liability over the


dollar " toxic mold " problem stifles and convolutes medical understanding.

If one has been exposed to a 'sick building' and is experiencing a variety

of persistent atypical symptoms, there is an excellent chance their physician

is not educated to understand what may be causing the symptoms.

Provide the physician with the EPA approved University of Connecticut -

" Guidance for Clinicians on the Recognition and Management of Health Effects

Related to Mold Exposure and Moisture Indoors "


(http://oehc.uchc.edu/clinser/MOLD%20GUIDE.pdf) .

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Great article Sharon. I hope it gets some attention!

--- snk1955@... wrote:

> Research Finds Mold May Only Be Harmful to

> Government Officials'

> Families




> _Download this press

> release as an Adobe PDF document._




> As if government officials did not have enough to

> worry about in these days

> of allegations of rampant corruption, new research

> by health advocacy groups

> finds government officials' families may be more

> susceptible to ‘toxic mold’

> than their constituents.

> PRWEB October 25, 2005 -- While average citizens of

> New Orleans are being

> encouraged to return with little warning of

> potential health hazards from

> breathing molds and the toxins they produce,

> Lousiana Governor Kathleen Blanco has

> been residing outside of the Governor’s Mansion.

> The Mansion was undergoing

> a taxpayer paid $800,000 renovation - $500,000 of

> which was for mold removal.


> In August of this year, North Carolina Governor Mike

> Easley's family was

> forced to move from the Governor’s Mansion

> because of mold. This is the second

> time in four years that the 114-year-old mansion

> has been invaded by mold.

> According to Secretary of Administration Gwynn

> Swinson, the governor and his

> family needed to clear out for health reasons.


> In March 2005, Brown of the consumer

> protection division for Kansas

> State Attorney Gen. Phill Kline, sued Kansas

> Republican Party Chairman Tim

> Shallenburger over the home Brown purchased from

> Shallenburger, which was

> reported to have mold (Case #05C-000305, ee

> County District Court, Kansas).

> Brown said things started falling apart in the

> house and that his children

> became ill because of mold.


> Brown has taken no known stance to assist numerous

> average Kansas citizens

> claiming difficulty from mold. This would support

> what appears to be current

> accepted scientific evidence: Mold is only

> dangerous for government officials'

> families.


> As further evidence of this apparent phenomenon,

> implications of a study

> done by allergists affiliated with the American

> College of Allergy, Asthma and

> Immunology (ACAAI) are that average citizens

> complaining of serious mold

> illnesses are simply liars and whiners out to scam

> money from the poor insurance

> industry.


> ACAAI allergist Dr. Abba Terr from UCSF Medical

> Center was able to step

> outside his field of study and into the realm of

> psychology to establish these

> findings. Terr and associates did not connect any

> allergic reactions to the

> poisoning from mold toxins and concluded the

> illnesses were therefore presumed.


> Terr said, " Since these authors have determined

> that the patients they

> describe do not have a mold-related disease but are

> nevertheless seeking

> compensation for presumed illness through a legal

> process that has defined it in

> those terms, toxic mold disease is truly a diagnosis

> of litigation. "


> Mold-Help.Org, a private organization that has

> assisted thousands of average

> citizens, including infants, who 'presume' they are

> physically ill after

> mold exposure, provided research regarding another

> mold susceptible government

> family.


> After a $5.6 million dollar renovation of the South

> Carolina Governor’s

> Mansion three years earlier, First Lady

> Sanford said in 2004, that

> stachybotrys was causing health problems with her

> family. Stachybotrys is a known

> toxin producing mold.


> Mike Sponhour, spokesman for the South Carolina

> State Budget and Control

> Board which oversees maintenance on the building,

> said, " We understand the

> concern the first lady has for the health of her

> family and children. We take

> that very seriously. We’re committed to doing

> everything we can to fix the

> problem and make sure it doesn’t happen again. "


> Like numerous other government officials’

> families from across the US,

> including President W. Bush's, Governor

> Sanford’s family may be more

> susceptible to mold than average families - who

> just presume they are.


> A study recently published in the ls of

> Allergy, Asthma and Immunology,

> the official publication of the ACAAI, substantiated

> average citizens as

> those who may not suffer from the same mold

> susceptibility as analyzed in

> government officials’ families.


> Dr. Emil Bardana, President of the ACAAI and

> prolific expert witness in mold

> litigation, examined 50 mold cases that were

> referred to specified

> physicians largely by representatives of defendants

> named in the lawsuits.


> The study by allergist Bardana concluded that no

> credible medical evidence

> has emerged to link mold exposure to the wide range

> of serious medical

> conditions associated with toxic mold syndrome -

> which is a poisoning, not an

> allergy.


> Although memory and immunological complications

> have been reported by many

> Americans who have been exposed to mold in damp

> buildings, a WebMD Health

> Advisory regarding toxic mold syndrome and issued

> to the public in September of

> this year quoted allergist Bardana as saying, " We

> know that mold can make

> people sick if they end up in the foods they eat.

> But there is little evidence

> that inhaled environmental mold exposure can cause

> the serious illnesses that

> are attributed to it. "


> After the implication of public safety from the

> WebMD Health Advisory, sales

> of OSHA recommended HazMat suits and respirators

> that are typically worn to

> protect from inhaling molds during remediation of

> buildings are anticipated

> to decline.


> Information obtained from the Centers for Disease

> Control and Prevention

> (CDC) indicates that molds can produce toxic

> substances called mycotoxins. Some

> of the molds that are known to produce mycotoxins

> are commonly found in

> moisture-damaged buildings. Exposure pathways for

> mycotoxins can include

> inhalation, ingestion, or skin contact.


> The CDC goes on to state that much of the

> information on the human health

> effects of inhalation exposure to mycotoxins comes

> from studies done in the

> workplace and some case studies or case reports. And

> that many symptoms and

> human health effects attributed to inhalation of

> mycotoxins have been reported

> including: mucous membrane irritation, skin rash,

> nausea, immune system

> suppression, acute or chronic liver damage, acute

> or chronic central nervous system

> damage, endocrine effects and cancer.


> Through the University of Mississippi, research by

> ACAAI allergists is under

> way to determine if stress from Katrina plays any

> role in increasing the

> impact of mold. It is uncertain to this author if

> the focus of this stress

> research should be from Katrina itself, or the

> stress of having the medical

> community not educated to the well documented toxic

> effects produced by some

> molds.


> Either way, in the wake of Katrina with more people

> exposed to damp


=== message truncated ===


- PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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