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Independent Air Tests Find Dangerous Mold Levels in New Orleans

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Independent Air Tests Find Dangerous Mold Levels in New Orleans;

Groups UrgeFeds to Step Up Monitoring, Public Safeguards; Post-

Katrina Test ResultsRe

1 hour, 39 minutes ago




National and Assignment desks, Health and Environment reporters

Contact: Craig Noble, 415-601-8235 (cell) or Elliott Negin, 202-289-


News Advisory:

The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and local community

groups will release results from new tests showing dangerous levels

of mold spores in New Orleans, both indoors and outdoors. The groups

say federal monitoring efforts are inadequate, and urge officials to

start giving both residents and workers the information they need to

protect themselves.

Mold spores can trigger serious health problems, including

allergies, asthma and other respiratory diseases. The researchers

say anyone doing clean-up or debris removal in a moldy environment

should wear nitrile gloves, a proper respirator, safety glasses and

a Tyvek suit. Flood sediment kicked up as dust -- from traffic,

heavy equipment, or even sweeping -- also can pose a health risk,

and people should avoid breathing it.


-- , M.D., the NRDC senior scientist heading the

research team

-- Pam Dashiell, Holy Cross Neighborhood Association

-- Kim Chapital, Deep South Center for Environmental Justice and

Tulane University Office of Environmental Health and Safety

WHEN: Wednesday, Nov. 16, at 11 a.m. (CST)

WHERE: The Sheraton New Orleans Hotel, 500 Canal Street, New

Orleans, Rhythm 1 Conference Room


Reporters outside New Orleans will be able to participate in the

press conference by calling 877-826-1586. The password is " Katrina

Air Monitoring Results. " For NRDC's testing results, reporters can

go to http://www.nrdc.org/health/effects/katrinadata/contents.asp

Wednesday morning.


NRDC can provide expert soundbites and b-roll of the following:

-- Researchers wearing protective gear and setting up indoor air

monitoring equipment

-- Outdoor air pollution monitoring

-- Debris clean up, heavy equipment and sweeping kicking up dust

-- oil refinery and neighborhoods covered with sediment

B-roll will be available at the press conference or from Medialink,


The Natural Resources Defense Council is a national, non-profit

organization of scientists, lawyers and environmental specialists

dedicated to protecting public health and the environment. Founded

in 1970, NRDC has more than 1.2 million members and online activists

nationwide served from offices in New York, Washington, Santa

and San Francisco. More information about NRDC is available through

its Web site: http://www.nrdc.org.



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