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Re: Digest Number 2685

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Thanks Andy

a few comments you MIGHT be interested in:

> Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 06:58:06 -0000

> From: " andrewhallcutler " <AndyCutler@...>

> Subject: Re: andy question about amalgams


> 1. Grinding makes more mercury come out.


> 2. MD's hate chiropractors and osteopaths, and since this is a

> chiropractic or osteopathic problem the way you describe it of course

> the MD has no good options.

> 3. Take lots of magnesium. It is a muscle relaxant that makes you

> feel better.


> 4. If the DC adjustment only holds a week, find a DO (one who does

> manipulation, a lot of them don't) and see if osteopathic adjustment

> holds longer.

Actually the one I refer to IS a DO. He does alignments for others but has

never suggested or done one for me.

> 5. Figure out how to rearrange things at work so as to do more of it

> with your left hand. Most workplaces are reasonably cooperative. if

> they aren't, then try doing exercises with the left arm only to

> counterbalance it.

I work for myself however the equipement I use is right handed and to replace

or change out to a left handed version means I have to by another piece of

equipement that would be around $600. What I have decide to do is avoid doing

that kind of work or limit when I do it and charge more if I do.

> 6. Don't be surprised if the dentist ends up fixing it. My

> experience is that a lot of wierd problems noobody else can keep under

> control go away once the mercury does.


> Andy . . . . . .. . . . . .




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> > 4. If the DC adjustment only holds a week, find a DO (one who


> > manipulation, a lot of them don't) and see if osteopathic


> > holds longer.


> Actually the one I refer to IS a DO. He does alignments for others

but has

> never suggested or done one for me.

, I'm having a hard time following this === I thought you

DID get cranial adjustments? Well, maybe it doesn't matter if

I " follow " or not. In the end I think it still boils down to

the idea that you can (if you choose to) get your skull/back/

sacrum adjusted. I suggest a cranial osteopath. This is a

subset of osteopaths who have been trained in cranial adjustments.

The Cranial Academy has a program for this. More information:


I am just learning a little about the types of certification etc.

I'm sure there is much more to know.......

best wishes,


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  • 3 years later...

While residing at the apartment there were the first ever and initial ER, pcp

and pulmonologist visits, hence the bulk sample testing by the health

department, proving positive for several strains of toxic molds, including

stachy, fusarium, pennicillum, alternaria, etc....at the a/c unit and elsewhere.

Remediation was demanded, resulting in extremely higher counts afterward than

before, resulting in a request to leave. There are pictures of mold on items,

remediation screw-ups, records of maintence lacking in original punch list

requests , documentation galore. Just give up, we're all screwed.

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