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Hi Helen.

> Hi CZ, I am worried about you... Did you do alright in your tests??? When

> will you get the results back ???

I am not very well at the moment. I could not handle doing those tests which

I know probably seems pathetic considering the kind of experiences a lot of

people on this list have been through. I have been put back on fluvoxamine

at 50mg once a day and I am seeing my GP again on Saturday. He thinks that

maybe I should try something like Zyprexa or similar. I withdrew from one of

my units today with permission on medical grounds from the chair of computer

science and I organised with the equity staff to be allowed to miss all the

lectures for the other two units until further notice. I receive tapes and

the lecture slides are available online so I will not miss out on

information. I was told to email the lecturers to let them know that my

absence from my usual front row seat is due to medical reasons and not due

to bad attitude or laziness.

If things continue this way, I will be enrolling as an external student in

as much as possible for next semester and next year. I can not handle

travelling so far to spend all day on campus where there is no quiet place

away from people (the only quiet place is the library and that has bright

lighting and lots of people even if they are being fairly quiet). I am not

getting much study done because of the time I spend going to lectures and

trying to stay sane on campus all day between lectures. It is not working.

As to the blood tests and those yucky poo tests, I am in no state mentally

to do them at the moment. I spent today at uni trying not to cry and/or

scream or get angry and I had to go into the sick room to get away from all

the stimuli there. My GP said when I " calm down a bit " then we can do the

tests but at the moment he wants me to work out medication and get settled

into a routine with my studies and home life. He thinks I will feel better

once those things are done. I am not convinced about drugs like Zyprexa or

Seroquel. I read a little about them online and I do not like the look of

it. I have been given other similar things years ago to control my behaviour

but the new ones are supposed to not be as nasty. I still do not like the

idea of it and I think that I might find study harder on something like

that, but I will comply with my GP if he writes me a prescription because he

is a doctor and I am sure he would not try to harm me. He told me to take

diazepam when I feel like it while I am stressed and finding uni and home

life difficult but I try not to take it too much because I know it is

addictive. I will tell you if anything changes but I am not very " with it "

lately and I am not sure what will be happening. I sort of can understand

that my doctor wants my mind to be well and less anxious and stressed and

overloaded before assessing physical problems because he said that stress

can make them worse anyway and it is better to wait before having tests

since the tests freaked me out badly when I was going to have them.

I meant to ask you before because I have not been keeping up very well with

list mail at the moment and missed it if you said anything but how is it

going with the girls and are they coming back to live with you soon? I think

it would be difficult to be in your situation with them being taken away

although I am not a mother/grandmother and I cannot imagine what it is like.



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Thanks CZ, I agree with you that mean people should not ever have any children...But now a days it seems like the poor children have to suffer at the hands of abusive parents, because they are family...Always keep the family together, no matter what :o( That is so unfair when in this case, he never raised his own children and now he is mentally abusive to them constantly and he is considered the best to raise them, just because he is daddy :o( That just breaks my heart...

Take care of you dear Friend and stay as well as you can...

((( Many Special Hugs )))


"Encourage one another. Many times a word of praise or thanks or appreciation or cheer has kept people on their feet."

- Swindoll


I hope you succeed in getting the girls back or at least getting regular

visits with them after the court stuff is over. It is very unfair how that

sort of thing can happen. I agree that if he loved them like he says he

would not treat them that way or prevent them from seeing you or being with

you since they lived with you all along. I think mean people should not be

allowed to have kids (at least ideally anyway).


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Hi Jessi.

" School is so hard sometimes isn't it :o(. I'm having trouble with mine too.

I'm unable to attend school so twice a week a teacher has been coming over,

well with doctors appointment and getting sick I'm even more behind on my

studies now and my doctors and the school are saying that I should just

leave the HS and work with my doctors for the rest of the school year and

summer, then next school year enroll at the comm. college here in town and

finish through them and transfer over to a 4 year in a couple years. I don't

like the idea of it though I really enjoy school this way just doesn't seem

'right'! How did you handle high school?? Were you able to attend it? "

I was homeschooled for some of high school and I got good grades then. In

mainstream schooling, I failed to graduate from lower secondary. I got into

university by attending a four week course for people with disabilities or

other reasons why their schooling was disrupted (such as they can be

refugees or moved schools a lot of times). After passing that course, I

received an offer into bachelor of science in computer science and on

enrolment day I decided to take a double major in computer science and

internet computing, since that would require me to take no more units but I

would just have to select my comp sci electives from the internet computing

required units (which I might have done anyway because they interest me). I

am doing uni part time, now only two units this semester since I withdrew on

medical grounds from one of the three I had been doing. It will probably

take me a long time to get my degree if I make it that far but at least I am

doing it at all. Nobody expected that I would be living independantly and

attending university.

You are right that school is hard, especially if you have illnesses or

disabilities. My problem in high school was due to autism. I could not

relate with the other kids at all and my sensory problems made it impossible

to learn in a classroom. Aside from that, the syllabus presented was

directed at kids without learning disabilities or pervasive developmental

disorders and I just could not learn that way. I did very well on homeschool

when I basically taught myself from the course books and phoned my teachers

if there was a problem or something needed explaining. I was a motivated

child and enjoyed learning so there was no problem with me submitting work

on time. I submitted most of it as soon as I had done it, and I did my work

when I received it, so I ended up working quite far ahead of schedule. I am

having the same old problems with university and how the classes are

presented and the sensory overload from being on campus unable to get some

quiet and dark space to myself.

My doctor put me on quetiapine yesterday in an attempt to control the

sensory problems and help me to focus in class. I will have to wait and see

if it helps or not. It made me quite drowsy after the first tablet yesterday

but I woke up early today and can think well enough to use email and IRC, so

I guess I am fine this morning in terms of the new drug.

Short answer to what you asked is that I did not handle high school and

failed in several attempts to graduate from it.

I hope your health improves so that you can complete school successfully.

You seem like a bright kid and certainly a strong and courageous one.



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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Hi Helen.

> Thanks CZ... you explained that so even I could understand it :o) Has


> tummy been giving you any problems lately ??? I hope not...

Yesterday it was bad but not today. Most of the time since I have been on

the Depo Provera needles my tummy has not been too bad. My Seroquel is

reduced again today after it was increased I could not think well enough to

write my next assignment. I am now on 25mg in the morning (because that is

when I need to think for uni) and 100mg at night. I will probably also end

up seeing a psychologist at uni for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy to help with

some of the " OCD " (even if the doctors who say it is part of autism are

correct) and maybe then I would not need to take the Seroquel as well as

Luvox. I like Seroquel and think it is a good medicine but after my doctor

increased it last time it made me find it harder to think. I might have

gotten accustomed to that after a few weeks but I do not have that much time

until my assignment is due.

Did anything more happen with the kids? Sorry if you have posted about it

and I missed the post because I have not been able to read many lately.

Take care,



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CZ <creepyzucchini@...> wrote:

Hi Helen.

> Thanks CZ... you explained that so even I could understand it :o) Has


> tummy been giving you any problems lately ??? I hope not...

Yesterday it was bad but not today. Most of the time since I have been on

the Depo Provera needles my tummy has not been too bad. My Seroquel is

reduced again today after it was increased I could not think well enough to

write my next assignment. I am now on 25mg in the morning (because that is

when I need to think for uni) and 100mg at night. I will probably also end

up seeing a psychologist at uni for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy to help with

some of the " OCD " (even if the doctors who say it is part of autism are

correct) and maybe then I would not need to take the Seroquel as well as

Luvox. I like Seroquel and think it is a good medicine but after my doctor

increased it last time it made me find it harder to think. I might have

gotten accustomed to that after a few weeks but I do not have that much time

until my assignment is due.

Did anything more happen with the kids? Sorry if you have posted about it

and I missed the post because I have not been able to read many lately.

Take care,


CZ i think somethings wrong. I feel like im floating. I take 600 units of

sereguol, 900 lithium, and 100 zoloft. Do you think thats too much? My MY, i

feel funny. hugs, kat


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I'm glad the medicine helps you... Tummy pains are so nasty... If the

Seroquel helps you, then tell your Dr. it does help, but you just do not need

as high of a dose as he gave you the last time... He can still prescribe it

for you at a lower dose that does help and still keeps your thinking clear...

This will help the Dr. to know how it is helping and hurting you, by you

telling him :o)

You take care CZ... You are doing Such a Great job !!! I am So Proud of you

for going to UNI !!! You will be the one to show them all !!!

> Yesterday it was bad but not today. Most of the time since I have been on

> the Depo Provera needles my tummy has not been too bad. My Seroquel is

> reduced again today after it was increased I could not think well enough to

> write my next assignment. I am now on 25mg in the morning (because that is

> when I need to think for uni) and 100mg at night. I will probably also end

> up seeing a psychologist at uni for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy to help

> with

> some of the " OCD " (even if the doctors who say it is part of autism are

> correct) and maybe then I would not need to take the Seroquel as well as

> Luvox. I like Seroquel and think it is a good medicine but after my doctor

> increased it last time it made me find it harder to think. I might have

> gotten accustomed to that after a few weeks but I do not have that much

> time

> until my assignment is due.


> Did anything more happen with the kids? Sorry if you have posted about it

> and I missed the post because I have not been able to read many lately.


> Take care,


> CZ


Being an earth angel doesn’t always involve something major, such as saving a


Sometimes we’re just needed to hold a hand, whisper a word of comfort or even

provide food or drink.

As one writer put it,

“If People were more like Angels, Earth would be more like Heaven.â€

Think about it during this very special week..


" Encourage one another. Many times a word of praise or thanks or appreciation

or cheer has kept people on their feet. "



" The first step toward change is acceptance. Once you accept yourself, you

open the door to change. That's all you have to do. Change is not something

you do, it's something you allow. " - Will

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  • 4 months later...

You can pop in the chat room any time...just send an email to the list saying when you want to chat, and we'll be there. (I'm trying to be in there more) if you want me to reinstate the MIRC chat I can do that, but it seems that may be easier for people. Jessi's computer *get it fixed Jessi!* still is not letting her chat, but I haven't heard any other complaints. I am working on a timeline for set chats the way we used to, and I'll be in here 7pm pacific time tomorrow (9-17). I'm sorry you're having such a hard time. To be honest, I know things are difficult for you, because my brother has the same problems. I think those who are able to deal with it and go on (like you) are heroes, and you are certainly a big help to my brother. I talk about you all the time to him. *YOU* are the reason he is still in high school.....no kidding. Maybe you aren't such an idiot after all....Hugs,

Re: Update (long) Don & wrote: > > CZ, > > Boy have I missed you!! My brother asks about you all the time. I also > had a colonoscopy recently, and I also had the migrane from being so > dehydrated. I would've killed for some water that day. The colonoscopy > showed nothing wrong, but I continue to bleed. At this point, the > doctors are telling me "we don't know, leave us alone". I have an > endoscopy scheduled for later this month. If you are still interested > in helping with the group webpage, please let me know. I've been > trying to get it done for ages, and still haven't. This is only if you > *want* to though. Take care, CZ. > > Hugs, > > Hi . I have been too unwell to continue studying at the moment and last semester I had to drop the unit where I was supposed to be learning HTML. Consequently, I am not sure that I would have sufficient knowledge to help with a webpage. I did learn (and get good marks in) quite a bit of java last semester (including applets) but even that I am not sure if I could recall too well. I hate the way my brain gets hazy and unable to think much when I flare up. I have not been able to do any programming for a couple of months at least now. I had a hard time explaining to staff how what they saw last semester as very talented and a future research student prospect is now an idiot due to a stupid illness that half the world does not believe in anyway. CZ P.S. When do you guys meet for chat? I have only been reading mail in response to my own so I am far behind on all my list mail. ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~ The Being Sick Community Message Archives and Digest Attachment Pictures:- /messages Chat:- Scheduled Daily Chats at /chat Bookmarks:- Add a website URL you have found useful. /links Personal Complaints or problems:- Please contact a moderator email: -owner Subscription Details:- 1) Individual email - means that every email sent to the list you receive. 2) Daily Digest - sends you 25 messages in one single email for you to browse. This is an excellent option if you receive alot of email. 3) Web only/No mail - means that you can pop into groups at your convenience and receive no email. To modify your subscription settings please visit:- /join To subscribe or unsubscribe please email:- -subscribe -unsubscribe ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~ When nothing is sure, everything is possible. --- Margaret Drabble ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

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Don & wrote:

> You can pop in the chat room any time...just send an email to the list

> saying when you want to chat, and we'll be there. (I'm trying to be in

> there more) if you want me to reinstate the MIRC chat I can do that, but

> it seems that may be easier for people. Jessi's computer *get it

> fixed Jessi!* still is not letting her chat, but I haven't heard any

> other complaints. I am working on a timeline for set chats the way we

> used to, and I'll be in here 7pm pacific time tomorrow (9-17). I'm sorry

> you're having such a hard time. To be honest, I know things are

> difficult for you, because my brother has the same problems. I think

> those who are able to deal with it and go on (like you) are heroes, and

> you are certainly a big help to my brother. I talk about you all the

> time to him. *YOU* are the reason he is still in high school.....no

> kidding. Maybe you aren't such an idiot after all....

> Hugs,



Hi .

Thanks for writing such a nice post to me. What grade is your brother in?


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You're welcome, and it's true. My brother is a Junior (11th grade) this

year. He's doing very well. I gave him a book on learning types and it

has seemed to help him study better. He of course still has a problem

with social skills and aggravation, but he understands his illness

enough to realize when he needs to be alone.

Re: CZ

Don & wrote:

> You can pop in the chat room any time...just send an email to the list

> saying when you want to chat, and we'll be there. (I'm trying to be in

> there more) if you want me to reinstate the MIRC chat I can do that,


> it seems that may be easier for people. Jessi's computer *get it

> fixed Jessi!* still is not letting her chat, but I haven't heard any

> other complaints. I am working on a timeline for set chats the way we

> used to, and I'll be in here 7pm pacific time tomorrow (9-17). I'm


> you're having such a hard time. To be honest, I know things are

> difficult for you, because my brother has the same problems. I think

> those who are able to deal with it and go on (like you) are heroes,


> you are certainly a big help to my brother. I talk about you all the

> time to him. *YOU* are the reason he is still in high school.....no

> kidding. Maybe you aren't such an idiot after all....

> Hugs,



Hi .

Thanks for writing such a nice post to me. What grade is your brother



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The Being Sick Community

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When nothing is sure, everything is possible.

--- Margaret Drabble

~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

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It helps to get time out before things escalate into a meltdown. As an

adult, I am much better at knowing where my limits are and not being

forced to try more than I know I can do by other people. I am glad your

brother is doing well and has some good understanding of his own needs.


Don & wrote:

> CZ,


> You're welcome, and it's true. My brother is a Junior (11th grade) this

> year. He's doing very well. I gave him a book on learning types and it

> has seemed to help him study better. He of course still has a problem

> with social skills and aggravation, but he understands his illness

> enough to realize when he needs to be alone.




> Re: CZ



> Don & wrote:


>>You can pop in the chat room any time...just send an email to the list

>>saying when you want to chat, and we'll be there. (I'm trying to be in



>>there more) if you want me to reinstate the MIRC chat I can do that,


> but


>>it seems that may be easier for people. Jessi's computer *get it



>>fixed Jessi!* still is not letting her chat, but I haven't heard any

>>other complaints. I am working on a timeline for set chats the way we

>>used to, and I'll be in here 7pm pacific time tomorrow (9-17). I'm


> sorry


>>you're having such a hard time. To be honest, I know things are

>>difficult for you, because my brother has the same problems. I think

>>those who are able to deal with it and go on (like you) are heroes,


> and


>>you are certainly a big help to my brother. I talk about you all the

>>time to him. *YOU* are the reason he is still in high school.....no

>>kidding. Maybe you aren't such an idiot after all....






> Hi .


> Thanks for writing such a nice post to me. What grade is your brother

> in?


> CZ



> ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

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> When nothing is sure, everything is possible.


> --- Margaret Drabble


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi CZ,

I know my reply is really very slow, but I just want to say that I am really sorry for your loss.

Please take care,


Re: CZ

Dear my favorite Zucchini, I'm so sorry for your loss! Often losing a pet is worse than people we know because of their unconditional love I think. My heart goes out to you. Jen

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Thanks Ling.

How are your headaches?


Bunbun wrote:

> Hi CZ,

> I know my reply is really very slow, but I just want to say that I am

> really sorry for your loss.


> Please take care,

> Ling


> * Re: CZ


> Dear my favorite Zucchini,


> I'm so sorry for your loss! Often losing a pet is worse than people

> we know because of their unconditional love I think. My heart goes

> out to you.


> Jen



> ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

> The Being Sick Community



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> ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

> When nothing is sure, everything is possible.


> --- Margaret Drabble


> ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~




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Hi CZ,

Headaches always there, as usual, but still functioning. Thanks so much for


Hope you are much better,


* Re: CZ

> >

> > Dear my favorite Zucchini,

> >

> > I'm so sorry for your loss! Often losing a pet is worse than people

> > we know because of their unconditional love I think. My heart goes

> > out to you.

> >

> > Jen

> >

> >

> > ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

> > The Being Sick Community

> >

> >

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> >

> > ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

> > When nothing is sure, everything is possible.

> >

> > --- Margaret Drabble

> >

> > ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

> >

> >

> >

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I am tired and sore today because I went to a fair yesterday. I had fun

though there was a lot of walking. It was good to be out of the house

for a day and doing something different to usual.


Bunbun wrote:

> Hi CZ,


> Headaches always there, as usual, but still functioning. Thanks so much for

> asking.


> Hope you are much better,

> Ling

> * Re: CZ


>>> Dear my favorite Zucchini,


>>> I'm so sorry for your loss! Often losing a pet is worse than people

>>> we know because of their unconditional love I think. My heart goes

>>> out to you.


>>> Jen



>>>~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

>>> The Being Sick Community



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>>>3) Web only/No mail - means that you can pop into groups at your

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>>>To modify your subscription settings please visit:-



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>>>~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

>>>When nothing is sure, everything is possible.


>>>--- Margaret Drabble


>>>~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~




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GOOD FOR YOU!!!! CZ you need to have some fun!!!! I have not been able to catch you on, haven't been on much cause I had my tooth pulled Thursday, I was a real hard one to pull. It was decayed so when he tried pulling it it broke into pieces, so he tried drilling it down some, then realized that it was stuck to the bone and would not come out the way he was doing it, so he had to drill it some more, cut it to separate the roots, then pull each root one at a time. It didn't hurt while he was doing it, thanks to the Novocain, but once the Novocain wore off it started hurting bad. And its still hurting and my face is all swollen. So that's why I haven't really been on. Hope you are doing well. Did you get your new budgie? Well take care of yourself and I will talk to ya later!!!! Hugs, * Re: CZ>>>>>> Dear my favorite Zucchini,>>>>>> I'm so sorry for your loss! Often losing a pet is worse than people>>> we know because of their unconditional love I think. My heart goes>>> out to you.>>>>>> Jen>>>>>>>>>~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~>>> The Being Sick Community>>>>>>>>>Message Archives and Digest Attachment Pictures:->>>/messages>>>>>>Chat:- Scheduled Daily Chats at>>>/chat>>>>>>Bookmarks:->>>Add a website URL you have found useful.>>>/links>>>>>>Personal Complaints or problems:->>>Please contact a moderator>>>email: -owner >>>>>>Subscription Details:->>>1) Individual email - means that every email sent to the list you>>> receive.> >>>2) Daily Digest - sends you 25 messages in one single email for you to>>>browse. This is an excellent option if you receive alot of email.>>>3) Web only/No mail - means that you can pop into groups at your>>>convenience and receive no email.>>>>>>To modify your subscription settings please visit:->>>/join>>>>>>To subscribe or unsubscribe please email:->>>-subscribe >>>-unsubscribe >>>>>>~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~>>>When nothing is sure, everything is possible.>>>>>>--- Margaret Drabble>>>>>>~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~>>>>>>>>>

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I will get my new budgie after it is grown up enough to leave its nest

and come to my house. I have to phone the breeder in a week or two to

find out what colours are coming through when the babies will be getting

their first feathers.



> GOOD FOR YOU!!!! CZ you need to have some fun!!!! I have not been able

> to catch you on, haven't been on much cause I had my tooth pulled

> Thursday, I was a real hard one to pull. It was decayed so when he tried

> pulling it it broke into pieces, so he tried drilling it down some, then

> realized that it was stuck to the bone and would not come out the way he

> was doing it, so he had to drill it some more, cut it to separate the

> roots, then pull each root one at a time. It didn't hurt while he was

> doing it, thanks to the Novocain, but once the Novocain wore off it

> started hurting bad. And its still hurting and my face is all swollen.

> So that's why I haven't really been on. Hope you are doing well. Did you

> get your new budgie? Well take care of yourself and I will talk to ya

> later!!!!


> Hugs,




> * Re: CZ

> >>>

> >>> Dear my favorite Zucchini,

> >>>

> >>> I'm so sorry for your loss! Often losing a pet is worse than

> people

> >>> we know because of their unconditional love I think. My

> heart goes

> >>> out to you.

> >>>

> >>> Jen

> >>>

> >>>

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> >>>

> >>>

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Hi CZ,

Do you have animals at your fairs??? What do they have at the fairs in Austrailia??? Here they have animals and rides and crafts and Lots of food :o)

How are you feeling??? Any more tummy problems??? What did they say about your tests results ??? Any news yet???

((( Happy Hugs )))


I am tired and sore today because I went to a fair yesterday. I had fun though there was a lot of walking. It was good to be out of the house for a day and doing something different to usual.


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Sounds good CZ :o)

How many will that make for you then ?

When I get my own computer back you will have to resend me your pics again, as I'm afraid I may have lost everything :o(

((( Birdie Hugs )))


I will get my new budgie after it is grown up enough to leave its nest and come to my house. I have to phone the breeder in a week or two to find out what colours are coming through when the babies will be getting their first feathers.


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Awee sounds like a beauty to me... Will be waiting for pics... I lost everything I already had on my other computer :o( Did you find a flight cage that you liked??? Or are you going to make one??? We keep ours clipped also... But they are strong flyers and they try their best to get the altitude :o)

Have fun with your new one and take care of yourself...

((( Birdie Hugs )))


Hi Helen.

I am still feeling awful but today I had a few good hours. I went out to

look at "patio aviaries" (the name they have here for what I know as

"flight cages") and came home with another addition. A beautiful little

dark-eyed clear. I am referring to it as female until I know when it

grows up. She is so tame and I found it hard to clip her wings because

she was not being naughty or flying around the house too much and she

would come to me with no trouble. I clipped her because all my others

are clipped and I really cannot have a budgie flying wherever it wants..

unsafe for the bird and it would be too hard for me to have them out of

their cages. She did not mind the clip and has been snuggling on my

shoulder for the past few hours (the others are in "bed"). I named her


I will send you pics when I get some but it might be a while. I have a

film I bought for my camera and when that is finished and developed I

will find somewhere to scan them.

Piper has a sore foot but he is being a naughty boy and refusing to rest

it even if I take all the perches out he climbs up the cage side with

his beak and his good foot and hangs off the ceiling so I gave up and

let him have the perches. It does not look like it is broken because he

lets me touch it and he just seems to be favouring his other foot. If he

is worse or still bad after a night's sleep I will think about ways to

make him rest. He is really happy to have Icicle here because now he has

a cage-buddy too like the others.


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They probably only take a little nibble :o) Angel takes a chunk out!!! They are cute to have... it is fun isn't it??? Keeps your mind occupied away from worries too...

((( Happy Hugs )))


Yes there will probably be little ones. I am trying restricting the

amount of daylight hours they get until they are old enough to be good

parents and then I will have nesting boxes and let them.

Mysti gets in moods like your Angel but she is only a little budgie. She

is very naughty always chewing things and biting other peoples feet (and

mine too) and she gets in the middle of the food plate and points her

beak at anyone who comes near to get some food. She is cute though and

she smooches on me.



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Yes I found a flight cage I liked. It has wheels and a sliding out tray

for cleaning and it is about 3' by 3' and probably 4' tall. I might have

the lengths a bit wrong because I am just guessing them. The shop had it

in their catalogue so even if they sell the one that was on display they

can get more.


angelbear1129@... wrote:

> */Awee sounds like a beauty to me... Will be waiting for pics... I lost

> everything I already had on my other computer :o( Did you find a flight

> cage that you liked??? Or are you going to make one??? We keep ours

> clipped also... But they are strong flyers and they try their best to

> get the altitude :o)

> Have fun with your new one and take care of yourself...

> ((( Birdie Hugs )))

> Helen

> /**//*


>> Hi Helen.


>> I am still feeling awful but today I had a few good hours. I went out to

>> look at " patio aviaries " (the name they have here for what I know as

>> " flight cages " ) and came home with another addition. A beautiful little

>> dark-eyed clear. I am referring to it as female until I know when it

>> grows up. She is so tame and I found it hard to clip her wings because

>> she was not being naughty or flying around the house too much and she

>> would come to me with no trouble. I clipped her because all my others

>> are clipped and I really cannot have a budgie flying wherever it wants..

>> unsafe for the bird and it would be too hard for me to have them out of

>> their cages. She did not mind the clip and has been snuggling on my

>> shoulder for the past few hours (the others are in " bed " ). I named her

>> Icicle.


>> I will send you pics when I get some but it might be a while. I have a

>> film I bought for my camera and when that is finished and developed I

>> will find somewhere to scan them.


>> Piper has a sore foot but he is being a naughty boy and refusing to rest

>> it even if I take all the perches out he climbs up the cage side with

>> his beak and his good foot and hangs off the ceiling so I gave up and

>> let him have the perches. It does not look like it is broken because he

>> lets me touch it and he just seems to be favouring his other foot. If he

>> is worse or still bad after a night's sleep I will think about ways to

>> make him rest. He is really happy to have Icicle here because now he has

>> a cage-buddy too like the others.


>> CZ








> Signature Creations by


> */

> PANDORASBOX8 <http://www.wtv-zone.com/pandy2/>/*




> */ /**//*



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> When nothing is sure, everything is possible.


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That sounds like a good size for your birds... Angels cage is 3' wide x 4' long x 5' high... if we lived near you ross could build you one :o) Would be a lot cheaper :o) I know cages cost a lot of money...

Have a Good Day...

((( Happy Hugs )))


Yes I found a flight cage I liked. It has wheels and a sliding out tray

for cleaning and it is about 3' by 3' and probably 4' tall. I might have

the lengths a bit wrong because I am just guessing them. The shop had it

in their catalogue so even if they sell the one that was on display they

can get more.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey CZ,,,

Glad to hear you are doing somewhat better!!! Do you think you are going to

be healthy enough to keep a job??? If not please dont push yourself,,,you

dont have to impress anyone!!! If you cant do it,,,dont,,,,and dont worry

about what everyone else is thinking!!! Take care of yourself!!!!

Re: CZ

> wrote:

> > CZ,,,

> >

> > Hi,,, how are you doing? Okay here,,, sorry I havent been online,, been

> > trying to get myself back into a good sleeping pattern. Please let us

> > know how you are doing,, last time I spoke with you, you were in real

> > bad shape,,, so I worry!!! (Its the mommy in me!!) Take Care


> I am better now than I was then. Still very tired and I keep waking up

> too early and being tired again so I did not get much housework done and

> it has been hard work keeping the birds stuff clean. Today I have to go

> to the Autism Association for an appointment with their employment

> agency so it looks like I might get some part time work sometime soon. I

> hope that I will be well enough to do it when I get a job.


> Is your tooth better now?


> CZ



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> When nothing is sure, everything is possible.


> --- Margaret Drabble


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I need the money. $60 (Australian) for two weeks food is very hard to

live on and I am getting tired of having to scrimp and save on

everything. I would like to be able to be comfortable with internet

access and know that I can easily pay a vet bill for my birds if I need

to rather than having to deprive myself of food and electricity

(restrict TV watching times and be careful not to have lights on unless

I really need them etc.) whenever I have to pay out extra for the birds

or any other unexpected money.

One thing that I will be doing is selling baby budgies at the market

when my birds are old enough to breed. I want to sell craft things as

well and I would welcome any ideas of easy to make things that people

would buy at the market. I have plenty of hours to spend on making things.



> Hey CZ,,,

> Glad to hear you are doing somewhat better!!! Do you think you are going to

> be healthy enough to keep a job??? If not please dont push yourself,,,you

> dont have to impress anyone!!! If you cant do it,,,dont,,,,and dont worry

> about what everyone else is thinking!!! Take care of yourself!!!!


> Re: CZ




>> wrote:




>>>Hi,,, how are you doing? Okay here,,, sorry I havent been online,, been

>>>trying to get myself back into a good sleeping pattern. Please let us

>>>know how you are doing,, last time I spoke with you, you were in real

>>>bad shape,,, so I worry!!! (Its the mommy in me!!) Take Care


>>I am better now than I was then. Still very tired and I keep waking up

>>too early and being tired again so I did not get much housework done and

>>it has been hard work keeping the birds stuff clean. Today I have to go

>>to the Autism Association for an appointment with their employment

>>agency so it looks like I might get some part time work sometime soon. I

>>hope that I will be well enough to do it when I get a job.


>>Is your tooth better now?





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>>~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

>>When nothing is sure, everything is possible.


>>--- Margaret Drabble


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Hey CZ,

Yeah,,, I understand your situation since we are living week to week also. I

do ceramics,,,painting them however its just a hobby for me, but I know that

people will buy painted ceramics,,,especailly around xmas time!! So thats an

idea. Also my mom crochets her most famous thing are santa and mrs clause

stockings,,,, she gets bombarded with people wanting to buy them around xmas

time,,,, and she doesnt even advertise to sell them,,, just people have seen

them then want one,,, I will have to post a picture of the one she made my

daughter,,,,but since its packed away with all my xmas stuff wont be able to

do it till December. Take care of yourself!!!

Re: CZ

> >

> >

> >

> >> wrote:

> >>

> >>>CZ,,,

> >>>

> >>>Hi,,, how are you doing? Okay here,,, sorry I havent been online,, been

> >>>trying to get myself back into a good sleeping pattern. Please let us

> >>>know how you are doing,, last time I spoke with you, you were in real

> >>>bad shape,,, so I worry!!! (Its the mommy in me!!) Take Care

> >>

> >>I am better now than I was then. Still very tired and I keep waking up

> >>too early and being tired again so I did not get much housework done and

> >>it has been hard work keeping the birds stuff clean. Today I have to go

> >>to the Autism Association for an appointment with their employment

> >>agency so it looks like I might get some part time work sometime soon. I

> >>hope that I will be well enough to do it when I get a job.

> >>

> >>Is your tooth better now?

> >>

> >>CZ

> >>

> >>

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> >>When nothing is sure, everything is possible.

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> >>--- Margaret Drabble

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> >>

> >>

> >>

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