Guest guest Posted December 5, 2005 Report Share Posted December 5, 2005 Bob and members, KC is so correct.......especially if you state that you have Chronic Fatigue , the last thing you need is " pot " . That is just plain stupid!!!! Don't put any more chemicals into your body than needed. Not to mention it is illegal!!!!!!!!!! I have never seen a smart " pot head " and it never gets any better. Talk about not having goals...if you did, " pot " takes them away. Don't mean to come down on anyone this hard but please use your brain or what's left of it. Not to forget the MOLD content in the stuff! YUK! Marcie tigerpaw2c <tigerpaw2c@...> wrote: Bob and Members, you might want to think twice before attempting the use of this and do some further research. Beside it just being illegal, unless prescribed. KC Moldy Marijuana, The Straight Dope Fungi destroy more bud than bacteria and insects combined. Bacteria in marijuana may be more dangerous to humans, but they are rare. Molds are common, and can be nasty: reports four policeman developing pulmonary histoplasmosis after pulling up a 5,000-square- meter plot of marijuana in Puerto Rico. Some fungi won't rot pot, but they will put you in the hospital. Many fungi causing disease in plants die off after their host is harvested. Exceptions include _Botrytis cinerea_ (the cause of gray mold) and _Alternaria alternata_ (brown blight). After harvest, your competition becomes _Aspergillus_, _Penicillium_, _Rhizopus_, and _Mucor_, the baddest actors on the planet. Each genus causes disease under different conditions: Ubiquitous _Aspergillus_ grows on anything from rocket fuel to astronauts. The genus is millions of years old; while _Home sapiens_ may come and go, _Aspergillus_ will remain. Westendorp first found an _Aspergillus_ species attacking _Cannabis_ in 1854. More recently, Margolis & Clorfene describe a mold that _increases_ potency in marijuana. Their " black weblike fungus " sounds like an _Aspergillus_ species. _What_ species, I'd like to know.... Schwartz scraped _Aspergillus niger_ from the skull of a marijuana smoker experiencing sinus headaches. I frequently encounter _A. niger_ growing in ganja stored at room temperature. It does _not_ increase potency. Kagen also reports _A. niger_ growing in moldy marijuana, along with two _even nastier_ Aspergilli: _A. fumigatus_ and _A. flavus._ Chusid et al. blame _A. fumigatus_ for causing near-fatal pneumonitis in a 17-year-old. They note the patient buried his marijuana underground for " aging. " No doubt the patient was looking for Margolis & Clorfene's fungus, but _A. fumigatus_ found him instead. _A. flavus_, on the other hand, kills slowly. It oozes carcinogenic metabolites called aflatoxins. Llewellyn & O'Rear found aflatoxins contaminating Virginian marijuana. _Aspergillus_ species grow better in warmer climates, _Penicillium_ in cooler climates. Refrigerator storage encourages _Penicillium_ infestation. Kagen et al. isolated _Penicillium_ from marijuana cigarettes. Babu et al. identified _P. chrysogenum_ attacking marijuana. (_P. chrysogenum_ occurs abundantly in nature, and was Fleming's source of penicillin.) I isolated _P. italicum_ from marijuana stored with an orange peel at 0 degrees Centigrade. Adding peels to pot imparts a " pleasant bouquet " ( & Rosenthal). In my case, the peel imparted a nidus of infection. _P italicum_, the " blue citrus mold, " is notorious for its ability to spread by contact (i.e., " one bad apple spoils the whole bunch " ). Five _Mucor_ species have been described on _Cannabis._ Members of this genus grow fast and die young. One of them, _M. hiemalis_, regrettably bioconcentrates (and cannot metabolize) the herbicide paraquat from tainted substrates (Domsch et al.). _Mucor's_ first cousin, _Rhizopus,_ occurs in soil, ripe foodstuffs, and occasionally on people (especially diabetics). Grebeniuk isolated _R. stolonifer_ from hemp stems. In an inoculation experiment, I quickly rotted some damp marijuana with a colony of _R. stolonifer_ found growing on bread. DIAGNOSIS Rotting marijuana produces a spectrum of odors, from stale to musty to moldy. _P. italicum_ perfumes a lavender bouquet, while _A. flavus_ smells like a locker room. _Clostridium_ bacteria stink like carrion. Infested marijuana often darkens in color and becomes crumbly. Anaerobic bacteria turn marijuana into brown slime. Marijuana undergoing rapid decay may feel warm to touch. (At this stage your stash is ready for the compost heap.) Tufts of fungi are often visible in mold material. In marijuana stored in darkness, strands look white to light grey. Exposed to light, storage molds spawn millions of colored spores in velvet clumps. A slight tap sends these spores into great billowing clouds. Generally, _Rhizopus_ and _Mucor_ produce grey-black spores; _Penicillium_ species are light blue-green; and _Aspergillus_ species are dark green-black. To check for aflatoxins, inspect your stash under a black light (in medicalese, a " Wood's Lamp " ). Material contaminated with aflatoxin- producing _A. flavus_ will fluoresce to a green hue under ultraviolet light. CONSUMER CAVEATS Immunosuppressed individuals and asthmatics should never be exposed to molds, especially _Aspergillus._ People using medical marijuana should take extra precautions: Ungerlerder et al. sterilized marijuana with ethylene oxide, reporting no loss of THC from fumigation. These researchers also irradiated their dope with high-dose Cobalt 60 (15,000 to 20,000 Gray Units!) with no loss of THC. _This method is not recommended for novices._ Moody et al. evaluated waterpipes for smoking _Aspergillus_- contaminated marijuana. Unfortunately, they found only a 15% reduction in transmission of fungal spores. In Chicago, goofy dudes spray their marijuana with formaldehyde. This kills insects and fungi, but at a price. The treated weed, known as AMP, causes anoxia and psychomotor retardation when smoked (Spector). According to _Newsweek_ (Jan. 20, 1986), a few ill- intentioned dealers dipped marijuana in rat poison or insecticides like Black Flag or Raid. They called this product " WAC. " Indeed. Have a nice day. > > It is at the newsstands now. Of special interest to me: > > 1. studies on marijuana showed it contains extract named Sativex, which lessens the pain of RA and actually suppressed the disease. it has anti-inflammatory effects and is said to reduce brain inflammation. Most all of the " new " illnesses such as CFS, have inflammation. > > 2. There were four new types of housing discussed and it looked to me that three of them would work for people with mold problems. > > Much more of interest > > > > > --------------------------------- > Personals > Single? 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Guest guest Posted December 5, 2005 Report Share Posted December 5, 2005 Marcie McGovern <marcie1029@...> wrote: Bob and members, KC is so correct.......especially if you state that you have Chronic Fatigue , the last thing you need is " pot " . KC & Marcie, I went back and reread my post about what " Time " printed about pot and inflammation. I did not suggest that people try it. Saying that I did is like saying that Time magazine told people to use it. I found it interesting that there is an extract in pot which is anti-inflammatory. someone just posted about an alkaloid in some mold which is also in LSD. Reporting reseearch findings is not the same as saying let's do it. I am not stupid, though I do stupid things at times. I think KC posted studies which showed that marijuana could add to our mold problems. We need to see different studies and all make up our OWN minds about what we think is right for us. I have seen recent posts talking about people leaving from where they are. That reminds me of what some people were saying about the poor who just didn't jump into their SUV's and fill up with $50 worth of gas, drive far away and pull out a visa to pay for a motel room. The New Orleans fiasco made me deeply aware of just how trapped the poor are. I saw a 60 minute's show and they were asking a poor back woman with three poor sons if they thoughtshould move from their mold-infested homes. The wise old woman, about 90, said they probably should but where would they go and how would they pay for it. Bob --------------------------------- Personals Let fate take it's course directly to your email. See who's waiting for you Personals Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 10, 2005 Report Share Posted December 10, 2005 Marcie McGovern <marcie1029@...> wrote: Bob, I do not think you are stupid but that it was a " stupid " idea to even entertain the idea of using the stuff when mold is a major issue. Marcia, since little is known about mold, I do not see how you could say what is good or bad concerning mold. well we know some things are bad but we have never seen studies about pot and mold/mcs. I will say the name but a very longtime PWC backchanneled me and said that he/she knows of quite a few older people who would never consider breaking law, have been smoking pot for both CFS and mold. I am not promoting the use of pot on this list. It is an individual decision we each have to make but the time magazine article was fact and yours is just a personal opinion. There is no proof one way or the other of the effects of pot on mold suffers. I would bet money though that if I were in one of the eleven states which doctors can give prescriptions for pot to patients, that I could get one. In the many years on CFS goups, I have beconme aware that there are many people who complain but are not willing to look at different things. I know of two things which are helping people with CFS now. I will probably try them. I know one woman who was negative about everything that we tried yet the name of the list is , which means to me that we are experimenting. when several of started to have success with B-12 shots, she said that sounded stupid. guess what, she now says she is at 90% and gives much of the credit to B-12 People should be informed and the time magazine article just proved that pot reduces inflammation. Now do we have inflammation? It has been proven that people with CFS/FM/RA have a lot of inflammation. There is no medicine which can be taken for inflammation for very long. You say that long term pot use leads to laziness is something I know is not true. I know many successful people in the business world of Dallas who smoke pot almost every night. someone of them are in their 50's. I value you opinion on things but I must disagree with the things you said about pot. To make it very clear, I am in know way emdorsing the use of pot for people on this list. I will say that if I were in a state which permittted it for medical use, I would be right there trying it! some of the medicine I take are much worse that pot! I am addicted to SSRI's and I would have to go through withdrawal even if I got well and didn't need them anymore. your friend, Bob --------------------------------- Find Great Deals on Holiday Gifts at Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 11, 2005 Report Share Posted December 11, 2005 Before I began seeing Dr. Shoemaker and was so sick I hardly ever slept! I would be horribly tired during the day, almost coma like, but then at night I couldn't sleep. I sometimes had a hard time falling asleep and if I did I would be wide awake an hr. later. Nothing I did helped. I was taking enough Tylenol PM to put a horse to sleep but it did nothing for me. I guess I would finally fall asleep about 5 PM just in time to get up and go to school to start the whole terrible cycle again. I felt like I crawled to work and then crawled home. I sleep now and usually straight through the night unless I've had an exposure then I notice I don't sleep well. Sue I think one of the things that mold does, in my experience, is that it PROFOUNDLY upsets my ability to sleep soundly. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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