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Re: Medical Edge (also - The Shampoo/Toxin Connection)

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Daily bathing, including daily use of a germicidal soap, and - if necessary,

corn starch will clear that right up...

One thing though. I have a moldy bathroom, which is not caused by bad

housekeeping, its caused by mold coming from inside the walls. I always make

sure to wash out the tub when I take a bath, and I'm trying not to take

baths these days. Why? Because a publication on mycotoxins I read mentioned

that several well-known shampoo/soap ingredients - like sodium lauryl



So, if you have mold on your heair, or toxic mold around your bathtub, and

you take a shampoo.. the shampoo helps it absorb into you...

For me, this explains a lot, because for years, before I realized that the

mold in my bathroom was toxic, I had been taking long hot baths, because I

love them, but also because of another medical condition..

Which it helps.. BUT.. a few hours later, usually at work, (when i had a

job..) would often be red as a beet, sweating, and have a ringing in my ears

as loud as an airplane taking off..

On my own, I noticed that this would not happen if I didnt use soap, so I

started taking long 'soaks' and only using soap every other day..

Something to think about..



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Do you remember where you read that?

maybe it explains why I feel better when I use salt instead of soap. Or one of

my soaps

instead of the other.

A friend can only use Dr Haushka's brand of stuff for that reason- I didn't know

why, and

neither does she, it is the only one she can tolerate, no lauryl

sulfates.....maybe I will have

to get some.


> Daily bathing, including daily use of a germicidal soap, and - if necessary,

> corn starch will clear that right up...


> One thing though. I have a moldy bathroom, which is not caused by bad

> housekeeping, its caused by mold coming from inside the walls. I always make

> sure to wash out the tub when I take a bath, and I'm trying not to take

> baths these days. Why? Because a publication on mycotoxins I read mentioned

> that several well-known shampoo/soap ingredients - like sodium lauryl




> So, if you have mold on your heair, or toxic mold around your bathtub, and

> you take a shampoo.. the shampoo helps it absorb into you...


> For me, this explains a lot, because for years, before I realized that the

> mold in my bathroom was toxic, I had been taking long hot baths, because I

> love them, but also because of another medical condition..


> Which it helps.. BUT.. a few hours later, usually at work, (when i had a

> job..) would often be red as a beet, sweating, and have a ringing in my ears

> as loud as an airplane taking off..


> On my own, I noticed that this would not happen if I didnt use soap, so I

> started taking long 'soaks' and only using soap every other day..


> Something to think about..


> Really...





> >




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> maybe it explains why I feel better when I use salt instead of soap.

Or one of my soaps

> instead of the other.

Just beware of the real Soap Mold Monsters (as I like to call them),

i.e. the soaps which actually contain living toxic mold and

mycotoxins. Yes, they do exist.

In 1995 several brands of imported Turkish soaps appeared here on the

market (somebody obviously made a lot of money on that crap). I

got one of them as a present from my aunt... when I opened it and

washed my hands I experienced one of the most severe mold exposures

in my whole life (at that time I didn't know it was mold). The whole

bathroom became contaminated and it spread to pretty much everything

in the whole house! Effects? Terrible skin burning, STRONG nausea,

vomiting, diarrhoea, and to a lesser extent loss of movement

coordiantion and general depression. It was real HELL. Now I know how

the hell really looks like, I have been there.

It took me three years to decontaminate just the bathroom, and 10

years to get rid of all the objects contaminated from that particular


How did the mold get in the soap? I can only guess... but since soaps

are made of animal fat, and animals eat crops which can be

contaminated with fusairum and other types of mold, that could be the

explanation. Or the production process was such that mold

contamination was possible.

The similar thing happened again in 2000 but this time I sensed the

mold even before the soap package was fully opened, so the effects

were a bit milder.

A friend of mine also got one of those nasties but she had a different

reaction to mine. She only got a lot of red skin rash and there were

also some blisters. I told her it was because of the soap (I sensed it

when I was at her place), but she didn't believe me at first. When her

symptoms became more severe she finally listened to my advice and

tossed the soap, washed the whole bathroom with bleach, and the skin

rash disappeared quickly. However the mycotoxins persisted for about

three years in her flat. Luckily, she isn't so sensitive to mold as I am.

Recently I heard other people were complaining about those turkish

soaps as well, and I think they are banned now. At least I hope so.

Since that time I have used only proven and tested domestic shampoos

(the simpler the shampoo formula, the better), and haven't had any


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I know we have a lot of new people on the board, and I don't know how

much everyone knows about shampoos, and products with fragrance but

many people that are ill from mold become sensitive to shampoos,

cosmetics, fragrances, etc. Many times at first you don't realize that

fragrances cuz headaches, migrances, muscle aches, etc. I always used

hair spray, fragrances, nail polish but after I became ill from mold

and had serious sinus infections, asthma I could no longer tolerate

everyday products. I just wanted to mention it in case anyone out

there that is new to this illness might not know about the chemical

induced asthma, reactive airways disease, or mcs. Not too long ago I

met a girl that had mcs for 20 years and didn't even know what was

wrong. She had a child and he was born with this chemical illness. He

is 3 and can only eat 2 foods. She did say that they had some water

damage in her home when she was little. I guess she got ill at about

10 years old. Just some info I thought I would share.

--- In , " Branislav " <arealis@g...> wrote

> > maybe it explains why I feel better when I use salt instead of soap.

> Or one of my soaps

> > instead of the other.

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Thanks for the site. I remember that DMSO was used by my vets (DVMS) to get

medicines absorbed through the skin of the horses. Polyethelene glycol is

antifreeze, and

sodium laurel sulfate is ? maybe involved in the dispersal?

This is a chilling reminder of why war is such a bad idea , and also why you

just can't trust

the press releases of the national governments on this planet. They usually say

one thing

while they are busily doing another.

Now if the gov't would find a way to protect us from these very things, it would

be very


> >

> > Do you remember where you read that?

> >

> > maybe it explains why I feel better when I use salt instead of soap. Or

> > one of my soaps

> > instead of the other.

> >

> > A friend can only use Dr Haushka's brand of stuff for that reason- I

> > didn't know why, and

> > neither does she, it is the only one she can tolerate, no lauryl

> > sulfates.....maybe I will have

> > to get some.

> >

> >




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