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Only people with HIV/Aids can have compromised immune systems???

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Had a scope done today and when I asked about a possible fungal

infection due to mold exposure, I was told that only people with

HIV/AIDS that have a compromised immune system can get fungal

infections. I explained to him that IS NOT possible that I have

HIV/AIDS and 25% of the people at work are sick with bowel problems.

rashes and eye/throat/lung infections due to mold exposure. He

repeated that only people with HIV/AIDS that have compromised immune

systems can get fungal infections throughout the body. I felt like I

was beating my head against a brick wall. I asked if he could

determine if I had a bowel fungal infection. He said no. He took two

biopsies(spelling?)and told me I had to have a scope every two to

five years. He totally ignored the fact that my IBS had cleared up a

few weeks after leaving the workplace (the same as others at work).

I told him that I took probiotics and yogurt daily now, and have not

had one attack since leaving workplace. It became obvious that he

does not know about mold illness. He said that he is going to write

in his report that my illness (IBS) has apparently resolved itself

after leaving the workplace. Also that others at work had it too.

Another co-worker was there for the same scope day surgery as me

(coincidence??). She was not aware that others at work were sick as

she quit when she got sick. She had a lot of the " sick building "

symptoms also.

If anyone has any thoughts on what the doctor said, please respond.

Can a person get a fungal infection throughout the body and not have

HIV/AIDS? I think people can!!


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1. >He said that he is going to write in his

> report that my illness (IBS) has apparently resolved itself after

> leaving the workplace.

So this medical professional and scientist would rather believe in

magic than believe you? And he will even put it in writing? He's a

brave man.

I believe because I had it happen to me 2 years ago. I switched to a

large HMO for insurance reasons and that is exactly what they told

me. I refused to take an HIV test and they categorized me as

uncooperative. Not only did they not believe me but they didn't

believe 18 years of medical records showing my recovery based on the

use of anti-fungal Rx and diet to control candidiasis. They even

wrote in my medical records to never put me back on the antifungals.

I left so fast all they saw was a streak out the door. It cost me

extra until my contract expired but my functioning was more


2. > Can a person get a fungal infection throughout the body and not

have > HIV/AIDS? I think people can!! SW

Certainly, at least in the digestive tract, which is what candidiasis

or candidae is. Orin Truss and Crook wrote extensively about

this since the 50s. (Google their names). And there is some evidence,

from Japan I believe, that found the candidae yeast in the blood

stream of some severely affected people. But I don't know if it was

merely present or if it was growing and reproducing.

Couple of clarifications. Although yeast in general and candidae

specifically can be found in the environment, especially in damp

indoor spaces, the fungal infection in the gut is rarely caused by

external exposure. Candidae is already naturally in the gut of

everyone and is a critical part of the natural symbiotic balance of

the microflora. That is why the medical opinion used to be that it

wasn't harmful because everybody had it. They didn't consider


When HIV hit and AIDS victims began developing candidiasis, then they

suddenly considered it life threathening, because the overgrowth of

it was killing people. So now they say if you have it then you must

also have HIV. Thus their insistence that I take an HIV test. Really

scientific and logical thinking! :-)

There is a difference between presence and infection. The human gut

has a huge complexity of enzymes, bacteria, yeast and other stuff

that are in balance. None dominates the other. But if the balance of

the gut is shifted for whatever reason so that bacteria proliferate

they call that a bacterial infection and they treat it with an

antibiotic. However, if the balance is shifted for whatever reason -

but often because of the overuse of antibiotics - so that the yeast

proliferate, then that is a yeast infection and they should give you

an antimycotic. Most docs usually don't recognize it and give you

more antibiotics instead. You feel better because they do suppress

the yeast. Until you stop taking them and then the yeast grows even

more. Same thing happened with chronic sinusitis until Mayo

discovered it was really fungal. No they prescribe antimycotics

instead of antibiotics.

Does some of this sound familiar? It's very similar mold in the

environment. If the environmental conditions are shifted for any

reason, but usually by moisture, so that mold will proliferate (mold

growth) then the house has a mold " infection. " But killing it isn't

enough because mold on the outside of the body acts differently than

mold on the inside of the body. And the body to it. So you have to

remove all of it, dead or alive, plus the other components such as

glucans, mycotoxins, etc.

Carl Grimes

Healthy Habitats LLC

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I took Nystatin for the oral yeast infection but the bowel problem cleared

up before that with the probiotics and yogurt. I also have something

infecting my lungs but x-ray shows clear.Bad cough, wheezing and filled up.

Was on inhalers but stopped them (bad side effects). I have discharge from

my eyes which I think may be a fungal infection(waiting to see my eye doc).

I was also asked if I had a HIV/AIDS test. Just to keep my regular doc happy

I'll get it done. I already know I don't have HIV/AIDS though...LOL! Maybe

everyone at work has HIV/AIDS?? LOL

At least he believes that something at work caused this so I can quit my job

now! Already offered another job elsewhere when I can go back to work (thank



-- Re: [] Only people with HIV/Aids can have compromised

immune systems???


1. >He said that he is going to write in his

> report that my illness (IBS) has apparently resolved itself after

> leaving the workplace.

So this medical professional and scientist would rather believe in

magic than believe you? And he will even put it in writing? He's a

brave man.

I believe because I had it happen to me 2 years ago. I switched to a

large HMO for insurance reasons and that is exactly what they told

me. I refused to take an HIV test and they categorized me as

uncooperative. Not only did they not believe me but they didn't

believe 18 years of medical records showing my recovery based on the

use of anti-fungal Rx and diet to control candidiasis. They even

wrote in my medical records to never put me back on the antifungals.

I left so fast all they saw was a streak out the door. It cost me

extra until my contract expired but my functioning was more


2. > Can a person get a fungal infection throughout the body and not

have > HIV/AIDS? I think people can!! SW

Certainly, at least in the digestive tract, which is what candidiasis

or candidae is. Orin Truss and Crook wrote extensively about

this since the 50s. (Google their names). And there is some evidence,

from Japan I believe, that found the candidae yeast in the blood

stream of some severely affected people. But I don't know if it was

merely present or if it was growing and reproducing.

Couple of clarifications. Although yeast in general and candidae

specifically can be found in the environment, especially in damp

indoor spaces, the fungal infection in the gut is rarely caused by

external exposure. Candidae is already naturally in the gut of

everyone and is a critical part of the natural symbiotic balance of

the microflora. That is why the medical opinion used to be that it

wasn't harmful because everybody had it. They didn't consider


When HIV hit and AIDS victims began developing candidiasis, then they

suddenly considered it life threathening, because the overgrowth of

it was killing people. So now they say if you have it then you must

also have HIV. Thus their insistence that I take an HIV test. Really

scientific and logical thinking! :-)

There is a difference between presence and infection. The human gut

has a huge complexity of enzymes, bacteria, yeast and other stuff

that are in balance. None dominates the other. But if the balance of

the gut is shifted for whatever reason so that bacteria proliferate

they call that a bacterial infection and they treat it with an

antibiotic. However, if the balance is shifted for whatever reason -

but often because of the overuse of antibiotics - so that the yeast

proliferate, then that is a yeast infection and they should give you

an antimycotic. Most docs usually don't recognize it and give you

more antibiotics instead. You feel better because they do suppress

the yeast. Until you stop taking them and then the yeast grows even

more. Same thing happened with chronic sinusitis until Mayo

discovered it was really fungal. No they prescribe antimycotics

instead of antibiotics.

Does some of this sound familiar? It's very similar mold in the

environment. If the environmental conditions are shifted for any

reason, but usually by moisture, so that mold will proliferate (mold

growth) then the house has a mold " infection. " But killing it isn't

enough because mold on the outside of the body acts differently than

mold on the inside of the body. And the body to it. So you have to

remove all of it, dead or alive, plus the other components such as

glucans, mycotoxins, etc.

Carl Grimes

Healthy Habitats LLC

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did you have this because of the runs? Many mold people have that,

but not because of an infection per-se- but from exposure to the

toxins- if caught early goes away, especially with cholestramine


--- In , " msheeh02 " <msheeh02@e...>



> Had a scope done today and when I asked about a possible fungal

> infection due to mold exposure, I was told that only people with

> HIV/AIDS that have a compromised immune system can get fungal

> infections. I explained to him that IS NOT possible that I have

> HIV/AIDS and 25% of the people at work are sick with bowel


> rashes and eye/throat/lung infections due to mold exposure. He

> repeated that only people with HIV/AIDS that have compromised


> systems can get fungal infections throughout the body. I felt like


> was beating my head against a brick wall. I asked if he could

> determine if I had a bowel fungal infection. He said no. He took


> biopsies(spelling?)and told me I had to have a scope every two to

> five years. He totally ignored the fact that my IBS had cleared up


> few weeks after leaving the workplace (the same as others at


> I told him that I took probiotics and yogurt daily now, and have


> had one attack since leaving workplace. It became obvious that he

> does not know about mold illness. He said that he is going to


> in his report that my illness (IBS) has apparently resolved itself

> after leaving the workplace. Also that others at work had it too.

> Another co-worker was there for the same scope day surgery as me

> (coincidence??). She was not aware that others at work were sick


> she quit when she got sick. She had a lot of the " sick building "

> symptoms also.


> If anyone has any thoughts on what the doctor said, please


> Can a person get a fungal infection throughout the body and not


> HIV/AIDS? I think people can!!

> SW


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WhenI got red candida in the mouth and throat, my Dr freaked and

wanted me to have $2000 worth of tests- nystatin did not prevent it

and I also took diflucan- I also started loosing weight- of course

she was very worried-asked me- why is this happening to you? Then I

totally succumbed to the toxic effects of mold- she was very open to

my diagnosis and gave me cholestramine>

> I took Nystatin for the oral yeast infection but the bowel problem


> up before that with the probiotics and yogurt. I also have


> infecting my lungs but x-ray shows clear.Bad cough, wheezing and

filled up.

> Was on inhalers but stopped them (bad side effects). I have

discharge from

> my eyes which I think may be a fungal infection(waiting to see my

eye doc).

> I was also asked if I had a HIV/AIDS test. Just to keep my regular

doc happy

> I'll get it done. I already know I don't have HIV/AIDS

though...LOL! Maybe

> everyone at work has HIV/AIDS?? LOL

> At least he believes that something at work caused this so I can

quit my job

> now! Already offered another job elsewhere when I can go back to

work (thank

> God)

> SW

> -- Re: [] Only people with HIV/Aids can have


> immune systems???


> ,


> 1. >He said that he is going to write in his

> > report that my illness (IBS) has apparently resolved itself after

> > leaving the workplace.


> So this medical professional and scientist would rather believe in

> magic than believe you? And he will even put it in writing? He's a

> brave man.


> I believe because I had it happen to me 2 years ago. I switched to


> large HMO for insurance reasons and that is exactly what they told

> me. I refused to take an HIV test and they categorized me as

> uncooperative. Not only did they not believe me but they didn't

> believe 18 years of medical records showing my recovery based on


> use of anti-fungal Rx and diet to control candidiasis. They even

> wrote in my medical records to never put me back on the


> I left so fast all they saw was a streak out the door. It cost me

> extra until my contract expired but my functioning was more

> important.


> 2. > Can a person get a fungal infection throughout the body and


> have > HIV/AIDS? I think people can!! SW


> Certainly, at least in the digestive tract, which is what


> or candidae is. Orin Truss and Crook wrote extensively


> this since the 50s. (Google their names). And there is some


> from Japan I believe, that found the candidae yeast in the blood

> stream of some severely affected people. But I don't know if it was

> merely present or if it was growing and reproducing.


> Couple of clarifications. Although yeast in general and candidae

> specifically can be found in the environment, especially in damp

> indoor spaces, the fungal infection in the gut is rarely caused by

> external exposure. Candidae is already naturally in the gut of

> everyone and is a critical part of the natural symbiotic balance of

> the microflora. That is why the medical opinion used to be that it

> wasn't harmful because everybody had it. They didn't consider

> overgrowth.


> When HIV hit and AIDS victims began developing candidiasis, then


> suddenly considered it life threathening, because the overgrowth of

> it was killing people. So now they say if you have it then you must

> also have HIV. Thus their insistence that I take an HIV test.


> scientific and logical thinking! :-)


> There is a difference between presence and infection. The human gut

> has a huge complexity of enzymes, bacteria, yeast and other stuff

> that are in balance. None dominates the other. But if the balance


> the gut is shifted for whatever reason so that bacteria proliferate

> they call that a bacterial infection and they treat it with an

> antibiotic. However, if the balance is shifted for whatever

reason -

> but often because of the overuse of antibiotics - so that the yeast

> proliferate, then that is a yeast infection and they should give


> an antimycotic. Most docs usually don't recognize it and give you

> more antibiotics instead. You feel better because they do suppress

> the yeast. Until you stop taking them and then the yeast grows even

> more. Same thing happened with chronic sinusitis until Mayo

> discovered it was really fungal. No they prescribe antimycotics

> instead of antibiotics.


> Does some of this sound familiar? It's very similar mold in the

> environment. If the environmental conditions are shifted for any

> reason, but usually by moisture, so that mold will proliferate


> growth) then the house has a mold " infection. " But killing it isn't

> enough because mold on the outside of the body acts differently


> mold on the inside of the body. And the body to it. So you have to

> remove all of it, dead or alive, plus the other components such as

> glucans, mycotoxins, etc.


> Carl Grimes

> Healthy Habitats LLC






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What the doctor first told me was that it was IBS. But it started after I

started working there and went away after I left the workplace I took

probiotics and yogurt also right after I left the workplace, that helped I

think. Guess it wasn't IBS..LOL. I am just glad that it is gone!! I think

that the doc's are willing to say that I got it from work because it started

after getting a job there and went away after I left, other than that the

doc is stumped. He can't explain why others who were normal, suddenly got

the same symptoms as me and they also got better after quitting their jobs.

It seems pretty straight forward to me..LOL.


-- [] Re: Only people with HIV/Aids can have compromised

immune systems???

did you have this because of the runs? Many mold people have that,

but not because of an infection per-se- but from exposure to the

toxins- if caught early goes away, especially with cholestramine


--- In , " msheeh02 " <msheeh02@e...>



> Had a scope done today and when I asked about a possible fungal

> infection due to mold exposure, I was told that only people with

> HIV/AIDS that have a compromised immune system can get fungal

> infections. I explained to him that IS NOT possible that I have

> HIV/AIDS and 25% of the people at work are sick with bowel


> rashes and eye/throat/lung infections due to mold exposure. He

> repeated that only people with HIV/AIDS that have compromised


> systems can get fungal infections throughout the body. I felt like


> was beating my head against a brick wall. I asked if he could

> determine if I had a bowel fungal infection. He said no. He took


> biopsies(spelling?)and told me I had to have a scope every two to

> five years. He totally ignored the fact that my IBS had cleared up


> few weeks after leaving the workplace (the same as others at


> I told him that I took probiotics and yogurt daily now, and have


> had one attack since leaving workplace. It became obvious that he

> does not know about mold illness. He said that he is going to


> in his report that my illness (IBS) has apparently resolved itself

> after leaving the workplace. Also that others at work had it too.

> Another co-worker was there for the same scope day surgery as me

> (coincidence??). She was not aware that others at work were sick


> she quit when she got sick. She had a lot of the " sick building "

> symptoms also.


> If anyone has any thoughts on what the doctor said, please


> Can a person get a fungal infection throughout the body and not


> HIV/AIDS? I think people can!!

> SW


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