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contaminated belongings question

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I'm wondering what people's experience with this issue is:

If you bring something that is cross contaminated, or originally contaminated,

into a clean house, and then you remove it, will the items that were next to it

now be contaminated? Will the air carry mycotoxins?

I have a box of papers and journals stored in my parent's garage, and it's

almost too sealed - everything is in ziplocs, hefty bags, etc. She's opened it

a few times outside to let it air. Recently she sent me blankets that were in

the same garage and I'm afraid of them...although I need blankets (the organic

ones I just bought cause reactions, as I have MCS).

Anyway, it got me to thinking about a few other things, like a dutch oven and

silverware that I salvaged, but feel like I react to, which are at my

boyfriend's house, and a rocking chair at another friend's house. Are these

things cross contaminating their houses? I know it's a big question with no

easy answer, but often other's experience helps.

BTW - if anyone has NOT read Mold Warriors, all I can say is I wish to god I'd

gone to him when i first got sick. I've made every mistake in the book. I also

wish I could convince my doc here to follow the protocol...oh well...


" Never doubt that a small group of people

can change the world-indeed it is the only

thing that ever has. "

Margaret Mead

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