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pushcrash about different 'mold docs'

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I would like it if you you could enumerate the therapy that Dr.

Shoemaker suggests. I haven't spoken to him and I wasn't picking on him --

more so the guys that I have had experience with. I had just spoken to

someone yesterday who was referred to me for advice after $100,000.00 in

medical testing and 'treatment' etc. She has nothing left now, --but has

never been in a sauna for example! I was shocked that she had done a full

year of daily hyperbarcis which is much more expensive than home O2 or sauna

and made someone a pile of money. I think it is important to go to someone

that tries to reduce the 'Total Load' by all means thus far known. If they

suggest a few supplements and sporonox I wonder how that will work. I will

try contacting Dr. Shoemaker again. I am not saying that he is not a

benevolent sole but from personal experience in conversations with Heuser,

Marinkovich, Ordog, Gray, Kilburne, Gruen they don't all realize how

important it is to go to THE ENVIRONMENTAL DOC! I am a physician and I

know how all of this works. Physicians are highly unaware of techniques and

treatments used by doctors other than themselves. Also doctors do not feel

that it is their job to refer you to the 'best' -- they have to feel that

they are the best. Because they are basically good and selfless. Often

they don't compare what is offered by other practitioners because they don't

time or motivation. Allergy testing and treatment is very expensive to set

up ( about 30,000) -- not to mention you have to take courses in doing it

and conceptualize it. Most allergists in the country hate the thought of

neutralization and provocation. Most mold docs are not environmental docs

-- it seems.

You don't have to defend your individual doctors but I will warn you

that the basic premise (decrease the total load) of environmental medicine

is essential to have as the montra of your doctor. I feel bad for people

who use all of their time and money , don't get well, but could if they saw

the right practitioner. Lets review the treatments offered by Shoemaker

instead of me asking him -- can you list them for me? Each supplement etc.

It would be great for all of us. I am sure he is brilliant. I am not sure

what percentage of his patients are chemically sensitive. I am not sure

what percentage get well. but the other guys I referred to were often

lacking comprehensive knowledge about foods, chemicals, pesticides,heavy

metals, immune system, Sauna, genetics of detox and iv

supplementation/chelation remediation, having an oasis in which to heal etc.

They all admit they don't practice environmental medicine. They haven't

had the time to learn all that yet! This stuff seems basic but it is

skipped by people not boarded in Environmental.

The mycotoxin exposure is only one part of the problem. Why you can't

detoxify those compounds based on your individual genetic biochemical

capabilities is another. What else you have been or are being exposed to

that is confounding is another. Your nutritional deficiencies and allergies

are more factors. Just dealing with one aspect of the illness is unlikely

to work -- I think. For me removing a piece of high voltage dental work

helped my damaged autonomic nervous system! I figured that out from reading

Lieberman's web site. The crown went in (2000) as I as exposed to the mold

-- maybe that is why I got so sick -- the two factors. (This is called oral


If Dr. Shoemaker is emphasing neutralization and provocation, sauna and

iv nutrition, O2, immune modulation than he does not have the flaws of some

of these other mold docs. We (medicine as a whole) need all sorts of mold

docs -- researchers, ones who publish, thinkers. But what a patient needs

really is just a practitioner --a clinician. I am trying to explain that

the two have different focuses and having been through this to the point of

near death I am telling you the insider's view. Every doctor has his

drawbacks -- just try to go to one who does neutralization and provocation

if you can. You can use those shots ( or sublingual drops)for ever -- and

there is no substitute. I am trying to give you the benefit of having

already been through the whole thing and squeaked out to perhaps work again.

I was dying right in front of the eyes of doctors who specialize in these

chemically injured mold patients and nothing was offered quickly enough.

Had I not flown to a conference on chemical sensitivity in 2003 and bumped

into all the lecturers I never would have figured out who to go to. It was

obvious that the sickest patients went to one place so I forced myself to

crawl there. I am definitely angry that I wasn't helped more by doctors who

think they take care of mold patients and the chemically injured. They

should give us the option of referral and give us literature to read like

Rapp's Toxic World. It lists some of the leading places for treatment and

explains the field well. I recommend it. (order videos as well

Environmentally Sick Schools explains environmental illness, mold reaction,

allergy testing etc and is great too! 800 787-8780. I highly recommend

this VIDEO!!!

I hope to make it easier for patients and regular doctors/ students to

understand environmental illness and medicine. So that when you arrive for

care at a doctor's office there are videos that explain it all. Many of us

cannot read books for years until we get well enough to touch paper again!

Are their others who couldn't touch paper for a while who can respond to

this idea? Sorry to be long winded but I think this is a really important

political issue that we should be able to talk about. I think all the docs

have downsides but start with the basics (EM) and then go to additional

practitioners for newer and complimentary ideas which may aid in your

recovery. I just want the best for all of you guys.

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