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Re: Fw: OT: my brother-in-law, the whistle blower

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Lots. Last year I saw a hearing on CSPAN in which an FDA scientist (who I

think got in serious hot water over this) explained how a number of recently

approved BIG drugs had been pushed through the FDA approval process with

extremely shady practices. Some of them were responsible for ruining perhaps

hundreds of thousands of lives, he said. Thats many, many September 11's.

But since the current administration is so 'corporate friendly' they dont

even care. FDA is basically slowly becoming a wing of the drug industry now.

Thats why access to supplements is again being threatened..

On 12/7/05, Saralee Rosen <homerose@...> wrote:


> I sent this to another list - I thought this list might find it

> interesting,

> as well.



> > My brother-in-law, Aubrey Blumsohn, has caused quite a ruckus in the

> > medical world by taking on Proctor and Gamble. He worked on research

> for

> > actonel, an osteoporosis drug. P+G published results, without his

> seeing

> > them in their entirely, in his name. He is now suspended from his job

> > because he got nowhere by reporting this issue thru the proper channels.

> > Eventually he went to the press. Articles have recently been written in

> > the London Times (I don't have links for them - just the full stories,

> if

> > anyone is interested). However, here are links for articles written in

> > the Observer last week. I am very proud that he has taken a public

> stand

> > on this issue, but he may not only lose his current job - he may also

> find

> > it difficult to get future jobs, as well.

> >

> > How many other medical studies that we don't know of have been rigged?

> > And how does this affect the health of all of us?

> >

> > Saralee Rosen

> > homerose@...>

> >

> >

> >>

> >>> More news

> >>> Front page story Observer last Sunday (the oldest

> >>> Sunday Newspaper in the world - a serious weekend

> >>> broadsheet)

> >>>

> >>>

> >>> http://observer.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,6903,1657302,00.html

> >>>

> >>>



> >>>

> >>> http://observer.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,6903,1657275,00.html

> >>>

> >>>

> >










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Hats off to your b-i-l, Saralee. I wish there were a few more like him.


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