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Fw: OT: my brother-in-law, the whistle blower

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I sent this to another list - I thought this list might find it interesting,

as well.

> My brother-in-law, Aubrey Blumsohn, has caused quite a ruckus in the

> medical world by taking on Proctor and Gamble. He worked on research for

> actonel, an osteoporosis drug. P+G published results, without his seeing

> them in their entirely, in his name. He is now suspended from his job

> because he got nowhere by reporting this issue thru the proper channels.

> Eventually he went to the press. Articles have recently been written in

> the London Times (I don't have links for them - just the full stories, if

> anyone is interested). However, here are links for articles written in

> the Observer last week. I am very proud that he has taken a public stand

> on this issue, but he may not only lose his current job - he may also find

> it difficult to get future jobs, as well.


> How many other medical studies that we don't know of have been rigged?

> And how does this affect the health of all of us?


> Saralee Rosen

> homerose@...>




>>> More news

>>> Front page story Observer last Sunday (the oldest

>>> Sunday Newspaper in the world - a serious weekend

>>> broadsheet)



>>> http://observer.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,6903,1657302,00.html





>>> http://observer.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,6903,1657275,00.html




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