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Re: Re: Kathy's answer

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I saw an environ doc today & my mycotoxin test is in. I show reaction to 11 out

of the 12 dangerous mycotoxins tested. He said I was the worse test He's seen

meaning I've been exposed to so many I guess. He was talking to me about this

allergy treatment to desensitize me. I guess it's the neutralization you've been

talking about. To the tune of 10 to 20K that will most likely come from my money

tree out in the back yard. I'll probably have to sell my first born (if anyone

will take him) to pay for this treatment. OH, and then there are no

guarantees!!!! What??? $20 grand & no guarantee.

HELP!!!!!!!! Loni

carondeen <kdeanstudios@...> wrote:

My chiropractor, a wonderfull person who is open to most therapies,

when I asked about this said- that provacation, neutralization

was " just plain stupid- and dangerous- "

I was so suprised I asked if I could quote her on that one

-- In , " tigerpaw2c " <tigerpaw2c@y...>



> ,


> Your response to Kathy doesn't really seem to help much, as a


> of fact it just added more confusion and raises more questions.


> treatment you speak of neutralization/antibody shots, are you

> referring to toxins or allergens? Two totally different things. If

> physicians have been doing this for 40 years, for ? why haven't we

> heard more of this. I belong to many health related groups and if

> this treatment is so prevalent with great results, I've yet to


> anyone mention having any great response to it. What I have heard

> from those that have been exposed to " mycotoxins " have had a


> negative reaction shortly after that kept them from getting out of

> bed.


> Also, if they have been using this for the last 40 years I


> think the insurance companies would consider this

as " experimental "

> or on the cutting edge.


> Where you really lost me, without any further explanation is where

> you mention, " It may have something to do with electrical fields

> and meridians etc for all they know. " I wish you could expand on

> this thought. Also this Dr.Patel to mention in a soft spoken

> statement, that if you don't take these shots you won't get well.

> Hmmm. Why would she not say this with more conviction, instead of

> toned down? You mentioned that they discovered it works, for what


> on what?


> You said, " But it is amazing and I heartily recommend it to every

> patient who can get to a doctor who does neutralization. " To you

> fully understand what you are dealing with, these toxins,


> and the effects it has on your organs, I don't think I could go


> this. To me it sounds like a big gamble with some serious

> consequences.


> I just think that if there are so many doctors using this


> there would be many more out there that we would be hearing from,

> literally screaming from the mountain tops and I don't see it.


> more info.


> KC




> --- In , " LISA NAGY " <lisa@n...>


> >

> > I know less about the specifics of neutralization than you

> want to

> > hear. It picks reactivity that is not IgE mediated for sure.

> The name

> > allergy shots just makes it sound acceptable I think. I am

> insistent because

> > of my experience and my observation in others and what I have

> learned from

> > all the other environmental physicians at the meeting and the

> instructional

> > tapes. Dr. Patel (Buffalo)made a soft spoken statement that she

> doesn't

> > think the patient will get well without the shots. Rea and

> everyone else

> > feels it is necessary to 'lower one's load'. I don't think they

> know how

> > they work although they have been doing neutralization for 40

> years or so.

> > It may have something to do with electrical fields and meridians

> etc for all

> > they know. They just discovered that it works. That exposure


> a small

> > amount of something (titrated to the individual) and then

> subsequent

> > exposure to a large amount that usually makes one react --

> nullifies the

> > reaction. No one gets it that I can glean. But it is amazing


> I

> > heartily recommend it to every patient who can get to a doctor


> does

> > neutralization.

> > So far that I can tell not many other docs are giving their

> personal

> > opinion after being excruciatingly ill and having it go away. I

> don't think

> > any doctors who have gone through this would argue with me.

> Although it may

> > not work for a couple people it certainly does for the rest.


> this is

> > just the first step to fixing things. Not a panacea. I feel


> when

> > patients blame Rea or someone else for not 'curing them'. They

> are doing

> > the best they know how. Some will be luckier than others to

> discover what to

> > do to lower their load. For me it was figuring out that I had a

> lot of

> > current in my mouth from a crown in addition to Trichothecene


> Dursban.

> > It is just the first step to tolerating your environment again I

> think.

> > Hundreds of Docs are doing it and the Doris Rapp tapes

> (Environmentally Sick

> > Schools) shows the amazing response of children in moments to

> > neutralization! The tape is unbelievable and very educational


> > disbelievers -- I put it on public TV here on Martha's Vineyard.

> (25.00, at

> > 800 787 8780)

> >

> >

> > Nagy M.D.

> > P.O. Box 2472

> > Vineyard Haven, Mass 02568

> > (508) 693-3048

> > (310) 213- 5472 (Cell-Important Calls)

> >

> > <mailto:Calls@N...> @N...

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Loni Rosser wrote:

> I saw an environ doc today & my mycotoxin test is in. I show reaction to 11

out of the 12 dangerous mycotoxins tested. He said I was the worse test He's

seen meaning I've been exposed to so many I guess. He was talking to me about

this allergy treatment to desensitize me. I guess it's the neutralization you've

been talking about. To the tune of 10 to 20K that will most likely come from my

money tree out in the back yard. I'll probably have to sell my first born (if

anyone will take him) to pay for this treatment. OH, and then there are no

guarantees!!!! What??? $20 grand & no guarantee.

> HELP!!!!!!!! Loni


I don't know what test you had but it doesn't sound like P/N testing.

Would you describe the test, how long did it take to get the results.


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