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Re: Kathy's answer

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, Does it calm the immune system down then. I will ask the environ. doc I

will see on Wed if he does this. My $1,000 mycotoxin test was abnormal so I'll

get the rub then. Loni

LISA NAGY <lisa@...> wrote: I know less about the specifics of

neutralization than you want to

hear. It picks reactivity that is not IgE mediated for sure. The name

allergy shots just makes it sound acceptable I think. I am insistent because

of my experience and my observation in others and what I have learned from

all the other environmental physicians at the meeting and the instructional

tapes. Dr. Patel (Buffalo)made a soft spoken statement that she doesn't

think the patient will get well without the shots. Rea and everyone else

feels it is necessary to 'lower one's load'. I don't think they know how

they work although they have been doing neutralization for 40 years or so.

It may have something to do with electrical fields and meridians etc for all

they know. They just discovered that it works. That exposure to a small

amount of something (titrated to the individual) and then subsequent

exposure to a large amount that usually makes one react -- nullifies the

reaction. No one gets it that I can glean. But it is amazing and I

heartily recommend it to every patient who can get to a doctor who does


So far that I can tell not many other docs are giving their personal

opinion after being excruciatingly ill and having it go away. I don't think

any doctors who have gone through this would argue with me. Although it may

not work for a couple people it certainly does for the rest. And this is

just the first step to fixing things. Not a panacea. I feel bad when

patients blame Rea or someone else for not 'curing them'. They are doing

the best they know how. Some will be luckier than others to discover what to

do to lower their load. For me it was figuring out that I had a lot of

current in my mouth from a crown in addition to Trichothecene and Dursban.

It is just the first step to tolerating your environment again I think.

Hundreds of Docs are doing it and the Doris Rapp tapes (Environmentally Sick

Schools) shows the amazing response of children in moments to

neutralization! The tape is unbelievable and very educational for

disbelievers -- I put it on public TV here on Martha's Vineyard. (25.00, at

800 787 8780)

Nagy M.D.

P.O. Box 2472

Vineyard Haven, Mass 02568

(508) 693-3048

(310) 213- 5472 (Cell-Important Calls)

<mailto:Calls@...> @...

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, would please qualify what you mean by " lower one's load " ? Are you talking

allergens, or toxins, or both, or something else entirely?

LISA NAGY <lisa@...> wrote: I know less about the specifics of

neutralization than you want to

hear. It picks reactivity that is not IgE mediated for sure. The name

allergy shots just makes it sound acceptable I think. I am insistent because

of my experience and my observation in others and what I have learned from

all the other environmental physicians at the meeting and the instructional

tapes. Dr. Patel (Buffalo)made a soft spoken statement that she doesn't

think the patient will get well without the shots. Rea and everyone else

feels it is necessary to 'lower one's load'. I don't think they know how

they work although they have been doing neutralization for 40 years or so.

It may have something to do with electrical fields and meridians etc for all

they know. They just discovered that it works. That exposure to a small

amount of something (titrated to the individual) and then subsequent

exposure to a large amount that usually makes one react -- nullifies the

reaction. No one gets it that I can glean. But it is amazing and I

heartily recommend it to every patient who can get to a doctor who does


So far that I can tell not many other docs are giving their personal

opinion after being excruciatingly ill and having it go away. I don't think

any doctors who have gone through this would argue with me. Although it may

not work for a couple people it certainly does for the rest. And this is

just the first step to fixing things. Not a panacea. I feel bad when

patients blame Rea or someone else for not 'curing them'. They are doing

the best they know how. Some will be luckier than others to discover what to

do to lower their load. For me it was figuring out that I had a lot of

current in my mouth from a crown in addition to Trichothecene and Dursban.

It is just the first step to tolerating your environment again I think.

Hundreds of Docs are doing it and the Doris Rapp tapes (Environmentally Sick

Schools) shows the amazing response of children in moments to

neutralization! The tape is unbelievable and very educational for

disbelievers -- I put it on public TV here on Martha's Vineyard. (25.00, at

800 787 8780)

Nagy M.D.

P.O. Box 2472

Vineyard Haven, Mass 02568

(508) 693-3048

(310) 213- 5472 (Cell-Important Calls)

<mailto:Calls@...> @...

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Your response to Kathy doesn't really seem to help much, as a matter

of fact it just added more confusion and raises more questions. This

treatment you speak of neutralization/antibody shots, are you

referring to toxins or allergens? Two totally different things. If

physicians have been doing this for 40 years, for ? why haven't we

heard more of this. I belong to many health related groups and if

this treatment is so prevalent with great results, I've yet to hear

anyone mention having any great response to it. What I have heard

from those that have been exposed to " mycotoxins " have had a severe

negative reaction shortly after that kept them from getting out of


Also, if they have been using this for the last 40 years I wouldn't

think the insurance companies would consider this as " experimental "

or on the cutting edge.

Where you really lost me, without any further explanation is where

you mention, " It may have something to do with electrical fields

and meridians etc for all they know. " I wish you could expand on

this thought. Also this Dr.Patel to mention in a soft spoken

statement, that if you don't take these shots you won't get well.

Hmmm. Why would she not say this with more conviction, instead of

toned down? You mentioned that they discovered it works, for what or

on what?

You said, " But it is amazing and I heartily recommend it to every

patient who can get to a doctor who does neutralization. " To you

fully understand what you are dealing with, these toxins, reactivity

and the effects it has on your organs, I don't think I could go with

this. To me it sounds like a big gamble with some serious


I just think that if there are so many doctors using this technique

there would be many more out there that we would be hearing from,

literally screaming from the mountain tops and I don't see it. Need

more info.



> I know less about the specifics of neutralization than you

want to

> hear. It picks reactivity that is not IgE mediated for sure.

The name

> allergy shots just makes it sound acceptable I think. I am

insistent because

> of my experience and my observation in others and what I have

learned from

> all the other environmental physicians at the meeting and the


> tapes. Dr. Patel (Buffalo)made a soft spoken statement that she


> think the patient will get well without the shots. Rea and

everyone else

> feels it is necessary to 'lower one's load'. I don't think they

know how

> they work although they have been doing neutralization for 40

years or so.

> It may have something to do with electrical fields and meridians

etc for all

> they know. They just discovered that it works. That exposure to

a small

> amount of something (titrated to the individual) and then


> exposure to a large amount that usually makes one react --

nullifies the

> reaction. No one gets it that I can glean. But it is amazing and


> heartily recommend it to every patient who can get to a doctor who


> neutralization.

> So far that I can tell not many other docs are giving their


> opinion after being excruciatingly ill and having it go away. I

don't think

> any doctors who have gone through this would argue with me.

Although it may

> not work for a couple people it certainly does for the rest. And

this is

> just the first step to fixing things. Not a panacea. I feel bad


> patients blame Rea or someone else for not 'curing them'. They

are doing

> the best they know how. Some will be luckier than others to

discover what to

> do to lower their load. For me it was figuring out that I had a

lot of

> current in my mouth from a crown in addition to Trichothecene and


> It is just the first step to tolerating your environment again I


> Hundreds of Docs are doing it and the Doris Rapp tapes

(Environmentally Sick

> Schools) shows the amazing response of children in moments to

> neutralization! The tape is unbelievable and very educational for

> disbelievers -- I put it on public TV here on Martha's Vineyard.

(25.00, at

> 800 787 8780)



> Nagy M.D.

> P.O. Box 2472

> Vineyard Haven, Mass 02568

> (508) 693-3048

> (310) 213- 5472 (Cell-Important Calls)


> <mailto:Calls@N...> @N...









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My chiropractor, a wonderfull person who is open to most therapies,

when I asked about this said- that provacation, neutralization

was " just plain stupid- and dangerous- "

I was so suprised I asked if I could quote her on that one

-- In , " tigerpaw2c " <tigerpaw2c@y...>



> ,


> Your response to Kathy doesn't really seem to help much, as a


> of fact it just added more confusion and raises more questions.


> treatment you speak of neutralization/antibody shots, are you

> referring to toxins or allergens? Two totally different things. If

> physicians have been doing this for 40 years, for ? why haven't we

> heard more of this. I belong to many health related groups and if

> this treatment is so prevalent with great results, I've yet to


> anyone mention having any great response to it. What I have heard

> from those that have been exposed to " mycotoxins " have had a


> negative reaction shortly after that kept them from getting out of

> bed.


> Also, if they have been using this for the last 40 years I


> think the insurance companies would consider this

as " experimental "

> or on the cutting edge.


> Where you really lost me, without any further explanation is where

> you mention, " It may have something to do with electrical fields

> and meridians etc for all they know. " I wish you could expand on

> this thought. Also this Dr.Patel to mention in a soft spoken

> statement, that if you don't take these shots you won't get well.

> Hmmm. Why would she not say this with more conviction, instead of

> toned down? You mentioned that they discovered it works, for what


> on what?


> You said, " But it is amazing and I heartily recommend it to every

> patient who can get to a doctor who does neutralization. " To you

> fully understand what you are dealing with, these toxins,


> and the effects it has on your organs, I don't think I could go


> this. To me it sounds like a big gamble with some serious

> consequences.


> I just think that if there are so many doctors using this


> there would be many more out there that we would be hearing from,

> literally screaming from the mountain tops and I don't see it.


> more info.


> KC




> --- In , " LISA NAGY " <lisa@n...>


> >

> > I know less about the specifics of neutralization than you

> want to

> > hear. It picks reactivity that is not IgE mediated for sure.

> The name

> > allergy shots just makes it sound acceptable I think. I am

> insistent because

> > of my experience and my observation in others and what I have

> learned from

> > all the other environmental physicians at the meeting and the

> instructional

> > tapes. Dr. Patel (Buffalo)made a soft spoken statement that she

> doesn't

> > think the patient will get well without the shots. Rea and

> everyone else

> > feels it is necessary to 'lower one's load'. I don't think they

> know how

> > they work although they have been doing neutralization for 40

> years or so.

> > It may have something to do with electrical fields and meridians

> etc for all

> > they know. They just discovered that it works. That exposure


> a small

> > amount of something (titrated to the individual) and then

> subsequent

> > exposure to a large amount that usually makes one react --

> nullifies the

> > reaction. No one gets it that I can glean. But it is amazing


> I

> > heartily recommend it to every patient who can get to a doctor


> does

> > neutralization.

> > So far that I can tell not many other docs are giving their

> personal

> > opinion after being excruciatingly ill and having it go away. I

> don't think

> > any doctors who have gone through this would argue with me.

> Although it may

> > not work for a couple people it certainly does for the rest.


> this is

> > just the first step to fixing things. Not a panacea. I feel


> when

> > patients blame Rea or someone else for not 'curing them'. They

> are doing

> > the best they know how. Some will be luckier than others to

> discover what to

> > do to lower their load. For me it was figuring out that I had a

> lot of

> > current in my mouth from a crown in addition to Trichothecene


> Dursban.

> > It is just the first step to tolerating your environment again I

> think.

> > Hundreds of Docs are doing it and the Doris Rapp tapes

> (Environmentally Sick

> > Schools) shows the amazing response of children in moments to

> > neutralization! The tape is unbelievable and very educational


> > disbelievers -- I put it on public TV here on Martha's Vineyard.

> (25.00, at

> > 800 787 8780)

> >

> >

> > Nagy M.D.

> > P.O. Box 2472

> > Vineyard Haven, Mass 02568

> > (508) 693-3048

> > (310) 213- 5472 (Cell-Important Calls)

> >

> > <mailto:Calls@N...> @N...

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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In the allergy world, there has long been a theory I refer to as the Barrel

Theory. For

people with allergies, you can consider my reactivity as a barrel, When the

barrel is empty,

there are no symptoms. As it gets more full, the body's ability to compensate is


compromised, and when the barrel is full and runs over, you get full blown

symptoms of

whatever sort happens to be you.

De-sensitization therapy is like " the hair of the dog " . You get a tiny bit of

what is causing

your allergies, and you should react so little to be unnoticable (although most

docs ignore

this caveat). The tiny reactions build up your immunity, so to speak, so that

over the

course of time you can tolerate more by comparison, and your symptoms lessen


I can tolerate being around much more of my reactants (in some cases) now, with

a much

less reaction than a year ago, when I started my sublingual desensitization. I

have had

shots off and on for most of my life for my considerable allergies. This has


considered " Good Medicine " for all of my life. My dad had shots as a young man


cured his severe hay fever for 50 years.

" Lowering One's Load " refers to emptying the barrel. So it does not refer to

toxins. The

theory predates the awareness of toxins.

To empty the barrel or lower your load, first you need to practice avoidance of


offending stuff, which means you have to have some idea of what is setting you

off, ergo,

the allergy testing. You can test for anything, I think, that you can put into a

syringe and

drop under your skin. But for practicality, there are some standardized extracts

that can

be bought. Now a common way to do it is to buy thse cute little kits that have

40 or so

standardized allergens that get pricked onto the bcak, each one having it's own

little skin

pricker built in- so convenient for the allergist, and disposable, too! I had

one of these

tests and it was nearly worthless.

My old allergist made his own, and I believe Dr does too. He also has a


on staff to do the various Ig tests.

So, first is avoidance. Every single Allergist I have ever seen said the same

thing, if they tell

you different they don't know what they are talking about.

Next is de-sensitization, which over the course of time (at Dr ' you get a

recheck in

4 months for progress) shows how well your body is adjusting to it.

And my docs when I was a kid always told me to eat a good diet, avoid my dietary

alelgens, and make every calorie count. I had BAD asthma, but nobody ever died


asthma, maybe one a year out of the thousands. Now it is much more common, as


don't do quality de-sensitization, and give everyone steroids, which makes it

worse in the

long run.

My docs (childhood) siad they stunt your growth, and why would you want that? I


now no body cares what they do as long as they sell more and more products.

Geeze, I

guess I'm on a rant. Sorry.

I know less about the specifics of

neutralization than

you want to

> hear. It picks reactivity that is not IgE mediated for sure. The name

> allergy shots just makes it sound acceptable I think. .....

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I know you are not addressing this to me, but I respectfully answer that you

don't seem to

know much about allergy theory or the history thereof. Since I have had this

affliction my

entire life, (well, since age 2 and 1/5) I am well versed in the history (at

least since the

30's treatment wise) as well as my family's experience.

This has been prcticed for longer than 40 years, it is only Dr Rae who has been

doing it for

40 years.

Why the hostility about allergy theory and practice?

The medical societies and now insurance companies are gunning for any doctor who

has a

brain and is resistant to their intimidation tactics. It is not experimental

theory, it is well

proven for maybe a hundred years. It is the under the tongue part of it that

they are

targeting as experimental.

The last time we had an intelligent allergist join the board, you shut him down

and he quit

participating, though I really wanted to hear what he had to say. It sounded

like he was

doing some really interesting work and having some success at it, but we just

didn''t get a

chance to hear about it.

I am also incredibly frustrated with medicine, and had given up hope of finding


who didn't have his/her head stuck in the sand, esp in this state, but if this

is a forum,

why the hostility and attack mode?

You know the allergists have not yet made the transition to considering the

toxic load

instead of the allergenic load. They seem to be 2 different things in my own

body. I have

both of them, but they don't seem to work the same way.

For example, I can get a skin burn kind of feeling when I get near something

toxic from

mold toxins, yet I can get a sneezing hay fever attack from ragweed. 2 different


But it doesn;t mean they are not helping people. I really needed Diflucan, and I

" could

have " gotten it anywhere, but this state seems to be a corrupt hotbed, and Not

one of the

docs I saw even heard of it. If doctors in this state " scream it from the

rooftops " , they lose

their liscense.

> >

> > I know less about the specifics of neutralization than you

> want to

> > hear. It picks reactivity that is not IgE mediated for sure.

> The name

> > allergy shots just makes it sound acceptable I think. I am

> insistent because

> > of my experience and my observation in others and what I have

> learned from

> > all the other environmental physicians at the meeting and the

> instructional

> > tapes. Dr. Patel (Buffalo)made a soft spoken statement that she

> doesn't

> > think the patient will get well without the shots. Rea and

> everyone else

> > feels it is necessary to 'lower one's load'. I don't think they

> know how

> > they work although they have been doing neutralization for 40

> years or so.

> > It may have something to do with electrical fields and meridians

> etc for all

> > they know. They just discovered that it works. That exposure to

> a small

> > amount of something (titrated to the individual) and then

> subsequent

> > exposure to a large amount that usually makes one react --

> nullifies the

> > reaction. No one gets it that I can glean. But it is amazing and

> I

> > heartily recommend it to every patient who can get to a doctor who

> does

> > neutralization.

> > So far that I can tell not many other docs are giving their

> personal

> > opinion after being excruciatingly ill and having it go away. I

> don't think

> > any doctors who have gone through this would argue with me.

> Although it may

> > not work for a couple people it certainly does for the rest. And

> this is

> > just the first step to fixing things. Not a panacea. I feel bad

> when

> > patients blame Rea or someone else for not 'curing them'. They

> are doing

> > the best they know how. Some will be luckier than others to

> discover what to

> > do to lower their load. For me it was figuring out that I had a

> lot of

> > current in my mouth from a crown in addition to Trichothecene and

> Dursban.

> > It is just the first step to tolerating your environment again I

> think.

> > Hundreds of Docs are doing it and the Doris Rapp tapes

> (Environmentally Sick

> > Schools) shows the amazing response of children in moments to

> > neutralization! The tape is unbelievable and very educational for

> > disbelievers -- I put it on public TV here on Martha's Vineyard.

> (25.00, at

> > 800 787 8780)

> >

> >

> > Nagy M.D.

> > P.O. Box 2472

> > Vineyard Haven, Mass 02568

> > (508) 693-3048

> > (310) 213- 5472 (Cell-Important Calls)

> >

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I am not attacking anyone and I can't remember the last time I have

on an open forum. If you are suggesting asking questions is

attacking an individual, than I guess we are all in trouble.

I am just trying to get some things clarified and clear up the

confusion, no more no less. I was not referring to doctors shouting

from the rooftops, but patients....

Many here are dealing more with a toxic contamination other than

allergen. I've had all the allergen tests done for everything and

they all came back negative. Which then explains to me we are not

dealing with allergens, we are dealing with toxic reaction.

I have been dealing with this issue for approximately 10 years now

and have spoken to almost all the doctors that are treating this

type of infection, along with scientists, researchers and thousands

of victims, like yourself. Some that have had these shots, some of

which are on this board have claimed it has almost killed them.

Perhaps this was before you joined when this discussion happened. So

you see I do know alot more than perhaps you think I do. Just to

clarify some things. As far as the allergist I supposedly shut

down, who are you referring to? I don't remember any. Several have

mentioned after wasting alot of funds they did not have on allergy

shots. Most of the doctors in the forefront of treating this type of

poisoning will tell you that allergy shots will not work, but if you

have a true allergy it will. There is a VERY BIG difference between

the two. If I was getting a good response from people who were

receiving these I would be all over it, I wish it were that easy.

I know all too well how the insurance companies are working to shut

many of us down, doctors, lawyers, etc.. that are working to bring

this to light. Many of us have been working nonstop for many years

behind the scenes to help bring this to light, fighting our

government agencies, officials, etc. I know insurance companies

claim it is new procedures, when we know it is not, just so they do

not have to pay for it. Or are they actually saying we don't want to

pay for it because it does not work? I don't have all the answer and

never claimed I did. I just want to move on to the next step like

the rest of us.


> >

> > ,

> >

> > Your response to Kathy doesn't really seem to help much, as a


> > of fact it just added more confusion and raises more questions.


> > treatment you speak of neutralization/antibody shots, are you

> > referring to toxins or allergens? Two totally different things.


> > physicians have been doing this for 40 years, for ? why haven't


> > heard more of this. I belong to many health related groups and


> > this treatment is so prevalent with great results, I've yet to


> > anyone mention having any great response to it. What I have


> > from those that have been exposed to " mycotoxins " have had a


> > negative reaction shortly after that kept them from getting out


> > bed.

> >

> > Also, if they have been using this for the last 40 years I


> > think the insurance companies would consider this

as " experimental "

> > or on the cutting edge.

> >

> > Where you really lost me, without any further explanation is


> > you mention, " It may have something to do with electrical


> > and meridians etc for all they know. " I wish you could expand


> > this thought. Also this Dr.Patel to mention in a soft spoken

> > statement, that if you don't take these shots you won't get


> > Hmmm. Why would she not say this with more conviction, instead


> > toned down? You mentioned that they discovered it works, for

what or

> > on what?

> >

> > You said, " But it is amazing and I heartily recommend it to


> > patient who can get to a doctor who does neutralization. " To you

> > fully understand what you are dealing with, these toxins,


> > and the effects it has on your organs, I don't think I could go


> > this. To me it sounds like a big gamble with some serious

> > consequences.

> >

> > I just think that if there are so many doctors using this


> > there would be many more out there that we would be hearing


> > literally screaming from the mountain tops and I don't see it.


> > more info.

> >

> > KC

> >

> >

> >

> > --- In , " LISA NAGY " <lisa@n...>


> > >

> > > I know less about the specifics of neutralization than


> > want to

> > > hear. It picks reactivity that is not IgE mediated for


> > The name

> > > allergy shots just makes it sound acceptable I think. I am

> > insistent because

> > > of my experience and my observation in others and what I have

> > learned from

> > > all the other environmental physicians at the meeting and the

> > instructional

> > > tapes. Dr. Patel (Buffalo)made a soft spoken statement that


> > doesn't

> > > think the patient will get well without the shots. Rea and

> > everyone else

> > > feels it is necessary to 'lower one's load'. I don't think


> > know how

> > > they work although they have been doing neutralization for 40

> > years or so.

> > > It may have something to do with electrical fields and


> > etc for all

> > > they know. They just discovered that it works. That exposure


> > a small

> > > amount of something (titrated to the individual) and then

> > subsequent

> > > exposure to a large amount that usually makes one react --

> > nullifies the

> > > reaction. No one gets it that I can glean. But it is amazing


> > I

> > > heartily recommend it to every patient who can get to a doctor


> > does

> > > neutralization.

> > > So far that I can tell not many other docs are giving


> > personal

> > > opinion after being excruciatingly ill and having it go away.


> > don't think

> > > any doctors who have gone through this would argue with me.

> > Although it may

> > > not work for a couple people it certainly does for the rest.


> > this is

> > > just the first step to fixing things. Not a panacea. I feel


> > when

> > > patients blame Rea or someone else for not 'curing them'.


> > are doing

> > > the best they know how. Some will be luckier than others to

> > discover what to

> > > do to lower their load. For me it was figuring out that I had


> > lot of

> > > current in my mouth from a crown in addition to Trichothecene


> > Dursban.

> > > It is just the first step to tolerating your environment again


> > think.

> > > Hundreds of Docs are doing it and the Doris Rapp tapes

> > (Environmentally Sick

> > > Schools) shows the amazing response of children in moments to

> > > neutralization! The tape is unbelievable and very educational


> > > disbelievers -- I put it on public TV here on Martha's


> > (25.00, at

> > > 800 787 8780)

> > >

> > >

> > > Nagy M.D.

> > > P.O. Box 2472

> > > Vineyard Haven, Mass 02568

> > > (508) 693-3048

> > > (310) 213- 5472 (Cell-Important Calls)

> > >


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, my question about " total load " was for . I have had conversations

in which the phrase meant allergens, toxins, or both, so I was asking her what

she meant by that.


There is no such thing as an anomaly. Recheck your original premise.

...Ayn Rand,



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> >

> > I know you are not addressing this to me, but I respectfully

> answer that you don't seem to

> > know much about allergy theory or the history thereof. Since I

> have had this affliction my

> > entire life, (well, since age 2 and 1/5) I am well versed in the

> history (at least since the

> > 30's treatment wise) as well as my family's experience.

> >

> > This has been prcticed for longer than 40 years, it is only Dr Rae

> who has been doing it for

> > 40 years.

> >

> > Why the hostility about allergy theory and practice?

> >

> > The medical societies and now insurance companies are gunning for

> any doctor who has a

> > brain and is resistant to their intimidation tactics. It is not

> experimental theory, it is well

> > proven for maybe a hundred years. It is the under the tongue part

> of it that they are

> > targeting as experimental.

> >

> > The last time we had an intelligent allergist join the board, you

> shut him down and he quit

> > participating, though I really wanted to hear what he had to say.

> It sounded like he was

> > doing some really interesting work and having some success at it,

> but we just didn''t get a

> > chance to hear about it.

> >

> > I am also incredibly frustrated with medicine, and had given up

> hope of finding anyone

> > who didn't have his/her head stuck in the sand, esp in this state,

> but if this is a forum,

> > why the hostility and attack mode?

> >

> > You know the allergists have not yet made the transition to

> considering the toxic load

> > instead of the allergenic load. They seem to be 2 different things

> in my own body. I have

> > both of them, but they don't seem to work the same way.

> >

> > For example, I can get a skin burn kind of feeling when I get near

> something toxic from

> > mold toxins, yet I can get a sneezing hay fever attack from

> ragweed. 2 different things.

> >

> > But it doesn;t mean they are not helping people. I really needed

> Diflucan, and I " could

> > have " gotten it anywhere, but this state seems to be a corrupt

> hotbed, and Not one of the

> > docs I saw even heard of it. If doctors in this state " scream it

> from the rooftops " , they lose

> > their liscense.

> >

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That seems WAY out of line. Mine charges per/chem/injection. I would

have the office clearly define just how many allergens they are going to

test you for.

There is no policy that you have to do everything all at once. Most

insurances cover this testing (provaction/neutralization).

Ask about doing molds first. Then work the rest out to your scehdule or

financial situation.

The RAST test is really a cheap attempt to identify allergens.

On Thu, 15 Dec 2005, earle wrote:

> Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2005 00:09:31 -0500

> From: earle <haywood@...>

> Reply-


> Subject: Re: [] Re: Kathy's answer


> Loni Rosser wrote:

>> I saw an environ doc today & my mycotoxin test is in. I show reaction to 11

out of the 12 dangerous mycotoxins tested. He said I was the worse test He's

seen meaning I've been exposed to so many I guess. He was talking to me about

this allergy treatment to desensitize me. I guess it's the neutralization you've

been talking about. To the tune of 10 to 20K that will most likely come from my

money tree out in the back yard. I'll probably have to sell my first born (if

anyone will take him) to pay for this treatment. OH, and then there are no

guarantees!!!! What??? $20 grand & no guarantee.

>> HELP!!!!!!!! Loni


> Loni


> I don't know what test you had but it doesn't sound like P/N testing.


> Would you describe the test, how long did it take to get the results.


> earle














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Hey, CSM is only $100 a month- staying clean-priceless

> > >

> > > I know less about the specifics of neutralization than


> > want to

> > > hear. It picks reactivity that is not IgE mediated for


> > The name

> > > allergy shots just makes it sound acceptable I think. I am

> > insistent because

> > > of my experience and my observation in others and what I have

> > learned from

> > > all the other environmental physicians at the meeting and the

> > instructional

> > > tapes. Dr. Patel (Buffalo)made a soft spoken statement that


> > doesn't

> > > think the patient will get well without the shots. Rea and

> > everyone else

> > > feels it is necessary to 'lower one's load'. I don't think


> > know how

> > > they work although they have been doing neutralization for 40

> > years or so.

> > > It may have something to do with electrical fields and


> > etc for all

> > > they know. They just discovered that it works. That exposure

> to

> > a small

> > > amount of something (titrated to the individual) and then

> > subsequent

> > > exposure to a large amount that usually makes one react --

> > nullifies the

> > > reaction. No one gets it that I can glean. But it is amazing

> and

> > I

> > > heartily recommend it to every patient who can get to a doctor

> who

> > does

> > > neutralization.

> > > So far that I can tell not many other docs are giving


> > personal

> > > opinion after being excruciatingly ill and having it go away.


> > don't think

> > > any doctors who have gone through this would argue with me.

> > Although it may

> > > not work for a couple people it certainly does for the rest.

> And

> > this is

> > > just the first step to fixing things. Not a panacea. I feel

> bad

> > when

> > > patients blame Rea or someone else for not 'curing them'.


> > are doing

> > > the best they know how. Some will be luckier than others to

> > discover what to

> > > do to lower their load. For me it was figuring out that I had


> > lot of

> > > current in my mouth from a crown in addition to Trichothecene

> and

> > Dursban.

> > > It is just the first step to tolerating your environment again


> > think.

> > > Hundreds of Docs are doing it and the Doris Rapp tapes

> > (Environmentally Sick

> > > Schools) shows the amazing response of children in moments to

> > > neutralization! The tape is unbelievable and very educational

> for

> > > disbelievers -- I put it on public TV here on Martha's


> > (25.00, at

> > > 800 787 8780)

> > >

> > >

> > > Nagy M.D.

> > > P.O. Box 2472

> > > Vineyard Haven, Mass 02568

> > > (508) 693-3048

> > > (310) 213- 5472 (Cell-Important Calls)

> > >

> > > <mailto:Calls@N...> @N...

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Which doc is this?


> I saw an environ doc today & my mycotoxin test is in. I show reaction to 11

out of the

12 dangerous mycotoxins tested. He said I was the worse test He's seen meaning

I've been

exposed to so many I guess. He was talking to me about this allergy treatment to

desensitize me. I guess it's the neutralization you've been talking about. To

the tune of 10

to 20K that will most likely come from my money tree out in the back yard. I'll


have to sell my first born (if anyone will take him) to pay for this treatment.

OH, and then

there are no guarantees!!!! What??? $20 grand & no guarantee.

> HELP!!!!!!!! Loni

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, I don't think I can take CSM because of my low cholesterol. I can't

afford to make it lower with the drug. Wish I could take it-I would love to.


carondeen <kdeanstudios@...> wrote: Hey, CSM is only $100 a month-

staying clean-priceless

> > >

> > > I know less about the specifics of neutralization than


> > want to

> > > hear. It picks reactivity that is not IgE mediated for


> > The name

> > > allergy shots just makes it sound acceptable I think. I am

> > insistent because

> > > of my experience and my observation in others and what I have

> > learned from

> > > all the other environmental physicians at the meeting and the

> > instructional

> > > tapes. Dr. Patel (Buffalo)made a soft spoken statement that


> > doesn't

> > > think the patient will get well without the shots. Rea and

> > everyone else

> > > feels it is necessary to 'lower one's load'. I don't think


> > know how

> > > they work although they have been doing neutralization for 40

> > years or so.

> > > It may have something to do with electrical fields and


> > etc for all

> > > they know. They just discovered that it works. That exposure

> to

> > a small

> > > amount of something (titrated to the individual) and then

> > subsequent

> > > exposure to a large amount that usually makes one react --

> > nullifies the

> > > reaction. No one gets it that I can glean. But it is amazing

> and

> > I

> > > heartily recommend it to every patient who can get to a doctor

> who

> > does

> > > neutralization.

> > > So far that I can tell not many other docs are giving


> > personal

> > > opinion after being excruciatingly ill and having it go away.


> > don't think

> > > any doctors who have gone through this would argue with me.

> > Although it may

> > > not work for a couple people it certainly does for the rest.

> And

> > this is

> > > just the first step to fixing things. Not a panacea. I feel

> bad

> > when

> > > patients blame Rea or someone else for not 'curing them'.


> > are doing

> > > the best they know how. Some will be luckier than others to

> > discover what to

> > > do to lower their load. For me it was figuring out that I had


> > lot of

> > > current in my mouth from a crown in addition to Trichothecene

> and

> > Dursban.

> > > It is just the first step to tolerating your environment again


> > think.

> > > Hundreds of Docs are doing it and the Doris Rapp tapes

> > (Environmentally Sick

> > > Schools) shows the amazing response of children in moments to

> > > neutralization! The tape is unbelievable and very educational

> for

> > > disbelievers -- I put it on public TV here on Martha's


> > (25.00, at

> > > 800 787 8780)

> > >

> > >

> > > Nagy M.D.

> > > P.O. Box 2472

> > > Vineyard Haven, Mass 02568

> > > (508) 693-3048

> > > (310) 213- 5472 (Cell-Important Calls)

> > >

> > > <mailto:Calls@N...> @N...

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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> >> I saw an environ doc today & my mycotoxin test is in. I show reaction to 11

out of

the 12 dangerous mycotoxins tested. He said I was the worse test He's seen

meaning I've

been exposed to so many I guess. He was talking to me about this allergy

treatment to

desensitize me. I guess it's the neutralization you've been talking about. To

the tune of 10

to 20K that will most likely come from my money tree out in the back yard. I'll


have to sell my first born (if anyone will take him) to pay for this treatment.

OH, and then

there are no guarantees!!!! What??? $20 grand & no guarantee.

> >> HELP!!!!!!!! Loni

> >

> > Loni

> >

> > I don't know what test you had but it doesn't sound like P/N testing.

> >

> > Would you describe the test, how long did it take to get the results.

> >

> > earle

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


> >

> >

> >

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Who did your testing.......what doctor did you see?


carondeen <kdeanstudios@...> wrote:

Hey, CSM is only $100 a month- staying clean-priceless

> > >

> > > I know less about the specifics of neutralization than


> > want to

> > > hear. It picks reactivity that is not IgE mediated for


> > The name

> > > allergy shots just makes it sound acceptable I think. I am

> > insistent because

> > > of my experience and my observation in others and what I have

> > learned from

> > > all the other environmental physicians at the meeting and the

> > instructional

> > > tapes. Dr. Patel (Buffalo)made a soft spoken statement that


> > doesn't

> > > think the patient will get well without the shots. Rea and

> > everyone else

> > > feels it is necessary to 'lower one's load'. I don't think


> > know how

> > > they work although they have been doing neutralization for 40

> > years or so.

> > > It may have something to do with electrical fields and


> > etc for all

> > > they know. They just discovered that it works. That exposure

> to

> > a small

> > > amount of something (titrated to the individual) and then

> > subsequent

> > > exposure to a large amount that usually makes one react --

> > nullifies the

> > > reaction. No one gets it that I can glean. But it is amazing

> and

> > I

> > > heartily recommend it to every patient who can get to a doctor

> who

> > does

> > > neutralization.

> > > So far that I can tell not many other docs are giving


> > personal

> > > opinion after being excruciatingly ill and having it go away.


> > don't think

> > > any doctors who have gone through this would argue with me.

> > Although it may

> > > not work for a couple people it certainly does for the rest.

> And

> > this is

> > > just the first step to fixing things. Not a panacea. I feel

> bad

> > when

> > > patients blame Rea or someone else for not 'curing them'.


> > are doing

> > > the best they know how. Some will be luckier than others to

> > discover what to

> > > do to lower their load. For me it was figuring out that I had


> > lot of

> > > current in my mouth from a crown in addition to Trichothecene

> and

> > Dursban.

> > > It is just the first step to tolerating your environment again


> > think.

> > > Hundreds of Docs are doing it and the Doris Rapp tapes

> > (Environmentally Sick

> > > Schools) shows the amazing response of children in moments to

> > > neutralization! The tape is unbelievable and very educational

> for

> > > disbelievers -- I put it on public TV here on Martha's


> > (25.00, at

> > > 800 787 8780)

> > >

> > >

> > > Nagy M.D.

> > > P.O. Box 2472

> > > Vineyard Haven, Mass 02568

> > > (508) 693-3048

> > > (310) 213- 5472 (Cell-Important Calls)

> > >

> > > <mailto:Calls@N...> @N...

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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My friend comes in for allergy testing 2x/year. It usually takes 4-5

days. WShe is always wiped out from all the testing. Especially when

they hit upon her worse allergens.

Her main triggers are food/chems.

600 is very reasonable.

On Thu, 15 Dec 2005, kl_clayton wrote:

> Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2005 20:38:58 -0000

> From: kl_clayton <kl_clayton@...>

> Reply-


> Subject: [] Re: Kathy's answer



>>>> I saw an environ doc today & my mycotoxin test is in. I show reaction to 11

out of

> the 12 dangerous mycotoxins tested. He said I was the worse test He's seen

meaning I've

> been exposed to so many I guess. He was talking to me about this allergy

treatment to

> desensitize me. I guess it's the neutralization you've been talking about. To

the tune of 10

> to 20K that will most likely come from my money tree out in the back yard.

I'll probably

> have to sell my first born (if anyone will take him) to pay for this

treatment. OH, and then

> there are no guarantees!!!! What??? $20 grand & no guarantee.

>>>> HELP!!!!!!!! Loni


>>> Loni


>>> I don't know what test you had but it doesn't sound like P/N testing.


>>> Would you describe the test, how long did it take to get the results.


>>> earle














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Dr Lanson here in sdale Arizona. He doesn't take my insurance. I guess He

tests for all kinds of things. For detoxing the mycotoxins he uses sublingual

nutrients & he tests me for those also. Office manager said 10 to 20K. Loni

Marcie McGovern <marcie1029@...> wrote: Loni,

Who did your testing.......what doctor did you see?


carondeen <kdeanstudios@...> wrote:

Hey, CSM is only $100 a month- staying clean-priceless

> > >

> > > I know less about the specifics of neutralization than


> > want to

> > > hear. It picks reactivity that is not IgE mediated for


> > The name

> > > allergy shots just makes it sound acceptable I think. I am

> > insistent because

> > > of my experience and my observation in others and what I have

> > learned from

> > > all the other environmental physicians at the meeting and the

> > instructional

> > > tapes. Dr. Patel (Buffalo)made a soft spoken statement that


> > doesn't

> > > think the patient will get well without the shots. Rea and

> > everyone else

> > > feels it is necessary to 'lower one's load'. I don't think


> > know how

> > > they work although they have been doing neutralization for 40

> > years or so.

> > > It may have something to do with electrical fields and


> > etc for all

> > > they know. They just discovered that it works. That exposure

> to

> > a small

> > > amount of something (titrated to the individual) and then

> > subsequent

> > > exposure to a large amount that usually makes one react --

> > nullifies the

> > > reaction. No one gets it that I can glean. But it is amazing

> and

> > I

> > > heartily recommend it to every patient who can get to a doctor

> who

> > does

> > > neutralization.

> > > So far that I can tell not many other docs are giving


> > personal

> > > opinion after being excruciatingly ill and having it go away.


> > don't think

> > > any doctors who have gone through this would argue with me.

> > Although it may

> > > not work for a couple people it certainly does for the rest.

> And

> > this is

> > > just the first step to fixing things. Not a panacea. I feel

> bad

> > when

> > > patients blame Rea or someone else for not 'curing them'.


> > are doing

> > > the best they know how. Some will be luckier than others to

> > discover what to

> > > do to lower their load. For me it was figuring out that I had


> > lot of

> > > current in my mouth from a crown in addition to Trichothecene

> and

> > Dursban.

> > > It is just the first step to tolerating your environment again


> > think.

> > > Hundreds of Docs are doing it and the Doris Rapp tapes

> > (Environmentally Sick

> > > Schools) shows the amazing response of children in moments to

> > > neutralization! The tape is unbelievable and very educational

> for

> > > disbelievers -- I put it on public TV here on Martha's


> > (25.00, at

> > > 800 787 8780)

> > >

> > >

> > > Nagy M.D.

> > > P.O. Box 2472

> > > Vineyard Haven, Mass 02568

> > > (508) 693-3048

> > > (310) 213- 5472 (Cell-Important Calls)

> > >

> > > <mailto:Calls@N...> @N...

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Yes there are alot of them I guess. Did this help you do you think? My immune

system is so damaged that I just don't know if this will help. Loni

kl_clayton <kl_clayton@...> wrote:

> >> I saw an environ doc today & my mycotoxin test is in. I show reaction to 11

out of

the 12 dangerous mycotoxins tested. He said I was the worse test He's seen

meaning I've

been exposed to so many I guess. He was talking to me about this allergy

treatment to

desensitize me. I guess it's the neutralization you've been talking about. To

the tune of 10

to 20K that will most likely come from my money tree out in the back yard. I'll


have to sell my first born (if anyone will take him) to pay for this treatment.

OH, and then

there are no guarantees!!!! What??? $20 grand & no guarantee.

> >> HELP!!!!!!!! Loni

> >

> > Loni

> >

> > I don't know what test you had but it doesn't sound like P/N testing.

> >

> > Would you describe the test, how long did it take to get the results.

> >

> > earle

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


> >

> >

> >

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Are you saying the testing they did gave you asthma? That would be horrible.


kl_clayton <kl_clayton@...> wrote:

> >> I saw an environ doc today & my mycotoxin test is in. I show reaction to 11

out of

the 12 dangerous mycotoxins tested. He said I was the worse test He's seen

meaning I've

been exposed to so many I guess. He was talking to me about this allergy

treatment to

desensitize me. I guess it's the neutralization you've been talking about. To

the tune of 10

to 20K that will most likely come from my money tree out in the back yard. I'll


have to sell my first born (if anyone will take him) to pay for this treatment.

OH, and then

there are no guarantees!!!! What??? $20 grand & no guarantee.

> >> HELP!!!!!!!! Loni

> >

> > Loni

> >

> > I don't know what test you had but it doesn't sound like P/N testing.

> >

> > Would you describe the test, how long did it take to get the results.

> >

> > earle

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


> >

> >

> >

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Loni, you could recheck this, but the reason I suggested taking a

look at the comments on cholesterol in Mold Warriors was because of a

description I remember concerning the body manufacturing as much

cholesterol as it needs. The general notion, if I'm remembering

correctly, was that cholesterol is used internally for repairs, and

telling people they need to reduce cholesterol was sort of like

telling people in a sinking boat that they have too many plugs. The

research that started the whole " cholesterol craze " was so

questionable to begin with, that it's almost impossible to tell where

the voodoo public health campaigning leaves off and the common sense

kicks in.

Anyway, the idea I took from it is that cholesterol levels probably

aren't good, bad, or indifferent, taken on their own. There may not

be any such thing as too much, and if you ever need more for any

reason, you'll probably just make some - which is why continual use

of CSM is considered to be pretty safe. If it didn't work that way,

those of us who expect to take it for a lifetime would eventually run

out of cholesterol into some bad trouble. I've never heard of that


But that's just what I remember. You probably ought to check that

with one of the mold docs. They could either verify or deny what I

just said, as well as coming up with an alternative, if that's what

was needed.

--- In , Loni Rosser <loni326@y...>



> , I don't think I can take CSM because of my low cholesterol.

I can't afford to make it lower with the drug. Wish I could take it-I

would love to. Loni


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Ok I'll email Dr. Shoemaker's office & make an inquiry. The liver makes 80% of

your cholesterol & I do have a liver functioning problem so I don't know how

that plays but thanks I'll check it out. I would like to see Dr Shoemaker if I

could take the CSM. But I know it would be for life so that is my concern. Loni

pushcrash <pushcrash@...> wrote:

Loni, you could recheck this, but the reason I suggested taking a

look at the comments on cholesterol in Mold Warriors was because of a

description I remember concerning the body manufacturing as much

cholesterol as it needs. The general notion, if I'm remembering

correctly, was that cholesterol is used internally for repairs, and

telling people they need to reduce cholesterol was sort of like

telling people in a sinking boat that they have too many plugs. The

research that started the whole " cholesterol craze " was so

questionable to begin with, that it's almost impossible to tell where

the voodoo public health campaigning leaves off and the common sense

kicks in.

Anyway, the idea I took from it is that cholesterol levels probably

aren't good, bad, or indifferent, taken on their own. There may not

be any such thing as too much, and if you ever need more for any

reason, you'll probably just make some - which is why continual use

of CSM is considered to be pretty safe. If it didn't work that way,

those of us who expect to take it for a lifetime would eventually run

out of cholesterol into some bad trouble. I've never heard of that


But that's just what I remember. You probably ought to check that

with one of the mold docs. They could either verify or deny what I

just said, as well as coming up with an alternative, if that's what

was needed.

--- In , Loni Rosser <loni326@y...>



> , I don't think I can take CSM because of my low cholesterol.

I can't afford to make it lower with the drug. Wish I could take it-I

would love to. Loni



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Everybody who's been poisoned has what you might call a liver functioning

problem of sorts. But yeah, I'd ask him. If the CSM is a problem in that way,

he'd be the guy who would know it.

Loni Rosser <loni326@...> wrote: Ok I'll email Dr. Shoemaker's office &

make an inquiry. The liver makes 80% of your cholesterol & I do have a liver

functioning problem so I don't know how that plays but thanks I'll check it out.

I would like to see Dr Shoemaker if I could take the CSM. But I know it would be

for life so that is my concern. Loni


There is no such thing as an anomaly. Recheck your original premise.

...Ayn Rand,



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Everyone that I know that has used her has noticed a substanial reduction

in their reaction severity. i do EAV testing and that has helped me


I have waqtched my friend from her first reaction in 97 until know and

swhe has made 80%^ improvement.

On Thu, 15 Dec 2005, Loni Rosser wrote:

> Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2005 15:41:30 -0800 (PST)

> From: Loni Rosser <loni326@...>

> Reply-


> Subject: Re: [] Re: Kathy's answer


> Yes there are alot of them I guess. Did this help you do you think? My immune

system is so damaged that I just don't know if this will help. Loni


> kl_clayton <kl_clayton@...> wrote:

>>>> I saw an environ doc today & my mycotoxin test is in. I show reaction to 11

out of

> the 12 dangerous mycotoxins tested. He said I was the worse test He's seen

meaning I've

> been exposed to so many I guess. He was talking to me about this allergy

treatment to

> desensitize me. I guess it's the neutralization you've been talking about. To

the tune of 10

> to 20K that will most likely come from my money tree out in the back yard.

I'll probably

> have to sell my first born (if anyone will take him) to pay for this

treatment. OH, and then

> there are no guarantees!!!! What??? $20 grand & no guarantee.

>>>> HELP!!!!!!!! Loni


>>> Loni


>>> I don't know what test you had but it doesn't sound like P/N testing.


>>> Would you describe the test, how long did it take to get the results.


>>> earle














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What were your Immune levels at?


Loni Rosser <loni326@...> wrote:

Yes there are alot of them I guess. Did this help you do you think? My immune

system is so damaged that I just don't know if this will help. Loni

kl_clayton <kl_clayton@...> wrote:

> >> I saw an environ doc today & my mycotoxin test is in. I show reaction to 11

out of

the 12 dangerous mycotoxins tested. He said I was the worse test He's seen

meaning I've

been exposed to so many I guess. He was talking to me about this allergy

treatment to

desensitize me. I guess it's the neutralization you've been talking about. To

the tune of 10

to 20K that will most likely come from my money tree out in the back yard. I'll


have to sell my first born (if anyone will take him) to pay for this treatment.

OH, and then

there are no guarantees!!!! What??? $20 grand & no guarantee.

> >> HELP!!!!!!!! Loni

> >

> > Loni

> >

> > I don't know what test you had but it doesn't sound like P/N testing.

> >

> > Would you describe the test, how long did it take to get the results.

> >

> > earle

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


> >

> >

> >

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what are you looking for Marcie? Loni

Marcie McGovern <marcie1029@...> wrote: Loni,

What were your Immune levels at?


Loni Rosser <loni326@...> wrote:

Yes there are alot of them I guess. Did this help you do you think? My immune

system is so damaged that I just don't know if this will help. Loni

kl_clayton <kl_clayton@...> wrote:

> >> I saw an environ doc today & my mycotoxin test is in. I show reaction to 11

out of

the 12 dangerous mycotoxins tested. He said I was the worse test He's seen

meaning I've

been exposed to so many I guess. He was talking to me about this allergy

treatment to

desensitize me. I guess it's the neutralization you've been talking about. To

the tune of 10

to 20K that will most likely come from my money tree out in the back yard. I'll


have to sell my first born (if anyone will take him) to pay for this treatment.

OH, and then

there are no guarantees!!!! What??? $20 grand & no guarantee.

> >> HELP!!!!!!!! Loni

> >

> > Loni

> >

> > I don't know what test you had but it doesn't sound like P/N testing.

> >

> > Would you describe the test, how long did it take to get the results.

> >

> > earle

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


> >

> >

> >

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