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on Harriet fainting

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Harriet. I too take florinef. It helps with the dysautonomia that 85% of

chemically injured people have. If you have it ( leg swelling due to venous

pooling esp. on airplanes (I think due to the proximity to the electrical

lines down the center of the plane), tachycardia esp. after meals, exercise

and in the heat. I took midodrine for 2 years until I got better and now

use it occasionally when I get dysautonomic after eating or while using

electrical appliances (phone and computer). I had a tilt table test but

your heart rate has to go to 125 on standing for it to be positive. A

cardiologist or neurologist specializing in dysautonomia can give you

midodrine. Also some Environmental guys are comfortable with it's use.

2.5 mg (it comes in 5 or 10 mg)is a tiny dose (what I use now) 10 mg a good

size dose. It is given 3 times a day. You cannot lie down on it or your

head will pop off! (called supine hypertension). It is an alpha agonist and

raises blood pressure. It saved my ass. In the meantime use support

stockings ( thigh high are the most useful). And eat lots of salt to

retain your fluid. It is an easy drug to take so find someone to do heart

rate variability testing on you (an EI Doc) and who has the balls to start

you on it. NDRF is the group concerned with dysautonomia and there

has spoken to Bill Rea about increasing communication between their group

and ours etc. Nagy MD

(508) 693-3048

<mailto:Calls@...> @...

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