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Hi, my first post was one of sheer desperation,I appreciate Kc

contacting me and thank you Kathy for your email. I've

learned so much since talking to Kc and others he's referred me to

including the Immuno_ Science labs, Dr. V.

I am almost at a breaking point, feel like I'm in chemical warfare.

My face bruns so bad, as well as my little stomach(I had gastric

bypass- in 1997 whcih gave me malabsortion, and bone disease), but

I've already overcome so many obstacles in my life, and tried to

focus on my songwriting, and truly making a difference..despite the

bureacracy and DRs who just would never listen. I had to go to Mayo

Clinic in 2000, to even get a diagnosis for 4 broken bones,

pain,vitamin def.)

And a hand injury to my piano hand from a hospital, and losing my

disability..medical and income due to error on their part. My papers

are lost in the system..and I'm so sick from the mold, I can't ven

funtion..Can't think..PAPERS...? I'm trying to just live in this


I lived in a home built in 1952, a nice little home (I Thot)..with

gov. insulation (cellouse/fiberglass) put in by the Gov in late 70's.

First symptoms I had in that home were freaky. My face went into this

contorted spasm, and left side of my body. It was my central Nervous

System. Parameds asked had I taken poison? Wasn't a seisure..as I was

fully aware..I still get spasms in my face. Then I had severe

muscle,body pain..to the point of near--giving up- begging to die-

while wanting to live..then I had some mosquito bites, they just

turned to bruises..obviously this toxic stuff in my blood. Then my

face, arms..exposue body parts began burning badly..like a wind-

burn.. then my lips started swelling on the insisde memranes, skind

started to feel glassy.

I had a ceiling tile come open, and a leak for about 6 months in

living Room where I worked on my music. And kept noticing water

coming from under tiles in Kitche. It rained for months here in Ga.

By Jan. 2005, I relaized it was something in home making me sick, My

skin was so fibery feeling, and burning in my stomach, eyes blood

red, could not breathe indoors, so horrible..slept in motels for 3

months, from one to another, sick and trying to look for another

place in the meantime. Drs. would not belive me. Nobody would check

my home. Country said, go to the city, EPA, CDC, I tried them

all..nobody would help me.

I've been out for 9 months..the fibers got out of my skin..But this

stuff was toxic to me. I know all those vaporizers I had going to

help me breathe were just allowing that mold to grow on wet

insulation that was old, and I'm sure filthy. I have photos, I found

recently..man, how could any Dr. see somebody like that and ignore

thier complaints about home being toxic?

I'm losing vision..not like a near or farsightedness..rather..just

blurs..My face is crawling, burning, throbbing, my stmach feels like

a torch is burning..can't beathe really well..at times..but no

coughing..my so called Dr who ignored me told me I had copd..when in

fact I just discovered he had a letter from a nice pulmonary Dr

saying I had no evidence of copd..he , my reg. Dr. however, thinks

I'm just delusion and a hypochondriac.

I've been trying for over a week to get bloodwork done..as I had

home tested Nov. 30th, and after 8 mnoths of being dry and sealed, it

showed elveated and potentially toxic mold levels and needs

remediation. So I imagine and was told it was probably much, much

worse when wet, open and when I lived there. I tried to tell the

family there now how sick I got, even showed them photos..they were

thankful at first and offered to help me pay for testing..when I went

back..nobody would help and they're not concerned, despite the lady

only being there 4 weeks said she had a stragne spasm in her face the

other day and she already lost a child to cancer, and didn;t want her

child she has now to get sick. they all turned on me..landlord, nor

them would help me.

And NO DOCTOR will write me a prescription to have bloodwork done,

even tho home was tested and I'm telling them I'm almost dying,

cannot baer this. I have many of the sypmtoms of the tricolemene

(sorry, don't have spelling in front of me)..NOBODY will help. why is

there a problem with having my blood drawn and sent to lab of my

choice..This is INSANE. I have dozens upon dozens of DR visits, Er

visits, all symptoms..but nobody cares. I'm supposed to go back to

allergist Monday..she has to decide wheteher to write me a scipt or

not..says she must check it out with her contacts and make sure lab

and test are legit and proven and necessary. if I don't get this

bloodwork done, I don't have a prayer.

And I am SO determined to fight this, depsite the intolerable pain,

for I promised to write songs on THIS mold issue, and the cover-up,

the fact that it's a letahl weapon..it's time for someoeother tha

the victims exposure..but exposing those who just don't care..if THEY

felt the pain, or their children..they might open their eyes..Please

pray that I'll get test and live to get these songs done and my story

out. I'm so frustrated with Drs. and working so long..thru all this

time of agongy..still producing and writing 3 cds and now I'm too

sick to even promote them to help others and support myself. Thanks

for the support. I'd visit more but too hard to sit here and type.

Take care. feel free to visit my site www.centurydemos.com

Also, my seems to be stuck in attach mode..I can't reply..so

anyone wants to email me..you can do so at centurydemos@... ,

for now.

Hang on, I pray for all of you. We got a mission here to help save

others, if we can and I gotta survive. I wish I had the mold book,

maybe I can get it somehow. God bless.


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