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Re: Pneumonia (reply)(reply)

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Hello quackadillian@...,

In reference to your comment:

è What happens if you get bird flu after you have gotten

è mold-pneumonia? Is your chance of dying higher?

********I'm not concerned about bird flu as I have an excellent Homeopathic

MD, who now has the Avian homeopathic drops for neutralizing. Plus, I would go

immediately on Colloidal Silver IV's alternating with Hydrogen Peroxide/DMSO.

I have never and will never take any vaccines, especially flu vaccines. I'm

61 yrs old and during the years I was a nurse I never took vaccines. Since

I've had mold-pneumonia I'm not worried as long as I have a good homeopathic MD

to treat me.

******I respect the fact that people do not believe like I believe and

probably do not treat diseases/infections/etc., as I do (using ALL

alternatives).....My life has been saved on several occassions using

alternatives, when

allopathic docs gave me up for dead.

*******I recently beat lung cancer, breast cancer and now have Lyme disease

with several co-infections, in remission. This MOLD situation is new to me and

I'm the guinea pig trying to find what works best. I will keep everyone

posted. BTW, I do NOT take allopathic antibiotics.....

*******Yes, Bird Flu is coming, but is very treatable with Homeopathic

remedies and alternative IV's. My doctor treated over 30 serious cases of West


last year with all 30 people fully recuperating. Fourteen people in our

state dies of West Nile, as the allopathics had NO clue how to treat it.



******During the 1918 Flu epidemic, they say that those treated with

Homeopathic remedies survived, which is no surprise to me. They also used



IV's among other things, which proved to save thousands of lives.

******I have been going to my Homeopathic MD since 1977 and will shout from

the highest building that Homeopathopy works.....I'm living proof. BTW, he is

an Enviromental doctor who has a large MCS group of patients.

Keep a smile on your face, love in your heart and walk with the angels,

holding hands in the " chain of love " .....

Angel Huggzz

or Angel

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è the BBC website, they say " Bird Flu is coming " and

è ask people to try to keep their lungs as healthy as

è possible, because if they get bird flu, they will need

è that health and strength to stay alive.

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I don't beleive in homeopathy, but I will defend your right to do

whatever you think is best for you with your own money and energy..


If there is a bird flu outbreak, and you do get sick, please consider

strongly getting care from a regular doctor (MD - not homeopathy) or


There is a global scientific network fighting this.. (all other

countries are NOT as screwed up as the US) and to just abandon that is

I don;t think smart. Yes, Western medicine still has a LOT to learn..


On 12/27/05, LymeAngl@... <LymeAngl@...> wrote:

> Hello quackadillian@...,


> In reference to your comment:


> è What happens if you get bird flu after you have gotten

> è mold-pneumonia? Is your chance of dying higher?


> ********I'm not concerned about bird flu as I have an excellent Homeopathic

> MD, who now has the Avian homeopathic drops for neutralizing. Plus, I would


> immediately on Colloidal Silver IV's alternating with Hydrogen Peroxide/DMSO.

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Where deid the homeopath get the remedy?

On Sun, 1 Jan 2006, LiveSimply wrote:

> Date: Sun, 1 Jan 2006 22:32:23 -0800

> From: LiveSimply <quackadillian@...>

> Reply-


> Subject: Re: [] Pneumonia (reply)(reply)


> I don't beleive in homeopathy, but I will defend your right to do

> whatever you think is best for you with your own money and energy..


> :)


> If there is a bird flu outbreak, and you do get sick, please consider

> strongly getting care from a regular doctor (MD - not homeopathy) or

> nurse-practitioner...


> There is a global scientific network fighting this.. (all other

> countries are NOT as screwed up as the US) and to just abandon that is

> I don;t think smart. Yes, Western medicine still has a LOT to learn..

> but...


> On 12/27/05, LymeAngl@... <LymeAngl@...> wrote:

>> Hello quackadillian@...,


>> In reference to your comment:


>> è What happens if you get bird flu after you have gotten

>> è mold-pneumonia? Is your chance of dying higher?


>> ********I'm not concerned about bird flu as I have an excellent Homeopathic

>> MD, who now has the Avian homeopathic drops for neutralizing. Plus, I would


>> immediately on Colloidal Silver IV's alternating with Hydrogen Peroxide/DMSO.











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