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Mold wars play out in Oregon worker

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Mold wars play out in Oregon worker

Posted by R.

Friday, 23 December 2005

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Teacher states she is not " SAIF " from moldy school


Ashland, OR - The battle lines over the `toxic mold' issue have been

drawn between ethical physicians who are successfully treating mold-

related illnesses and the independent medical examiners who claim

these illnesses do not exist. At the center of this national battle

is a solitary teacher from a small town in southern Oregon,


Her treating physicians state Westmoreland's neurological and

cognitive injuries are from years of being exposed to mold in her

water-damaged school. The physicians concur Westmoreland can no

longer work and is due compensation for her injuries caused by the

Phoenix-Talent School District's negligent building maintenance.

The independent medical examiners hired by the district's worker's

compensation insurer, SAIF Corp, say Westmoreland is due nothing.

They claim mold exposure cannot make one that sick.

Ms. Westmoreland is being treated for her illness by well-respected

specialists who collectively have over 85 years experience in

treating and researching mold-related diseases, including Drs.

Ritchie Shoemaker, Marinkovich, Kaye Kilburn, and

Gray. Among her well respected physicians, together they have

published over 30 books and papers on the subject of fungal disease

in numerous medical journals such as the ls of Allergy &

Immunology and Advances in Applied Microbiology. One has even

patented numerous antifungal medications to heal patients from mold

related illnesses. This panel of renowned experts have come forward

to testify on Westmoreland's behalf as they concur that she will

never be able to return to her profession again.

Ms. Westmoreland was at the pinnacle of her career, about to become

a school administrator; something many educators aspire to reach in

their profession. Like workers' comp insurers all across the US,

Oregon workers' compensation benefits consist of only a partial

salary award and medical benefits.

Greed Over Creed?

SAIF Corp. (State Accident Insurance Fund), the state of Oregon

school district's workers' compensation insurer, has spared no

expense to defeat Westmorland's claim of illness. The attorneys for

SAIF have ordered through the courts, that Ms. Westmorland undergo

no less than five independent medical examinations (IME's) by

physicians of their choosing. The examiners specified by the SAIF

defense team are ones known within the litigation arena to attribute

symptoms of mold-related illnesses to hysteria and psychological

disorders - then testify as such in court.

One of the medical examiners hired by SAIF in the Westmoreland case,

allergist, Dr. Emil Bardana, Jr. of Oregon, has testified for

insurers in numerous cases denying the existence of mold related

injuries. He has even authored on the subject with allergists

associated with the American College Of Allergy, Asthma, and

Immunology (ACAAI), a nationally preeminent medical association that

guides other allergists. Contradictory to many ACAAI published

articles, in Bardana's writings, he claims that illness caused from

fungal exposure is a result of so-called " hysteria " driven by


Although Bardana is no expert in neurological pathologies, he has

even admitted his writings that 84% of the mold patients he examined

in a recent " study " he conducted complained about such symptoms. In

the same such " study, " Bardana only a mere allergist and untrained

in treating mold exposure or psychiatry, claims in his same writings

regarding 50 independent medical exams where patients had already

been diagnosed with mycotoxicosis by experts, " In 30 patients the

symptoms were attributable to causes other than mold exposure,

including a wide range of infectious, allergic, psychiatric, and

other contributing conditions. " Bardana even vehemently denied

illness with one particular patient after an independent medical

exam which he labeled as " fear-induced somatic symptoms which

received a diagnosis of toxic agoraphobia. "

Many experts have doubted not only Bardana's ethics but his

knowledge as he contradicts himself in naysaying studies in his

wording with swapping between amateurish phrases such as " toxic mold

syndrome " and the proper medical term, mycotoxicosis. This flip-

flop verbiage obviously indicates either downplaying of the severity

of the disease, bias, or sheer foolishness. Could it be a

combination of all of the above?

Another of the five well-compensated examiners who frequently

provides expert testimony for insurers was toxicologist Janet

Weiss. She was brought in all the way from California to examine

Westmorland. Some medical expert witnesses in mold cases are paid by

insurers up to $100,000 to render their opinions – an amount

Westmorland could never hope to match while making her claim.

Within the same school district, there are five teachers all

claiming the same illness and seeking benefits from the district's

worker's compensation insurer. They are all seeing IME's hired by

SAIF. Westmoreland's case is the first of the five to go before a

judge. The hearing, which took place last month, is still awaiting

the final ruling.

When asked for a comment, SAIF declined to make a statement

regarding this story.

Many people compare Dr. Emil Bardana, Jr. to Dr. E. Gots. He

is the CEO of his own corporation called the International Center

for Toxicology and Medicine in Rockville, land. As most of

these well paid naysayers, in conducting IME's on the east coast,

Gots established a rather dubious reputation denying claim after

claim. Gots was the former founder and medical director of a

company that conducted IME's called MCRS (Medical Claims Review

Services), which is now defunct.

According to a 2000 NBC Dateline report who conducted an

investigation of that business, they had this to say on the study, "

We obtained copies of 79 MCRS reports done for State Farm Insurance

on accident claims. " Although too small a number to draw any

definitive conclusions, we were surprised to find every single

medical review — 79 out of 79 — favored State Farm, recommended

cutting back or denying care to accident victims. "

Gots is the head of " non-profit " called the Environmental

Sensitivities Research Institute (ESRI) and also claims to be an

authority in multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) illness and mold


A Judge called Gots' operation a " completely bogus operation " which

prepared " cookie-cutter reports. " The judge also said, " State Farm

(Insurance) 'knew the paper reviews were not objective', but slanted

to favor the denial or reduction of claims. "

Many large chemical companies such as DowElanco, Monsanto, Procter

and Gamble, the Cosmetic Toiletries and Fragrances Association, and

other companies and trade associations involved in the manufacture

of pharmaceuticals, pesticides, and other chemicals, each pay

$10,000 per year to keep the Environmental Sensitivities Research

Institute (ESRI) going. Gots, who also runs something called the

National Medical Advisory Group, which provides expert witnesses to

defend the chemical corporations in tort lawsuits.

Gots is a pharmacologist, not a toxicologist, with no formal

training or certification in toxicology. Dr. Gots has not treated or

seen patients of his own for 20 years and have never been the

physician for a chemically sensitive person. He practiced medicine

for only a few years before becoming a full time expert witness and

consultant for the chemical industry and other corporations, and

many times has testified against MCS patients. Gots has also

allegedly been charged with insurance fraud.

Gots, in papers that he has written, refers to those who educate

others in the scientific health hazards of fungal exposure as " mold

promoters. " This viewpoint demonstrates Gots in his obvious

paranoid paradigm between ethics and greed, although one need not go

far to understand Gots and the motives for his actions.

The media has been covering these deceitful events for some time.

Even CBS did an expose of insurance companies and their fraudulant

business practices. Click here to view. If any individual would

use these exact same dubious business tactics, they would most

likely be prosecuted criminally.

Yet the American public appears to have been brainwashed by the mass

media as with many other matters. This campaign has been so

successful in the past that the many people are ignorant enough into

believing that the insurance industry cannot commit any type of

fraud, and any civil litigation against the industry is " frivolous "

and some actually believe the insurance industry has suffered

immeasurable losses due to health hazards such as mold.

Actually, insurance industry profits are at an all time high, and

continue to sky rocket as we go into 2006.

SAIF Trying To Play It Too " Safe "

A commentary by Steve Duin, columnist of The Oregonian, reflects the

nature of the opposition in January 2005 quite eloquently:

State Sen. Vicki , called for a state audit of SAIF spending,

a shake-up of its board, and legislation to convert the independent

public corporation back into a regular state agency in 2004.

cited newly released documents showing that SAIF paid $1.2 million

to former Gov. Neil Goldschmidt and former House Speaker Larry

for lobbying and public policy advice from 1998 to 2002.

Yet SAIF only reported $223,351 in lobbying expenses during that

time period. Is it possible, asked, that SAIF's

legendary " savings " in the workers' comp system were based on

denials of legitimate injury claims?

Carol asked the same question 14 years ago. , 64,

retired two years ago from the Department of Justice, where she

worked in the child-support program. She was a legal assistant at

SAIF until 1986, when she ventured into private law practice in

Eugene. By 1990, was back with the Department of Human

Resources, where her job was to review the files of those who'd

fallen into the great safety net. immediately realized

several things had changed since her days at SAIF. Neil Goldschmidt

was then governor. Ted Kulongoski was the insurance commissioner.

And SAIF was suddenly denying injury claims -- " legitimate claims, "

she argues -- at a record pace . . . and bragging about it.

" Most of the denial letters I saw were blatantly obvious, "

says. " For example: 'While you were in the course and scope of your

employment at Dairy Queen, you fell on a slippery floor and

sustained a fracture of your right hip; therefore, your claim is

denied.' "

says such claims should have been approved with flying

colors: " It was like 'Alice in Wonderland.' You fall down the hole.

You're at the Mad Hatter's tea party and nothing makes any sense.

While I worked at DHR in post-patient recovery, I saw 50 to 100 of

those letters cross my desk. I knew something was cooking. "

She knew what: " The order of the day was to lower workers' comp

premiums to attract new business to Oregon. " That order was so

pronounced that by 1991, Stan Long, president and CEO of SAIF,

announced the corporation " had the lowest number of accepted

workers' compensation claims in 11 years " and rewarded his employees

with $50 bonus checks and a day off work. That practice was so

egregious that in 1992, Weeks, who replaced Kulongoski as

insurance commissioner, ordered SAIF to change its claims processing

procedures. Weeks said his investigation determined SAIF was

misreporting claims, unfairly rejecting claims and showing the back

of its hand to workers with legitimate on-the-job injuries.

In a December 2003 letter to the SAIF board, now-Gov. Kulongoski

proclaimed " Oregon's workers' compensation system is the envy of

states all around this country . . . The reform of our workers'

compensation system, which Neil Goldschmidt and I led in the 1980s,

has saved Oregonians roughly $9 billion. "

" I'll tell you how they did it, " says. " DHR (Department of

Human Resources) paid for SAIF's cast-offs. The employers had low

premiums and SAIF-issued dividends. The taxpayers paid the costs

that should have been paid by the employers. " In 1990, went

to her bosses at Human Resources with a plan to determine the extent

of that cost-shifting: She wanted to compare Social Security numbers

to see how many of SAIF's denied claimants ended up on welfare. Her

bosses loved the idea, says, but told her " it was not

politically correct at the time. "

So it was that the status quo was preserved. Political reputations

were made. Injured workers were abandoned. Fourteen years later,

argued little has changed. SAIF is still denying claims. " The

employers are making off like bandits, " she said. Private insurers

and taxpayers still pick up the tab.

This was actually the icing on the proverbial cake. More scandal

hit before this incident when former Gov. Neil Goldschmidt, in May

2004 admitted his own sexual abuse of a young girl starting when she

was 14. That admission came six months after Governor Kulongoski

appointed Goldschmidt to the Board of Higher Education. also

said that the insurer should have reported $560,821 spent on

advertising largely aimed at lobbying the Legislature. Therefore,

Oregon is without humiliation.

Oregon voters had the choice of ousting SAIF in 2004, yet chose not

to. During pre-election time, SAIF, in a clever attempt to save

face, hired Conklin, Fiskum, and McCormick, a prestigious public

relations firm to promote the practicality of cost vs. change and

secrete the scandals of SAIF of their possibly their less than

perfect image.'

During the election in 2004, it was marketed as " Abolishing SAIF

would expose many businesses to the state's high-risk pool at rates

30 percent to 50 percent higher than what SAIF charges. Oregon's

workers' compensation system is a national model that produced cost

savings for employers for 14 consecutive years. NFIB/Oregon urges

a " NO " vote on Measure 38. "

What they failed to say was there is a definite reason why SAIF is a

national model, and what the consequences are of having such a low

cost system. Just how good is insurance if the premiums are spent

on browbeating legal defense tactics as opposed to paying out

occasional benefits? Many homeowners could tell you when they

suffer losses due to mold problems and file claims with their

insurance companies as they endure the same, formidable defense

tactics. Many people in this country doubt why they even have

insurance these days because it is somewhat of a pretext.

Independent Medical Exams; Unfair And Not Independent

Government and insurance have forced their way into every aspect of

your life. Physicians must carry malpractice insurance which is

outrageously overpriced. Many " physicians " of middle grade find

lucrative positions functioning as the IME's for insurance

companies. No matter how personable they may appear, these

independent medical examiners don't usually treat the general

public. In fact, the word " independent " is questionable, to say the


In a discussion relating to conducting IME's on mold exposure at a

recent allergy and immunology symposium, one well compensated mold

naysayer even admitted that " at least we can make a lot of money off

of this mold problem. "

In the state of Oregon, when a claimant is left with no other

alternative but to file a case, they are usually subjected to the

same suspicious group of indoor air quality team for testing, IME's

and " defense experts. " Most of the IME diagnoses are opined

as " psychosomatic " symptoms. In most cases, however, the average IME

fails to order the correct tests to effectively diagnose mold-

induced illness in the first place, therefore, the diagnosis is

generally flawed, combined with bias.

Westmorland's physicians, other medical and indoor air experts from

around the country, attorneys and nonprofit organizations that

assist mold victims are concerned by what they see as a growing

trend of questionable insurance industry hired " independent " medical

examiners. Even the Oregon-Labor Advisory Committee has questioned

the IME system when they recently conducted a study in 2004 of the

workers' comp IME system.

Documents show the study " included injured worker, claimant

attorney, and attending physician complaints about IME physicians

being biased toward insurer; rude and rough behavior by IME doctors

with injured worker patients; and IME physicians not reviewing

actual diagnostic studies. "

The report states, " There had also been concerns around the distance

injured workers are forced to travel for an IME, the lack of

information given an injured worker about what to expect at an IME,

and the use of leading questions in letters from insurance claims

examiners to IME physicians prior to an exam. "

Vance, an attorney from Spokane, Washington, had this to say

on the subject, " Many of the doctors who perform IME's are not

interested in an honest diagnosis, and are not interested in

treating or helping people. They are interested in making money. "

Vance went on to say, " The term `Independent Medical Exam' is a

misleading oxymoron. There is nothing independent about these types

of examinations performed for litigation. Many of these physicians

will say whatever the defense attorneys want them to say and they

are well paid to say it. IME's should be called what they are:

Defense Attorney's Medical Exams. "

Independent medical exams are now called insurer's medical exams by

SAIF, at least making the statement more ingenuous. But at the time

of Westmoreland's case, the assessments were called " independent "

medical exams, misleading and more advantageous to SAIF.

" An allergist trying to talk about toxin induced illness is like an

obstetrician trying to do neurosurgery, says Dr. Deagle, an

occupational and environmental physician who has treated patients

with neuorotoxicity from environmental toxins. Dr. Deagle

added, " An independent medical examiner is not in a position to

order any appropriate tests to verify or deny the hypothesis that

they are making. Therefore, their findings are unproven and should

not be a basis for an opinion to a reasonable degree of medical

probability. This behavior is suspect and unethical since the IME's

are basically medical prostitutes for big business and the insurance

industry. "

Immunologist and physicist, Dr. Marinkovich has treated

thousands of people made ill from mold exposure for over thirty

years from his practice in Redwood City, California. He said, " I

think Dr. Bardana is doing harm by aggressively pushing his opinion

that exposure to molds is not a potential health hazard. He is

perpetuating ignorance and confusion by his naysaying. It seems to

me that physicians who claim that mold does not cause serious

illness in humans are forgetting their Hippocratic oath to do no

harm. "

History Repeating Itself

In the United States new regulations regarding " expert " testimony

and new strategies to quiet scientific truth are gaining strength.

Because of this it is imperative that skeptics realize the extent to

which legal abuses may support and advance the agenda of those

opposed to rational thought.

During the 1500's and 1600's, Copernicus and Galileo self-censored

for many decades their proofs that the earth revolved around the sun

and that a less restrained heliocentrist, Giordano Bruno, was burned

alive in 1600 for the crime of sound science.

Many of the IME doctors, sponsored by the insurance companies, have

begun an aggressive marketing campaign in an attempt to avoid

liability due to the harmful effects of mold exposure. In a

desperate attempt to negate the facts, some IME's resort to old

tactics, such as claiming current mold research, and even

mycotoxicosis diagnoses, calling it " junk science. "

As mentioned in the Bible, A house desecrated by mildew, mold, or

fungus would be a defiled place to live in, so drastic measures had

to be taken; however, the subject is still up for debate due to

financial liability. Just as Bush incurred a mold problem

both in the governor's mansion in 1999, and the Whitehouse in 2004,

with hundreds of thousands of taxpayer's dollars spent on mold

remediation, the rest of the " commoners' are left with denial and

neglect. This leaves thousands homeless and jobless each year with

no recourse, partly due to doctors who sell themselves out to

claim " mold does no harm. "

The recent hurricane season has left hundreds of thousands to

basically fend for themselves while Governor Blanco of Louisiana

recently had over $500,000 of mold remediation done on the

governor's mansion. This, of course, was all done by no choice at

the cost of the taxpayer. Meanwhile, many are left with absolutely


While the phrase " junk science " is used to discredit public interest

and consumer activists, the phrase " sound science " is employed to

describe the research said to back-up industry's own claims on

safety and risk. In 1999, the Consumers Union (US) wrote that " as

far as we have been able to trace, the phrase " junk science " has

been coined by those practicing public relations and lobbying

activities on behalf of some companies in certain industries.

While its coiners may have legitimate grounds for debate on some

issues, the phrase has been used far too often to discredit honest

public interest organizations and legitimate scientists who express

concerns about consumer safety and environmental risks. " Although

silicone breast implants have been linked to immunological and

neurological conditions, the almighty insurance industry has made it

virtually impossible for plaintiffs to be compensated, in some

cases, even with loss of life due to the use of " junk science "


Buying scientists and physicians is not new. As described in The

Cigarette Papers and most recently summarized in A Question of

Intent: A Great American Battle With a Deadly Industry, tell about

the scope and depth of the tobacco companies' ability to recruit

scientists from the ranks of the most prestigious academic

institutions. Tobacco companies sought to create doubt where

scientific consensus existed, calling it " junk science. "

" Junk Science " is a clever marketing catch phrase that has been

discredited in past cases. This term is nothing new and ironically

enough, many of the IME's and defense experts who make a lucrative

income opining for mold cases as " defense experts " also defended the

silicone breast implant and tobacco industry.

Although Multiple Sclerosis garners respect as a potentially

fearsome, crippling ailment today, it was dubbed the " Faker's

Disease " at the start of the last century when first described in

medical journals. The disease gained credibility only in later

decades when better tests hastened interpretations of its frequently

confusing and inconclusive signs. Neurologists and psychiatrists

still flinch at the memory that once, atypical seizures, post-

encephalitic Parkinson's disease and Tourettes Syndrome, were

written off as psychiatric conditions.

Clinical psychologist, Dr. Diane Perlman of Washington, DC, says, " I

have often observed that people who suffer from certain

physiological conditions are misdiagnosed and written off as having

psychological problems. Diagnosing any individual is a sacred trust,

which can determine a person's fate. Since (there are) not many

physicians being trained or experienced in fungal disease, it is

extremely common for the physicians to misunderstand what they are

observing. "

Dr. Perlman added, " Allergists are certainly not trained in the art

of psychological diagnoses—even mental health professionals (who

are) may not fully understand this phenomenon until they experience

it through themselves or a loved one. Misdiagnosing someone with

toxic mold exposure is adding insult to injury. "

Many involved with the mold issue discredit the validity of

downplaying the neurological problems associated with long term

fungal exposure. Researchers from Texas Tech University have been

able to establish mold toxins within the bloodstream of those

exposed to mold in damp buildings. " We no longer have to guess about

presence of mold illness, " said Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker of

land. " We can make a definitive diagnosis that meets a published

case definition. "

Suppressing the Culprit

Mold has been closely compared to asbestos. Mold is actually worse

because it self-replicates. Nevertheless, history has shown that

liability costs serious money. The first asbestos case was filed in

1966. There have since been 700,000 more -- 300,000 in the past four

years alone. About 8,400 responsible firms have been sued. The

process already has cost $54 billion; the bill could eventually hit

$270 billion or more.

A recent study funded by the American Insurance Association claims

that litigation has overwhelmed many companies and " The staggering

costs of asbestos liabilities have pushed many defendant companies

into bankruptcy or to the brink thereof. " Studies conducted by

subjective entities should never be trusted as truly factual.

Although the insurance industry makes exorbitant profits, their

claims of loss are more of a ploy of justification for rising

insurance premiums while limiting liability. The truth is, profits

in the insurance industry have never been higher.

" The insurers are fighting hard to pretend these illnesses are not

real, " said Sharon Kramer, a mold health advocate from

California. " But as the science is progressing and substantiating

the legitimacy of these illnesses, it is proving to be a losing

battle for insurers who simply do not want to pay for their

insured's' negligence. There was a $22 million settlement in LA last

month where a child experienced permanent neurological damage from

mold. "

" Many IME doctors, including Drs. Janet Weiss and Emil Bardana, are

serving as IME's with bias towards the insurance industry, " says

Immunosciences Laboratory's Dr. Aristo Vojdani, Ph.D., an expert in

immunotoxicology and multi-patent holder whose lab tests detect mold

and mycotoxin antibodies in about 20% of tested patients. " Their

primary goal is to discredit physicians and laboratories that assist

in diagnosing mold-related illnesses. By doing so, these IME's are

depriving patients of the ability to become well. If this happens,

the patient's symptomology is often classified as psychosomatic

disorders. "

Dr. Vojdani pointed out, " Instead of making them well, these so-

called IME doctors are pushing these sufferers into becoming a

significant burden on our society. On the other hand, the

physicians who work with our lab are actually helping and treating

these patients. They base their work on molds cultured in their

environment and antibodies detected in the patients' blood. They

pinpoint the root cause of their illnesses, take them out of the

toxic environment and prescribe effective treatment; a few months

later; these patients will have the chance to recover and take an

active part in our society. And that is the difference between good,

caring doctors and money-hungry shills for the insurance companies "

The added stress of proving claims against IME's makes the process

more difficult. " Fungal exposure, especially over duration of time,

causes neurotoxicity, " states Dr. Perlman, " leading to impaired

judgment, and a whole host of other symptoms. Sleep disturbance and

the issues of job loss can often be stressful in their own right. "

Brinchman, Executive Director of The Center for School Mold

Help, a non-profit organization that assists teachers made ill from

mold exposure, commented that, " Ms. Westmoreland appears to be

experiencing an orchestrated attempt to discredit her. Her story is

a textbook example of the many thousands of school staff across the

United States who have become ill in moldy schools. They suffer

neurological, respiratory, immune system disorders and even cancers;

and then find themselves under vigorous attack by insurers and

school districts. "

There are over two thousand peer-reviewed articles regarding the

neurological, pathological and immunological damage from mold and

mold toxin exposure. Despite the sound science, many naysayers use a

common anecdote that there is " little evidence " to back up the

mounting proof, preying on the public's ignorance on the subject.

In fact, two landmark studies released earlier this year provide the

first solid evidence that damp buildings and exposure to indoor mold

growth are risk factors for developing asthma and not just in making

asthma symptoms worse. Experts have also queried the downplayed

evidence of neurological problems that are associated with long term

fungal exposure, while knowing that this scientific data will

eventually come to the forefront of medical awareness.

" These are extraordinary findings, with serious implications for

building owners and facility managers, " says W. Elliott Horner, PhD,

FAAAAI, principal scientist and microbial laboratory director for

Air Quality Sciences, Inc.

Lillard-, the spokeswoman for The Mold Help

Organization, a national advocacy alliance for fungal disease

research, resources and education, says that the public should be

very concerned and aware of indoor air quality issues in the

workplace, schools and the home. Mold related illness is on the

rise and the average American spends over 8,000 hours of their time

indoors per year. " That is more than 75% of your life -- Do you

know what you are being exposed to? " Lillard- asks.

Homes and workplaces should be carefully inspected and mold tested

by a Certified Mold Inspector, if there are - significant amounts of

visible mold, - serious water leaks, flooding problems, or high

indoor humidity – or if residents and employees are exhibiting

possible mold exposure symptoms. Since this is an unregulated

industry and many people are not really qualified, one must be very

careful who they select to do their testing. Mold Help approved

professionals are recommended as valuable resources on the Mold Help

website. Several selected companies are coming on board in the next

few weeks as they are going through the evaluation process.

Recently, we have had a sharp increase in traffic on our websites

with inquiries and complaints due to mold related illness, " added

Lillard-. " We are able to substantiate that this is a much

bigger health threat than is being depicted to the public. The Mold

Help team would be happy to assist with any research. " The Mold

Help Resources Division also recommends proven, reputable

professionals within the indoor air and medical communities.

" The Westmoreland workers' comp case illustrates the strong opinions

and potential for conflicts of interest that have long been

associated with the `toxic mold' issue. " Unfortunately, we see

teachers like Westmorland caught in this situation rather

frequently, " added Lillard-. " With the dramatic rise of

asthma, unexplained allergies, cognitive problems, and psychological

diagnoses – mold illnesses can no longer be swept under the rug for

the sake of corporate profit. This is the most overly-medicated

country on Earth and people are becoming intolerant and suspicious

of all of the misdiagnoses. "

The explosion of the Internet has given new meaning to the

phrases " Caveat Emptor, " " junk Science, " or " Buyer Beware. " As

Information Age consumers, we must be vigilant in questioning the

source of--and motives behind--the information we see and hear. Be

careful of any study you read and who it is funded by. It is

important to be cautious of " studies " and commercial websites you

read, who they are funded by and how they receive their profits.

In the meantime, just be hopeful that you don't suffer an injury on

the job. Especially if it keeps you from returning to your present

position. The same goes for homeowners; pray that you don't have a

mold problem that destroys your health. Insurance is only a nine

letter word in the eyes of many witnesses, with no other meaning.

Last Updated (Wednesday, 28 December 2005)

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