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[OEM] Louisville Charter for Safer Chemicals (fwd)

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Subject: [OEM] Louisville Charter for Safer Chemicals


Background Papers

The Louisville Charter for Safer Chemicals

Fundamental reform to current chemical laws is necessary to protect

children, workers, communities, and the environment. We must shift

market and government actions to protect health and the natural

systems that support us. As a priority, we must act to phase out the

most dangerous chemicals, develop safer alternatives, protect

high-risk communities, and ensure that those responsible for creating

hazardous chemicals bear the full costs of correcting damages to our

health and the environment.

By designing new, safer chemicals, products, and production systems we

will protect people's health and create healthy, sustainable jobs.

Some leading companies are already on this path. They are creating

safe products and new jobs by using clean, innovative technologies.

But transforming entire markets will require policy change. A first

step to creating a safe and healthy global environment is a major

reform of our nation's chemicals policy. Any reform must:

Require Safer Substitutes and Solutions

Seek to eliminate the use and emissions of hazardous chemicals by

altering production processes, substituting safer chemicals,

redesigning products and systems, rewarding innovation and

re-examining product function. Safer substitution includes an

obligation on the part of the public and private sectors to invest in

research and development of sustainable chemicals, products, materials

and processes.

Phase Out Persistent, Bioaccumulative, or Highly Toxic Chemicals

Prioritize for elimination chemicals that are slow to degrade,

accumulate in our bodies or living organisms, or are highly hazardous

to humans or the environment. Ensure that chemicals eliminated in the

United States are not exported to other countries.

Give the Public and Workers the Full Right-to-Know and Participate

Provide meaningful involvement for the public and workers in decisions

on chemicals. Disclose chemicals and materials, list quantities of

chemicals produced, used, released, and exported, and provide

public/worker access to chemical hazard, use and exposure information.

Act on Early Warnings

Act with foresight. Prevent harm from new or existing chemicals when

credible evidence of harm exists, even when some uncertainty remains

regarding the exact nature and magnitude of the harm.

Require Comprehensive Safety Data for All Chemicals

For a chemical to remain on or be placed on the market manufacturers

must provide publicly available safety information about that

chemical. The information must be sufficient to permit a reasonable

evaluation of the safety of the chemical for human health and the

environment, including hazard, use and exposure information. This

isthe principle of " No Data, No Market. "

Take Immediate Action to Protect Communities and Workers

When communities and workers are exposed to levels of chemicals that

pose a health hazard, immediate action is necessary to eliminate these

exposures. We must ensure that no population is disproportionately

burdened by chemicals.

Dates must be set for implementing each of these reforms. Together

these changes are a first step towards reforming a 30-year old

chemical management system that fails to protect public health and the

environment. By implementing the Louisville Charter and committing to

the innovation of safer chemicals and processes, governments and

corporations will be leading the way toward a healthier economy and a

healthier society.

Background Paper #1

Require Safer Substitutes and Solutions


Background Paper #2

Phase Out Persistent, Bioaccumulative, or Highly Toxic Chemicals


Background Paper #3

Give the Public and Workers the Full Right-to-Know and Participate


Background Paper #4

Act with Foresight


Background Paper #5

Require Comprehensive Safety Data for All Chemicals


Background Paper #6

Take Immediate Action to Protect Communities and Workers


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