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Re: Re: iv/vein problem (reply)(reply)(reply)

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After reading your post in reply to Bob, along with reviewing your

websites I have a couple of questions and comments. Number one for

an educated person as yourself, dealing with alot of health related

issues, I'm a bit surprised that you use neon colors on your web

pages along with your message board. I can not continue to review

this very long, because it causes great strain on the eyes and

starts to become very irritating. My wife could not review it at

all. Reds and other bright neon colors, for those that have

neurological conditions it can trigger there illness. Seizures,

strokes, panic attacks,etc. It seems to short circuit brainwaves.

You might want to consider changing these colors. Just a suggestion.

******I will pass your comments on to my partner. Sorry it caused you visual

problems, but this is the " first " complaint we have ever had about the

colors. As a matter of fact Lymies have cognative problems and we have had over

10,000 hits (in 6 months) and never had a complaint. The message boards show

hundreds of views and no one has complained, so I will pass this information on

to others.

I have been doing a little research on this Genie and I don't really

quite really understand how it operates and how they can make claims

for what it does. Doing my research all over the web for the last 10

years and speaking to many people all over the country, victims of

exposures and many different illness, not to mention many

professionals, this is the first time I have ever heard about this

machine that seems to run about $3,000. I will paste a little bit of

information below:

*****Send me your address and name and I will mail you a cassette and

brochure which might help you more understand how this machine functions. I

have had

many folks asking questions that I could not answer so I talked the Skilling

Institute send me brochures and cassettes that I could mail out. No the Genie

has not been promoted like Rife machines. The government closes down and

locks up people who promote Rife. They have a couple of folks in jail as we


for selling and making Rife machines. Ed Skilling continues to develop these

machines. They are in the process of making a " full body " Genie, to be used

in doctor offices and clinics. When it is completed one of my doctors is

planning on purchasing one. I can't wait....you lay in machine for 20 minutes


that is like using a machine for 3 to 4 hours. The only problem is the full

body doesn't regenerate sick/injured cells, so IMHO I would still use my

portable model. You won't find many regular MD's talking about electromedicine,

but you certainly do among the alternative docs. I'm blessed thaat I have 3 of

the best.

As I'm sure you are very much aware, this group tends to deal with

many individuals that have been exposed to mycotoxins/chemicals/fungi that

has affected their health greatly, not to mention their everyday lives. Because

of the toxic effects of this form of exposure finding a cure/treatment tends

to be very

difficult if not costly. Many are suffering serious consequences because of

ignorance that surrounds this issue and the lack of educated physicians, are

willing to try just about any form/type of treatment. So we move cautiously

before we spend finances that we really don't have.

******I don't believe that I have tried to sell this machine to anyone. I'm

blessed that I have 3 alternative MD's that introduced me to this machine.

All 3 of them not only have the machine in their offices but own one for their

homes. My main doc owns two at home because his family would fight over time

use of the machine, so he bought a second one for his home.

This Genie machine, I'm having a very difficult time grasping and it sounds

more along the line of hocus pocus. I don't mean to sound cynical, but a guess

being a cynic is part of my job, because I am in the same boat as many of the

members here. I am very open minded and willing to listen, about any new

product or procedure.

********Most folks believe that electromedicine is hocus pocus.....and no you

don't have to apologize for sounding cynical, which btw I have not taken your

comments to mean that. The Genie has worked for me and many other patients

that I know and there is no way I will ever give it up. Two years ago Saudi

bought 2000 of these units for use against Bio-Weapons exposure to bacterias,

anthrax, etc., etc., etc. I'm not well versed in exactly how and why it works,

all I know is it works for me and for that I am grateful. I can give you the

executive directors number and you can call him yourself if you like. But,

for me the machine was a Godsend and I would shoot anyone who tried to take it

from me.

We have had people on here claiming fantastic results about the parasite

zapper, (which someone sent to me to try) and other technology and the when

push came to shove the only person it worked for was the one promoting it.

*******I used Hulda s parasite zapper and it worked, BUT not like

parasite chelation by mouth. Of course, what works for one doesn't always work


the other, and I also know of many who had great results and of course some

who didn't have good results. There are many different types of

parasites....you can get parasites from meats, chicken, pork and not know it

until you start

having dirrhea, stomach cramps and digestive problems.... I will says this,

since I started using the Genie I have only had to use a parasite chelation by

mouth a few times. Then I only used it to speed things along....with the

chelation and Genie the parasites were gone pretty fast. I also used the Genie

on my dog which had parasites....after the Vet visit and taking home an

expensive medication, I got home and decided to use the Genie instead of giving


dog the pills. Five days later I took the dog back and on the smear the Vet

found NO parasites and commented to me, that he found no parasites, so I handed

him back the sealed pills and ask for my refund....he was stunned....

You claim you are not selling anything, but you definately are promoting this

Genie here and on your website.

*******Yes I will hawk a machine or protocol that has worked for me. BTW, I

haven't received the article from Ed Skilling for my website....if you click

on the words Photon Genie it will lead you to " under constructions " ......and

NO, I DO NOT SELL THE GENIE.....promote it yes, as I will always promote things

that work for me. I don't care if anyone buys a Genie, I'm just sharing what

worked for me.

I also found it very interesting that someone else from Arizona was selling

the Genie on ebay. Perhaps, maybe?

*******Really, send me the URL and I will look at it.....I know there is a

Chiropractor who had 1/2 dozen in his office and was selling a couple, and I

also know of a patient whose wife died and he didn't want the machine. He never

believed in the machine. There is also two sisters selling their dads

Genie.....sinced he passed away. Unless I know the person personally I would


purchase a Genie from a stranger, as you don't know if they opened the machine

to get the program. The Genie has a NASA chip that erases when it is opened,

to prevent theft of the program.

" I am a very outspoken, assertive and aggressive woman and will

stand up to those who spread rumors and not speak the truth. "

I admire you for this, but my wife is too, and many on this board,

we've been used and abused more than once. If this machine worked

for you,great. Are you sure it was the machine that got you better

and not the IV's or other medications you were doing?

******I believe in my post that I said the Genie was a great adjunct. The

Genie alone would not cure me of Lyme especially, but I have dissolved

tumors/cyst, I have 4 teeth broken off at the gum with NO infection and/or


treat my jaw twice a week for 30 min on each side of my face and have no

infection. I don't have carpal tunnel anymore, which is a blessing.....

I am not attacking you or this product, I'm just being cautious and

asking questions. Many on this board either don't know, or are

hesitant to ask questions concerning these products or any other.

Many leave this up to me to get the ball rolling. So I am not being

mean, I just feel that products/protocols/treatments that are

mentioned here encourging others to use or follow should always be

researched throughly and to proceed with due care, as lives are, and

will be affected and I do not want to inadvertedly be responsible

for anyone having an adverse reaction, or getting ripped off.

*****I agree 100% with you and I work with patients daily teaching them to

research, research, research and to take charge of their own healthcare journey.

i don't think you are being mean and I teach patients to be very cautious

and to learn to listen to their bodies. BTW, the Genie is $3140.00 and IMHO

worth every penny.

******BTW, I have used the organic coffee enemas and cold-pressed castor oil

packs, along with epsom salt/Miracle II soap and neutralizer baths for

detoxing with great success. I also take a good liver support vitamin as well


Milk thistle. This is only a few of the many herbals/vitamins I take. Before


dark field microscopy doc died last august I would have a dark field

microscopy live and dead blood reading, which was very helpful in exactly what

herbals/vitamins I would take for that for a month. There was always something


changed from month to month.

******I will say again, the heavy protocol of several adjuncts along with the

Genie helped in my recovery. The Genie enhances herbals/vitamins that you

are taking, which is good IMHO. The Genie can also cause a herxheimer reaction,

which is why I did the organic coffee enemas/castor oil packs and epsom salt

baths. I realize that there are many who don't understand some of my

protocol, but I treat alternatively when at all possible. Even after my

surgeries I

went immediately to my doctor for a Gluth IV to remove the toxins from my brain

caused from the anesthesia. BTW, those with lung problems I have been using

glutathione in my nebulizer with great results. I have found that using

glutathione in nasal, IV or nebulizers is the only way to go as our bodies don't

absorb it right. I also use Colliodol Silver in my nebulizer...

one teaspoon a couple of times daily.

I hope this answers your questions.....let me say one last time, I DO NOT

SELL THE GENIE.....only a happy user......

Keep a smile on your face, love in your heart and walk with the angels,

holding hands in the " chain of love " .....

Angel Huggzz

or Angel

L.E.A.P. Arizona, Inc.~~www.leaparizona.com



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