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Thought you all would be interested in this article, for several of

the topics discussed and web sites referenced.

Original at: www.emagazine.com/view/?3010

Carl Grimes

Healthy Habitats LLC

Hormone Mimics Wreak Havoc on Women’s Health

by Amara Rose

By age 36, I was living in hormone hell. I bled in between menstrual

cycles, had constant vaginal irritation, polycystic ovaries, night

sweats, insomnia, painful joints, debilitating fatigue and brain fog.

My digestion was terrible. Perhaps most distressing of all, my facial

and body hair started taking on male characteristics.

Although I’d transitioned from allopathic to complementary medicine

several years earlier, as my symptoms multiplied and worsened I

returned to conventional medicine in a panic. The chief of

endocrinology at a major medical center suggested birth control

pills. An allergist/immunologist intoned, “Once this mechanism

[hormone imbalance] is triggered there’s nothing you can do.” An

infertility specialist placed me on the drug Spironolactone and I

broke out in hives. One doctor wanted to give me weekly cortisone

shots for the intense pain in my arms.

Frustrated with the dearth of useful mainstream medical guidance, I

embarked on a labyrinthine healing quest. I discovered a naturopathic

physician who declared that I was not perimenopausal—just overloaded

with toxins. I needed to cleanse my liver; reduce my exposure to

hormone-disrupting chemicals; restore my digestive, adrenal and

thyroid functions and lower my stress level. As we worked together,

one by one my symptoms disappeared and my health returned.

Yet even on the far side of this healing adventure, it took me awhile

to understand how hormone imbalance, the environment and our inner

ecology are inextricably linked—and how I’d unwittingly contributed

to my illness.

Unnatural Disaster

Hormone disruptors—chemicals that mimic our natural hormones—are

everywhere, from the dioxins in chlorine-bleached paper to the

solvents in Styrofoam, from the phthalates in plastics to the

parabens in personal-care products. If you buy a cup of coffee that’s

been brewed through a bleached filter, you’re drinking dioxins; you

double your chemical dose if the coffee’s served in a Styrofoam cup.

“We are the first generation to be exposed on a daily basis to a very

chemically dependent society,” explains Holly Lucille, a nurse,

naturopath and author of Creating and Maintaining Balance: A Woman’s

Guide to Safe, Natural Hormone Health. “What we’re talking about is

an overall low-dose exposure and a cumulative effect. These chemicals

have the ability to pass through our skin and accumulate in our fat

cells. They block the enzymatic pathways in our liver and attach to

hormone receptors in our body.”

Lucille planned to have a general practice, but began seeing so many

women with hormone-related issues, she chose to concentrate on

women’s health. Environmental toxins tend to affect women more

readily than men because they’re estrogen imposters: in some cases

increasing and stimulating hormone production, in others shutting off

receptor sites, and everything in between.

Poisoned in the Womb

We’re “disrupted” before we take our first breath, according to

naturopath Sherrill Sellman, a psychotherapist and author of Hormone

Heresy: What Women Must Know About Their Hormones. Sellman says, “The

placental barrier does not protect the fetus from hormone mimics. In

one study of pregnant women, the average woman had 286 chemicals in

her fetal blood. There is no child born anywhere in the world today

without synthetic chemicals in their bloodstream.

“In utero, we are hardwiring fetuses to manifest all sorts of

aberrations, but it only becomes apparent at puberty when physical

changes start to appear. Early exposure to chemicals lays down

certain pathways that will manifest later in life,” says Sellman.

Estrogen imitators are also lowering the age of pubescence, Sellman

points out. “In traditional cultures, women used to enter puberty

between the ages of 15 and 17,” she says. “Now in the U.S., age 12 is

considered normal—but one out of six eight-year-old Caucasian girls

are pubertal! [For African-Americans, this number rises to one in

two.] My friend’s five-year-old daughter was diagnosed with

precocious puberty.”

The earlier you are exposed to excess estrogen, the greater your

lifetime risk of developing hormone-dependent cancers, including

breast, ovarian and uterine cancers. Grasp the connection, and you

realize that much of the upsurge in breast cancer, for example, is

likely preventable—with a complete cultural reorientation. Sellman

asserts, “Hormone disruptors are invisible saboteurs. Seeing

deception is your only protection.”

Physician J. Rea agrees. Rea founded the Environmental Health

Center-Dallas in 1974, when endocrine disrupters weren’t on many

people’s radar. He became passionate about the subject because his

five-year-old son, Joe, developed asthma. Rea had been doing research

on artificial lungs, kidneys and hearts, and found that plastic

clotted blood vessels. He theorized, why couldn’t these same

chemicals be breathed in?

Today Joe Rea, 40, is an asthma-free mountain climber, and Rea’s team

of environmental health experts treats patients from all over the

world. He estimates that chemical sensitivity affects 40 percent or

more of the population, whether they’re aware of it or not. “Men come

in with heart, lung and kidney failure; women with PMS,

endometriosis, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. I think it’s all

related,” he concludes.

Coming Clean

Connecting the dots to better health requires some personal detective

work. During my years of toxic waste build-up, I thought I was doing

everything right: eating organic foods, exercising, trying to get

enough sleep and not smoking. But I also “permed” my hair, swam

regularly in a highly chlorinated pool, poured Drano down my clogged

sink and scrubbed mold off my walls with bleach. So how do we reclaim

our health?

• Educate yourself. Holly Lucille recommends the following websites:


www.Organicconsumers.org/ bodycare









• Detoxify! There are various protocols, depending on the type of

practitioner you see, but they will all involve opening the five

channels of elimination: liver, bowel, kidneys, lungs and skin.

Lucille believes, “Hydrotherapy is extremely important: low-

temperature saunas, alternating hot and cold showers, Epsom salt

baths, colonic irrigations.” She also recommends the herb milk

thistle, which is thought to help regenerate liver cells and is safe

enough to take daily.

• Improve your digestion. At my sickest, I was eating well and

swallowing the best supplements—but not absorbing one iota. Lucille

explains, “Digestion couldn’t happen without the endocrine system,

which produces hormones that control the necessary chemical

activities. If one system is not working properly, the other is

affected. That’s why heartburn or constipation, combined with

fatigue, irritability or foggy thinking, can be linked to underlying

hormone imbalance. Taking antacids will not address the cause.”

• Choose a non-toxic lifestyle. Rea, who has written several books on

healthy home environments, urges people to “demand good

construction.” Forgo carpets, which contain formaldehyde, synthetic

dyes and glues if new, and can harbor dust, dirt and mold if older.

Sellman counsels, “Eliminate conventional cleaning products from your

home, and make sure your personal-care products are clean. Skin

absorption is 600 times higher than what you ingest, because skin is

a permeable membrane, and a direct route to our inner terrain.”

One of many healing changes I made was trading dioxin-laced tampons

for reusable cloth menstrual pads. Sellman affirms, “Menstrual cycles

are an essential experience and expression of a women’s innate

wisdom. There is a Native American saying, ‘At menarche, a woman

enters her power; during her menstruating years, she practices her

power; at menopause, she becomes her power.’”

I’m still not menopausal at almost 49—and if I do experience a hot

flash at some future date, I’ll consider it my power surge.

AMARA ROSE can be contacted at (800)862-0157 or through the website


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