Guest guest Posted December 29, 2005 Report Share Posted December 29, 2005 Hello blue74730@..., In reference to your comment: è LymeAngl@... wrote: LymeAngel, I have a è good friend who has been on a Rife group with you for è years and when you first posted here, i was excited è that maybe something working so I forward your post è to him and he told me that you have been saying the è same things on other lists for years but no one else è has been able to duplicate your success. ******Are you speaking about the Photon Genie electromedicine machine? I only know local Lymies and a couple from Canada, who have used the Genie with a great deal of success for their Lyme problems.....they also did the same IV's I have done and are now back to work. They could not work because of the Lyme disease and their CO-infections. I can call them and see if they will call you or allow you to call them at their home to verify their success not only with Lyme but several other health problems. *****Just for the record, I have only been on the Lyme-Rife lists since the middle of 2003 and have only been posting about the PhotonGenie machine since that time, so I have no idea what he is saying when he says I have been saying this for " years " . There are some people on the Lyme-Rife lists who get upset when I post about my success with the Photon Genie machine. I was an avid Rife user for many years, but when all three of my alternative doctors introduced me and encouraged me to use the Photon Genie I switched and I will never go back. This machine literally saved my life with the mold-pneumonia and aspergillus exposure, which happened the latter part of September. Up until that point I was treating Lyme (borreila, ehrlichia, babesia and (5) strains of mycoplasma), and several other problems......if you go back to the front page of Lyme-Rife you can find dates of my first joining that lists. I also joined Lyme at that time. So for your friend to say " years " he needs to get his facts straight. There was also a man on that lists who makes other machines and traded out a Genie for one of his machines. He then posted to this lists that he took the machine apart and checked it out and it could not do what I said it did for me. WELL, a very interesting point IS, IF you take the machine apart or try and open it, then the NASA chip that hold the program will automatically erase and you will NOT get any information on how it works. You can call the Ed Skilling institute and speak to them and they will verify this. That is one of the things that make this machine so expensive. There have been several PhotonGenie models made but the latest model, the one I use is the most powerful. It regenerates injured/sick cells and bone. I have known è this person for a long time and he has never led me è wrong before. would you say that this is a fair è assessment of your posts on other lists in the past? ********NO I do NOT say this is a fair assessment of my posts on other lists in the past. Go join their lists and read their archives of my postings and you will see just how inaccurate your friend is. I want to know that I can trust someone's postings. è Bob *******I'm NOT selling anything here so I'm not sure what this statement means. I'm sharing what has worked for me. I'm a retired nurse on SS disability and have for years worked with sick people online, empowering them to make better healthcare choices. What protocols they choose, what they buy is THEIR business. I'm an Aspartame survivor, which is when all my devastating health problems began in 1981. I even lost two babies because of the Aspartame poisoning. **********I wasn't diagnosed with the Cancers until 2001/02 and then Lyme disease in 2003. The mold exposure and pneumonia came in 2005. *****I'm blessed and thrilled to say I am Cancer free and the Lyme disease (borellia, babesia, ehrlichia) is in a good remission. Still working on the (5) strains of Mycoplasmas. You are NEVER 100% free of Lyme disease. The key is to stop the mutation with a remission. *******I will say this, the Photon Genie helped me to get where I am today, even though I did the Theramag machine, which is an anticancer machine from the Alternative Cancer Institute for a clinical study through one of my alternative doctors. I used BOTH machine during the lung and breast cancers. However, I personally SWEAR by the Photon Genie and if you or any Rife user doesn't believe in the machine, I could give a rats patooty. I know what worked for me and I feel b lessed to have been given the chance for the past, present and future experience using the machine. *****Now if you are addressing my IV protocols and other adjuncts, then your friend is speaking of something he knows nothing about. I know what worked for me and what got me where I am today. There is no doubt in my mind that the IV protocols we are using for aspergillus exposure are working. Let me tell you, I was gray and my lips blue at my worst with the pneumonia. It was the Genie that allowed me to breath at night while sleeping. The Lidocaine injections into my lymphatic muscles were a opened up my lungs (created a draining process) and allowed me to function. BTW, Dr Harry Philibert, MD, of New Orleans is the creator of this wonderful protocol and he will be here in Phoenix next week lecturing and I get to be the guinea pig for demonstration. I spoke with him on the telephone and got permission to mention is name on this lists and the Lyme lists. People with chronic illness, mold, asthma, emphysema, COPD, Lyme disease and neuro problems can benefit from his different protocols. Absolutely amazing doctor. I spoke to him yesterday as I am taking reservations for his seminar (which is closed as we are full), but the evening lecture, which is free, is open to both doctors, professionals and patients. ******For those who live in New Orleans or close too I would be beating down his door for treatment. Poor thing had his office and home completely destroyed by Katrina and this 74 yr old soul, packed up his trunk and was making house calls. Fema finally put him up a trailer and tied it down so he has a place to see patients. For anyone who would like to speak to him or make appt., write to me privately and I will give you his cell number as FEMA doesn't have the trailer phones hooked up yet, but should have them hooked up sometime next week. I will get that number when I see him next week. He said he is seeing all kinds of patients and says " YES, there is devastating MOLD exposure and illness in New Orleans. " ******Sorry Bob that I got off track but this was a good opportunity to speak about Dr Philibert......I don't know what to tell you about gaining trust.....I speak what has worked for me. People who know the the real me, trust me and utilize my expertise..... I will say this, there is NO ONE on the Lyme-Rife, Lyme-AID, Lymestrategies, MCS, IMMUNE, and a few others who have used my protocols and gotten the results I have. Not many doctors who do the assortment of IV's and protocols that I use. So to say they could not duplicate my success is wayyyyyyy off base.....hell no one would commit to the protocols I have used with success. My doctor wants to name the HVB " hotbloods " with Lazer piggybacked with Hydrogen Peroxide with DMSO with Airnergy (oxygen breathing treatments), as it not only worked for me and several other patients in his office for Lyme disease and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Interesting how well it work for CFS, as one patient has NO PAIN or fatigue after a series of treatments and she had had CFS for 30 years. Many alternative doctors called my doctor to talk to him about the protocol. ******Let me make it clean the Photon Genie was only an adjunct to a very extensive protocol and I could never say the Genie was a cure for Lyme. I will say this, I am making a remarkable recovery from the MOLD exposure with its use and will continue to use my machine. Will it be a complete success, who knows, but I am willing to be a guinea pig to find out. Will I ever go back to Rife? NOT as long as I have a Genie I will not. Many Rife users and those who make Rife machines don't like when I talk about my success with the Genie, but they will just have to get over it, as I know personally what has worked for me. ******Now can we move on, as I thought this was a support group for sharing what works best for each of us?? I AM NOT SELLING ANYTHING...... would be interesting to know who your friend is?? Of course those that talk out their butts never want their name released. When I make statements about protocols, machines or others, you can bet your sweet patooty that you can use my name. :-)) Would I confront this loose lip, you bet your sweet patooty I would. How dare he lie and not speak the truth. you can go back and report to him, and let us see if he has the guts to speak to me????? I am a very outspoken, assertive and aggressive woman and will stand up to those who spread rumors and not speak the truth. BTW , there are people on that private doctors lists we belong to from Arizona and know me personally. In fact one of the doctors is a " founding sponsor " of our website L.E.A.P. Arizona, Inc. (Lyme, Education, Awareness Program) which holds a non-profit status and is incorporated in the State of Arizona. One of the doctors is monitoring my Lyme treatment and recovery closely as he knows I will not use antibiotics and he uses a combination of antibiotics and alternatives. We are all anxious to see if my remission holds. :-)) Keep a smile on your face, love in your heart and walk with the angels, holding hands in the " chain of love " ..... Angel Huggzz or Angel L.E.A.P. Arizona, <<<NEW construction on-going. LYME Disease MESSAGE BOARD & sparkKey=5deb6043cb822f894a67a93a42ebc294b0 SUBSCRIBE TO: PhotonGenieElectromedicine (email group) PhotonGenieElectromedicine/ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 30, 2005 Report Share Posted December 30, 2005 LymeAngel, After reading your post in reply to Bob, along with reviewing your websites I have a couple of questions and comments. Number one for an educated person as yourself, dealing with alot of health related issues, I'm a bit surprised that you use neon colors on your web pages along with your message board. I can not continue to review this very long, because it causes great strain on the eyes and starts to become very irritating. My wife could not review it at all. Reds and other bright neon colors, for those that have neurological conditions it can trigger there illness. Seizures, strokes, panic attacks,etc. It seems to short circuit brainwaves. You might want to consider changing these colors. Just a suggestion. I have been doing a little research on this Genie and I don't really quite really understand how it operates and how they can make claims for what it does. Doing my research all over the web for the last 10 years and speaking to many people all over the country, victims of exposures and many different illness, not to mention many professionals, this is the first time I have ever heard about this machine that seems to run about $3,000. I will paste a little bit of information below: FREQUENCIES AND PULSE REPETITION RATES Photon-Genie dramatically innovates and advances the concepts of Tesla, Rife, Abrams, and Lakhovsky by perfecting an advanced lymph technology with full-spectrum frequencies and infinite harmonics. This life-nourishing photobiotic energy is effectively delivered by both an ionized Noble Gas energy-field and deeply penetrating ultra- high frequency energy waves. The result is an effective delivery of an extremely wide band of light-and-sound harmonic frequencies to: Re-establish the ideal frequency and harmonic energy state of each individual cell in the body. Devitalize pathogens in the system. Break up blockages and barrier tissues through re-polarization. Detoxify the body by moving and balancing the lymphatic, circulatory, and fluid systems of the body. THE MECHANICS OF THE PHOTON GENIE This Instrument utilizes Inert or Noble gases contained in special hand blown glass tubes evacuated of air and filled with combinations of Argon and Neon gases and other elements. The Instrument is contained in a plastic enclosure, approximately 10 " wide by 7.5 " deep by 3.25 " high. The power is 115 volts, 50 hertz, a 6 foot 2 wire power cord provides the input power. A power transformer and rectifier converts the input power to 12 volts. Two glass Photon tubes and two RF Energy Probes (Transmitting Flat Packs) are furnished with each unit. The glass tubes' cords are attached to banana plugs and the connectors are located on the left side of the front panel of the Instrument. The RF Energy Probes are attached to a 6 foot cord with a 5 pin din plug. The connectors are located at the right side of the front panel. As I'm sure you are very much aware, this group tends to deal with many individuals that have been exposed to mycotoxins/chemicals/fungi that has affected their health greatly, not to mention their everyday lives. Because of the toxic effects of this form of exposure finding a cure/treatment tends to be very difficult if not costly. Many are suffering serious consequences because of ignorance that surrounds this issue and the lack of educated physicians, are willing to try just about any form/type of treatment. So we move cautiously before we spend finances that we really don't have. This Genie machine, I'm having a very difficult time grasping and it sounds more along the line of hocus pocus. I don't mean to sound cynical, but a guess being a cynic is part of my job, because I am in the same boat as many of the members here. I am very open minded and willing to listen, about any new product or procedure. We have had people on here claiming fantastic results about the parasite zapper, (which someone sent to me to try) and other technology and the when push came to shove the only person it worked for was the one promoting it. You claim you are not selling anything, but you definately are promoting this Genie here and on your website. I also found it very interesting that someone else from Arizona was selling the Genie on ebay. Perhaps, maybe? " I am a very outspoken, assertive and aggressive woman and will stand up to those who spread rumors and not speak the truth. " I admire you for this, but my wife is too, and many on this board, we've been used and abused more than once. If this machine worked for you,great. Are you sure it was the machine that got you better and not the IV's or other medications you were doing? I am not attacking you or this product, I'm just being cautious and asking questions. Many on this board either don't know, or are hesitant to ask questions concerning these products or any other. Many leave this up to me to get the ball rolling. So I am not being mean, I just feel that products/protocols/treatments that are mentioned here encourging others to use or follow should always be researched throughly and to proceed with due care, as lives are, and will be affected and I do not want to inadvertedly be responsible for anyone having an adverse reaction, or getting ripped off. Just like other catastrophic occurrences it tends to bring out the charlatans, whether it is environmental, medical or remediation. KC LymeAngel, I have a > è good friend who has been on a Rife group with you for > è years and when you first posted here, i was excited > è that maybe something working so I forward your post > è to him and he told me that you have been saying the > è same things on other lists for years but no one else > è has been able to duplicate your success. > > ******Are you speaking about the Photon Genie electromedicine machine? I > only know local Lymies and a couple from Canada, who have used the Genie with a > great deal of success for their Lyme problems.....they also did the same IV's I > have done and are now back to work. They could not work because of the Lyme > disease and their CO-infections. I can call them and see if they will call > you or allow you to call them at their home to verify their success not only > with Lyme but several other health problems. > > *****Just for the record, I have only been on the Lyme-Rife lists since the > middle of 2003 and have only been posting about the PhotonGenie machine since > that time, so I have no idea what he is saying when he says I have been saying > this for " years " . There are some people on the Lyme-Rife lists who get upset > when I post about my success with the Photon Genie machine. I was an avid > Rife user for many years, but when all three of my alternative doctors introduced > me and encouraged me to use the Photon Genie I switched and I will never go > back. This machine literally saved my life with the mold- pneumonia and > aspergillus exposure, which happened the latter part of September. Up until that > point I was treating Lyme (borreila, ehrlichia, babesia and (5) strains of > mycoplasma), and several other problems......if you go back to the front page of > Lyme-Rife you can find dates of my first joining that lists. I also joined > Lyme at that time. So for your friend to say " years " he needs to get his > facts straight. There was also a man on that lists who makes other machines and > traded out a Genie for one of his machines. He then posted to this lists that > he took the machine apart and checked it out and it could not do what I said > it did for me. WELL, a very interesting point IS, IF you take the machine > apart or try and open it, then the NASA chip that hold the program will > automatically erase and you will NOT get any information on how it works. You can call > the Ed Skilling institute and speak to them and they will verify this. That > is one of the things that make this machine so expensive. There have been > several PhotonGenie models made but the latest model, the one I use is the most > powerful. It regenerates injured/sick cells and bone. > > I have known > è this person for a long time and he has never led me > è wrong before. would you say that this is a fair > è assessment of your posts on other lists in the past? > > ********NO I do NOT say this is a fair assessment of my posts on other lists > in the past. Go join their lists and read their archives of my postings and > you will see just how inaccurate your friend is. > > I want to know that I can trust someone's postings. > è Bob > > *******I'm NOT selling anything here so I'm not sure what this statement > means. I'm sharing what has worked for me. I'm a retired nurse on SS disability > and have for years worked with sick people online, empowering them to make > better healthcare choices. What protocols they choose, what they buy is THEIR > business. I'm an Aspartame survivor, which is when all my devastating health > problems began in 1981. I even lost two babies because of the Aspartame > poisoning. > > **********I wasn't diagnosed with the Cancers until 2001/02 and then Lyme > disease in 2003. The mold exposure and pneumonia came in 2005. > > *****I'm blessed and thrilled to say I am Cancer free and the Lyme disease > (borellia, babesia, ehrlichia) is in a good remission. Still working on the (5) > strains of Mycoplasmas. You are NEVER 100% free of Lyme disease. The key is > to stop the mutation with a remission. > > *******I will say this, the Photon Genie helped me to get where I am today, > even though I did the Theramag machine, which is an anticancer machine from the > Alternative Cancer Institute for a clinical study through one of my > alternative doctors. > I used BOTH machine during the lung and breast cancers. However, I > personally SWEAR by the Photon Genie and if you or any Rife user doesn't believe in the > machine, I could give a rats patooty. I know what worked for me and I feel b > lessed to have been given the chance for the past, present and future > experience using the machine. > > *****Now if you are addressing my IV protocols and other adjuncts, then your > friend is speaking of something he knows nothing about. I know what worked > for me and what got me where I am today. There is no doubt in my mind that the > IV protocols we are using for aspergillus exposure are working. Let me tell > you, I was gray and my lips blue at my worst with the pneumonia. It was the > Genie that allowed me to breath at night while sleeping. The Lidocaine > injections into my lymphatic muscles were a > opened up my lungs (created a draining process) and allowed > me to function. BTW, Dr Harry Philibert, MD, of New Orleans is the creator of > this wonderful protocol and he will be here in Phoenix next week lecturing and > I get to be the guinea pig for demonstration. I spoke with him on the > telephone and got permission to mention is name on this lists and the Lyme lists. > People with chronic illness, mold, asthma, emphysema, COPD, Lyme disease and > neuro problems can benefit from his different protocols. Absolutely amazing > doctor. I spoke to him yesterday as I am taking reservations for his seminar > (which is closed as we are full), but the evening lecture, which is free, is open > to both doctors, professionals and patients. > > ******For those who live in New Orleans or close too I would be beating down > his door for treatment. Poor thing had his office and home completely > destroyed by Katrina and this 74 yr old soul, packed up his trunk and was making > house calls. Fema finally put him up a trailer and tied it down so he has a place > to see patients. For anyone who would like to speak to him or make appt., > write to me privately and I will give you his cell number as FEMA doesn't have > the trailer phones hooked up yet, but should have them hooked up sometime next > week. I will get that number when I see him next week. He said he is seeing > all kinds of patients and says " YES, there is devastating MOLD exposure and > illness in New Orleans. " > > ******Sorry Bob that I got off track but this was a good opportunity to speak > about > Dr Philibert......I don't know what to tell you about gaining trust.....I > speak what has worked for me. People who know the the real me, trust me and > utilize my expertise..... I will say this, there is NO ONE on the Lyme-Rife, > Lyme-AID, Lymestrategies, MCS, IMMUNE, and a few others who have used my > protocols and gotten the results I have. Not many doctors who do the assortment of > IV's and protocols that I use. So to say they could not duplicate my success is > wayyyyyyy off base.....hell no one would commit to the protocols I have used > with success. My doctor wants to name the HVB " hotbloods " with Lazer > piggybacked with Hydrogen Peroxide with DMSO with Airnergy (oxygen breathing > treatments), as it not only worked for me and several other patients in his office for > Lyme disease and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Interesting how well it work for > CFS, as one patient has NO PAIN or fatigue after a series of treatments and she > had had CFS for 30 years. Many alternative doctors called my doctor to talk > to him about the protocol. > > ******Let me make it clean the Photon Genie was only an adjunct to a very > extensive protocol and I could never say the Genie was a cure for Lyme. I will > say this, I am making a remarkable recovery from the MOLD exposure with its use > and will continue to use my machine. Will it be a complete success, who > knows, but I am willing to be a guinea pig to find out. Will I ever go back to > Rife? NOT as long as I have a Genie I will not. Many Rife users and those who > make Rife machines don't like when I talk about my success with the Genie, > but they will just have to get over it, as I know personally what has worked for > me. > > ******Now can we move on, as I thought this was a support group for sharing > what works best for each of us?? I AM NOT SELLING ANYTHING...... > > would be interesting to know who your friend is?? Of course those > that talk out their butts never want their name released. When I make > statements about protocols, machines or others, you can bet your sweet patooty that > you can use my name. :-)) Would I confront this loose lip, you bet your sweet > patooty I would. How dare he lie and not speak the truth. you can go back > and report to him, and let us see if he has the guts to speak to me????? I am a > very outspoken, assertive and aggressive woman and will stand up to those who > spread rumors and not speak the truth. BTW , there are people on that > private doctors lists we belong to from Arizona and know me personally. In fact > one of the doctors is a " founding sponsor " of our website L.E.A.P. Arizona, > Inc. (Lyme, Education, Awareness Program) which holds a non-profit status and > is incorporated in the State of Arizona. One of the doctors is monitoring my > Lyme treatment and recovery closely as he knows I will not use antibiotics and > he uses a combination of antibiotics and alternatives. We are all anxious to > see if my remission holds. :-)) > > Keep a smile on your face, love in your heart and walk with the angels, > holding hands in the " chain of love " ..... > > Angel Huggzz > or Angel > > L.E.A.P. Arizona, <<<NEW construction on- going. > > > LYME Disease MESSAGE BOARD > & > sparkKey=5deb6043cb822f894a67a93a42ebc294b0 > > SUBSCRIBE TO: PhotonGenieElectromedicine (email group) > PhotonGenieElectromedicine/ > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 31, 2005 Report Share Posted December 31, 2005 > > " I am a very outspoken, assertive and aggressive woman and will > stand up to those who spread rumors and not speak the truth. " > > I admire you for this, but my wife is too, and many on this board, > we've been used and abused more than once. Aren't you too sweet, talking about us like that? We were just discussing what other names some people use for us, and I don't think they are nearly as nice as those. I thank you kindly. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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