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Re: Chemicals-Bob (reply)(reply)

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Hello pushcrash@...,

In reference to your comment:

è I haven't gone to those extremes with cleaners, as I'm

è not MCS. My best find so far has been plain

è old-fashioned borax. But the new stuff sounds

è interesting. MCS or not, there's no good reason I can

è think of to use harsh chemicals if something milder will

è get the job done.

******Just the everyday environmental toxins are enough to reek havoc on a

healthy person, so those of use with a compromised immune system, bad lungs

(asthma, emphysema, COPD and now MOLD exposure) should indeed find everything we

can to eliminate additional toxins that our body takes in. This includes body

lotions/cream, bath soaps/gel. You con't have to be MCS to have a need to

eliminate additional toxic chemicals. I will keep those who are interested in

these new cleaning products updated. So far so good, but sometimes it takes 120

days to 6 mos to have a reaction....at least that is what has happened to me

in the past.

Borax is also an excellent choice....I use it also.

******BTW, I threw out my Microwave over 5 years ago. It is good for heating

water and popping popcorn....When you microwave any foods you loose any

nutritional value....<sigh>

******One more question.....does anyone know where I can get the non-toxic

magic markers with no smell???? Thanks

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LymeAngl@... wrote:

Would the next person who replies to this thread please remove my name if it

is not directed to me.

thanks, Bob


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