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Re: Dr.Schaller's new book and reply to Rosie...

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Cod liver oil can be toxic in high doses. Did you know that? (too much

Vitamin A) It should say on the label. Its a laxative, and it should

not be used too frequently.

Something seems fishy here (just kidding...)

Why are you so obsessed with non-prescription-ness? I have in my life,

met a lot of parents (my own mother included) who for one reason or

another, wanted to scrimp on medical care for their kid, and this had

long-lasting (in my case lifetime, because I now have really screwed

up teeth..) results..

A lot of parents will jump at an opportunity to 'treat' their poor

children with some over the counter remedy which they often represent

as 'just as good as' a proven medical treatment.

(A lot pf parents do this because of the high cost of medical

insurance...but I think a parent needs to insure kids.. I grew up with

a parent who had insurance herself, but I never had it.)

Leon Festinger's work with

Cognitive dissonance theory

See http://www.afirstlook.com/archive/cogdiss.cfm

shows that the power of even a small shred of flimsy supporting

evidence in justifying rationalization is VERY powerful. This is what

PROPAGANDA is based on. Sowing doubt.

Sooooo be careful.

On 12/23/05, fletch_82000 <fletch_8@...> wrote:

> Hi Rosie,


> Thank you for your reply. You are right about the psyillium husks

> and I will keep them separate. Hard to find a right time with kids

> being in school. I like the idea of the husks being at bedtime, but

> we have always done cod liver oil last thing. The multi-vitamins

> are done with meals. I did not mention I do give a probiotic.

> ...Leon Festingers work in

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Dr. Schaller's new book looks interesting - I checked it out on line. However,

the first part of the book, which you can download for free, only discusses

children. Does he ever mention adults?

Re: Chitosan. Be careful. It is derived from shellfish. If that is an issue

for you, it may not be the alternative for CSM.

Saralee Rosen


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