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Okay, I said somethings which were unacceptable. sorry and can we please move on?

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KC, I apolgized to you and Carl back-channel and here now. I get that way not

often but too often. I think the subject has been beaten to death and I hoped it

can be dropped. I have not posted anything since I went to emergency wednesday

night. Like I told you and others need to understand, I have been a list member

with for 5-6 years! I may hold personal feelings about him for a reason but

I shouldn't have said them on the list and for the umptenth time, I apologize.

KC, like I also mentioned to you, I am more result oriented than many on this

list. I have a problem which is worse that the CFS I lived with for 29 years

before the mold and MCS, It is hard for me to find a place where I can live and

feel like living. Like someone before me said, We feel like Katrina victims but

no one is helping us. I believe there are many in the same boat as I am. We are

told to leave out house but where do we go then and what if we rent an apartment

and find out 2-3 days later you are feeling bad from mold in the a/c?

One idea I have takes more money and energy that I have alone but maybe

several of us could pull it off. when I was staying in Van Horn, Tx, I saw a

closed RV park. All the pavement and hookups still there. There is another

smaller one which is still open but not much business. It has about 20 spaces.

Several people with good credit and some income could buy something like that

and either put up tents or their RV's. We would to be able to make it mold

avoidance. What was bad about Van Horn is it gets to windy and dusty in the

winter. The tent flaps all day making a popping sound driving me crazy! The cold

is not that bad if you have a couple of electric heaters. I checked the weather

around Tuscon and it drops close to freezing but the wind doesn't seem to get

above ten mph. People are making bundles of money with RV parks renting to

normal public. I believe that if such a park was built, they would come.

I bought a new toyota tundra thinking of buying a travel trailer but then

posted that he contaminated his first trailer. I need someone to travel with me

and help with the gas and expenses. I need a camper shell and then we either buy

a travel trailer and try not to contaminate it or we stay in a tent. I was

paying $300/month and that included cable and utilities. I wonder if there are

3-40 couples out there who could pay the same and we could make the park

suitable for people like us?

Marcia, you live nearby. Do you have any interest in trying to find a

different way to live? Are their others around the DFW area who need to find a

safe place to live? Dr Rea has several one-bedroom apartments in the Dallas area

and he gets $2,000/month for each. I think we could do the same but for a lot



Marcie McGovern <marcie1029@...> wrote:

Amen KC!!!!


tigerpaw2c <tigerpaw2c@...> wrote:


Your comments are completely uncalled for. If you would like to take

it up with the person through email, please do so, but don't use

this group as your personal podium to attack others. I will decide

who stays and who goes, along with conversing with other long time

members. What has happened on other boards is their problem, not

ours. In my opinion has helped many on this board since its

conception and has expressed to many of us many times what has

worked for him and what is one of the main action that many of us

need to take in order to recover and that is avoidance. Whether we

can go to the extreme he has taken, that is each individuals


The main purpose for this board is so we can communicate with each

other without fear of being attacked, to lend support,

understanding, compassion and immediate guidance in the right

direction. Because of the direction this type of dialogue has taken

we have lost 2 members. One of which was a " newbie " .


, It wasn't meant as an

insult. I respect & admire what you have done


> Loni, his ego is large enough! He only cares about being right

and it is obvious that he does not care about the people who are

ill. why is he even allowed on a list with sick people? Go climb a

mountain and leave us alone.


> Bob



> __________________________________________________


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Bob wrote:


I bought a new toyota tundra thinking of buying a travel trailer but

then posted that he contaminated his first trailer. I need

someone to travel with me and help with the gas and expenses. I need a

camper shell and then we either buy a travel trailer and try not to

contaminate it or we stay in a tent. a lot cheaper.

> Bob

I've lost four campers through the years to mold.

The style of construction and materials of RV's tend to support mold

growth strongly - and the manufacturers warn against constant use for

that reason.

One of the people I discussed this with bought a metal and fiberglass

trailer as an empty shell and is building it up from the interior as a

safe zone.

Even a bare trailer with a heater and a cot is like paradise to an

extreme mold responder, and amenities can be added later.

A Toyota Tundra would be perfect for towing a small trailer.

When I first established a safe zone with the intent of controlling

cross contamination - it was the floor of an office where the building

felt good. I was so desperate for relief that I scrubbed the linoleum

before trying to sleep and just lay directly on the floor with no

blankets. It wasn't much, as a beginning, but that's how I started.

All it takes to determine a safe zone is to " get clear " enough to

recognize a place that feels good when you find it - and introduce

nothing into that location after encountering any " mold hits " during

the day.

I remember a mold remediologist who was giving me strong " hits " when

we met at a restaurant. He said that his wife has CFS and that the

doctors could do nothing to help her. I explained that I could feel a

level of mold on his clothing that would be more than enough to be a

driving force in my symptoms and described the possibility that

controlling cross contamination from his work might provide his wife

significant relief. He decided not to pursue this course of action.

I took this to mean that he didn't take the advice seriously, wasn't

too concerned about his wifes comfort, or perhaps both.

Just like my " Hang Glider " stories, at least I can say I gave him the

information, and the option, but it is his choice.

If you can find a location that feels acceptible, and avoid bringing

fresh toxic spores into your sleeping area, there doesn't seem to be

any need to make dramatic changes in location, although I did know

someone who just decided to go " tent it " in Mexico because that was so

much easier.


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Thanks, apology accepted. I know how frustrations, emotions and ones

everyday life can be very overwhelming at times, it also is very

difficult to direct that energy in a positive manner.

It has been brought to my attention many times as far as having our

own community. But like me and you, by the time people find this

board, our health, finances and credit no longer exist and before

this exposure we had everything, good health, savings account and A1

credit. Is this what they mean by the good old days? On top of all

that we are supposed to remain positive and keep a good sense of

humor, boy does this take a lot of practice. lol Speaking to

friends, family and neighbors on what has happened to us and so many

other, they say " Man how do you do it? " I'm still trying to figure

that out. But when you want to discuss these issues with them they

are not really listening, which is very obvious. The second you shut

your mouth they go to a completely different topic. They go back

into their little comfort zone and close the door and it all goes


How many of you can do that? I keep trying, darn bill collectors. lol

How do we make it through these hard times? Thank goodness for the

members of this board, because I would have gone AWOL along time

ago. I'm just sorry that you all are here for the same reason I am.

But we've all made it this far and THERE ISN'T ANY STOPPING US NOW.

Bob, I know there are close to a half dozen MCS communities in the

southwest, mostly in Arizona and New Mexico. The price? I would love

to have a community like this for all of us. If I was a millionaire

I wouldn't be for long, because this is what my money would go

towards. We would have our own pearly gates and a safe environment

to live in, but I'm not going to stop dreaming, that is what keeps

us going. Maybe some day...

I wish everybody a Merry Christmas and the safest of Holidays. Let's

end this year on a positive note for all of us.. Health, Hope and

Look out 2006.


, It wasn't meant as an

> insult. I respect & admire what you have done

> >

> > Loni, his ego is large enough! He only cares about being right

> and it is obvious that he does not care about the people who are

> ill. why is he even allowed on a list with sick people? Go climb a

> mountain and leave us alone.

> >

> > Bob

> >

> >

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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erikmoldwarrior <erikmoldwarrior@...> wrote: lost four campers

through the years to mold.

, thanks for telling me what your experience was. Maybe I can learn from

what happened to you. when I bought the truck, I thought it would pull anything

but the RV salesman told me I couldn't even haul a fifth-wheel! It is large with

a large V-8 but he said it didn't have the suspension for towing. I agree about

being in a trailer with a heater and blanket as long as it is a good night's

sleep. I was at the local KOA camnpgrounds recently and noticed someone had

taken a regular trailer about 12' long and put a door on the back with a small

a/c. We have gotten to use to being spoiled. One thing I learned in my visits to

latin countries is how people get by with so much less than we do. For some odd

reason I do not recall ever seeing RV's in Peru, costa rica or Mexico. I was

searching a website for Puerto Penasco and they have RV parks, but they are only

an hour's drive from AZ. You will see houses started with maybe 20 cement blocks

up and when they get a little more money, they

add on. I have been back to places and people were still building their ho

You mentioned a friend buy something with metal and fiberglass on the bottom

and building upward. What did you think when I posted about the man using used

airstreams? I haven't talked with him so I do not know why he chooses them. They

are built different than most.

You posted several things that will help me and it is appreciated. Especially

after my rudeness. This man who is building safe houses is way behind, That is a

good market.



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