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Housing Authority Takes Heat From Lincoln Park Residents

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Housing Authority Takes Heat From Lincoln Park Residents:

Commissioners inspect mold in one woman's apartment

By Kurczy

Published on 12/23/2005

New London, CT



Preston - The underside of her mattress was covered in mold.

" My son said, 'Mom, you're not going to sleep here,' " Kay Dumas, a

resident at the low- income/elderly-housing complex Lincoln Park,


The mattress was brought to the dump, but three years later, Dumas

is still sleeping on the couch of her two-room unit. Her empty bed

frame still has mold spots on it, and fungus continues to grow in

her closet, bathroom, and behind her kitchen cabinets.

" I would like to have a bed again, " said the eight-year resident,

who must scrub her refrigerator with a toothbrush and bleach to cut

back the mold. " You can see it in the walls, in my closet, over my

headboard. "

Finally, Dumas said, the Housing Authority may address the living

conditions at Lincoln Park. Three members of the authority inspected

her unit after a meeting last Wednesday, when residents continued to

demand that their degrading living conditions be addressed.

This came even when the public comment was mysteriously missing from

the agenda.

" It doesn't make much sense to have an open meeting if we cannot

discuss, " Lincoln Park resident Carol Blodgett said.

The authority asked what she wanted to talk about, opening a lengthy

discussion about the mold and humidity problems.

" Come to my apartment and wait three days – (the carpet) gets

fuzzy, " Blodgett said. " I had bronchitis all last winter. Until it

started coming through the carpet I didn't realize (the cause). ...

This has been going on for years and years. This is not a new

problem. "

The Board of Selectmen, Rep. Tom Reynolds, D-Ledyard, Sen.

Cook, R-Mystic, and three state agencies, including the Department

of Public Health, met in October to discuss the conditions at

Lincoln Park. A six- to eight-week study, including mold testing,

was issued.

Members of the Housing Authority did not know when the mold test

results will be complete.

Blodgett said she would like to leave the complex but her financial

situation limits her to affordable housing.

" I can't transfer anywhere else, " Blodgett said. " I'm on a waiting

list. I don't make enough to move out. "

Newly instated resident tenant commissioner asked

what the authority could do to fix the problem.

Vents need to be installed, Blodgett replied, though she added that

it was not her responsibility to come up with a solution when the

Housing Authority is designated caretaker.

" It's not an easy fix, " Chairman Goss said.

" It still needs to be fixed, " said Margo , another resident.

The commission suggested Blodgett purchase a dehumidifier.

" I can't afford it, " Blodgett said.

" Well, " said, " maybe we can do something about it. "

Blodgett also charged that the Housing Authority owes $1,400 in rent

overpayments to Getty, who recently transferred out, and

alleged that executive director Carol Onderdonk is withholding the


" That's a personal thing between and Carol, I think, " Goss


" It would be unethical for us to discuss her personal issues here, "

authority member said.

" No, " said, " I think she's fine with it. "

At this point Onderdonk, who had listened silently, said, " If this

doesn't stop I'm going to leave. "

Tension between Onderdonk and Lincoln Park residents was palpable

last Wednesday. Last October resident tenant commissioner Power

resigned amid strife within the Housing Authority.

The three new commissioners to the Housing Authority – ,

Feeney and – seemed unaware that Getty had fought for

the installation of ceiling fans and vents. Much of the summer Getty

slept on a deflated beach float beneath a canopy of blankets because

of the excessive dampness.

Also last week, the Housing Authority considered raising the base

fee for Lincoln Park apartments in an attempt to receive more

funding from the state rental assistance program. The base fee is

currently $150 for a single and $167 for a double, Onderdonk said.

If 30 percent of a tenant's income falls below the base fee, the

rental assistance program provides the difference.

After repeated questions from the public, the Housing Authority

tabled the matter.

In ongoing business, a program offered by Connecticut Light & Power

is funding the installation of new, energy efficient lighting for

every unit in the complex. The authority does not know when the

lights will be installed.

" The lights are not as much as I'd like to get rid of the mold, "

said Dumas, who lives with her dog, MacFluff. On their wall hangs a

wooden frame, " God grant me the serenity to accept the things I

cannot change. "

" Be patient with us, " Feeney said, " we're new to the board. "

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In situations like this, the housing authority needs to step in and

buy these people HEPA cleaners and dehumidifiers as a stopgap measure.

Fat chance, though.. (Its 'not in their job description'?)

God willing, I suspect that 2006 will bring us a change in climate,


However, until then, they need to survive. Perhaps an NGO could step

in to help victims of bureaucratic 'decay' with things like this

before they are 'helped' to early graves..

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