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White Christmas

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This year I decided not to get any educational toys

, this year, I too decided to forego getting just educational

toys. It seems I'm always looking at how this can help his fine

motor, or how that can help his speech. I thought how nice it would

be for Gavin to receive toys to actually just play with. Okay, well I

did get a few educational ones as well :)

The weatherman said this is the first time in 27 years that it has

snowed here on Christmas Eve. Doesn't seem like it's been that long,

but I'm certainly enjoying it, except for the driving.

Christmas Eve was great with the family. I hope everyone has a

wonderful Holiday! Be careful to those of you that will be driving


Traci and Gavin, 3, who is sick this Christmas Eve :(

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We are having a quiet day at home. Going to Grandma's is literally over

the river and through the woods. We've had snow since 6 pm last night, and

expect up to 10 inches, so the trip to Grandma's is postponed until Sunday.

This is the first shopping year in over 24 Christmas' that we didn't set

foot in a toy store. Everyone must be growing up. Nicky's Christmas this

year consisted of a playstation and accessories. So he'll be glued to the

TV for the duration. (unless big brother can pry him away to get a turn).

My oldest daughter requested no toys for the two grandkids, as they have

more than what they know what to do with. (ok I couldn't resist and got

them each one small one), so we sent items to decorate their rooms.

We've usually done the educational toy route too, but it gets harder as they

get older. Nicky will be 12 at the end of January, and his list doesn't

include many toys these days. He had walkie-talkies on it this year - and

he'll get those from my sister when we gather at Grandma's.

Enjoy those little ones and their toys. They grow up too fast!


Mom of 3,

including Nicky, almost 12 , DS, Hirschsprungs, preteen syndrome

grandma of Zoe, 5, K, and Christian, 3!, preschool

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White Christmas

> As I am sitting by the warm fire with Christmas fragrants permeating

through the house, there is a soft snow falling. I wish we had what H

is getting - I'm not sure how much they expect in this area, but the more

the better!


> Patty, congrats on your surprise present! Those are the best to give and

to recieve! I went to the local 7-11 earlier this afternoon and some man

came in and talked to the cashiers. Before he left, he handed each of them

$50.00 and wished them a Merry Christmas. Last week, some poor clerk got

stuck with us as we shopped for our kids. The kids printed out their wish

list on the computer. The problem was that the store uses a number and the

online shopping has names for each item. This girl spent 2 hours with us -

very patient, friendly and fun loving (well you know how Tim teases folks).

We went to Bath and Body works and picked up a gift basket with items and

took it back to her. That was fun!


> This year I decided not to get any educational toys. He is

getting one of those Deer battery operated tractors....he won't care

about anything else after he sees it.


> Merry Christmas to all!





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This is the first year tim hasn't had anything educational too. Mind you it

is also the first year he really understood that christmas can be planned in

advance and you can ask father christmas and other people for specific

items. So he asked for a harry Potter DVD and harry potter figures. We

already have the dvd so Naomi got him harry playing quidditch, santa brought

him a harry poster book and mummy bought him a harry gown made of black

velveteen and lined in gold. he looks really smart, I'll post a photo on

the photo site some time soon. He was completely gob smacked to find the

mince pie, raisens and baileys gone this morning!

sue wong


> This year I decided not to get any educational toys. He is

getting one of those Deer battery operated tractors....he won't care

about anything else after he sees it.


> Merry Christmas to all!



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I hope everyone who celebrates christmas had a merry one. Our day was quiet.

Because of the snow there was no traffic along our road (we live out in the

country and there isn't tons of traffic normally). In fact a state of

emergency was declared and all the roads were closed. We had several hours of

5 inches/hour snowfall. We ended up with 32+ inches of snow and it has taken

3 of us 5 hours to clear our driveway today. I was never so happy when a

front end loader came by and removed snow from the road end of our driveway.

I was trying to blast through a 4.5 foot bank of snow the plow had dumped in

the end of the driveway with a small snow thrower! LOL, he got the job done a

lot faster! Our girls have enjoyed their presents--especially the puzzles!

nancy (in snowy NY state)

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We did have a pretty white xmas here in the city. Xmas eve it was snowing a

bit. Xmas day it was pouring when we went out to deliver mittens, hats,

scarves and gloves for the needy at a community party.

By like 2PM, it started snowing and snowed through the day. I think we got

about 4-6 " . It's the first white xmas here in like 30 years! It was pretty,

now I hope it goes away soon!

~ Mom to 12 DS and Diabetes Type 1 and 8 NY

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Geez, I wonder if I would have gotten better presents this year if I'd left

Santa 's instead of the usual milk and cookies and carrots for the

reindeer:)) LOL I love the phrase " gob smacked. " So very English:)))


Re: White Christmas

This is the first year tim hasn't had anything educational too. Mind you it

is also the first year he really understood that christmas can be planned in

advance and you can ask father christmas and other people for specific

items. So he asked for a harry Potter DVD and harry potter figures. We

already have the dvd so Naomi got him harry playing quidditch, santa brought

him a harry poster book and mummy bought him a harry gown made of black

velveteen and lined in gold. he looks really smart, I'll post a photo on

the photo site some time soon. He was completely gob smacked to find the

mince pie, raisens and baileys gone this morning!

sue wong


> This year I decided not to get any educational toys. He is

getting one of those Deer battery operated tractors....he won't care

about anything else after he sees it.


> Merry Christmas to all!



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Heck... I shoulda left him cheese...... then I would have my corvette. Anyone

remember that commercial?

LOL for a Redneck twist I kept trying to convince my mother to leave Santa a

beer and some pretzels.


Re: White Christmas

Geez, I wonder if I would have gotten better presents this year if I'd left

Santa 's instead of the usual milk and cookies and carrots for the

reindeer:)) LOL I love the phrase " gob smacked. " So very English:)))


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Subject: Re: White Christmas

Heck... I shoulda left him cheese...... then I would have my corvette.

Anyone remember that commercial?

should have left him cheese, too -- she also wants a corvette ;) My son

has his stored in the garage - and he takes his keys with him when he's away at

WVU so we don't drive it...lol!

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We have never left Santa milk-it has always been beer and cake or

biscuits.......Poor ole reindeers always got a carrot........

Judi Scarpelli wrote:

> Heck... I shoulda left him cheese...... then I would have my

> corvette. Anyone remember that commercial?


> LOL for a Redneck twist I kept trying to convince my mother to leave

> Santa a beer and some pretzels.


> Judi

> Re: White Christmas



> Geez, I wonder if I would have gotten better presents this year if

> I'd left Santa 's instead of the usual milk and cookies and

> carrots for the reindeer:)) LOL I love the phrase " gob smacked. " So

> very English:)))

> Elaine





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You know... I think next year I'm going all out for this... tootsie rolls for

the reindeer poop, cat food for the reindeer food, beer and pretzels for the

Claus. LOL Now I can't wail till next year. Hee hee hee


Re: White Christmas

We have never left Santa milk-it has always been beer and cake or

biscuits.......Poor ole reindeers always got a carrot........

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