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Something I posted at a blog site to Heaton (Everybody Loves Sh

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This is something Heaton typed at a blog site I go to. She

is from " Everybody Love's Show{ I posted my comment below

her post. It was a June post but the blog site has put some of this

year's blogs on today's section. Split the Difference (40 comments )

When my dear friend, Janet Grillo, parks her car in front of my

house, I never worry about her " Recall Bush " bumper sticker sullying

my reputation in the neighborhood. Likewise, she stomachs the " Refuse

to Choose " pro-life sticker on my bumper. Not possible in Hollywood,

you say? Sure it is. At least for Janet and me.

Our respect for each other's intelligence, and our mutual agreement

on so many other issues, enables us to put our heads together on a

monthly basis and discuss everything from films to feminism to

foreign policy. (And there might be a mention here and there

regarding the most effective weight-loss system.)

But we've become a little tired of solving the world's problems over

a two-martini (and an apertif) lunch. We don't seem to be having much

of an effect. However, a recent op-ed article by in the

New York Times on the joining of liberals and conservatives over the

problems in Darfur has inspired us to look for ways to bring our

Hollywood gal-pals together, regardless of political party, religious

belief or box office numbers. Instead of arguing about the right to

abortion, we need to come together and address the needs of single

moms; we need to become big sisters to at-risk teens. We can disagree

about the death penalty (I'm anti, she's pro) but we can get together

on supporting women in prison and their families. Instead of arguing

about how long you should keep someone on life support, we should

work to give disabled persons representation in our community and in

our stories.

Here in Hollywood, we have allowed ourselves to fear how the press or

our peers will label us if we are seen consorting with a person

from " the other side. " It is time for our fellow artists from every

religious and political persuasion to join together in supporting our

mutual concerns. Let's not allow the media to put us into their easy-

to-digest format. Despite a few exceptions that are overrepresented

in the tabloids, ours is an intelligent, thoughtful and hardworking

community that contributes greatly to the welfare of the community.

And we can do more. Let's do it together.

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My comment

I think it would be wonderful if the people from Hollywood and the

other writers could come together to help many of the disabled to

atleast get the word out on what is really going on in the US. For

seven years I have written letters to different government officals,

the press, different blogs and sites where the disabled gather to

help each other when we have no where else to turn.

I am very ill from toxic mold. It is such a painful illness where

your lungs hurt so much, eating is difficult because of food

allergies and yeast on tongue, sleeping disorder, muscle pain, sinus

pain, chemical illness, asthma, isolation, depression, but most of

all dispair having an illness that they treat you poorly when you try

to get help-- either from landlord,the health department, court

system, lawyers, some doctors, government, etc.

In April many celebrities held a press conference, " Celebrity Mold

Victims Unite " , to fight for those whose voices that are never heard.

Alana , TV personality and former wife of both rocker Rod

and actor Hamilton, Marty Ingels, former comedian, now

writer producer and husband of actress, Shirley , gathered for a

press conference outside the courthouse in Los Angeles where a mold

case was going on in Superior Court. Bianca Jagger has been involved

getting awareness out there, a victim herself.

This is such a devestating illness that is destroying so many lives.

Legislation HB1269 has been introduced several times but I am afraid

that again another session will go by in congress while so many wait

and suffer for our government to do something. Unfortunately we must

look for celebreties, the press, etc to help when we have no where to

turn. In Florida many people still have blue tarps covering their

roofs from last year's hurricanes, and the new hurricane season is


Not too long ago I read about an 86 year old man in Florida who kept

trying to get his roof fixed properly and for someone to do something

about the mold in his home. He drove to the roofer's office and shot

himself in the parking lot. People have no where to turn. Insurance

usually does not cover mold damage.

Many people with mold illness get a sensitivity to fragrance,

cleaning products, cooking odors, and more when their lungs or organs

have been damaged from mold. The doctors don't know what to do or are

afraid of the unknown. When you do find a doctor, it is very

expensive for treatment. I don't understand why they act like they

don't know much about this illness. I have had this illness since

1998 and I had no trouble finding information all over the internet.

Bush had mold in the governor's mansion is Texas. So many

schools, court houses, governor's mansions, fire stations, homes,

condos, dealing with mold. WHAT ARE THEY WAITING FOR. The problem

isn't going to go away. Delp

Posted by: Delp on June 04, 2005 at 05:44pm

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