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to ruth

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My kids just roll their eyes when one of their siblings does something

'weird'. Its the kids way of saying, ignore him/her - I didnt choose my

family and I'm sooooo not like that!!

I used to get upset over public spectacles of defiance. I learned to just

calmy sit it out. I dont feed into the attention seeking behaviour. this

didnt happen over night, but for my own self preservation, I dont yell, but

lower my voice and look them in the eye and tell them what I will do (like

wait for them to calm down, and then we'll talk). When my son was busy

checking everything after me, or my daughter was showering all the time, My

tone was matter of fact, like, you can have a shower, but only for 10

minutes, or I would appreciate it if you didnt check after me, you can check

after yourself though. You of course have to realize that we are not your

average household!

My son is in a group home because he became phyisically abusive towards

us. He is much bigger than me and his strength is amazing. He would

antaganize his father so they would fight. He is out also because his

behaviour was detrimental to the other 3 ocd'ers!

In any case Ruth, dont worry, you will survive this too!

take care, wendy in canada

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