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Started on new treatment for MOLD....

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This will be quick, as I have to get to bed early, as I have to be downtown

at the Capitol for a hearing in the House of Representative for the

Homeopathic, Integrated Medical Board at 8:00 am.....UGHhhhhhhh wayyyyyyy to

early for me

but here it goes.

Yesterday, I had my first Garlic Oil IV....takes 3 to 4 hours to take as it

must be very slow as it burns and aches going into the vein. The results were

UNBELIEVABLE......There are two of us so far doing the study with my doctor.

The other lady was so sick her husband was pratically carrying her into the

office. She was a new patient for her MOLD exposure and desperate. She had a

blinding headache, crying, brain fog so bad that it was hard for her to hold

conversation, achey, anxiety and coughing. Her brainfog left her within the

first hour. She walked out of the office a new woman smiling. The nurse called

her at home to check on her and she was elated.....she came back to the

office today and hugged my doc and the nurses, thanking them for helping her.


felt even better after the 2nd IV.....She had been told by many doctors that

she wasn't sick from MOLD, but when my doc checked her she was loaded. She

also recorded that her Tinnitus disappeared.

*******We have been chipping away at some alternative treatments for the

Aspergillus pneumonia and yesterdayI did the Garlic Oil IV.... Within the first

1 1/2 hours of the IV, My brain fog disappeared.....The kidney pain was gone

within 2 hours.....My coughing improved immensly.....So far just a slight

herx, didn't even have to do organic enema, castor oil pack or detox bath.


I had excessive sweats all afternoon. My headache returned for an hour with

brainfog, then disappeared. I had a chest heated flush in the area above both

breast with a burning sensation for about 30 min. last night.

I'm excited as we may have found something that will get rid of Lyme, MOLD

and many other things. The chinese have been using this treatment for

years....they claim it works also against cancers. Who knows, all I can say is


THRILLED to be able to be a part of his mini study. I will keep everyone


as this could be BIG for many areas of disease.

********I haven't had time to do the indepth research on Garlic OIL IV's from

the Chinese. My doctor and a couple of other alternative docs in california

are the only ones doing them.

*****Gotta get.....will report more as we move further in the study.....I

told my doctor that if the first 3 hours of the IV was any proof, then he would

have moldies/lymies lined up around his building....LOL He said he would

rather teach other doctors, as it already takes 4 weeks to get an appointment


him and he sees a minimum of 40 patients a day. It use to take 8 to 10

weeks several years ago, but there are many alternative doctors here in the


of Arizona now and all of them are buried in patients.

******Gotta get in bed....night.....

Keep a smile on your face, love in your heart and walk with the angels,

holding hands in the " chain of love " .....

Angel Huggzz

or Angel


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