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Welcome to the list! You will probably hear this a zillion times but to get

in the best shape you should try and add some weight work to your routine.

Muscle burns more than fat making it easier to lose weight. Plus you get

that shapely muscled look (and there are more reasons to lift, but can't

think of them right now). I like lifting weights and you will not get big

by doing it. I'm not sure what is a good intro to lifting but The Firm is

probably not a bad place to start. There are also a lot of beginner weight

tapes out there I've just never used them so I don't know what is good. You

can take a look at www.collagevideo.com and find a lot of different tapes

and look at clips. I recently started lifting with Cathe (www.cathe.com) and

went from a size 10 to a size 4 (in a matter of 4 months) and I lose weight

without much trouble doing this. While I do enjoy weight work for the legs I

also like Pilates or ballet type work. Some of my favorites are Lotte Berk

method because they are quick and I get so sore. I also enjoy The Method

tapes and just about anything else I've tried in this category. Oh the New

York City Ballet Workout is great too. A bit artsy in production but a great

workout. But for the easy weight loss, I go for working the muscles with

weights. If you've not tried weights before, you need to remember not to

work the same muscles everyday (so go for total body every other day or

upper one day, lower the next or something similar)


Peace to you All!

My name is Tyra and I am a home fitness video addict! LOL


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Hi, Tyra. Welcome!

I'm from WI and I'm part of the male minority of the group. My

wife and I do tae bo DVD's and I do martial arts. It sounds like

you've made some great personal improvements. When you get a chance,

please post a pic of yourself so we can all put a face to your

(pretty) name.


> Peace to you All!


> My name is Tyra and I am a home fitness video addict! LOL

> Seriously, I am so happy to have found this group. I have been into

> working out at home since 2004 and started with tae bo. I then

> begin to seek out other workouts and chose winsor pilates, a few

> dance workouts and now turbo jam and yoga shakti. Right now I am so

> into turbo jam and yoga shakti that I have no interest in doing any

> other vids.


> I love working out at home because I can do so whenever I want. I

> began working out at home when I realized that trying to carve time

> to get away to workout was just not going to happen. My family had

> moved to a new city where I have no family and hubby was leaving

> early for work and returning late. He was also in school at the

> time so when he was home he was studying. I was about 40 lbs

> overweight at the time and needed to do SOMETHING! I remembered a

> cousin of mine who would rave about tae bo so I bought a used copy

> of one of BIlly's older workouts. That was the beginning of my

> growing workout library.


> I lost quiet a bit of weight and lots of inches, especially once I

> started his new bootcamp. I got burned out, especially when I moved

> again into a new home. That is when I began to search for dance

> vids because I used to attend an African dance class that lead me to

> a place where I was the smallest I had been my entire adult life.

> But, they just were not moving me that much.


> One day I decided that I really only had to lose a few dollars by

> order Turbo jam, that is if I did not like it. I tried turbo jam

> for 1-2 days before I ordered all of the other workouts that were

> available. Chalene's energy really works for me. I love the

> kickboxing and dance aspects of turbo jam so I get those needs

> satisfied in one workout.


> ONe of the reason 's bootcamp vids worked so well was because

> of the bands. I have been seeking to add more resistance/weight

> training to my regime. I worked with personal trainer at the YMCA a

> few weeks back and realized that my yoga vid is exactly what I need

> to do in order to tone my body. I am losing weight with turbo jam

> but I only do her cardio workouts. So, my yoga shakti vid is what I

> am using for spiritual reasons first and toning my body second.


> I look forward to learning from you all and learning more about at

> home workouts that are working for others.


> Much Love

> Tyra in TN


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Welcome, Tyra! It is good to have you here! I'm

currentlyin the middle of a Turbo Jam kick and I also

have the Yoga Shakti DVD that I just love (although

lately, I have to admit, I've neglected it due to lack

of time to fit everything in!) You may want to give

some of the Turbo Jam toning DVDs a try - they are

fun, too and although I didn't bond with them right

away, I've grown to really like them.

it is great to meet you! Look forward to hearing more

about you and your workouts.


--- Tyra Olufemi <motherspirit@...> wrote:

> Peace to you All!


> My name is Tyra and I am a home fitness video

> addict! LOL

> Seriously, I am so happy to have found this group.

> I have been into

> working out at home since 2004 and started with tae

> bo. I then

> begin to seek out other workouts and chose winsor

> pilates, a few

> dance workouts and now turbo jam and yoga shakti.

> Right now I am so

> into turbo jam and yoga shakti that I have no

> interest in doing any

> other vids.


> I love working out at home because I can do so

> whenever I want. I

> began working out at home when I realized that

> trying to carve time

> to get away to workout was just not going to happen.

> My family had

> moved to a new city where I have no family and hubby

> was leaving

> early for work and returning late. He was also in

> school at the

> time so when he was home he was studying. I was

> about 40 lbs

> overweight at the time and needed to do SOMETHING!

> I remembered a

> cousin of mine who would rave about tae bo so I

> bought a used copy

> of one of BIlly's older workouts. That was the

> beginning of my

> growing workout library.


> I lost quiet a bit of weight and lots of inches,

> especially once I

> started his new bootcamp. I got burned out,

> especially when I moved

> again into a new home. That is when I began to

> search for dance

> vids because I used to attend an African dance class

> that lead me to

> a place where I was the smallest I had been my

> entire adult life.

> But, they just were not moving me that much.


> One day I decided that I really only had to lose a

> few dollars by

> order Turbo jam, that is if I did not like it. I

> tried turbo jam

> for 1-2 days before I ordered all of the other

> workouts that were

> available. Chalene's energy really works for me. I

> love the

> kickboxing and dance aspects of turbo jam so I get

> those needs

> satisfied in one workout.


> ONe of the reason 's bootcamp vids worked so

> well was because

> of the bands. I have been seeking to add more

> resistance/weight

> training to my regime. I worked with personal

> trainer at the YMCA a

> few weeks back and realized that my yoga vid is

> exactly what I need

> to do in order to tone my body. I am losing weight

> with turbo jam

> but I only do her cardio workouts. So, my yoga

> shakti vid is what I

> am using for spiritual reasons first and toning my

> body second.


> I look forward to learning from you all and learning

> more about at

> home workouts that are working for others.


> Much Love

> Tyra in TN






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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome! My husband had Hodgkin's Lymphoma several years ago. I deal with IBS often, so I feel your pain there. This is a great group of supportive folks, and we're glad you're here!


-----Original Message-----From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of hiheaven5Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2006 6:12 AM Subject: newbie

Just wanting to introduce myself. Cancer surviver still dealing with getting my health back. I am hypothyroid, have some arthritus, osteopenia and a recent bout with IBS. Am currently working on discovering hidden allergies. Looking forward to learning from everyone here.

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Did you have thyroid cancer? Paplary? I found a good allergy detection

diet on the Roby Institute website. I am following it right now, but I

am also fighting som asthema and hive right now. I am going to the Dr.

at 2 for some meds.



> Just wanting to introduce myself. Cancer surviver still dealing


> getting my health back. I am hypothyroid, have some arthritus,

> osteopenia and a recent bout with IBS. Am currently working on

> discovering hidden allergies. Looking forward to learning from

> everyone here.


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you joined a great group. you will meet lots of nice people hear who are willing to listen and offer advice. hope to hear from you again soon. evelyniheaven5@...> wrote: Just wanting to introduce myself. Cancer surviver still dealing with getting my health back. I am hypothyroid, have some arthritus, osteopenia and a recent bout with IBS. Am currently working on discovering hidden allergies. Looking forward to learning from everyone


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Welcome to the group,

great group of people here,


iheaven5 > wrote:

Just wanting to introduce myself. Cancer surviver still dealing with getting my health back. I am hypothyroid, have some arthritus, osteopenia and a recent bout with IBS. Am currently working on discovering hidden allergies. Looking forward to learning from everyone here.

Get your email and more, right on the new .com

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  • 2 months later...

Welcome sprouter! The forum has tons of information as does the

Sproutpeople.com website. Use the search on the Sproutpeople group

website and it might bring up the info you want. Sproutpeople also

have fabulous sprouting seeds. I just switched from alfalfa to the two

clovers they sell and they are delicious! Good luck and feel free to ask

lots of questions!We love our sprouts! Diane

ne Holden wrote:

>Hi, my name is ne and I just joined. I used to sprout, mainly

>mung beans and alfalfa, years ago, and am starting up again. I'm hoping

>for tips and info on cooking, and possibly dehydrating, different kinds

>of sprouts.

>- ne






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Welcome to the group. Glad to have you join us!


Hi, I am new to this group. My 8 yr old son has just been diagnosed with Aspergers. I waiting to hear back from our Dr about parent meetings to help me with him, but I have to live with him now. I am hoping joining this group with help me. I also have 2 other children, a 9yr old boy who I swear is ODD and my 11 year old daughter. Thanks for being here,AL

No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG Free Edition.Version: 7.5.430 / Virus Database: 268.14.1/527 - Release Date: 11/9/2006 6:00 PM

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Kathy Welcome to the group! Please feel free to ask any question you might have and we will really try to help you find the answer! Treatment is usually recommended not by viral load but by how much damage you have to your liver. That takes a biopsy, have you had one recently? There are some docs who recommend tx for everyone but since this treatment is so serious, I think each person has to decide for themself.. make sure you are making an educated choice honey.. dont let anyone push you into tx as you can be left with serious side effects that are permanent after tx, even if you DO get lucky and get rid of the virus. There is NO CURE,, only remission. Depending upon what geno you are,, your chance of reaching SVR is only 50%.. Your viral load is not considered high, its significant but not high( they consider anything above 2 million to be high). You can

have a very high viral load for years and still have no damage,, and you can have a low viral load and have lots of damage,, thats why you need a biopsy before you decide whether or not you want to treat,anyway,, welcome to the group and please make yourself comfy here! jax moderatorKathy <anarchy353@...> wrote: Hi. I am new to this group. Wow...these postings are overwhelming.When I first found out I was positive in 2000, I read a lot and got sodepressed that I stopped. Now, I just

recently had a blood test comeback and my family doctor asked me why it was so high. So I have anappt. with my specialist, which I usually see every year but somehowmissed it last year and this year. Anyway...I am trying to find out atwhat levels they will recommend treatment. I'm changing jobs so noinsurance for 3 months. My Hep C virus RNA Quant V-load was 965355. Iam a newbie at all of this. I know I have a lot to learn. Then I amwondering about the treatment versus natural remedies....wow...this isoverwhelming...KathyJackie

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Kathy, Okay hon here is the straight story on treatment vs natural remedies. There are several different types of treatments and more are being developed. Right now the two most widely prescribed treatments are Pegasy with Co-pegasy and it is made by the Roche drug company (I used to work for Hoffman-La Roche many moons ago.) And the Peg-intron and Rebetrol from the Scherling Corp. I have been on both kinds of combo treatment and with the Peg-intron I got my virus count down to 1500 at the end of treatment. But did not achieve the undetectable level we all hope for. On the Pegasy I achieved undetectable at 12 weeks actually and remain so throughout treatment. 3 months post treatment I was still undetectable. But sadly it came back. But I have to say this, I am not discouraged because here are my reasons: I am genotype 1a one of the hardest to treat and reach SVR Number 2, I was overweight both times during treatment. Overweight people have a much harder time staying at undetectable. ( I am not just overweight I am considered bordering on morbidly obese). I will be truthful with you, I really think I would have reached SVR had I been at a more reasonable weight. Say under 200 lbs. And both times I was under a lot of stress while I was on treatment. Various reasons but stress can have a lot to do with how you react to treatment. Will I treat again? You betca, I am going to see a new doctor in April as I have moved and my old doctor is 4 hours away. There are other treatment opinions available to me. Now for the natural remedies, let me say this. They are to treat symptoms and by no means are they a cure or treatment for the disease. I will let others that are more learned in the herbal medication advise you on them. Milk thistle is a good herb to take with Hep C. Like I said I will let others Like Jackie,Tim, Nikki talk to you about natural helps. But by no means think that any herbal medication or even traditional med can cure you. The treatment only puts the virus in remission. For many it has been put in permanant remission. Such as Jackie-she is 5 years post treatment and still clear. She is one of our success stories. And there are many others here with the same success stories. Maybe one of these days I will be one of those successful people. Love

Janet Kathy <anarchy353@...> wrote: Hi. I am new to this group. Wow...these postings are overwhelming.When I first found out I was positive in 2000, I read a lot and got sodepressed that I stopped. Now, I just recently had a blood test comeback and my family doctor asked me why it was so high. So I have anappt. with my specialist, which I usually see every year but somehowmissed it last year and this year. Anyway...I am trying to find out

atwhat levels they will recommend treatment. I'm changing jobs so noinsurance for 3 months. My Hep C virus RNA Quant V-load was 965355. Iam a newbie at all of this. I know I have a lot to learn. Then I amwondering about the treatment versus natural remedies....wow...this isoverwhelming...KathyTake the ordinary things

of life, and make them your own. Do the impossible with a smile

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The most important thing for you is to have a biopsy , but since you are a log 5 the time to start treatment would be soon . Besides while you have no insurance you are eligible for commitment to care and other programs. The longer you wait to treat the harder it will be for you to get rid of . There are things like milk thistle that can help reduce the stress on your liver . And welcome to the group ...... moderatorKathy <anarchy353@...> wrote: Hi. I am new to this group. Wow...these postings are

overwhelming.When I first found out I was positive in 2000, I read a lot and got sodepressed that I stopped. Now, I just recently had a blood test comeback and my family doctor asked me why it was so high. So I have anappt. with my specialist, which I usually see every year but somehowmissed it last year and this year. Anyway...I am trying to find out atwhat levels they will recommend treatment. I'm changing jobs so noinsurance for 3 months. My Hep C virus RNA Quant V-load was 965355. Iam a newbie at all of this. I know I have a lot to learn. Then I amwondering about the treatment versus natural remedies....wow...this isoverwhelming...Kathy

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Welcometo the group ! Unfortunately, I don't know much about the new Austin workouts, but hopefully someone here will.Congrats on your weight loss! That is awesome :) Happy to have you here, and look forward to getting to know ya ;)

DarcyOn 12/8/06, <caseynsidney@...> wrote:


I'm new to this message board, but not new to exercise videos. I was

looking for some input on the new Austin workout DVD Hit the

Spot Core. I started my exercise and weigtloss program using her

series, however I find them very easy now. I purchased Burn Fat Fast

Cardio Dance, and Blast Away the Pounds indoor walk. They are so easy,

they just take up room in my file drawer that is full of Work outs. I'm

also curious if anyone out there can suggest some Pregnancy DVD's, as

my husband and I are trying to start our family. To give some info on

me, I'm 26, been on Weight Watchers since August 2005 and lost over 70

lbs, Hit Goal August 2006, and my work outs of choice are Trubo Jam and

Slim in Six...I am curantly waiting for the new Turbo Jam DVD's with

the Stability ball to arrive....Can't Wait!

Thanks for Any suggestions!


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No suggestions from me, just a great big welcome ! Where in Michigan are you? I'm in Hamburg Township (near Brighton, which is near Ann Arbor) and Jen is in Michigan too (but I can't remember where). Anyway, we're glad you're here, I hope you'll enjoy the great advice and fellowship of this fun group!


Hello!I'm new to this message board, but not new to exercise videos. I was looking for some input on the new Austin workout DVD Hit the Spot Core. I started my exercise and weigtloss program using her series, however I find them very easy now. I purchased Burn Fat Fast Cardio Dance, and Blast Away the Pounds indoor walk. They are so easy, they just take up room in my file drawer that is full of Work outs. I'm also curious if anyone out there can suggest some Pregnancy DVD's, as my husband and I are trying to start our family. To give some info on me, I'm 26, been on Weight Watchers since August 2005 and lost over 70 lbs, Hit Goal August 2006, and my work outs of choice are Trubo Jam and Slim in Six...I am curantly waiting for the new Turbo Jam DVD's with the Stability ball to arrive....Can't Wait!Thanks for Any suggestions!Michigan

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I'm from West-Central Michigan. In between Grand Rapids and Lansing...


> No suggestions from me, just a great big welcome ! Where in

Michigan are you? I'm in Hamburg Township (near Brighton, which is

near Ann Arbor) and Jen is in Michigan too (but I can't remember

where). Anyway, we're glad you're here, I hope you'll enjoy the great

advice and fellowship of this fun group!




> Newbie



> Hello!

> I'm new to this message board, but not new to exercise videos. I


> looking for some input on the new Austin workout DVD Hit


> Spot Core. I started my exercise and weigtloss program using her

> series, however I find them very easy now. I purchased Burn Fat


> Cardio Dance, and Blast Away the Pounds indoor walk. They are so


> they just take up room in my file drawer that is full of Work

outs. I'm

> also curious if anyone out there can suggest some Pregnancy

DVD's, as

> my husband and I are trying to start our family. To give some

info on

> me, I'm 26, been on Weight Watchers since August 2005 and lost

over 70

> lbs, Hit Goal August 2006, and my work outs of choice are Trubo

Jam and

> Slim in Six...I am curantly waiting for the new Turbo Jam DVD's


> the Stability ball to arrive....Can't Wait!

> Thanks for Any suggestions!


> Michigan


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Cool! Another area of our wonderful state represented!

I meant to congratulate you too on your awesome weight loss! I'm a Weight Watcher too, below goal since May 2006 and loving it! My loss wasn't as dramatic as yours (25 pounds) but it still feels great. I hope you feel wonderful too! Welcome again!

Newbie> > > Hello!> I'm new to this message board, but not new to exercise videos. I was > looking for some input on the new Austin workout DVD Hit the > Spot Core. I started my exercise and weigtloss program using her > series, however I find them very easy now. I purchased Burn Fat Fast > Cardio Dance, and Blast Away the Pounds indoor walk. They are so easy, > they just take up room in my file drawer that is full of Work outs. I'm > also curious if anyone out there can suggest some Pregnancy DVD's, as > my husband and I are trying to start our family. To give some info on > me, I'm 26, been on Weight Watchers since August 2005 and lost over 70 > lbs, Hit Goal August 2006, and my work outs of choice are Trubo Jam and > Slim in Six...I am curantly waiting for the new Turbo Jam DVD's with > the Stability ball to arrive....Can't Wait!> Thanks for Any suggestions!> > Michigan>

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Welcome !!

I'm sure you'll find that everyone here is very supportive and super

nice. I can't recommend any pregnancy dvd's but someone will else

will surely suggest a few.



> Hello!

> I'm new to this message board, but not new to exercise videos. I


> looking for some input on the new Austin workout DVD Hit the

> Spot Core. I started my exercise and weigtloss program using her

> series, however I find them very easy now. I purchased Burn Fat


> Cardio Dance, and Blast Away the Pounds indoor walk. They are so


> they just take up room in my file drawer that is full of Work outs.


> also curious if anyone out there can suggest some Pregnancy DVD's,


> my husband and I are trying to start our family. To give some info


> me, I'm 26, been on Weight Watchers since August 2005 and lost over


> lbs, Hit Goal August 2006, and my work outs of choice are Trubo Jam


> Slim in Six...I am curantly waiting for the new Turbo Jam DVD's


> the Stability ball to arrive....Can't Wait!

> Thanks for Any suggestions!


> Michigan


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Hi , Welcome - I find a good souce of information on videos at www.collagevideo.com - this is a good source of research on videos - later you can buy the video from www.half.com or another discounter or from them (they carry some very good videos that they seem to carry exclusively). You can request a written catalog which I find very useful since you can save it and mark it up as needed. Their catalog has a section devoted to pregnancy tapes. Again, Welcome and good luck and tell us when the baby is due. Rickinancydewolf <nancydewolf@...> wrote: No suggestions from me, just a great big welcome ! Where in Michigan are you? I'm in Hamburg Township (near Brighton, which is near Ann Arbor) and Jen is in Michigan too (but I can't remember where). Anyway, we're glad you're here, I hope you'll enjoy the great advice and fellowship of this fun group! Newbie Hello!I'm new to this message board, but not new to exercise videos. I was looking for some input on the new Austin workout DVD Hit the Spot Core. I started my exercise and weigtloss program using her series, however I find them very easy now. I purchased Burn Fat Fast Cardio Dance, and Blast Away the Pounds indoor walk. They are so easy, they just take up room in my file drawer that is full of Work outs. I'm also curious if anyone out there can suggest some Pregnancy DVD's, as my husband and I are trying to start our family. To give some info on

me, I'm 26, been on Weight Watchers since August 2005 and lost over 70 lbs, Hit Goal August 2006, and my work outs of choice are Trubo Jam and Slim in Six...I am curantly waiting for the new Turbo Jam DVD's with the Stability ball to arrive....Can't Wait!Thanks for Any suggestions!Michigan

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> I'm new to this message board, but not new to exercise videos.

hi melissa ! welcome to the group, it is nice to meet you here.

>I was

> looking for some input on the new Austin workout DVD Hit the

> Spot Core.

i have it but havent done it yet !! wah!! i need to rectify that

right away.

>Blast Away the Pounds indoor walk. They are so easy,

i had this one and traded it... i agree that it is too easy. the

best thing about it was the stretch at the end...lol.

>To give some info on

> me, I'm 26, been on Weight Watchers since August 2005 and lost over 70

> lbs,

wow!! congratulations!! that is awesome.

> Trubo Jam and

> Slim in Six...I am curantly waiting for the new Turbo Jam DVD's with

> the Stability ball to arrive....Can't Wait!

these are all great workouts! enjoy!! and please post often :)


(im age 43 and live in ontario canada with my dh and our 2 sons)

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Hi , It's Ricki again...another good way to check out a video before you buy is to check the customer comments section of the video on Amazon.com - the comments can be very useful. Again, Regards, Rickiricki hall <rickicalgal@...> wrote: Hi , Welcome - I find a good souce of information on videos at www.collagevideo.com - this

is a good source of research on videos - later you can buy the video from www.half.com or another discounter or from them (they carry some very good videos that they seem to carry exclusively). You can request a written catalog which I find very useful since you can save it and mark it up as needed. Their catalog has a section devoted to pregnancy tapes. Again, Welcome and good luck and tell us when the baby is due. Rickinancydewolf <nancydewolfsbcglobal (DOT) net> wrote: No suggestions from me, just a great big welcome ! Where in Michigan are you? I'm in Hamburg Township (near Brighton, which is near Ann Arbor) and Jen is in Michigan too (but I can't remember

where). Anyway, we're glad you're here, I hope you'll enjoy the great advice and fellowship of this fun group! Newbie Hello!I'm new to this message board, but not new to exercise videos. I was

looking for some input on the new Austin workout DVD Hit the Spot Core. I started my exercise and weigtloss program using her series, however I find them very easy now. I purchased Burn Fat Fast Cardio Dance, and Blast Away the Pounds indoor walk. They are so easy, they just take up room in my file drawer that is full of Work outs. I'm also curious if anyone out there can suggest some Pregnancy DVD's, as my husband and I are trying to start our family. To give some info on me, I'm 26, been on Weight Watchers since August 2005 and lost over 70 lbs, Hit Goal August 2006, and my work outs of choice are Trubo Jam and Slim in Six...I am curantly waiting for the new Turbo Jam DVD's with the Stability ball to arrive....Can't Wait!Thanks for Any suggestions!Michigan Access over 1 million songs - Music Unlimited.

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hi melissa, just wanted to say welcome. i tried her cardio sculpt dance from netflix. i liked the weight section but the cardio was not only easy, but cheesy(even for her) and was not tthat well cued. but i do have some denise videos, b/c i started out with her a few years back. i still find use of them, in fact i am getting over a bad head cold so i will probably be doing some denise tomorrow or sunday. many in this group have tried turbo jam and love it, so you might get the same out of it too. i also like karen voight, kathy smith, and LOVE my cathe workouts. i have a bunch of videos from others but these as well as the firm are my favorite. have a great night kassia

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Hello ,

Welcome to the list. Congratulations your exercise progress and

meeting your Weight Watchers goal.

I wish you all the best in starting your family, I'm sure you will get

lots of suggestions for a pregnancy workout.

You will enjoy this list, it's a great place to be.



| Hello!

| I'm new to this message board, but not new to exercise videos. I was

| looking for some input on the new Austin workout DVD Hit the

| Spot Core. I started my exercise and weigtloss program using her

| series, however I find them very easy now. I purchased Burn Fat Fast

| Cardio Dance, and Blast Away the Pounds indoor walk. They are so


| they just take up room in my file drawer that is full of Work outs.


| also curious if anyone out there can suggest some Pregnancy DVD's,


| my husband and I are trying to start our family. To give some info


| me, I'm 26, been on Weight Watchers since August 2005 and lost over


| lbs, Hit Goal August 2006, and my work outs of choice are Trubo Jam


| Slim in Six...I am curantly waiting for the new Turbo Jam DVD's with

| the Stability ball to arrive....Can't Wait!

| Thanks for Any suggestions!


| Michigan

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Thank you all for your kind words and welcomes! I know I will learn a

lot. Although I do have another question. I have read that once you are

into your 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, you sould not do

exercises on your back. At least your abs, and that you sould do

standing ab work. Does anyone know if you can use the stability ball

during pregnancy. I would be worried about balance, but I do know some

people use the steps, and I would be worried about the same thing....

Thanks Again!

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