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Hi Gillian,

My son kept getting worms every few months. Dr Heard told us to give him one dose of Ovex and then follow up two weeks later with a second dose. It does seem to have done the trick. He did not tell us to wait for the full moon. I personally would get them zapped as soon as possible. They are disgusting and very itchy - speaking from personal experience as a child.


RE: Worms

Hi there,I think my lad has worms again. I see there is a full moon on 9th August andhe's behaving the same way that he did last time he had them and there was alovely shiny moon in the sky. Lots of teeth grinding, wriggling on the chairand scratching his bottom. I read that the best time to deworm them is 5days before the full moon. Does anyone know if this is right? Thing is I'dlike to do it now and put him out of his misery.Gillian

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Thanks Mandi and everyone for answering my query. I’ve just given him an Ovex tablet and will watch for the evidence (not looking forward to that one). I think he may be one of those kids whose going to need dewormed every few months.

Thanks again


On 3/8/06 11:02, " Mum231ASD@... " <Mum231ASD@...> wrote:

In a message dated 03/08/2006 10:57:34 GMT Daylight Time, editorial.hillbury@... writes:

Does anyone know if this is right? Thing is I'd

like to do it now and put him out of his misery.

>>>I'd do it now and again just after the moon but thats just me

Mandi x

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes, we always new that had them by more frequent visits to the toilet, scratching his bottom and behavioural issues.


We have managed to stay clear for months now after giving one dose and then two weeks later following up with another dose of ovex. I hate worms.


Probably a silly question but can worms cause aggression and sugar craving. Think has them again,TIAVicky

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Thanks Jane, I hate them as well, have been blaming school before but it would seem I was wrong. We have fingers in bottom, the whole thing is completely disgusting, hadn't noticed the behaviours before, but he is really aggressive at the moment.


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Zap the buggers ! then zap them again - that should do the trick.


Re: Worms

Thanks Jane, I hate them as well, have been blaming school before but it would seem I was wrong. We have fingers in bottom, the whole thing is completely disgusting, hadn't noticed the behaviours before, but he is really aggressive at the moment.


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  • 5 years later...
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I use the red worms – buzz up whatever parts of the veggies I would throw away with some water, pour it into my worm condo and they just love it. Bonnie www.bonniesherbals.com“creating radiance with herbs and water†Get my FREE report on:5 STEPS TO Boost Your ENERGY, Reduce Your Stress and Heal Your Bodyand at the same time you will be subscribed to my newsletter.  – I promise to never share your information with anyone else.http://www.facebook.com/RadiantHealthforLifehttp://www.twitter.com/_RadiantHealthhttp://www.linkedin.com/in/bonnierogersComing soon:  we are rebranding, our new name will be www.RadiantHealthforLife.com.com   From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of sharonSent: Sunday, March 11, 2012 8:28 PM Subject: worms So you don’t need the red worms that are advertised? SharonM in W. WA From:

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doesn’t that keep them too damp?

SharonM in W. WA

From: Bonnie

Sent: Friday, March 16, 2012 8:21 PM

Subject: RE: worms

I use the red worms – buzz up whatever parts of the veggies I would throw away with some water, pour it into my worm condo and they just love it.

Bonnie www.bonniesherbals.com

“creating radiance with herbs and waterâ€

Get my FREE report on:5 STEPS TO Boost Your ENERGY, Reduce Your Stress and Heal Your Bodyand at the same time you will be subscribed to my newsletter. – I promise to never share your information with anyone else.




Coming soon: we are rebranding, our new name will be www.RadiantHealthforLife.com.com

From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of sharonSent: Sunday, March 11, 2012 8:28 PM Subject: worms

So you don’t need the red worms that are advertised?

SharonM in W. WA


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No because with the “worm condo†if there is excess fluid it drains to the bottom Bonnie www.bonniesherbals.com“creating radiance with herbs and water†Get my FREE report on:5 STEPS TO Boost Your ENERGY, Reduce Your Stress and Heal Your Bodyand at the same time you will be subscribed to my newsletter.  – I promise to never share your information with anyone else.http://www.facebook.com/RadiantHealthforLifehttp://www.twitter.com/_RadiantHealthhttp://www.linkedin.com/in/bonnierogersComing soon:  we are rebranding, our new name will be www.RadiantHealthforLife.com.com   From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of sharonSent: Saturday, March 17, 2012 8:48 AM Subject: Re: worms doesn’t that keep them too damp? SharonM in W. WA From: Bonnie Sent: Friday, March 16, 2012 8:21 PM Subject: RE: worms I use the red worms – buzz up whatever parts of the veggies I would throw away with some water, pour it into my worm condo and they just love it.Bonnie www.bonniesherbals.com“creating radiance with herbs and waterâ€Get my FREE report on:5 STEPS TO Boost Your ENERGY, Reduce Your Stress and Heal Your Bodyand at the same time you will be subscribed to my newsletter. – I promise to never share your information with anyone else.http://www.facebook.com/RadiantHealthforLifehttp://www.twitter.com/_RadiantHealthhttp://www.linkedin.com/in/bonnierogersComing soon: we are rebranding, our new name will be www.RadiantHealthforLife.com.com From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of sharonSent: Sunday, March 11, 2012 8:28 PM Subject: worms So you don’t need the red worms that are advertised?SharonM in W. WAFrom:

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