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Re: Welz-was: Chi machine...Green

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The Welz machine could be considered that, if you wish. You could also

say that radionics is mumbo-jumbo. But, if one prefers to believe in

these things, both of them work quite well for some people. I am one of

them. Skepticism is its own punishment in this, because it shuts down

the innate spiritual power in us that makes these things work.

I have a custom-built Welz RAD 3000, which is his largest chi generator

coupled with a 9-dial/3 row radionics platform. When I was buying, I

talked to Karl and described exactly what I wanted, and he had just

finished making a prototype as though to my description. So, I bought it

on the spot.

I have used it for destiny trending, as described on Welz's site, for

about 18 months. " Destiny trending " means, in short, magick; or wishing;

or prayer. They are all the same thing: when you connect an emotion to a

thought-form, you make a creation, positive or negative. Positive or

negative is determined by that to which you apply your creative force

and, whether or not your wish violates someone else's free will!

Life force energy, or chi, is an electrical value created by our neurons

in the brain & heart, as they synapse. The measured EM field of the

heart is 60 times greater than that of the brain. It may easily be the

" Life " generation device in the body, apart from just pumping blood. The

heart mind is definitely what we call intuition, or that " little voice I

knew I should have listened to. "

When wishing, the idea behind the feeling is the wish, but the feeling

is the power everything runs on. This is the reason skeptics have little

luck in paranormal events. Skepticism is not a feeling/power that wishes

run on. The purpose of a Welz generator is that a human can only spend

so much time thinking (and feeling) their wish/desire, but when you

connect the generator to your wish, it just keeps on working, like an

Energiser bunny, because it is pumping out chi.

I don't frequently get into a description of these things in public. I

don't try to convince people these things are possible. Occasionally,

like now, I will report my experiences. What I am willing to say is that

if all of my successes are " coincidence " then coincidence has multiplied

many, many times over in my life starting the day I received my RAD

3000. There are only two possibilities, if you believe I am trelling the

truth. One is that my wishes are coming true. The other is that I am

preconceiving the future and performing a ritual to that effect. By some

lights, neither is possible. I know better.

At the time I received it there were several people with whom I was in

contact who had a loved one in dire physical trouble. I practiced my

" electronic prayers " and discovered an important life principle.

Everyone seems to know that " what goes around, comes around! " But few

seem to know you can start it around any time you want!! You're doing it

anyway. You might as well direct it to a better life for all! If you

want to learn, teach. If you want to get well, PRAY FOR OTHERS!!!!!

Start it going around for yourself!

Or, you could call the Welz a cheap static generator with a high price

tag. If that is your choice, then that is all the reward you will

receive. And, Karl is the first person to tell you that you can make a

functioning radionics device from a cardboard box, and draw the dials on

with a pencil, then use your own chi to make things work. But, his

generators work very well for techno-phreaks like myself!

jim :)

superflous1@... wrote:


> excuse me, but isn't the welz machine just a cheap static generator with

> a high price tag?

> i have never read or heard anything good about them except in their

> sales pitch.


> A. : . A. : .


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no problem convinving me of the truth of radionics, jim. i read all i

could by hieronimous

and john campbell and anyone else i could find in my internetless youth.

i have read books by and built some of the machines of charles cosimano.

it is considered risky financial business to order from him directly


did you ever figure out hhow to wire (if you saw it) the campbell

diagram from the sci-fi mag he edited? i also have a set of french

universal pendulums i am learning to use. i think they are called

chaumery and belzial pendulums now.

as to the chi machine, the folks at freenr-g and keeleynet have looked

them over and pronounced them suspect at best, and if anyone is into

atypical technology it's these guys. their websites are lots of fun.


A. : . A. : .

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I'll be frank up front in that I like Karl Welz. He and I have a lot of

common experience & interests. He likes me well enough to have shared

his secrets with me & explained how he makes his generators, and why

they do what they do. Yes, they are very simple, but complexity is not


I use mine, experience its value in my life almost daily, so I am

unimpressed by anyone's negative opinion of the devices. Being " into

atypical technology " doesn't mean they understand what the machine is

about, or its value, or that their minds are even open to such things.

The alternative world is no less full of uninformed opinions than the

mainstream. It makes me shake my head and chuckle. ;-)

I made a lot of blind tests for the first few months I had it, not

telling anyone anything was even happening unless they noticed the

energy emanating from inanimate objects on their own & commented on it.

Children, especially females, seem to be most sensitive. I can

physically detect its energy when I am in a quiet mood. Alcohol, drugs

both prescription & otherwise, and agitation or excitement all seem to

dampen awareness. I'd guesstimate about 2 out of 5 males & 3 out of 5

females noticed the energy on their own.

Modern orgone collectors go back at least to Mesmer, the father of

hypnotism, and there is a good

argument made that certain man-shaped caves & such from antiquity that

have been found are excellent orgone collectors. I have sat in Willhelm

Reich's very own orgone collector at the farm he once owned in

Massachusetts. (it had bad/old chi & I didn't like it) There are

libraries written on orgone collection. What Karl has is a simple orgone

generator, rather than just a colloector. Yet, the people at an orgone

group were the first to denounce his generator, without even having seen

one. Some people hold on to their beliefs very hard, and, this is an

admittedly esoteric subject.

Karl also approves of my style as a dealer, in that I try to talk people

out of buying them. They aren't for everyone. I haven't sold any. Don't

really want to.;-) Selling them is almost a nuisance to Karl, except he

is really enthused by them and the things people have found one can do

with them. This is his hobby. He has many other business interests for

his livlihood. The bottom line, for me, is this: I wouldn't care if it

were just a totemic object to focus my own juju. It works for me!

IMO, the world of radionics is full of stuffed shirts & their opinions.

[am not directing this at you] Radionics is nothing more nor less than

focusing one's own psychic energies to practical purposes. As Karl says

on his web site, you can make a perfectly good radionics device from

cardboard & crayons! One doesn't need a book or plans to go to Radio

Shack and buy a box & some dials, brass plate, etc. Of course we can

make our own! I didn't want to. I wanted someone else to put all that


As for charging high prices, there are radionics devices out there

selling close to $3000! Karl sells his basic radionic platform under

$250 hundred dollars, if I am not mistaken. I haven't found anyone else

selling any form of radionics as inexpensively. If one asks, Karl will

offer a satisfaction guarantee, and it is very telling that out of

something like 2500 inits sold, only a handful have been returned. When

you buy a craftman's product you pay for his labors, R & D, overhead, etc.

No harm, no foul. If Karl's prices are high, then all other radionics

are usuriously priced.

What Karl offers that is invaluable, IMO, is a clearer insight in how to

use the abilities we all posses for our own self-improvement, enjoyment

and the betterment of all -- without the politically correct BS. I think

a lot of the flak Karl gets comes more from some of his ideas for using

radionics than anything else. He is European and his world view is

different from American mainstream values in that he doesn't find any

impediment to using prayer to ask for things for oneself. The big

difference between Karl Welz and others in the field is that Karl won't

look down his nose if you want to apply it to winning a bet on a horse

race, if that is your bent. He will give you some good suggestions on

how to better accomplish that, because, like me, he has done that too!

(I also won money betting horses using a dowsing pendulum, and made a

profit doing so.)

Karl is the first thinker of any discipline, to my knowledge, to come up

with a working conceptual model that explains what/where/how is the

other half to the physical reality we call the 3rd dimension/time-space

continuum, represented by the manifestations in the electromagnetic

spectrum, which is the limit to ALL science! But, it is NOT the limit to


There is a lot more to manifestation with radionics than just making

homeopathic remedies, praying for people's health & safety, etc., which

I also do. And, in the end, we don't need devices at all for these

things. Radionics is just a high-tech way to tap what has always been

there for tech-minded people living in a high-tech world. I don't doubt

some Tibetan monk wondered a thousand years ago if gold caps on a coral

bead instead of brass might be better for prayer beads.

Put simply, a chi field is a non-physical counterpart of an EM field in

the physical world. To anyone who has achieved an understanding of the

duality in Nature, the obvious question should be, " if the EM spectrum

is the yang of Existence, what/where is the yin? Some people think the

answer is God/Heaven, but they are not the realm we are discussing,

rather they are at least one Realm beyond.

Just as touch, taste, smell, sound & sight are simply different

frequencies of the same thing, and our sense organs are nothing more

than " radio receivers " tuned to those specific frequencies, we have

sense organs for their counterparts in the non-physical world. (It's

just that most people haven't exercised these " muscles " consciously.

Now, even mainstream medicine uses visualization for diseases like

cancer! My friend was taught this practice at NIH last month!)

In the physical world time is an illusion created by the perceived

distance between different physical objects. What happens when two

objects are both identical & unique to themselves? They exist in the

same time-space in the " other " reality, regardless of their apparent

physical distance in the physical realm. Which is why/how one can

project chi energy from inanimate objects on the yang side of reality if

their identical match is within the field of a strong chi emanation.

Karl's " suspect " " cheap static generator with a high price tag " produces

such a field. It has, in my experience, been perceived by people who had

no idea it was there or what it was. And, if you had seen these people

literally jump back a couple of feet in astonishment when they perceived

it out of the blue, you might also admit there just may be something to

it. And, when your dog notices it, as mine did, you have to pay

attention! The only other possibility is that I am creating these

effects with my mind. Which is true? I don't even care. I simply use the

energies, in much the same manner that one doesn't need to know how

computers work in order to use them.

As I said in one of my children's poems:

..... Now, wizards come in many styles.

Some use curses, some use wiles.

But, the truest wizard, young or old

is the one who has a heart of gold --

for, it is his heart that is the guide

when he sends his magick far & wide! .....

It isn't the what or why of these things that is important, it is the

uses to which we put them. I prefer to consciously send forth my wishes

with a generous heart, attempting to help myself or someone else to a

higher purpose! It is much preferable, IMO, to the anges, frustrations &

jealousies most people project from theirs. And, Karl's device helped me

focus & fine-tune my wishing.

jim :)

superflous1@... wrote

> as to the chi machine, the folks at freenr-g and keeleynet have looked

> them over and pronounced them suspect at best, and if anyone is into

> atypical technology it's these guys. their websites are lots of fun.

> regards,


> A. : . A. : .


copyright 1998-1999 Lambert

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