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Re: The Ark

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Dear Sharon,

I knew this was going to happen (!).

Haile Selassie was known as the Lion of Judah.

The Ark of the Covenant was taken from the Holy of Holies in The Temple of

in Jerusalem

in 642 BCE by priests of the id line. (There were two lines, id -

followers of based in Jerusalem; Mushite - followers of Moses, based

in Shiloh. Don't ask.)

They took the Ark out of the Temple at the behest of the prophet

who said it was blasphemous for the Ark to stay there since King Manasseh

had put a carved image of Asherah (remember her?) in the Holy of Holies. So

the id priests removed the Ark and took it to a safe place, for which

they chose the Island of Elephantine, in the upper Nile River, at Aswan.

There on Elephantine they built an exact copy of the Temple of ,

using the Shamir Stone, which cuts through rock without a sound. (This site

is presently being excavated by German archaeologists.)

The Ark stayed in this temple until the Persians were thrown out of Egypt in

323 BCE by . The Egyptians destroyed the temple and turned on the

Judean priests, who fled with the Ark southward down the Nile to Lake Tana.

The Ark was ensconced on an island in the lake in a more modest building and

stayed there until about 325 AD, when Ethiopia became Christian. It was then

moved to Axum and placed in a shrine built for it. And there it stayed for

the next 1000 years.

In 1099, the First Crusade took Jerusalem from the Arab Saracens. The

Knights Templar immediately began a search for the Ark beneath the Temple

Mount. They found many things (which enabled them to finance and build the

great cathedrals of Europe) but they didn't find the Ark. Nearly 40 years

later, they were apprised of the Ark's presence in Axum by an Ethiopian

prince who had fled to Jerusalem, the stronghold of Christendom, after being

turfed from the Ethiopian throne. The Templars agreed to help him regain his

throne, and set off for Ethiopia.

Once there, they overthrew the usurper and reestablished the prince on his

throne. The prince appointed them guardians of the Ark, and they then

proceeded to carve a series of marvelous cathedrals out of the living stone

with the Shamir Stone. The cathedrals are in the shape of a equal-armed

Templar cross. They performed their duties of guarding the Ark for 150

years, and Ethiopian legends tell stories of these tall, strong, blond and

red headed ish warriors. Then in 1306, they decided to steal the Ark.

They made off with it and brought it secretly to southern France. There it

resided in the control of the Templars for barely a year.

The King of Ethiopia, Prester , immediately travelled to Rome and met

with the Pope and complained that the holy relic had stolen from him by the

Templars. The Pope knew that with this, the Templars were now the strongest

force in the world, and the papacy was not long for this world. The Pope was

in cahoots with Philip IV of France and together they concocted a plan to

seize the Ark from the Templars, and arrest all the Templars and break their

enormous power once and for all. They plotted for a year, and finally

swooped on the morning of Friday 13th, 1307 (that's why Friday the 13th is

deemed unlucky). But the Templars were warned by friends, so most of them

escaped, some of them the night before in their fleet from La Rochelle. They

took their vast treasure and the Ark and sailed to Ireland, and ultimately

Scotland. There, the Ark was hidden, eventually been secreted in Roslyn

Chapel, which was begun in 1440 (and shows American corn and aloe vera in

its ornate decorative carvings, 50 years before Columbus sailed).

These refugee Templars were instrumental in defeating the English at the

Battle of Bannockburn in 1214, where their mounted charge at the crucial

point in the battle led to the defeat of the vastly superior English force

arrayed against the Bruce's Scotsmen. It is said that the charge of a

hundred armored Templars on their warhorses would be equivalent today to the

blitzkrieg of a battalion of tanks. Twenty thousand English troops turned

and fled for their lives. Scotland stayed free for 250 years, and the Ark

was safe.

Eventually the Ark was taken to the new world before the first voyage of

Columbus, and buried on Oak Island, Nova Scotia, in what has become known as

the Money Pit. And there it remains, in a fiendishly clever burial crypt

which millions of dollars, 250 years of effort and the death of six men have

not been sufficient to overcome.

lin Delano Roosevelt was one of those involved in the excavating effort

in 1909. The American dollar was changed to show the pyramid with the

all-seeing eye of God in the term of FDR, 1933-1936. He knew much of what we

are just beginning to know of the real history of the world, which is not in

the school texts.

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh

URL: http://www.plasmafire.com

email: saul@...

" The problems of today cannot be solved using the same thinking that created

them " . - Einstein

Re: Kosher

> Jim Lambert wrote:

> >

> > I agree! Except I know it takes moments to write the request, and hours

> > to write the answer.

> >

> > Also, I have to say something about list policy on religion. Because,

> > the discussion of the history of kosher rules is, IMO, definitely

> > on-topic, and therefore an exception to my rule about not discussing

> > specific tenets of any religion, a stand I take out of respect for

> > people of other religions who don't want to be proselytised.


> I never even thought of this as a 'religious' subject, just a most

> fascinating historical one. Saul says the Ethiopian Jews are worshipping

> Ashera in the fashion of the Druids. Now this is leading to all kinds of

> 'hidden history' and begs to be told. I know one legend insists that the

> Ark of the Covenant is hidden in a cave in Ethiopia. And what was Haile

> Selaisse(sp?) called, the " Sun King " ? I don't think that's quite right,

> but it's something close.

> If it's too much to put on the list, Saul, can you reference a book?


> And Jim, get off that sharp pin and just dance with the angels on the

> ground<G>


> Sharon



> OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and

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> This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here

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take responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to

hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found

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Saul Pressman wrote:


> Dear Sharon,


> I knew this was going to happen (!).

Saul, You are truly a " gentleman and a scholar " and I thank you

profusely for taking the time to spell all this out. However,

(There were two lines, id -

> followers of based in Jerusalem; Mushite - followers of Moses, based

> in Shiloh. Don't ask.)

do you have a penchant for waving red flags in bull pastures?

I'm delighted to see the history of Oak Island, as I've been wanting to

find out more about that.

Saul, I promise you that I will nag you to death (by pem) until you

provide me with the source of this info! I've got some of the various

" Grail " books, but I haven't come across the Oak Island scenario in

them. I'm reading " Rulers of Evil " at the moment which follows the trail

of the Jesuits from where the Templars left off.

Still too many gaps there!

Thank you patient list people, for indulging this foray into other

realms. I promise (I think) to stay on topic from now on----or at least

until the next person hints at some other tantalizing info dear to my

questing soul<G>

And now I turn this dial back to oxygen.


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Dear Sharon,

That was what I could remember off the top of my head from the

20 books I have read on the topic.

We can continue this over on the new list that Erma has started.

Red flags? Who me??? (heh, heh)

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh

URL: http://www.plasmafire.com

email: saul@...

" The problems of today cannot be solved using the same thinking that created

them " . - Einstein

Re: The Ark

> Saul Pressman wrote:

> >

> > Dear Sharon,

> >

> > I knew this was going to happen (!).


> Saul, You are truly a " gentleman and a scholar " and I thank you

> profusely for taking the time to spell all this out. However,


> (There were two lines, id -

> > followers of based in Jerusalem; Mushite - followers of Moses,


> > in Shiloh. Don't ask.)


> do you have a penchant for waving red flags in bull pastures?


> I'm delighted to see the history of Oak Island, as I've been wanting to

> find out more about that.


> Saul, I promise you that I will nag you to death (by pem) until you

> provide me with the source of this info! I've got some of the various

> " Grail " books, but I haven't come across the Oak Island scenario in

> them. I'm reading " Rulers of Evil " at the moment which follows the trail

> of the Jesuits from where the Templars left off.

> Still too many gaps there!


> Thank you patient list people, for indulging this foray into other

> realms. I promise (I think) to stay on topic from now on----or at least

> until the next person hints at some other tantalizing info dear to my

> questing soul<G>


> And now I turn this dial back to oxygen.


> Sharon



> OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and

other alternative self-help subjects.




> This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here

are for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing

information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your

own risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to

take responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to

hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found

here without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher

or health care provider.


> You can unsubscribe via e-mail by sending A NEW e-mail to the following



the message! :


> oxyplus-unsubscribeegroups


> oxyplus-normalonelist - switch your subscription to normal mode.


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