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Re: employment

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Mentioning that you have CMT for such positions should not cause any

problems. If you have any limitations re: using ladders to retrieve records,


it might be better to mention it so that it would not always be required of

you. At my most recent position as a medical transcriptionist/receptionist my

employers, a hospital,. were most accommodating.

In the eventuality that the company is very legal-minded re: existing

potential problems for them, should an accident occur, you should be covered.

However, it basically should be a non-issue; guess I would err on the side

of caution.

Also, we live in south central NYS, near Corning/Binghamton.

Blessings, and best of luck in your job search.


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Just wanted to say thanks Gretchen. It means alot more coming from someone who

has CMT! Also, no, it really isn't obvious that I have CMT as I don't

(hopefully won't ever) need equipment.

Thanks again,


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Hi Dawn,

I don't have CMT but my daughter does. She just turned 24. She has always been

honest about telling potential employers about her CMT. She really hasn't had

too much trouble with getting employment around here. She did get hired at one

job however that would have required her to do a lot of lifting. When she went

for the physical they would not give her one because of the CMT.

Since then however, she did get hired at a telemarketing firm. She is only

required to work 30 hrs. a week. She also has the availabilty to stand or sit to

do her job. (She has been having trouble with her back the last yr.). She loves

her job and enjoys the flexibilty that they give her to pick and choose her



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Hi Sharon!

I have done a lot of telemarketing too. I really am hoping to do something more

with my degree. It's really hard though. I would now have more trouble lifting

too simply because my balance has gotten worse, (even though my upper body

strength is normal, my ankles and legs are not so great and my hands are

slightly affected now too.) You said " around here " but, where do you

guys live? What state? Thanks a ton for the reply!


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Hi again! Elaina,

After being recently laid off, I applied to Blue Cross and Blue Shield for a

Customer Service Representative position in the call center. They wanted

someone with at least an Associates degree as well as medical terminology. I

have a B.S. degree as well as medical terminology AND customer service


I haven't heard back and it's been four weeks! I even called and left a message

on an HR persons voice mail. Wonder if I should keep bugging them? as I know

I would do a good job for them....... Thanks for the email.


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I work as an employment specialist in PA and suggest to most of my clents that

they should be honest with an employer regarding their " disability " . However,

it is a personal choice. If you need the employer to make an accommodation for

you then you need to metion it up front or the employer is not requied to

accommodate at a later date although most will. Some states offer a

reimbursment to employers that hire persons with a " disability " but this must be

done at time of hire.

If you have any other questions, feel free to email at my email address.


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Hi Dawn,

I'm surprised that they require a degree for the call center. But it is the

company headquarters so their requirements are probably higher than ours are

down here. The whole process to get into BCBS takes a long, long time. I

applied in Feb and I didn't hear anything until the end of March and I started


April. I have always been the kind of person to keep bugging the employer. To

keep reminding them that I'm available and really want the job. You are more

than qualified for the position you applied for. I would keep calling and

leaving the message that you were just wondering about the position, that you

want the job and are eager to join the company. Gosh I wish I could help you

more but I don't have anything to do with the Buffalo site. All I can say is I

wish you my best. If you get in you'll love it. It's so challenging but the

pay and benefits are great.

Good Luck Dawn.


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Thanks for the info! Maybe I'll keep bugging them then. Used to

think that was a good thing to do but, the economy in Buffalo has

gotten so bad, I don' know what's right or not anymore! I'll have to

sign Dawn in Buffalo as it looks like we have two Dawn's in this


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