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Re: Medical Transcription/Employment

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I have never posted on here but read it every day. When I saw the post that

mentioned medical transcription, I just had to write.

I have been an MT for over 18 years. I work for a very large national company.

Until recently I had worked in the office and then when they closed it, we all

had to go home to work. As long as I worked in the office, I was okay and able

to keep up with my work.

My boss knew I had CMT but I never made a big deal out of it and never missed

any work because of it. She knew I was slower than many of the others but as

long as I could do my work everything was fine.

Well, that boss passed away a few months ago and now all our bosses and

supervisors are located in another city. We communicate via email and

telephone. I am paid by production meaning how many lines I type every day.

It seems the at-home MTs have to produce a certain number of lines every pay

period (our quota) to keep our health insurance and vacation days.

There is no way I can meet this quota every day. I work 40 hours a week already

and cannot possibly do more. I should mention that even some of the fastest

typists are working 10-12 hours days just to make the quota. I have never asked

for any kind of reasonable accommodation but I think I am reaching that point.

I've been so stressed about losing my insurance because of a retinal problem

(not related to CMT) that requires laser treatment every 3 months that costs

about $1200 each time I have it. If I don't keep it up, I could lose more

vision in that eye.

I had even thought about getting other insurance but with 2 preexisting

conditions it would probably be very expensive. I have only casually mentioned

to one of my supervisors that I have a hereditary neuromuscular disorder that

slows me down but she didn't ask any questions and I haven't mentioned it again.

I guess I just don't know how to go about asking for help without sounding like

I am asking for special treatment. I really wish I could get off production and

get paid hourly. I could still type as long as it is my familiar work and maybe

do editing or something like that when I ran out of my work.

I guess I sound desperate but I feel so stressed and depressed, I can't think my

way through this problem. By the way, I am divorced and have no other income to

fall back on.

Thanks for listening and for having a place where I can express my frustration.

All of this has been going around and around in my head for weeks now and this

is the first time I have actually written it down. Maybe this the first step.


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Perhaps you should just ask about the possibility of being paid hourly. The

company just might agree. No, you would not be asking for special treatment

- just stating facts. Does the company get any perks for hiring some certain

no. of staff with disability? That is also an option for an opener.

Pray all works out for you. I was fortunate in that I was able to keep up with

the demand basically because it was tempered by my work as a receptionist

also. Gave my tired arms a change to rest for a bit now and then.



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Do you think it would be beneficial to speak to your supervisors, explain

your situation and maybe re-arrange your activities so you could do something

else for the company at home? Maybe they would be willing do break up your day

doing various tasks. It seems like the company is asking alot of it's

employees if even the " faster " typers are having to work 10 hour days to keep


I might get some slack for this but you could (if you wanted to) call your local

employment office to see if their requirements are at the " legal " point for home

work and insurance benefits. I think I would talk to the supervisors.

I don't look at it as asking for special treatment. I look at it as explaining

your situation and trying to come together on a mutual understanding that will

benefit them and you. Good luck. Keep us posted.


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Hi Margie!

I just wanted to offer my empathy as my typing has recently slowed down quite a

bit and being recently laid off, that is a big part of getting a new job, I

know! I just hope it works out for you!


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Thanks to Elaina, Dawn, Jackie and for your responses. I appreciate

it very much.

I am kind of waiting to see what our big bosses will do. They have received

so much negative feedback and complaints from their employees that I think

they will be forced to do something. This is a huge national transcription

service that had at one time employed 13,000 MTs. That number is down to around

9,000 now. It wasn't always so hard to make their quota.

It all started when we were put on a new software program and went on the

internet. For some reason, everything was calculated differently so our typed

lines didn't add up the way they used to (neither did our paychecks), but they

didn't lower the quota so that is why it seems so unfair. Also so much of our

work is being outsourced overseas so maybe this is just their way of pushing us

out. Oh well, that is getting into politics and I won't go there.

I really enjoy my work but I am 56 years old and don't want to start over

somewhere else. Ideally I would type 4 hours and then edit the " speech

recognition " reports which is mostly just reading. I am sure that since this is

such a large corporation, they do have some kind of disabled employee quota they

have to fill. I am sure that I can't be the only employee who needs

accommodation. I will have to check into that.

I think I read somewhere that you can still work part time when receiving

SSD but does than mean you can work while waiting for it as long as your income

stays under a certain amount? Or do you have to be out of work for six months

before you can even apply?

I do have short term disability insurance (if I don't lose it). So maybe that is

an option.

It's just that I am so tired at the end of the day. It feels like all I do is

work or worry about working. I know when my body gets overly tired, I am a lot

more clumsy and so when my arms get tired my fingers just can't hit the right

keys. Then this freaky eye problem, I sit in front of the computer with my left

eye closed so I don't see double. Boy now I'm really feeling sorry for myself .

I guess I better get off. Can't type any more anyway.

Oh one more thing, I think someone mentioned at one time about work at home

jobs. There is web site called Sohojobs.org that looks legitimate. At least

you don't have to pay them. So I will be checking that out.


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