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Re: parasites - was: magnetic bed

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jim. i am going to have to butt heads with you on a few issues. first let me

give myself an out by being extremely open minded to the possibility that

there is something beneath my parasite problem that is weakening me. and

also, i do have yeast as well.

the idea that a few glasses of water and two hours of time is all that is

needed to take care of my worm problems is an absurdity. it shows me that you

do not fully understand parasite issues. i might agree that if you have one

or two worms and a decent immune system , then some water might do the trick.

but if your colon is severely impacted and parasitized, which i suspect is

more common than most people have any clue about. then, repsectfully, your

water theory goes down the drain. i am talking from personal experience.

having passed over 100 large worms to this point. that worms have collective

consciousness is moot. but to immediately dispense the thought is arrogant.

humans have collective consciousness.

i read hulda clark years ago. it was the first thing i tried. she has alot

of valid things to say. she is not god and not the only person in the world

that knows about worms. just for the heck of it (and counterintuitively) i

saw a regular m.d. parasitologist. my sense was that he was fumbling as we

spoke. we both knew it. i will post results of what he tells me. i have tried

turmeric for shigella, with average results. i am sure that i have had leaky

gut or still possibly have some of it. but as far as i know, glutamine is the

remedy for that. at one point i was taking lots of glutamine and it helped me

tremendously. then things seemed to stabilize. every person i have consulted

with who imo understands the problem with worms seems to agree with me.

kill-off is a grossly underrated term. talk to michael biamonte- phd

nutritionist- who specializes in parasites. until you pass a two foot worm

with bloody tentacles, you are not really qualified to say what the intensity

of the die-off is. my colon therapist agrees with me. she understands the

intensity of die-off. i would regard it as more of a spiritual experience at

this point, since it is such a profound experience. some friends who i have

helped were skeptical of me at first are now in agreeance with me. there is a

tremendous amount of denial around this issue. it runs very very deep. i

brought home a jar of worms i passed to show my family. they refused to

accept it. absolute and complete denial.

i currently go to the best healer i have come across in my travels. he

practices kinesiology. he understands how worms fight back, and has helped me

tremendously. again, whether there is an underlying cause beneath the

parasites remains to be seen-- be it emotional or physical. regardless i

still have to deal with the worm issue. i have had two hair tests for mercury

and one allopathic urine challenge test- both after my fillings were taken

out. the allopathic test showed slightly raised levels. but at this point, my

immune system started working and i started passing worms. i have repeatedly

had my kinesiologist test me for mercury and according to him, my body is

dealing with it. but i think i will pursue the matter further on your


i have said this before, and i will say it again. most people do not

really understand the issue of parasites and worms. the md who i saw had a

rather sizeable gut. to me this is an immediate signal of an unhealthy colon.

how could he possibly understand the colon and it's issues. one or two

parasite cleanses might work for an extremely extremely healthy person- a

rarity in today's day and age. for an average person or an unhealthy

person-chances are that there are worms lying dormant in the layers of

encrusted fecal matter.until you get down to the colon wall, you just don't

know what is lurking inside you.

after searching for over 10 years for a practioner that i felt

comfortable with, i have found only one who seems to understand things at a

deep level. after my travels to upwards of 60 allopathic doctors, i gave up

on the entire profession. i have had similar experiences with alternative

healers. at this point it seems to be me and the kinesiologist.

your posts, jim, are among the most intelligent things i have heard as

of late. but i know darned well what i am feeling when passing and killing

off parasties, and i assure you it is far from a trivial experience.

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If your problems are caused only by parasites I'll eat a pound of them

raw. Sure, parasites can make us unhappy, but when you kill them off the

only thing that happens -- at least to most of us -- is you get what is

called " killoff " which feels like a bad flu coming on. This is caused by

the dead pathogens clogging the lymphatic system. Drinking 1-2 glasses

of water & waiting 90 minutes is all it usually takes to make that go


The idea that the parasites, which are actually many different types,

not just one, have some form of collective consciousness is not accepted

by any form of healing I have ever heard of. I personally believe it is

a possility that such a thing could exist, in theory, but that is still

metaphysical fancy at this point, since there is no evidence of which I

am aware that such a thing exists.

You describe eating a good diet, no sugar, until, " after about a week or

soi could feel them fighting me tooth and nail. " If you have a lot of

candida, for instance, you might get a strong craving for something that

would feed them, like alcohol or sugar, but that is not the same as them

" coming after you " or having a collective consciousness that is trying

to thwart you.

If you do a good herbal parasite cleanse, such as Hulda 's, it

takes at least 3 different herbs to kill of eggs, stages & adults of the

varied parasites that are likely inside of you. If a normal parasitic

cleanse did nothing real to make you feel better, as you indicate, I

would also suspect you might have a serious salmonella or shigella

infection -- which is not uncommon -- in your gut, and a parasite

cleanse won't do much to affect that. In her book, the Cure For All

Diseases, Ms. describes the extra measures to which one has to go

to get rid of a resistance bacterial infection of one of these types.

I would strongly suggest you have a hair sample sent for analysis to

determine what metals and chemicals you have collected over the years,

as no American can fully escape exposure to them. There are many

possible underlying causes for the life experience you describe, and you

are only describing dealing with one of them.

Further, if a parasite cleanse or two have not helped you, then it is

likely that either you are doing something wrong or parasites are not

your problem. Regardless, it is obvious you are way over your head in

trying to determine the causes of your problems, and you need a good

alternative healer such as a naturopath or an openminded MD who

understands the true underlying causes of disease, and knows how to do a

stool analysis to determine what is going on in your GI tract and

exactly what pathogens are there. You probably have a leaky gut, too.

Best of luck in finding the solutions to yur health problems.

jim :)

luckower@... wrote:


> what do parasites do? parasites fight back with whatever means they can. i

> have been constantly in a state of immune hyperalertness for years and

> years. this has been my body's full on attempt to rid the parasites. many

> people with cfids describe this feeling of being tired and wired. doctor's

> have described cfids as the immune system being exhausted because it is

> always hyper-activated. for me, at one level, the cause of this activation

> has been a massive parasitic condition. as far as sleep goes, since i am

> exhausted during the day, my body becomes weaker at night, and thus more

> susceptible to whatever the worms do. so i usually wake up even more

> exhausted. a classic vicious cycle. the rhetoric that i have heard everywhere

> (except for the one person who is treating me) is .... ' well you have

> parasites, you need to destroy them'

> my experience however has been that if one tries to destroy too many at once,

> they fight back too hard and you sick in one way or another. after a while

> you feel their general pull (i believe they have collective consciousness).

> once i decided to simply overcome the problem by willpower. i ate nothing but

> whole foods, no sugar, lots of water, and went about my business. after about

> a week or soi could feel them fighting me tooth and nail. i was doing some

> construction, and there was a stack of glass that i wanted to carry. a friend

> of mine looked at me and said, 'be careful, dont touch that glass, you're

> going to hurt yourself, you're out of control'. i literally felt like

> something was trying to take hold of my nervous system. i knew not to try to

> carry the glass, but couldn't stop myself. sure enough i went to pick it up,

> something broke, and i cut up my leg, blood everywhere. i still have the

> scars as a reminder. this type of thing has happened to me over and over

> whenever i try to kill too many parasites. i have learned my lesson. so

> whenever i hear someone instantly go into killing mode whenever the word

> parasite is mentioned, i am suspect that they don't really understand the

> issue at a deep level. so back to the issue. let's figure out a way to get

> me to sleep!



> OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and other

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luckower@... wrote:

> jim. i am going to have to butt heads with you on a few issues.


Please butt heads on the ParasiteList, or the MagnetList, let's get back to the


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  • 4 weeks later...


I, too, have slept on a " magnetic bed " for 6 or more months. North pole

up, high gauss magnets. NO noticeable effects. This is not to say that

positive effects may not occur, just that I have not seen any.


On Wed, 15 Nov 2000 23:12:25 EST luckower@... writes:

> i was the one that talked about their collective consciousness, and

> it was

> jim's response that you quoted. i have unfortunately been aware of

> this for a

> long time. i have not read carl's book; unfortunately i live it.

> once you get

> into this territory, most people will think you are crazy; i am

> fairly used

> to this by now. but it is nice to have some validation every now and

> then. if

> you really push the issue with this subject and really really talk

> to people

> who are in the know-- (there aren't a whole lot of them out there)

> you will

> see how deep this issue goes. i would love to have a conversation

> with MR.

> Zimmer some time. i have scars on my body to demonstrate how strong

> the

> parasite consciousness is! i have refrained from really digging in

> to this

> subject here as i have been met with alot of resistance.

> as far as the magnetic bed goes- i am mostly disappointed with

> its effect

> in relation to parasites. i have not slept any better. and have not

> noticed

> that it puts them to sleep. i do notice a slight increase in my

> overall

> energy. not enough to warrant spending $1000. if i were already

> healthy, i

> think it might be a good investment. but i noticed sleeping better

> being out

> in nature; moving would be a better investment than this magnetic

> bed.


> -------------------------- eGroups Sponsor


> OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies,

> and other alternative self-help subjects.




> This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find

> here are for information and research purposes only. We are people

> sharing information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here,

> you do so at your own risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common

> sense, and the ability to take responsibility for your own actions.

> By joining the list you agree to hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR

> yourself. Do not use any ideas found here without consulting a

> medical professional, unless you are a researcher or health care

> provider.


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> mode.


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i was the one that talked about their collective consciousness, and it was

jim's response that you quoted. i have unfortunately been aware of this for a

long time. i have not read carl's book; unfortunately i live it. once you get

into this territory, most people will think you are crazy; i am fairly used

to this by now. but it is nice to have some validation every now and then. if

you really push the issue with this subject and really really talk to people

who are in the know-- (there aren't a whole lot of them out there) you will

see how deep this issue goes. i would love to have a conversation with MR.

Zimmer some time. i have scars on my body to demonstrate how strong the

parasite consciousness is! i have refrained from really digging in to this

subject here as i have been met with alot of resistance.

as far as the magnetic bed goes- i am mostly disappointed with its effect

in relation to parasites. i have not slept any better. and have not noticed

that it puts them to sleep. i do notice a slight increase in my overall

energy. not enough to warrant spending $1000. if i were already healthy, i

think it might be a good investment. but i noticed sleeping better being out

in nature; moving would be a better investment than this magnetic bed.

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Hi Jim and list...

Ian Punnet had a guest, Carl Zimmer, on Coast to Coast 10/29/00. Carl is a

science writer

who might also be called a parasitologist. The show was rather amazing as Carl


the ways that parasites trick us into doing things for their benefit, things we

might not

otherwise do, and that they do seem to have some form of intelligence and an

almost scary

kind of " collective conciousness " (or so it sounded like to me as I shuddered

while he

explained). Great show. The show is archived (for Windows media player) at

http://www.coasttocoastam.com/topics.html. A review of Zimmers book, " Parasite

Rex " , is at



6567, and

can be linked to from the Coast link if the above link wraps wrong.

I'm certainly not questioning your statement Jim, as I have a lot of respect for


wisdom and knowledge. I just thought you and others on the list might be

interested in

this, since we do seem to have an interest in parasites:~>. I haven't read the

book yet,

but I do plan to get it.


Roseburg OR


Jim Lambert wrote:


> The idea that the parasites, which are actually many different types,

> not just one, have some form of collective consciousness is not accepted

> by any form of healing I have ever heard of. I personally believe it is

> a possility that such a thing could exist, in theory, but that is still

> metaphysical fancy at this point, since there is no evidence of which I

> am aware that such a thing exists.


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If you want to discuss the possible collective consciousness of

parasites, go ahead. Whatever I said about it in response to something

you said came off the top of my head, as a person, and should in no way

inhibit you or anyone. How many times do I have to say it: Everything I

say is nothing more than my own opinion, unless I sign a post as the

oxyplus moderator!?

Personally, I do believe in a form of collective consciousness of cells.

As a matter of fact, I believe what we think of as our own mind is

actually the collective consciousness of the cells of our body, having

little or nothing to do with the brain per se. Quantum physics moves

more in this direction every day. But, those of us who believe in such

things need to support such statements if we want to make them publicly,

especially in a forum such as this, because it is not a proven concept

by any means.

As for the consciousness of parasitic organisms, I personally believe

they drive us to eat things like sugars that feed them, but it isn't

necessary that they do so with a form of " mind control. " This can also

be accomplished chemically, by producing peptides which would be more

effective, yet less sinister, than an " evil mind " trying to control


Regardless of the mechanism, since this area is new and nothing has been

proven, I believe we have to be open-minded to the possibility that

natural chemical triggers are just as likely, maybe moreso, than mind

control. People who haven't studied brain research in the last 15 years

are not likely to know how powerful neuropeptides are. Studying such

things is my hobby.

For instance, studies with rats found a peptide that makes rats afraid

to go down. Put a rat on a 3 inch high platform and it will climb down

sooner or later. But, give the rat some of that peptide and it will stay

on top of the platform until it starves to death, afraid to step down.

They have discovered hundreds of other peptides in animals and in

humans. Simply put, they prove these things by injecting the peptide,

observing the response, injecting a chemical that breaks down or binds

the peptide, and observe the results. Back and forth until it is

undeniable that the peptide is what governs the response.

As a matter of fact, when one reads the facts, it turns out what we

think of as our free will is a joke. There is no such thing. What we

think of as free will is nothing more nor less than the absence of a

peptide telling us otherwise. Peptides also determine many things we

think are our individual personality. For instance, when we fall in love

that is the release of oxytocin, and a high level of oxytocin makes one

in love with the world and all its components. We fixate on the person

that makes us release oxytocin the way a junky fixates on their

connection. I tried it once by taking the precursor to it daily and

meditating with a CES device to trigger its release. After a month I was

in love with rocks & trees & everything that crossed my mind. ;-) Almost

all humans resist this new concept, but to be blunt, that is blind

ignorance of the facts.

So, I don't doubt that parasites have the means to control us in some

way, but the chemical method is proven and likely, whereas the mind

control paradigm is only conjecture at this point.

jim :)

luckower@... wrote:


> i was the one that talked about their collective consciousness, and it was

> jim's response that you quoted. i have unfortunately been aware of this for a

> long time. i have not read carl's book; unfortunately i live it. once you get

> into this territory, most people will think you are crazy; i am fairly used

> to this by now. but it is nice to have some validation every now and then. if

> you really push the issue with this subject and really really talk to people

> who are in the know-- (there aren't a whole lot of them out there) you will

> see how deep this issue goes. i would love to have a conversation with MR.

> Zimmer some time. i have scars on my body to demonstrate how strong the

> parasite consciousness is! i have refrained from really digging in to this

> subject here as i have been met with alot of resistance.

> as far as the magnetic bed goes- i am mostly disappointed with its effect

> in relation to parasites. i have not slept any better. and have not noticed

> that it puts them to sleep. i do notice a slight increase in my overall

> energy. not enough to warrant spending $1000. if i were already healthy, i

> think it might be a good investment. but i noticed sleeping better being out

> in nature; moving would be a better investment than this magnetic bed.



carpe diem, carpe pucunia, carpe femina. -- Jim Lambert

jlambert@... http://www.entrance.to/madscience


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