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Question about foot surgeries

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I am new to the group. I am still visiting doctors, but a first

electro-test showed symptoms of HSMN / CMT.

I have tendonitis in my left foot and started seeing doctors as I wanted to

fix this to do a marathon. I did my marathon, but subsequently have been

told that surgery is an option to reposition my foot and reduce the stress

on my joint/tendon. I am not sure what this entails - has anyone had

experience in this, is there a site with good information? I have been told

that if hereditary and genetic, that surgery may be only a temporary fix

with about a 4 week no weight on my foot, followed by months of physio. Any

advice from those with first hand experience would be greatly appreciated.

Also any web sites with more info also appreciated!

Thanks and all the best from London,


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I have had a number of foot surgeries and for me personally, I regret having

them. I am in more pain since the last surgeries then I was in before.

This could be CMT pain or just surgery pain. The last surgeries was a subtalor

fusion and my heel was repositioned. That was a few years ago and I recently

noticed that my feet are going back to how they used to be. It lasted maybe

2 years. You may be different. I have heard of others having successful

surgeries. Whatever you decide, good luck and we are here for you to talk.


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Surgery or not--very tough decision. I am recovering from reconstructive

surgery, which I had on 2-7-05 on my right foot, to be followed by less

extreme surgery on my left foot later this year. This, of course, is much

different than your situation and I am much older--58 to be precise. I had

minor problems as young man--could do almost anything I cared to. You

appear to be in quite good shape if you can run a marathon, but CMT is

progressive and we all get older. My advice--do not get surgery until YOU

are ready. My surgeon--an exceptionally talented surgeon--recommended

surgery 3 years ago. Another less talented surgeon recommended surgery 10

years ago. After Dr. Horton recommended surgery 3 years ago, I elected to

wear braces instead. I just wasn't ready. But, 3 years later it became

painfully apparent that if I wanted to walk at all, I needed to do

something. Earlier this week I got the first look at my newly reconstructed

foot. It is truly a miracle. My foot looks normal--swollen and bruised

with staples and stitches--but beautiful in every other way. Of course I am

now in a non-weight bearing cast for 4 weeks, followed by gradual addition

of weight, but I am optimistic that I have made the right decision. Here's

the thing--I made the decision that was right for ME. I am very happy with

my decision. Good luck with yours.


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