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Re: Digest Number 1337

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<<Hello Everyone,

I'm very grateful to have stumbled into this group. I

have no

stories to tell yet as I am 7 months pregnant with my

first child.

But thanks to my wonderful Mother, I became aware of

the dangers of

vaccinations about 2 months ago and have been reading

and researching

like crazy every since. I have a strong belief in God

and have

prayed about what to do. I came to the conclusion

about a month ago

now not to vaccinate my son and I feel at peace with

my decision.

I am, however, feeling scared about the future. I've

never been the

overprotective type but I feel like I'll be afraid to

even take my

son out of the house. I plan to breastfeed and have

vowed never to

let my baby see the inside of a daycare center. I'm

sure I'm being

paranoid because I'm going to be a new mom but I would


appreciate any feedback concerning my fears.

Glad to be here,


Hi Joanna,

I understand what you're going through. I have two

young sons (3 and 1) and another one due in July. I

was VERY protective of my oldest son when he was first

born and the funny thing was, I couldn't see it.

People would talk to me about it and talk about me,

etc. but in my mind, I wasn't seeing it. Hindsight is

20/20 though, and I think all of us find ourselves

more relaxed as our children grow, and more relaxed

about our new babies as we see how well the older ones

are turning out.

Can I recommend a wonderful book to you? I recently

finished The Continuum Concept and while it affirmed

most of my parenting beliefs (breastfeeding, wearing

your baby, co-sleeping, etc.)it really challenged me

to trust my children's natural instincts to care for

themselves. Our children's very spirit (from infancy)

is designed so that they don't get killed, don't get

hurt, don't run away from us, etc., but as parents in

Western Society, we're so quick to let our fears

create expectations that these things will happen.

Our children end up complying and we have to chase

them down in the store, or they run outside and fall

out of a tree, etc. Because children instinctively

want to live up to our expectations of them, no matter

whether good or bad. If we expect them to get lost,

they probably will...

Anyway, I highly recommend this book to anyone who has

not yet read it.



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  • 1 year later...
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Ok,ok I am a worry wart. As a veteran of JRA I feel i should know all but I dont. I have read and re read the postings about the kiddos whom have had lab work return normal as was the case for my 6 year old son. Though his problems with his feet and knees remain I cant help but worry. He has been seen by the orthopedic clinic and was put in orthotics yet in 2 years time he has had no x-rays taken. We return to the clinic Thursday where I will insist on x-rays! For those whom have seen the normal labs, what symptoms led to your suspicion and eventual diagnosis?? I know...it seems silly someone with 32 years experience with JRA would ask such questions but this is my child and I want answers which I have yet to get. He is currently being treated via orthotics only, for severe flat feet . Any advice???

For those planning to attend the conference you can call Bitner at the National office of the Art. Foundation for a brochure of the AJAO conference. Her number is 404-965-7538

For those attending ...lets arrange for a meeting place, time, etc!!

Donna Fox

FACES Young Adult & Children's support system

Facing Arthritis with Compassion, Encouragement, and Support



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No Not a worry wart, just concerned. My sister complained of neck and back stiffness as a child and the doctor just said, growing pains. Well those growing pains were mighty severe, because as I reflect back, she was laid up from those growing pains.

Today she lives with adult onset R.A. So I won't say worry wart!

Fingers crossed and prayers and good thoughts for a conclusive outcome! One way or the other.

Big Hugs for the little guy!

On Sun, 24 Mar 2002 09:22:35 EST faces1999@... writes:

Ok,ok I am a worry wart. As a veteran of JRA I feel i should know all but I dont. I have read and re read the postings about the kiddos whom have had lab work return normal as was the case for my 6 year old son. Though his problems with his feet and knees remain I cant help but worry. He has been seen by the orthopedic clinic and was put in orthotics yet in 2 years time he has had no x-rays taken. We return to the clinic Thursday where I will insist on x-rays! For those whom have seen the normal labs, what symptoms led to your suspicion and eventual diagnosis?? I know...it seems silly someone with 32 years experience with JRA would ask such questions but this is my child and I want answers which I have yet to get. He is currently being treated via orthotics only, for severe flat feet . Any advice??? For those planning to attend the conference you can call Bitner at the National office of the Art. Foundation for a brochure of the AJAO conference. Her number is 404-965-7538 For those attending ...lets arrange for a meeting place, time, etc!! Donna Fox FACES Young Adult & Children's support system Facing Arthritis with Compassion, Encouragement, and Support Faces1999@... 502-589-6620,ext106

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  • 4 months later...
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I eat Biochem protein bars ... I believe there is no added sugar in them. I eat

the chocolate & the peanut butter varieties. The chocolate has cocoa, but I'm

hoping/guessing it's unsweetened! I know we're not supposed to have peanuts,

but at least it has 0 g of sugar, and both are 1% carb. I get them at my health

food store.



Message: 18

Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2002 14:03:22 -0700 (PDT)

From: ElwynEvenstar22@...

Subject: Re: ! lo-carb protein bars!


What are all the ingredients? You're making our mouths water out here

but I have a sinking feeling it's not kosher. I mean it must have


kind of sweetener in it and even rice syrup isn't ok. Also Sorbitol is

a popular sugar substitute. I was trying to buy some vitamin B-12

online for adrenal support and all of them have either sorbitol,

fructose, or mannitol. I 've never even heard of that last one but it

must be a sweetener.



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  • 8 months later...
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Do you have a reference for the info that whey has little protein? When I

go to the healthfood store and see all those huge containers of whey protein

powder, it makes me wonder......


In a message dated 4/12/03 9:46:36 AM Eastern Daylight Time,


> It's a simple matter of mathematics Darla. Yogurt is what is in the pan

> before it is cooked to separate the curds from the whey. There will be

> about four cups of curds left after around eight cups of whey are

> discarded. The whey contains little, if any, sulphurated protein which

> is concentrated it the curds.


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Well, there's the answer....... the whey from yoghurt is where the

sulpherated proteins are located. Since, I too make my own yoghurt, I am now

less likely to serve the whey to the cats or use it to ferment veggies in.


In a message dated 4/12/03 9:46:36 AM Eastern Daylight Time,


> Darla -


> you may use this table:


> % Protein Cystine Methionine


> Cow's Milk 7.55 0.07 0.19

> Cottage Cheese 12.39 0.12 0.37

> Yogurt 5.25 0.05 0.16

> Goat's Milk 3.56 0.05 0.08

> Goats's soft cheese* 18.52 0.08 0.49

> Soy milk 2.75 0.05 0.04

> Silk tofu 4.80 0.07 0.07

> Whey dried 11.73 0.21 0.22


> USDA Handbook 8 Database Release 15 (August 2002)


> Regards




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  • 1 year later...

In a message dated 9/22/2004 9:38:21 PM Eastern Standard Time,


typed " ...and look forward to sharing a few CI

moments of my own!! "

Only a few, ??? Awww, I want to read a whole bunch of CI Moments from

you! 8-)

Looking forward to when you get your surgery date. Take care and hang

in there!


Surgery Day 11/25/02 (What A Day!)

Hook Up Day BWP 1/2/03 (A Happy Day!)

3G 1/31/03 (An Even Happier Day!)

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Hi Patti,

Get ready for my " CI Moments " dissertation! <smile> Actually, I plan to

write a CI journal (which I've already started) whose entries I will post

here and on the other e-mail lists I'm on, so stay tuned!!


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  • 11 months later...

Dear Carole,

A blood patch is a procedure which is most commonly done to relieve a " spinal

headache " - the kind of headache one gets after having a spinal tap.

It is a procedure in which blood is drawn from a vein in the arm, & injected

into the spine. The blood then clots, thus forming a " seal " over the spinal

tap/puncture site. This can help the headache by stopping any further leakage

of CSF, as leakage changes the pressure & can cause a headache. Generally, IV

therapy is utilized along with this treatment.

Hope this helps,

Carla Kay

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  • 2 months later...

Why is this stuff on this list? has no shortage of lists. This list

has been a welcome oasis from the 'anything goes' philosophy of many others.

Please stay with Microelectricitygermkiller devices and evidence.




There is 1 message in this issue.

Topics in this digest:


From: " Spiritual Piglet "



Message: 1

Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2005 16:18:17 -0500

From: " Spiritual Piglet "


some interesting info about blood types, rh

factor, and ph balances regarding electrical

resistance in bodies.







A Journal of Spiritual Exploration

Interestingly, popular sciences endeavour to

attribute Rh-neg blood

groups to " mutations. " A solid alternative case

may be extended to

the conclusion that Rh-neg is NOT a mutation, but

possibly the

original human blood group. This, however, does

not reflect tenured

thought, and thus has never been adequately


That there was a group of " pure " humans, not

directly related to the

evolutionary processes on Earth, is a distinct

possibility. This

reasoning would suggest that the original humans

on our planet where

not directly related to the apes, but at some

point were " MADE " or

" genetically engineered " to give such impression.

Perhaps it was never intended that the

Rh-positives become the

dominant species. That through some as yet

undetermined epoch, the

genetically impure group gradually became the

controlling species,

except for several remote enclaves, initiated a

wide-ranging genocidal

pogrom, effectively wiping out those who gave

birth to them.

All of which begs the questions: What reasons were

the sub-species

created, what was the process of conquest, what

was the duration, and

does it continue?

BLOOD GROUPS - General Overview

Nearly 85% of all human beings have RH

positive blood. Which

merely indicates that their red blood cells

contain a substance called

the RHesus (rhesus) blood factor. Simply put,

their positive blood

contains a protein that can be linked to the

Rhesus monkey. It is

acknowledged that blood factors are transmitted

with more exactitude

than any other human or animal characteristic. It

is not generally

known from where the negative RH factor derived,

although tantalizing

evidence exists that it arrises from genetic

experimentation a little

over 5,000 years ago.

The highest concentration of RH negative blood

occurs in the

Basque people of Northern Spain and Southern

France, and in the

Eastern/Oriental Jews. Only 15% of the entire

worldìs population is

known to have the RH negative blood factor. While

it is known that RH

negative blood - (type 'O') is the purest blood

known to mankind, it

is not known from where the negative factor

originates, as it is

generally theorized by evolutionists that there is

an unbroken

bloodline from early human prototypes (pre-humans)

to present day

human beings.

As previously mentioned, 'Rh negative' blood

indicates no protein

connections exist to the Rhesus monkey, whereas

'RH positive' blood

does carry protein linked to the Rhesus monkey -

hence the 'RH'

designation, ie. rhesus. All other earthly

primates have this RH

factor. Thus if all humans evolved from that

line, all would have the

RH factor. Obviously, that is not the case.

Therefore, there must

have been some manner of intervention giving rise

to Rh-negative blood


Blood type 'O' is the most common of the blood

groups. When we

separate the 'O' types into 'negative' and

'positive' we find that 'O'

negative (the universal donor blood) constitutes

less than 7% of the

worldìs population. Science at this very time

is attempting to create a

synthetic RH negative 'O' blood, but without

success. For while the

protein in positive blood can be cloned, that of

negative blood cannot

- which is quite interesting, and may be

indicative of an alien

origin, or more probable, from early genetic

experimentation during

previous advanced human civilization(s).

If the RH negative factor does not derive from

any known earthly

link (seemingly outside of the theorized

evolutionary process) - from

where did it originate? Geneticists generally

claim the RH-negative

factor is a mutation of unknown origin which

apparently happened only

a few thousand years ago. These

ìnegativeì blooded people spread

heavily into the area of what is now Spain,

England, Ireland, France

and later into America, Canada and Australia.

Basque peoples contain

the largest concentration of known 'O' negative

blooded people today

because, they for the most part, have confined

themselves to one area,

whereas the Celtic people have branched out among

all of the new world.

Interesting facts:

A RH negative pregnant mother's body will

reject her positive

blooded baby in the womb. Her body fights the

RHesus factor as a

foreign element. Alternatively, and most

interestingly, a positive

mother's body does not reject the negative baby

she is carrying.

There are certain similarities that occur to

those having RH

negative blood - according to some who have it

there are common

patterns found, which include the following:

* Predominance of green or hazel eyes that

change colour like a

chameleon, but also blue eyes, piercing.

* True red or reddish hair

* Low pulse rate & low blood pressure

* Keen sight or hearing

* ESP, UFO connections, Abduction, Para-normal


* Extra rib or vertebrae

* Love of space and science

* A sense of not belonging to the human race

* Empathetic illnesses

* Compassion for fate of mankind

* A sense of a 'mission' in life

* Unexplained body scars

* Capability to disrupt electrical appliances

Most do not know that as RHO-Neg individuals,

they are tracked

throughout their whole lives by world-wide

governmental agencies

interested in understanding the genesis of this

group, and for other

more complex societal purposes. (follow this line

of thought in the

new material to be posted as a continuation of

Journey to the Absolute


Blood Types Conspiracy & RH Factor spooky


Items from the Science Community

Here are a few tidbits about this blood thing.

In ALL blood

groups there exists a common microbe that in

essence is THE LIFE FORCE

ITSELF. During experiments that our team

conducted we heated the

blood to 700 degrees F and also put it in Liquid

Nitrogen. This

microbe which is visible only with a highly

modified dark field

microscope that was custom built for us was STILL

ALIVE. We have also

tested this on ìmummy dustì. This

microbe is STILL alive after 5000

years plus when the mummy dust is placed in a ph

perfect solution the

same as the " live blood " , it returns back to


The Draco (Reptilian) with the " O " RH-blood

has unique properties

because of the polarity of the blood cells. Blood


electrically/magnetic/chemical based. The

relationship of all three

must be kept at a specific PH balance of 7.0 to

7.2. The problem with

the " O " RH-systems is this, the stomach has TOO

MUCH acid in it for

proper digestion so they had to resort to taking

the trace mineral in

THRU THE SKIN aka ìsitting in a bath tub full

of mineralsì.

Then after generations of this type of eating

the digestive

systems ceased to function properly. This is why

Type " O " blood

groups have so much trouble with

ìindigestionì. It's in your genes

because of this Draco influence. I am currently

putting together a

geographical reference to the placement of just

how many people

carries this genetic code in their blood.


The main reason for this has to do with


memory of blood. This is coded into the entire

structure of the blood.

All the emotions that the donor has felt during

his entire lifetime

are part of the blood. This cannot be filtered

out. For example if

you get a heart of a man who died in a car

accident, all the cells of

that organ have the memory of the accident and

every emotion that was

felt while dying. These emotions confuse your own

coding and then

mass internal confusion happens at the cellular

level and the order

turns into chaos. No shrink at $100 per hour is

gonna fix that, ever.

Many " O " RH-negative people on the planet are

also holding karma

from the Draco Empire. Some of you have chosen to

come to earth to

help balance that karma. Some who were " O "

RH-negative have switched

to " A " RH positive which is the TOTAL OPPOSITE to

" O " RH-neg.

Our world-wide team, over a 10-year time

period have gathered

hundreds of thousands of blood samples. We are

only now beginning to

understand what is happening to humans, as

indicated by blood-types,

as Earth nears Nexus.

Those having the hardest time being the " O "

Rh- blood groups with

alien (to Earth) heritage. I cannot reveal at this

time just how this

is done but I can say this, we are at a crossroads

as far as our

ability to affect our OUTER world by changing the

INNER world of the

blood. Every ìdiseaseì is nothing more

than a reflection of the INNER

terrain of the blood. As the blood is intimately

integrated with the

life force, this explains the feeling that we have

when working with

people that have the same blood type.

To answer the questions that I am sure will

come up, The book Eat

Right For Your Blood Type is correct only in the

foods, but he does

not take into consideration the GALACTIC history

of the blood in

relationship to the person. That is what I have

been working on. As

far as his history as to how the different blood

groups came about is

pure hogwash. The different blood groups are from

different parts of

the Galaxy. More of this is going to be revealed

as more understanding

of REAL RNA/DNA Coding is researched.

When you measure the heart harmonics of people

with " O " RH-neg

blood, they are usually lower if they are smokers

and heavy red meat

eaters. The ones who eat fish and vegetables are

in the normal range.

This is a very new science and there are but a

handful of people who

are involved in this research.

Here is something for all of you to think about:

There is a race of people in a remote region of

China that are only 3

- 4 feet tall and speak a language spoken only

within that remote

area. When they try to move from this region to

lower geological

elevations, THEY DIE. Their skin colour is ashy

white. Their eyes

are very small almost like slits.


The pH balance of the human bloodstream is

recognized by all medical

physiology texts as one of the most important

biochemical balances in

all of human body chemistry.

pH is the acronym for " Potential Hydrogen " . In

definition, it is the

degree of concentration of hydrogen ions in a

substance or solution.

It is measured on a logarithmic scale from 0 to

14. Higher numbers

means a substance is more alkaline in nature and

there is a greater

potential for absorbing more hydrogen ions. Lower

numbers indicate

more acidity with less potential for absorbing

hydrogen ions.

Our body pH is very important because pH controls

the speed of our

bodyìs biochemical reactions. It does this by

controlling the speed of

enzyme activity as well as the speed that

electricity moves through

our body.

The higher (more alkaline) the pH of a substance

or solution, the more

electrical resistance that substance or solution


Therefore, electricity travels slower with higher


All biochemical reactions and electrical (life)

energy is under pH


If we say something has an acid pH, we are saying

it is hot and fast.

As an example, look at the battery of your car.

Itìs an acid battery.

On cold days you want it to be hot and ready, and

you want your car

to start fast.

Alkaline pH on the other hand, biochemically

speaking, is slow and

cool. Compare it to an alkaline battery in a

flashlight. You want

that battery to be cool, and to burn out slowly.

Here is an example of how pH can control. Look

around you at society

in general. Do you see people getting exhausted,

burned out, and

quick to anger? Do you see a rise in violence?

In part it could be

due to the fact that people today lean to an acid

pH. As a society we

are running hot and fast. How did we get there?

We guzzle coffee for


There are about 5000 known blood factors, and all

of these must

contribute to the complete picture. But the Rh

negative blood is the

place to start our search.

Suggested reading:

Max Flindt - Mankind, Child of the Stars, Fawcett

Books 1 & 2

Brad Steiger, Gods of Aquarius.

Alan F. Alford - Gods of the New Millennium

Return to Anomalog Home Page


Cloning has been practiced much longer than most

might agree. The

recent flurry of activity can be more

appropriately labeled: societal

conditioning. The genii is about to be released,

as it becomes general

knowledge that human cloning has been practiced

for generations.

In fact, prior to the current historical epoch -

beginning about

200,000-years-ago - there was direct intervention

against the peoples

of Earth for that very reason, which is

demonstrated by the Rh+ factor

in humans. Genetic experimentation (largely

directed by EBEs) was so

successful, that most of Earth's remaining

original inhabitants were

eventually wiped out.

Remnants of those original peoples still exist,

but no longer on this

world. They are, however, regular visitors.

To understand the basis of this argument you must

but aside your

current understanding of linear time, expanding

your personal

point-of-reference to include an integrated serial

view of dimensional

reality. But that is another story.

Your thoughts are welcomed: gdt2087@...

Copyright © 2001-2004: The Rose Garden - The

Universal Seduction

series and material listed on our authors' page -


The Rose Garden and The Universal Seduction,

Piercing the Veils of

Deception is a registered trademark. The

collective authorship takes

no responsibility for articles authored by others.

They are posted for

your reading edification and we are neither

advocating or disavowing

the information found therein. * Republication and

re-dissemination of

articles with an asterisk is expressly prohibited

without prior

written consent.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

My son has been a headbanger since he was one. We found some of it was a reaction to food he was eating and I know some of it is sensory but we found the biggest way to decrease it to practically nothing is to ignore it. Make no comments, no eye contact nothing. Any reaction is a reinforcement to them to continue.

You must tell them at school not to react at all, no big eyes, no telling him to stop etc.

There may be an increase initially (called extinction burst) as he tries different things to get the attention back but then as he sees it gets him nothing, it'll stop. My son initially increased the amount of banging, then what he was banging his head on, then went to telling me he banged his head (I would not reply to that or acknowledge he said it) and now he only head bangs occasionally and it is always related to him being angry or upset over something.

In a message dated 3/15/2006 11:53:35 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, autism writes:

My 9 year old son learned to head bang last summer at a parks department day camp for disabled children. He generalized it at home and now at school this entire year head banging is a problem. He doesn't do it at home anymore unless he is agitated. I keep telling the special ed admin at school, to change his class environment and the head banging will lessen. I am trying to change his class at school because it is not a good environment for him. Many of the kids are severely disabled and can't do anything for themselves. I observed a teacher screaming "NO" at my son one day when he opened the wrong door to a class room. So to make a long story short. The school wants to work on his head banging because they say he will do it even when we move him. They want to use adversives like a helmet. I say just move him first. He would have a wing ding if I put a helmet on him at home. He has excellent self adaptive skills (dressing, making his food, cleaning up after himself, playing around home) and his receptive language has really increased. His expressive language is good for requesting, but not for conversation. He can read and he can add and subtract 2 digit numbers. He uses a computer and loves the Tank Engine Still. ANY strategies for headbanging? Any miracles out there?

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My son has been a headbanger since he was one. We found some of it was a reaction to food he was eating and I know some of it is sensory but we found the biggest way to decrease it to practically nothing is to ignore it. Make no comments, no eye contact nothing. Any reaction is a reinforcement to them to continue.

You must tell them at school not to react at all, no big eyes, no telling him to stop etc.

There may be an increase initially (called extinction burst) as he tries different things to get the attention back but then as he sees it gets him nothing, it'll stop. My son initially increased the amount of banging, then what he was banging his head on, then went to telling me he banged his head (I would not reply to that or acknowledge he said it) and now he only head bangs occasionally and it is always related to him being angry or upset over something.

In a message dated 3/15/2006 11:53:35 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, autism writes:

My 9 year old son learned to head bang last summer at a parks department day camp for disabled children. He generalized it at home and now at school this entire year head banging is a problem. He doesn't do it at home anymore unless he is agitated. I keep telling the special ed admin at school, to change his class environment and the head banging will lessen. I am trying to change his class at school because it is not a good environment for him. Many of the kids are severely disabled and can't do anything for themselves. I observed a teacher screaming "NO" at my son one day when he opened the wrong door to a class room. So to make a long story short. The school wants to work on his head banging because they say he will do it even when we move him. They want to use adversives like a helmet. I say just move him first. He would have a wing ding if I put a helmet on him at home. He has excellent self adaptive skills (dressing, making his food, cleaning up after himself, playing around home) and his receptive language has really increased. His expressive language is good for requesting, but not for conversation. He can read and he can add and subtract 2 digit numbers. He uses a computer and loves the Tank Engine Still. ANY strategies for headbanging? Any miracles out there?

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  • 2 years later...
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Hey Tracey & Group. . .

I am shedding 'Mom's Tears' but they aren't my 'Happy' ones. I am up after 2

a.m., trying to catch up on my emails and read yours~~Tracey~~GF about .

It is so very shocking/hurting to me because we were emailing one another very

recently and discussing similarities in our personal lives and our lives as

Sister Survivors.

In her last email to me shortly before I went into the hospital . . . we were

'hehehe' . . . about our GOLD Brains 'hiding' things/$$$ whatever and

'forgetting' where or even that we had hid anything. I had planned to call her

Mother's Day. . .now I wish I'd done it over Easter break.

I Will miss her as my Sister Survivor, because since my diagnosis in 2003;

has truly been here for me.

Take care, I have ALL in my prayers. . . " K "

" K "


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