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Chest pain

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Hi na

Nice to hear from you again. I won't know whether I have fluid on my lungs

until my Rhy sees my xrays. I am on doxy 200mg M/W/F now as opposed to

tetracycline daily. I only changed 2 months ago so it is probably too soon

to see any improvement yet. I'm worried that the chest pain is a lung

problem and not just a stiff rib problem, but I'll probably find out next

week. What dose of mtx are you on? I'm still on 12.5mg weekly. I've tried

to drop this once before but got much, much worse. I want to see a

significant improvement on the doxy before I start to think about reducing

again. I just wish I had more support from my Rhy regarding the AP. She is

still humouring me, and because there is no significant improvement in my

RA she feels justified in her opinions.

Take care and keep in touch


Re: rheumatic chest pain


>Dear Carol,


>Its a long time since we talked. This is partly because I've been working

>rsather hard and partly because I've been much better BUT on methotrexate.

>Yes I think it does make me tired but I feel so much better than a year

>ago when I was in bed with so much pain and unable to get off the loo, let

>alone out of the bath. I also at that time had some fluid, I think, on my

>lungs. This has

>never quite cleared up and like you, when I yawn my lungs hurt slightly.

>But I try not to worry. Is your complsaint like this or different? Are you

>still taking the tersacycline and has it worked? I still haven't tried as

>I'm loth to upset my present equilibrium.


>na (Rostas)




> On Thu, 12 Apr 2001, Carol Wilkie wrote:


>> Hi Group

>> Does anyone out there who has RA suffer from chest pain? I have a sharp

pain when I yawn or take a very deep breath in, as if my rib cage won't

expand anymore. I don't get breathless or have a problem when I exersise.

I doesn't feel like a lung problem, more a sort of cartilage/chest

stiffness. I notice it more when I am generally stiff, ie, last thing at

night or if I've been sitting, especially in a slouched position. I had an

Xray today, but I don't know the results of it yet. Just wonder if anyone

else has experienced this.

>> TIA

>> Carol (UK)






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Thanks , It's worrying when you get new symptoms like this. I can

cope with joints giving up on me, but not vital organs! My other worry is

that its the mtx causing it! I'll keep you posted on my xray results and

hope it is just related to a flare.

Carol (UK)

Re: chest pain


>I also have RA and have experienced very similar chest pains. I have

>had them on more than one occasion in my upper chest, on my side, and

>even in my back sometimes. They did x-rays of my chest and lungs, and

>tests and nothing really came up so the Dr's just blamed it on an RA

>flare (even if I wasn't really having any oher flare

>symptoms).Sometimes a little inflamation would show up, but not always.

>They usually sent me home with pain relievers and said to wait it out

>and take it easy. Let me know if you find out anything more. I know it

>is scary and quite painful so hang in there!

>Take care-



>> Hi Group

>> Does anyone out there who has RA suffer from chest pain? I have a sharp

pain when I yawn or take a very deep breath in, as if my rib cage won't

expand anymore. I don't get breathless or have a problem when I exersise.

I doesn't feel like a lung problem, more a sort of cartilage/chest

stiffness. I notice it more when I am generally stiff, ie, last thing at

night or if I've been sitting, especially in a slouched position. I had an

Xray today, but I don't know the results of it yet. Just wonder if anyone

else has experienced this.

>> TIA

>> Carol (UK)




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I have had severe chest pain. Mine got so bad that I could not sleep in the

bed. I had to buy a recliner. I even had some swelling around my rib cage

area, when it got really bad. I never got a diagnosis. I was told that it

was probably costachondritis or just inflammation. I did IV antibiotics and

have been on antifungals so I'm not sure what got rid of it. I had it off

and on for about 3 months. I would go to the emergency clinic by our house

and get shots of Torodol when it became unbearable.

I am just thankful it is gone. When I start getting swelling or pain in that

area, I get an IV and start the antifungals. So far, so good.


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How did you get off the Metho? Did you wean yourself off or go 'cold

turkey'. I keep trying to reduce mine but end up in so much pain it gets

put up again. Unfortunatly the docs here won't even consider IV clindy. so

I'm relying on the doxy only. They won't consider Minocin either because of

that small lupus risk! I'm in a spring flare or herx at the moment (can't

tell which) and I know my rhy will suggest putting the metho up again! Part

of me is tempted because of the pain but I feel I should ride it out.


Carol (UK)

Re: chest pain


>> >Hi-

>> >I also have RA and have experienced very similar chest pains. I have

>> >had them on more than one occasion in my upper chest, on my side, and

>> >even in my back sometimes. They did x-rays of my chest and lungs, and

>> >tests and nothing really came up so the Dr's just blamed it on an RA

>> >flare (even if I wasn't really having any oher flare

>> >symptoms).Sometimes a little inflamation would show up, but not always.

>> >They usually sent me home with pain relievers and said to wait it out

>> >and take it easy. Let me know if you find out anything more. I know it

>> >is scary and quite painful so hang in there!

>> >Take care-

>> >

>> >

>> >> Hi Group

>> >> Does anyone out there who has RA suffer from chest pain? I have a


>> pain when I yawn or take a very deep breath in, as if my rib cage won't

>> expand anymore. I don't get breathless or have a problem when I


>> I doesn't feel like a lung problem, more a sort of cartilage/chest

>> stiffness. I notice it more when I am generally stiff, ie, last thing at

>> night or if I've been sitting, especially in a slouched position. I had


>> Xray today, but I don't know the results of it yet. Just wonder if


>> else has experienced this.

>> >> TIA

>> >> Carol (UK)

>> >

>> >

>> >



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> I have had severe chest pain.

Just a note for those discussing chest pain....my aunt with RA who took lots

of buffered aspirin had chest pain which she they thought at first was her

heart, but it turned out to be a hiatal hernia ( ulceration at the top of

the stomach from the aspirin and resulting reflux ). My father with

arthritis was diagnosed for a year with esophageal acid reflux, and a year

later it was finally caught as blockage of the heart arteries requiring a

bypass operation. If you are having chest pain, be sure they *thoroughly

test and diagnose you* even if it means having to have a bone scan there,

and don't just let them *assume* it's costochondritis. Also, from reading

the newsgroup, apparently costochondritis pain is sometimes confused with

gall bladder symptoms. Just to make it all clear as mud. ; ) Liz G.

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  • 3 years later...

cile... i was told to take the plaquinel 2 times a day, morning and night... all

the time1


[ ] Chest Pain

Do any of you Lupus Patients suffer from chest pains similiar to

those in Plurisy? I have just recovered from Plurisy (or thought I

had) and then the chest pains start again. I had quit taking my

Plaquenil, which normally stopped the pains, but I started back on it

and within a day and a half, the pains were gone. Someone stated that

Plaquenil should be taken all the time, but I only take mine when the

chest thing starts. I will be seeing my dr soon and plan to ask,

meanwhile, I intend to stay on them. Anyone else take Plaquenil for

Lupus pains??? Would love to hear from you.


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  • 7 months later...

hang in there, not much longer now. I did experience a lot of chest

pains over the years, and sometimes breathing was affected. You'll

notice a huge difference after the explant, and so will you.

Although it does take some time to recover so don't expect to

breathe easily for a couple weeks. When you wake up you will be

bound in ace bandages, and for me that was the most uncomfortable




> Hello ladies,

> I was wondering if anyone has had pain in their chest, to the

point that it hurts to breathe. This is a new symptom for me. I've

had lots of aches and pains, but not this. It occurs on my left

side, underneath my breast. Maybe I pulled a muscle? Dang, there's

always something. 18 more days...

> xo

> Melinda


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> hang in there, not much longer now. I did experience a lot of


> pains over the years, and sometimes breathing was affected. You'll

> notice a huge difference after the explant, and so will you.

> Although it does take some time to recover so don't expect to

> breathe easily for a couple weeks. When you wake up you will be

> bound in ace bandages, and for me that was the most uncomfortable

> psrt.


> kristen


> --- In , " freebindi " <bindi@a...>


> >

> > Hello ladies,

> > I was wondering if anyone has had pain in their chest, to the

> point that it hurts to breathe. This is a new symptom for me. I've

> had lots of aches and pains, but not this. It occurs on my left

> side, underneath my breast. Maybe I pulled a muscle? Dang, there's

> always something. 18 more days...

> > xo

> > Melinda

> >

>I often have stabbing chest pain that gets worse when I take a deep


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Hi Melinda

The main area of my pain for the last 5 1/2 years has been in my

chest. Mostly to the left side, but sometimes both. Sometimes it is

very deep and also hurts to touch - usually feels like a stabbing

feeling and yes, sometimes even breathing hurts. I have actually

recently been diagnosed with inflammatory arthritis in my sternum. Is

it 18 more days to explant? One more day for me. Hang in there.



> Hello ladies,

> I was wondering if anyone has had pain in their chest, to the point

that it hurts to breathe. This is a new symptom for me. I've had lots

of aches and pains, but not this. It occurs on my left side, underneath

my breast. Maybe I pulled a muscle? Dang, there's always something. 18

more days...

> xo

> Melinda


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Ditto .,

Hang in there, FreeBindi. You will get there, and it will be fine, I'm sure.

The waiting is the hardest part - I really feel for you. I had my surgery

canceled and

rescheduled because of my liver enzymes...It was murder waiting. But boy I am

glad I did.

When I was waiting for explant, I ended up going into anaphlactic shock from

hives. I can

tell you that has not happened to me since explant. But during that time


surgery, I wasn't sure if I was going to live through all this. When I was

being told I had

one autoimmune disease after another, and was in the hospital for c-difficile,

and had

anaphlactic shock....I just sunk deeper and deeper into a depression. I

wondered seriously

if my life was over. But obviously I did live through it, and finally am

feeling significantly


I may be an old lady, but I am one stubborn old lady! ;-)

Now, my biggest concern - and it is a big concern - is sleep & losing weight and


off that danged sugar. I was very good for a couple weeks, then blew it with

ice cream.

So I am starting over AGAIN. But I am persistent and I will get there. The

key, i figure, is

to pick myself right up and get back on track, rather than go into a funk about


It used to be that I would rationalize that I had already blown a 'diet', so I

might as well go

all out and have the whole pint of ice cream.

Not any more.

I figure that since I made it through this alive, I might as well do something

about my

health. You know?


> Hello ladies,

> I was wondering if anyone has had pain in their chest, to the point that it

hurts to

breathe. This is a new symptom for me. I've had lots of aches and pains, but not

this. It

occurs on my left side, underneath my breast. Maybe I pulled a muscle? Dang,


always something. 18 more days...

> xo

> Melinda


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Only one day? Dang! Congrats on making it this far and doing what it takes to begin the process of getting your life back. I'll send you good thoughts for a fast recovery. You're on your way to getting back in the saddle. Yippee!


Re: chest pain

Hi MelindaThe main area of my pain for the last 5 1/2 years has been in my chest. Mostly to the left side, but sometimes both. Sometimes it is very deep and also hurts to touch - usually feels like a stabbing feeling and yes, sometimes even breathing hurts. I have actually recently been diagnosed with inflammatory arthritis in my sternum. Is it 18 more days to explant? One more day for me. Hang in there.Cherie>> Hello ladies,> I was wondering if anyone has had pain in their chest, to the point that it hurts to breathe. This is a new symptom for me. I've had lots of aches and pains, but not this. It occurs on my left side, underneath my breast. Maybe I pulled a muscle? Dang, there's always something. 18 more days...> xo> Melinda>

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Thanks, . It does help to know I'm not the only one with this symptom, and that it will go away.


Re: chest pain

hang in there, not much longer now. I did experience a lot of chest pains over the years, and sometimes breathing was affected. You'll notice a huge difference after the explant, and so will you. Although it does take some time to recover so don't expect to breathe easily for a couple weeks. When you wake up you will be bound in ace bandages, and for me that was the most uncomfortable psrt.kristen>> Hello ladies,> I was wondering if anyone has had pain in their chest, to the point that it hurts to breathe. This is a new symptom for me. I've had lots of aches and pains, but not this. It occurs on my left side, underneath my breast. Maybe I pulled a muscle? Dang, there's always something. 18 more days...> xo> Melinda>

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Hi, and yes I have had that pain in the exact same place. Also

between my breasts. It felt like I couldn't take a deep breath. It

is much better now. I had this off and on for many years. It is a

pretty common symptom. Hopefully it will disappear soon for you.

Hugs, kathy


> Hello ladies,

> I was wondering if anyone has had pain in their chest, to the point

that it hurts to breathe. This is a new symptom for me. I've had lots

of aches and pains, but not this. It occurs on my left side,

underneath my breast. Maybe I pulled a muscle? Dang, there's always

something. 18 more days...

> xo

> Melinda


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  • 4 months later...


What gave me heart, when I took a round of steroids,

is that I realised my body had the capacity to feel

THAT good . . . And THAT became my target!



--- Cherie <cheriesut@...> wrote:

> Hi - Well I ended the prednisone taper on Wednesday,

> and today I

> officially have pain back - already! I'm hoping the

> natural anti-

> inflammatory meds will start to help. I've also

> reading all of the

> information Patty has provided on fasting. I'm not

> sure I could go

> through with it, but might give it a try.


> Weird, but I felt so good on the steroids I actually

> felt sad that I

> hadn't made a journal when I felt so very bad, so

> that my story would

> be more real. I was actually disappointed that I

> felt better. Looks

> like maybe I'll get another chance at writing from

> the heart! I'm not

> going to get upset about the onset of the pain

> again. There is still a

> need for me to have it - hopefully just a little

> longer. I think I had

> better get writing!

> Cherie





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  • 6 months later...

Hi Lesley,

The chest pain may be related to something with his phrenic nerve/and

or maybe some sort of breathing problems associated with such. I can't

believe you have to wait until October for a neurologist appointment.

This could be serious, I don't want to worry you, but ANY chest pain,

anytime, anywhere, should be medically examined - whether or not there

is CMT.

Because CMT can affect the phrenic nerve and breathing, this is

important to get checked.

One other thought I had is does he have asthma or allergies that could

be causing his chest to tighten? Or perhaps even anxiety?

~ Gretchen

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I had a more extensive chat with and he tells me he played badmington

yesterday so that perhaps is explaining the chest

tightness in the muscles he used to play the badmington as per when

he uses his leg muscles he can't walk. I delved in deeper because the

other times he has had the chest pain it has always been at 9 pm at

night and always reduces him to tears.

The length of the tightness he felt went for the same time frame of when he he

can't walk to " getting the feeling back in his legs " as he describes it another

thing he pointed out to me this morning was he cannot clench his fists first

thing in the morning and that has gone on for quite a while but he said he didnt

think to say anything because he thought that was the same for everyone.

There isn't a day where he does not come out of his room walking like a penguin

(the best way I can think to describe it..no bending of the knees) He has never

had any sign of asthma and I think i have said before does not get unwell at all

even common colds gastro etc.

The last time i remember him being unwell via vomiting at all was when he was

approx 2 yrs old and he had a viral thing 2 yrs running at the exact same month

each yr when he was 5 and 6 yrs old which was the set off of the legs not

walking in the first place then it moved onto after muscle exertion.

He is under a lot of stress due to a not so good marriage break up but all the

symptoms he has now were there way before this.


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  • 1 year later...

I would see your doc if your having chest pains. It could be indigestion, acid

reflux or

something else but I would see what he or she says.

Hope you feel better.


ssequino <ssequino@...> wrote:

I've always had a mild case of lupus and RA. Recently things have

gotten worse. I've been having a lot of chest and neck pain. I'm

usually fine during the day but have a lot of pain at night,

especially when I lay down. It really hurts when I breathe and no

position I lay in makes it any better. The pain is pretty bad and I am

definitely losing a lot of sleep over it. Does anyone have this

problem? Does this sound familiar to anyone? I am going to a new

rhuemy in about 2 weeks...I told my last one about all this and he

said nothing and did nothing. Just wondering if anyone had this

problem and if anyone had any solutions? Thanks!

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Hi !

I have something like that regarding my chest area.

My cardiologist diagnosed Tietze Syndrome (hopefully I

spelled that right, I couldn't read the handwriting on

my paperwork) I'd definitely talk to a doctor about it

though since its causing you to lose sleep and hurts

to breathe

in Michigan

--- ssequino <ssequino@...> wrote:

> I've always had a mild case of lupus and RA.

> Recently things have

> gotten worse. I've been having a lot of chest and

> neck pain. I'm

> usually fine during the day but have a lot of pain

> at night,

> especially when I lay down. It really hurts when I

> breathe and no

> position I lay in makes it any better. The pain is

> pretty bad and I am

> definitely losing a lot of sleep over it. Does

> anyone have this

> problem? Does this sound familiar to anyone? I am

> going to a new

> rhuemy in about 2 weeks...I told my last one about

> all this and he

> said nothing and did nothing. Just wondering if

> anyone had this

> problem and if anyone had any solutions? Thanks!






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I noticed your notations and you may very well have GERD which is more than just

indegestion. I don't know if it is RA related at all but I have it and have had

it since 1985. The indegetion will make your chest hurt and back in 1994, I

actually thought I was having a heart attack and went to my doctor and ended up

having my gallbladder removed. And this was beyond the GERD factor. It all just

happens to run in my family. But with the night issues, it sounds like GERD -

very common, so don't freak! Usually now adays, if they have to, they do the

thing down your throat (they put you under) but I can't sleep laying flat, I

have alway had to sleep at a slight incline.. Also, I take Nexium (RX) in the

morning and zantac any other time. You should try zantac or even something like

TUMS, tagament which is over the counter or prilosec over the counter. It's

worth a shot before spending $$ at the doctor. Good luck!


Re: [ ] chest pain

I would see your doc if your having chest pains. It could be indigestion, acid

reflux or

something else but I would see what he or she says.

Hope you feel better.


ssequino <ssequino (DOT) com> wrote:

I've always had a mild case of lupus and RA. Recently things have

gotten worse. I've been having a lot of chest and neck pain. I'm

usually fine during the day but have a lot of pain at night,

especially when I lay down. It really hurts when I breathe and no

position I lay in makes it any better. The pain is pretty bad and I am

definitely losing a lot of sleep over it. Does anyone have this

problem? Does this sound familiar to anyone? I am going to a new

rhuemy in about 2 weeks...I told my last one about all this and he

said nothing and did nothing. Just wondering if anyone had this

problem and if anyone had any solutions? Thanks!

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I also get chest pain, but I put it down to RA (inflammation) in my

sternum. I assume it is just this?!?

> I've always had a mild case of lupus and RA. Recently things have

> gotten worse. I've been having a lot of chest and neck pain. I'm

> usually fine during the day but have a lot of pain at night,

> especially when I lay down. It really hurts when I breathe and no

> position I lay in makes it any better. The pain is pretty bad and I


> definitely losing a lot of sleep over it. Does anyone have this

> problem? Does this sound familiar to anyone? I am going to a new

> rhuemy in about 2 weeks...I told my last one about all this and he

> said nothing and did nothing. Just wondering if anyone had this

> problem and if anyone had any solutions? Thanks!





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I don't know anything about that. I can only share what I have gone thru but

it's worth a shot to take something over the counter. All that could happen is

it NOT work.


[ ] Re: chest pain

I also get chest pain, but I put it down to RA (inflammation) in my

sternum. I assume it is just this?!?

> I've always had a mild case of lupus and RA. Recently things have

> gotten worse. I've been having a lot of chest and neck pain. I'm

> usually fine during the day but have a lot of pain at night,

> especially when I lay down. It really hurts when I breathe and no

> position I lay in makes it any better. The pain is pretty bad and I


> definitely losing a lot of sleep over it. Does anyone have this

> problem? Does this sound familiar to anyone? I am going to a new

> rhuemy in about 2 weeks...I told my last one about all this and he

> said nothing and did nothing. Just wondering if anyone had this

> problem and if anyone had any solutions? Thanks!





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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

Welcome, Amber!

When you became ill in December, did your physician do any imaging? What was

the diagnosis? Are you on any medications which could be responsible for

your symptoms?

Not an MD

> [ ] Chest Pain


> Hello all- I'm new to the group, but happy to be here!


> I'm having chest pain problems. I got sick in December, end of a bad

> RA flare, and started having debilitating coughing fits and pain under

> my breastbone and beneath my shoulder blades. Did three rounds of

> meds, but am still coughing. Now, months later, whenever I get

> breathless the pain comes back, and when I cough the pain doubles.

> I've tried to suggest to my local doc that it might be RA related, but

> he's clueless. My appt with my rheumy is in July.


> Anybody dealt with this before, or something like it? I've read all

> kinds of stuff about RA related costochondritis and pleurisy, but am

> hoping somebody has some personal experience they could share with me.


> Namaste

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Hi Matt,

I went to the ER twice because of chest pains...my heart turned out fine, but

they think it is caused because of my breathing problems.

Hope you find your answers!

Kay ~ Seaside Oregon

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Hi Matt,

My son having similar issues. Had issues in grade school and had a complete

cardiac workup in Dec and was told the same thing - all is normal. Does your

heart beat fast at the same time? His doc said as long as it is beating fast

don't worry as much but if it slows down or skips beats to be concerned and that

heart problems aren't associated with all types of CMT and with his (1B) he

didn't feel that it was CMT related.

I'm sure someone will know more and post as I'm pretty curious myself.


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