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Chest pain

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Carmella, yes I think it does beat fast. I have high blood pressure too which I

am sure does not help. Plus Diabeties. All genetic, I think I hit the genetic

jackpot when I was born. LOL



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No, my family doctor still refuses to take images of any kind. I live in a

rural area, and he has no history with RA. He says since he can't hear anything

in my lungs, there is no need for any imaging. I've suggested otherwise more

than once, and am waiting to hear back from my rheumy.

Amber R. Clifford-Napoleone, Ph.D.Board of Directors, SCORE (Southern Cluster)

of the Prairie Star District, Unitarian Universalist AssemblyChair and Convener,

Queer Commission of the Socialist Party of the USASocial Justice Chair,

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Warrensburg (MO)

" All of us are in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. "

- Wilde

@...: Matsumura_Clan@...: Fri, 4 Apr 2008

12:19:27 -0500Subject: RE: [ ] Chest Pain

Welcome, Amber!When you became ill in December, did your physician do any

imaging? What wasthe diagnosis? Are you on any medications which could be

responsible foryour symptoms?Not an MD> [ ] Chest Pain> > Hello all- I'm

new to the group, but happy to be here!> > I'm having chest pain problems. I got

sick in December, end of a bad> RA flare, and started having debilitating

coughing fits and pain under> my breastbone and beneath my shoulder blades. Did

three rounds of> meds, but am still coughing. Now, months later, whenever I get>

breathless the pain comes back, and when I cough the pain doubles.> I've tried

to suggest to my local doc that it might be RA related, but> he's clueless. My

appt with my rheumy is in July.> > Anybody dealt with this before, or something

like it? I've read all> kinds of stuff about RA related costochondritis and

pleurisy, but am> hoping somebody has some personal experience they could share

with me.> > Namaste


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Dear Aliza,

I would be a bit nervous if I had your symptoms, too and it's a good idea to

do just what you did - go to ER. I found something you may find interesting or

even useful at some time in the future. You should always discuss this with

your doctors, none of us are claiming to be doctors. I had chest pains that

felt just like when I had a heart attack and my counts had crashed and was

admitted for a transfusion.

http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/007115.htm#Symptoms (shortness

of breath)

http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/angioplasty/HQ00485 (shortness of breath)

http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/angina.html (chest pain)

Be well, Aliza,



To Kathie in Florida

I checked with the funeral home and the family has not made a designation as

to what charity to donate to. Check this out and you can check back with the

funeral home later or send them an email to contact you. Surely the church she

went to would know something. Was that in the obituary? That is a lovely

thought to make a donation in her honor or for her children. That is very kind

of you, hold that thought until we find out more. I'll be back in a few days.

http://bcwest.createatribute.com/registryDonations.php?i_memorialid=1207171145 & o\

verride=1117105145 & PHPSESSID=eda7e977a1077dd41d33a0ed73995863



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Hi Aliza, I missed your symptoms, but Lottie is right, go to the ER. But here's

a funny story.

Last year I was having severe chest pains, similar to heartburn, but one never

really knows. So hearing that if you took an aspirin, it would help if you were

having a heart attack, I took an aspirin. Then I took a Tums, in case it was

heart burn. Then I took a Valium, in case it was just plain old stress. Then

I grabbed my cell, went to my room to lie down, and said I would give myself 5

min. and if the pain was still there, I would go to ER. Five minutes passed and

so did the pain. And it's a good thing, because, I did not have the cell phone,

I had the remote to the TV !!!! But, the doctors all say, when in doubt, go to

the ER...Bobby

Lottie Duthu <lotajam@...> wrote:

Dear Aliza,

I would be a bit nervous if I had your symptoms, too and it's a good idea to do

just what you did - go to ER. I found something you may find interesting or even

useful at some time in the future. You should always discuss this with your

doctors, none of us are claiming to be doctors. I had chest pains that felt just

like when I had a heart attack and my counts had crashed and was admitted for a


http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/007115.htm#Symptoms (shortness

of breath)

http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/angioplasty/HQ00485 (shortness of breath)

http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/angina.html (chest pain)

Be well, Aliza,



To Kathie in Florida

I checked with the funeral home and the family has not made a designation as to

what charity to donate to. Check this out and you can check back with the

funeral home later or send them an email to contact you. Surely the church she

went to would know something. Was that in the obituary? That is a lovely thought

to make a donation in her honor or for her children. That is very kind of you,

hold that thought until we find out more. I'll be back in a few days.

http://bcwest.createatribute.com/registryDonations.php?i_memorialid=1207171145 & o\

verride=1117105145 & PHPSESSID=eda7e977a1077dd41d33a0ed73995863



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Bobby that is so funny-about the remote I mean.

I did a similar thing.I took the remote with me in the car thinking it was

my phone. When I went to grab my phone and saw it was the remote.I about

died. Turned around and went home.



From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of


Sent: Saturday, April 05, 2008 7:03 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Chest pain

Hi Aliza, I missed your symptoms, but Lottie is right, go to the ER. But

here's a funny story.

Last year I was having severe chest pains, similar to heartburn, but one

never really knows. So hearing that if you took an aspirin, it would help if

you were having a heart attack, I took an aspirin. Then I took a Tums, in

case it was heart burn. Then I took a Valium, in case it was just plain old

stress. Then I grabbed my cell, went to my room to lie down, and said I

would give myself 5 min. and if the pain was still there, I would go to ER.

Five minutes passed and so did the pain. And it's a good thing, because, I

did not have the cell phone, I had the remote to the TV !!!! But, the

doctors all say, when in doubt, go to the ER...Bobby

Lottie Duthu <lotajamcomcast (DOT) <mailto:lotajam%40comcast.net> net> wrote:

Dear Aliza,

I would be a bit nervous if I had your symptoms, too and it's a good idea to

do just what you did - go to ER. I found something you may find interesting

or even useful at some time in the future. You should always discuss this

with your doctors, none of us are claiming to be doctors. I had chest pains

that felt just like when I had a heart attack and my counts had crashed and

was admitted for a transfusion.



nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/007115.htm#Symptoms (shortness of breath)

http://www.mayoclin <http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/angioplasty/HQ00485>

ic.com/health/angioplasty/HQ00485 (shortness of breath)

http://www.nlm. <http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/angina.html>

nih.gov/medlineplus/angina.html (chest pain)

Be well, Aliza,



To Kathie in Florida

I checked with the funeral home and the family has not made a designation as

to what charity to donate to. Check this out and you can check back with the

funeral home later or send them an email to contact you. Surely the church

she went to would know something. Was that in the obituary? That is a lovely

thought to make a donation in her honor or for her children. That is very

kind of you, hold that thought until we find out more. I'll be back in a few




145 & override=1117105145 & PHPSESSID=eda7e977a1077dd41d33a0ed73995863>

createatribute.com/registryDonations.php?i_memorialid=1207171145 & override=11

17105145 & PHPSESSID=eda7e977a1077dd41d33a0ed73995863



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Thank you sooo much for the laugh !! I haven't had a good laugh since I shit

myself a month ago. Thanks I needed that!!!! Eva

From: Sharon & Denny

Sent: Sunday, April 06, 2008 3:07 AM

Subject: RE: [ ] Chest pain

Bobby that is so funny-about the remote I mean.

I did a similar thing.I took the remote with me in the car thinking it was

my phone. When I went to grab my phone and saw it was the remote.I about

died. Turned around and went home.



From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of


Sent: Saturday, April 05, 2008 7:03 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Chest pain

Hi Aliza, I missed your symptoms, but Lottie is right, go to the ER. But

here's a funny story.

Last year I was having severe chest pains, similar to heartburn, but one

never really knows. So hearing that if you took an aspirin, it would help if

you were having a heart attack, I took an aspirin. Then I took a Tums, in

case it was heart burn. Then I took a Valium, in case it was just plain old

stress. Then I grabbed my cell, went to my room to lie down, and said I

would give myself 5 min. and if the pain was still there, I would go to ER.

Five minutes passed and so did the pain. And it's a good thing, because, I

did not have the cell phone, I had the remote to the TV !!!! But, the

doctors all say, when in doubt, go to the ER...Bobby

Lottie Duthu <lotajamcomcast (DOT) <mailto:lotajam%40comcast.net> net> wrote:

Dear Aliza,

I would be a bit nervous if I had your symptoms, too and it's a good idea to

do just what you did - go to ER. I found something you may find interesting

or even useful at some time in the future. You should always discuss this

with your doctors, none of us are claiming to be doctors. I had chest pains

that felt just like when I had a heart attack and my counts had crashed and

was admitted for a transfusion.



nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/007115.htm#Symptoms (shortness of breath)

http://www.mayoclin <http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/angioplasty/HQ00485>

ic.com/health/angioplasty/HQ00485 (shortness of breath)

http://www.nlm. <http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/angina.html>

nih.gov/medlineplus/angina.html (chest pain)

Be well, Aliza,



To Kathie in Florida

I checked with the funeral home and the family has not made a designation as

to what charity to donate to. Check this out and you can check back with the

funeral home later or send them an email to contact you. Surely the church

she went to would know something. Was that in the obituary? That is a lovely

thought to make a donation in her honor or for her children. That is very

kind of you, hold that thought until we find out more. I'll be back in a few




145 & override=1117105145 & PHPSESSID=eda7e977a1077dd41d33a0ed73995863>

createatribute.com/registryDonations.php?i_memorialid=1207171145 & override=11

17105145 & PHPSESSID=eda7e977a1077dd41d33a0ed73995863



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Hi Matt,

It's possible to have a normal EKG, but still have issues with your heart. It

would be a good idea to get checked out by a specialist, or at a minimum to have

your GP request additional testing of your heart. A stress echo or something

similar, where your heart is examined under stress, can help rule out some heart

issues, i.e. coronary heart disease. There are also non-invasive 3-D Angios

that they do now and a 24 hr holter monitor can be used to diagnose

abnormalities as well.

I recently had the stress echo done. I can't exercise to get my heart rate up,

so they used medication to raise my heart rate. I was nervous about getting

this done, but it was really not a problem at all. It was quite easy.

You have a number of risk factors for heart disease. IMO, you should tell your

doctor about the continuing symptoms, remind her of your risk factors and

request additional testing. (List of risk factors =

http://www.americanheart.org/presenter.jhtml?identifier=4726) Testing is the

best way to identify the true source of your pain and to put your mind at ease.

Chest Pain

Hello all, hope everyone is doing well. I have been having chest pain the last

couple of days. Not really bad but I am having a hard time figuring out if it is

related to CMT or if it is actually chest pain from my heart. I have had this in

the past and gone to the dr a few times for it and each time my EKG comes back

normal. My question is how will I ever know the difference between CMT chest

pain and heart chest pain. I ask my GP and she just said if it is heart related

you will know trust me. Of course I don't hence the question. Any input would be






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Hi Namaste,

My 15 year old son started experiencing chest pain when he was 13. He has Ank.

Spondylitis. Went to all the docs and had all the tests. Heart is fine, but no

reason for the

pain other than he has arthritis. Another mystery... Let us know if you have

better luck

than we did finding an answer.



> Hello all- I'm new to the group, but happy to be here!


> I'm having chest pain problems. I got sick in December, end of a bad

> RA flare, and started having debilitating coughing fits and pain under

> my breastbone and beneath my shoulder blades. Did three rounds of

> meds, but am still coughing. Now, months later, whenever I get

> breathless the pain comes back, and when I cough the pain doubles.

> I've tried to suggest to my local doc that it might be RA related, but

> he's clueless. My appt with my rheumy is in July.


> Anybody dealt with this before, or something like it? I've read all

> kinds of stuff about RA related costochondritis and pleurisy, but am

> hoping somebody has some personal experience they could share with me.


> Namaste


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I have costochondritis. It flares up when it rains or a cold front comes

through. It hurts in the middle of my chest and back also. All I can do is take

a percocet for the pain. I can't take NASAIDS for it hurts my stomach. I hope

this helps you.

God Bless,



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Has there been any discussion of the pain being associated with anxiety?

A person may be more anxious than they realize - or not. Chest pain

related to anxiety originates from excess chest breathing.

If this is something you're not familiar with and would like to learn

more about, here is a site that not only talks about anxiety & chest

pain but includes the cure - abdominal breathing:

http://nicolaquinn.com/modules.php?name=News & file=article & sid=60

My daughter & I, & my psychiatric patients find abdominal breathing

very helpful, though some folks find it a little hard to get it

figured out at first. Doing it lying down may make it easier to get

the idea.

Hope you find some answers.


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  • 2 years later...
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gall stones?


> I started having chest pain this morning, it's on the left side right under my

left breast. When the pain is pretty bad I feel lightheaded and just weird. I

still haven't gotten my lab results back yet, hopefully Monday. Is this from the

lupus or the DM?


> Amy






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Yes, it could be costochondritis.  I had that once years before I was diagnosed

with Scleroderma.  I never associated the two.  But that is possible.  I

remember, the doc put a large needle into the rib that was hurting and injected

something and the pain instantly disappeared and I never got it again. No

matter what it is, you should not fool around with chest pain.  That is

something you should check out with a doctor.  It could be a lot of things and

it is not necessarily smart to put that off.  Dolores

From: Amy and Jay Willis <tknbychance26@...>

Subject: rheumatic Chest Pain

dermatomyositissupport , lupies ,

, rheumatic ,


Date: Saturday, June 5, 2010, 11:16 AM


I started having chest pain this morning, it's on the left side right under my

left breast. When the pain is pretty bad I feel lightheaded and just weird. I

still haven't gotten my lab results back yet, hopefully Monday. Is this from the

lupus or the DM?


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