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to Chris, was Re: To Kathy H and Kathy R

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Hi all of a sudden I feel I have a lot of reading to do. I'm not

very versed in imaginal exposures except we have for some time talked an

obsession to death in response to Kel's " what if " questions--what if I did

cut off my foot, what if I didn't kiss you right and you did die? etc. I

picked this up from Dr. Claiborn on the ocd list, sometime back he discussed

taking these worries to cartoonish lengths. Our conversations begin

seriously--if Kel did cut off her foot, she'd probably use a wheelchair as

does another child at her school--but soon devolve into the

ridiculous--she'd be the best hopscotch player in Kindergarten from all that

practice hopping, she'd save a lot of money by only having to buy one shoe,

she'd only have 5 toenails to bite instead of 10. Sick I know, and I

suppose this humorous approach lessens anxiety and thereby isn't very

effective e & rp. I'll read up on imaginal exposures and see if this is

something we may try.

I like your teasing analogy for ocd and appreciate your sharing it. I'm

always on the lookout for tips and hints for connecting with little kids, it

does seem there's a special challenge, or maybe just a different one, in

helping the little ones cope with their ocd.

I'm thrilled to read about Kelsey's success in bossing back, it gives me

hope when I read of your daughter's and others' success. If Kelsey can do

it my Kel can too, I hold onto that thought when doing the

two-steps-forward, one back dance so many have written about.

Kathy R. in Indiana

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