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You can find some good info and tips about the program on the Body for Life site

http://www.bodyforlife.com/ and the Eating for Life site

http://www.eatingforlife.com/ . The EFL site asks for the recipe on pg. 84 in

order to see the grocery guide and meal plan. It's grilled salmon. Also be sure

to check out Hussman's site http://hussman.org/fitness/ for advice about

how Body for Life works and how to fine tune it. The Exercise and Muscle

directory is a great place to find video demonstrations of new exercises


As far as how this group works, you can ask questions, post your daily meals,

share pictures, offer support. It's just a good place to hang out for advice and

support and motivation. Let us know how things are going and if you need any


New member

Hello everyone i just joined the group and i need someone to help me

out someone to show me the ropes. How does this whole group thing

work. I'm a 24 year old single mother of one and im trying to get my

body not back to what it use to be but better any tips. I'm 5'5' and

135 lbs. Help

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Hi Glenn,

I also have twins. One with scoliosis. They are identical twin boys. They will be three years old in a couple days! Tyler has been in five casts. I would love to chat with you. It would be great to talk to a parent of twins going through this same thing. Hang in there and Take Care Tawney

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In message <000001c4c145$a9b21120$d701a8c0@...> you wrote:

> I'm a new member here and am brewing my second batch of kombucha.

Welcome, !

> She got another from them and then

> gave me a new one. I had it in my fridge for over a month and just

> finally got a big, glass cookie jar and put it up yesterday.

I wonder whether the mould problem occurred because someone washed that

SCOBY in water? That is one of the BIG NO-NOs: water neutralises the

protective acidity mantle of the SCOBY and lays it open to spores like

mould :-(

Did you keep your SCOBY in a goodly amount of starter liquid?

Fridge IMO is not a good place for a SCOBY. The cold will slow the

poor thing down so much, it will be very reluctant to get back into

brewing again

> I hope that my double layer of butter cloth with a coffee filter laid

> over that is ok

Yes, that should be fine!

> I've seen a few posts on other lists that just white sugar must be used

> and it just doesn't make sense to me. What was used long before

> ordinary white sugar was available?

Yes, but white sugar, (sucrose) since it is available, is the best option

because it is so pure. It's the perfect food for the SCOBY. In the

brewing process, the bacteria and yeast split the sucrose into other

sugars and keep eating them until hardly any sugar is left at the

vinegar stage.

Tea (cammelia sinensis) and sugar are the foodstuffs vital for keeping

your culture happy. At the end of the brewing it will have made for

you the more or less acidic probiotic health tonic that you were after

in the first place.

> Also, if there isn't any obvious, weird growths can I be sure this is

> safe to drink next week :-)

There will most likely 'weird growths' occurring in your KT, completely

normal, completely harmless. They are often called 'ooglies' and may

be strained out. They often are with brown/green slimy non-fuzzy threads.

These are old yeast remnants together with blobs of new cultures forming.

They are FRIENDLY!

> it's a big leap of faith on my part I guess!

All of life is a big leap of faith.

Kombucha is perfectly safe to drink if made and handled correctly.

The acidity acts like a preservative (vinegar principle).

You can keep your SCOBY(s) at room temperature or a slightly cooler

place, covered up and floating in KT. 

If you leave them like that long enough a new 'baby' will

form again on the top of the surface.

Every baby plus starter liquid is viable and ready to produce some

more KT (Kombucha Tonic).

As to the position of your brewing container, I shouldn't worry too

much. As long as you cover it well (Mark says, it doesn't seem to matter

whether you use porous material or plasticky covering, as long as there

is a good amount of airspace in the container.)

I use several layers of either fine-meshed cotton tops or kitchen paper

towelling (2 layers) firmly held on by a fat rubberband or elastic

band. Dust and insects won't have a look-in then!

Cut the end off old rubber gloves and you can find yourself with

some really tight fitting home-made rubberbands.

Try not to worry, .

Kombucha is on your side.

I've made it and drunk it for about 20 years... and also my family

and friends more and more and I've never had a case of illness from it.

On the contrary, since drinking it we hardly ever have colds or tummy


If a batch is bad (overactive yeast or some form of contamination very

rarely) throw it on the compost and start again. You will

know straightaway by the bad smell that it's no good.

Enjoy your brewing and drinking..and your Kombucha-drinking-

community :-)

All the best,







The only way to have a friend is to be one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Your 6 year old sounds just like my 9 year old daughter. She has hardly any wall paper left on the walls in her bedroom. The stuff that is left has tic-tack-toe drawn on it along with various other scribbles. We have had to replace the window and she now has ripped out the new screen. She opens the window and throws things out (2nd story) when she is mad. Once she even fell out the window when she was in time out at age 3. She writes on everything, and has even written all over her body with markers. She tears up everything and loves to cut with scissors and makes little tiny piles of scraps. She puts all of her scrapes and pencil shavings (she also likes to use the tiny pencil sharpeners and make pencil shavings) into containers. She has bags and containers all over her room. I throw them away and shortly more show up. She bags and boxes up everything. She loves to put everything she can get from all the other kids rooms and put stuff in back packs and then carry it around on her back. She needs the deep pressure for sensory integration. I get so mad at her constant messes!

Patti H.

New Member

I am new to this sight and could use any and all advice that i can gethere. I have more than one "handicapped" child. My 6 year old son hasautism along with other "labels". When he goes to his room he takesALL of his clothes off, tears anything that is paper up, rips his bedto shreds, and is not toilet trained at all. If the tv is not on hescreams (a real bummer when the power goes out). Well that's the startof it, wouldn't want to overwelm you all on the first message here.Thank you for any help that you can give!

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Hi New Member,

Glad to meet you! Your son sounds a bit like my son Marty was at that age, they pinned a lot of labels on him also. What I have found to be helpful is to just talk it out, and don't worry about overwhelming any of us. I know that I, for one, have been through an awful lot of really hard things to handle like you mentioned, and I know many other mothers here have also. They first step for you I think, it to know you are not alone. When my son was going through his worst years there was no Internet at all, or computers much either.

The only thing that helped me then was whenever I would meet with other parents at my son's school. It was so amazing the support I got from them, and they from me. But when my son was mainstreamed into public high school, that support line no longer existed. So I didn't get any support for about 30 years, and just hunkered down and "handled" it at home alone. Was kind of a recluse really, and that was not so good.

So now there is the Internet, and no more need for that, we mothers can share, share, share, to our hearts content!

My love to you, and I am looking forward to learning more about you and your family,


New Member

I am new to this sight and could use any and all advice that i can gethere. I have more than one "handicapped" child. My 6 year old son hasautism along with other "labels". When he goes to his room he takesALL of his clothes off, tears anything that is paper up, rips his bedto shreds, and is not toilet trained at all. If the tv is not on hescreams (a real bummer when the power goes out). Well that's the startof it, wouldn't want to overwelm you all on the first message here.Thank you for any help that you can give!

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Hi Patti,

I don't know if I have ever heard from you before, and look forward to hearing from you some more.

I could just see your daughter doing what you described, you wrote so vividly, especially cutting paper into little piles, and stuffing things into bags and boxes. My son Marty used to like to put things in and out of holes, find a thing, find a hole, and put it in and pull it out. But there were times he went too far and then he would accidentally lose the thing. One time he did it with a box of Cheerios he was carrying around, was putting it in and out a slightly opened window in an upstairs bedroom, and he lost it and it dropped to the ground. So he went after it, yep fell out a two story window to the ground! But it didn't seem to hurt him much, I heard him whimpering crawling up the steps of the front porch, scared the c--- out of me! I thought the dog had been hit by a car because the door was locked. We locked everything so Marty couldn't escape, don't know how I missed the window.

He has stayed busy all of his life doing this, and right now sits in his chair all day and plays with a shoe lace, just putting it in and out of the slots between his fingers. It is so amazing, you would think he was working on the hardest puzzle there is. He really works hard on what he does, and looks quite content really. He used to like to stick certain toys in and out of the arm on a leather chair we sat him in until he wore the leather clear in two in the inner part of the arm. He used to be much more frantic about it, but is more peaceful now thank goodness.

Sometimes I will give him a new thing to play with and he really examines it hard, evidentially he can see real good, and usually it doesn't suit him and he gets a sad look and just drops it to the floor beside him. I sure wish I knew what he was looking for, have tried all sorts of things. He usually likes little bitty things. He doesn't talk anymore, used to say a few words long ago. His favorite was, "Good boy!" and "Pizza," but he doesn't get pizza anymore, is on a food tube. He can't swallow well anymore either. His problems are from his brain, he just has some autistic behaviors, guess there is a wide range of disabilities, strengths and weaknesses, with any of this, but I believe the Lord will help us all.


Carolyn in Oregon

New Member

I am new to this sight and could use any and all advice that i can gethere. I have more than one "handicapped" child. My 6 year old son hasautism along with other "labels". When he goes to his room he takesALL of his clothes off, tears anything that is paper up, rips his bedto shreds, and is not toilet trained at all. If the tv is not on hescreams (a real bummer when the power goes out). Well that's the startof it, wouldn't want to overwelm you all on the first message here.Thank you for any help that you can give!

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weepingwillow1952 wrote:


> I am new to this sight and could use any and all advice that i can get

> here. I have more than one " handicapped " child. My 6 year old son has

> autism along with other " labels " . When he goes to his room he takes

> ALL of his clothes off, tears anything that is paper up, rips his bed

> to shreds, and is not toilet trained at all. If the tv is not on he

> screams (a real bummer when the power goes out). Well that's the start

> of it, wouldn't want to overwelm you all on the first message here.

> Thank you for any help that you can give!

Hi, and glad to meetcha! :)

When our Louie was a little guy, about your son's age, he had real

issues with keeping his clothes on all day. So, rather than fight

pitched battles every day when he got home from school, we told him it

was alright to be naked in the privacy of his own room. And that's what

he did almost (but not quite) every day. After a while, he got it down

to a couple of times a week, and now he doesn't feel the need to be nude

at all. :) His big thing, when he was that age, was newspapers. And he

had them stacked *everywhere*!! What a mess! Especially when he was

researching something, and pulled the papers he wanted, but didn't

re-stack....sometimes for days! He got past this one, too, but it took

until he finally moved out to do so. Now he just gets printouts of

microfiched copies of old newspaper entertainment pages at the library. :)

It sounds like your little one has some pretty good sensory issues. You

might want to check this out with a behavioral therapist. Also, since

when the TV goes off he goes nuts, he has real problems with breaks in

schedule. Power outages you just gotta put up with (Louie's biggie was

games going into overtime, thus throwing off the TV schedule; we had to

put up with that one, too). But other things you can fix. Keep a

schedule of all his daily activities, including the order in which he

gets ready in the morning. It will help, and you'll be surprised by how

much. If he tears paper, then you're gonna have to keep paper away from

him....or use it as a reward for good behavior. Good behavior = paper to

shred. :) If he tears up his bed, don't make it until it's time for him

to be in it. :) Our Louie didn't toilet train until after 6 either; the

staff at his school taught him. I'd tried everything I knew, and

nothing worked. They just marked down whenever he soiled his diaper,

anda then started putting him on the pottie whenever that time would

occur. He was trained pretty quickly this way. :)

I hope at least some of this helps you. You've come to an excellent

place to get advice and support, that's for sure! :) BTW, I'm Annie,

married to Ron (World's Greatest Husband) and we live in Albuquerque.

Our kids are Kris, 35, adult-dx ADHD, living near Seattle, and Louie,

24, HFA/AS, and in assisted living for 3 years now (in defiance of his

diagnosing drs. predictions). Glad to know you!

Annie, who loves ya annie@...


If I am like others, who will be like me? -- Yiddish Proverb

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Hi Tim!

God bless you

"There is Hope for Hep C"

Click to go to our website

or go to www.HopeforHepC.bravehost.com January HopeforHepC will be .org

Please pass this around so that we may touch so many lives!

Remember you are not alone, "Hope for Hep C Foundation" is here.


Also Visit our site:


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Wonderful Tim glad to have you with us...Kathy B. in Milwaukeetjackson1110 <jackson.tle@...> wrote:

Hey all. Just joined. I am hepC+ with diabetes type II and stage 4 cirrhosis added for good measure. Just wanted to introduce myself.TimKathy Brunow

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Hi Tim. Welcome to our little family. Jump on in anytime.


Faith is the ability to not panic.

-----Original Message-----From: tjackson1110 [mailto:jackson.tle@...] Sent: Friday, November 12, 2004 2:27 PMHepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies Subject: New MemberHey all. Just joined. I am hepC+ with diabetes type II and stage 4 cirrhosis added for good measure. Just wanted to introduce myself.Tim

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Joe welcome, I am glad to see you here. invited me over here to and

that is the reason that I got taken off of Neuropathy and Living. what a

reason huh? this is really a neat group of people here. Hope you enjoy it

and I am sure you will. I will have to come check out your new site. Betty


New Member




> Hi Everyone


> By invite from ...I'm here! Neuropathy sufferer, scuba diver

> (Handicapped Scuba Association Instructor) and a real rocket

> scientist, work for NASA. I have been a loyal patron and moderator

> with Neuropathy and Living but recent happenings there forced me to leave.


> Hope to get to know every soon and a I am forming my own group that

> focuses on recreational activities.


> Joe









> ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

> The Being Sick Community



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> ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

> When nothing is sure, everything is possible.


> --- Margaret Drabble


> ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~



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Welcome Joe! NASA....wow. My husband has a in aerospace engineering (I think it is aerospace...maybe aeronautics, I forget) but now is in high end audio/video. Scuba diving sounds like such fun!


New Member

Hi EveryoneBy invite from ...I'm here! Neuropathy sufferer, scuba diver(Handicapped Scuba Association Instructor) and a real rocketscientist, work for NASA. I have been a loyal patron and moderatorwith Neuropathy and Living but recent happenings there forced me to leave.Hope to get to know every soon and a I am forming my own group thatfocuses on recreational activities.Joe~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~ The Being Sick CommunityMessage Archives-/messagesChat:- Scheduled Chats at /chatBookmarks:-Add a website URL you have found useful./links Personal Complaints or problems:-Please contact a moderator email: -owner Subscription Details:-1) Individual email - means that every email sent to the list you receive.2) Daily Digest - sends you 25 messages in one single email for you to browse. This is an excellent option if you receive alot of email.3) Web only/No mail - means that you can pop into groups at your convenience and receive no email.To modify your subscription settings please visit:- /joinTo subscribe or unsubscribe please email:--subscribe -unsubscribe This group is not intended to diagnose or treat illnesses. No one on this group is qualified to diagnose medical conditions. If you feel you need medical attention, seek the advice of a qualified physician.~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~When nothing is sure, everything is possible.--- Margaret Drabble~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

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Hi Ya Joe....glad to see ya here!!!!!

This is a great group!

Take Care.....Pegi



> Hi Everyone


> By invite from ...I'm here! Neuropathy sufferer, scuba diver

> (Handicapped Scuba Association Instructor) and a real rocket

> scientist, work for NASA. I have been a loyal patron and moderator

> with Neuropathy and Living but recent happenings there forced me

to leave.


> Hope to get to know every soon and a I am forming my own group that

> focuses on recreational activities.


> Joe

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that would be fun to dive. I am afraid of water but once I get into it then I like it. I love it because like you the pain seems to go away when I am in the water. hugs, Betty Ann

Re: New Member

Dear Joe,

So glad you came to this group. You will like all the medical information that is posted here daily. Fred and I are looking forward to our First Diving trip in the spring, but I am afraid of the diving part... But to feel the pain go away while underwater will be nice. Please show some of your NASA cool stuff here. Love to see your pictures of the stars and rockets again!

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Marci, welcome to the group!!! There are many knowledgable people

here which I have learned since joining recently... I started this

set of 12 weeks yesterday so today was Day 2.... cardio day which

totally rocked.... You might have been able to see that from my

numerous posts LOL.... Make sure you look at the files and links..

tons of good info, articles, etc.... I don't have the link right now

and I know it is on the links page but Skwigg's page is awesome... I

am sure someone will post the link... Again welcome and good luck!!!

Juls :)


> Hi, I'm Marci and I'm new to the group. I joined another BFL


> group but there were just way too many members so it was hard to

> follow. I have attempted the BFL program a few times in the past

> but I always let something get in the way, college, men, stress.

> But this time I HAVE to finish. So I am hoping to get to know


> of you so we can encourage each other and make it to the end! I

> look forward to hearing from you! Marci

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I'm also new to the group. Today was day 1 for me on the BFL

program. The information has been helpful and the pics are so

inspirational. My challenge is getting a grip on emotional eating. I

was misplaced temporarily because of Hurricane Ivan, both physically

and professionally. So, I have too much time on my hands until I can

get back to Orange Beach....hopefully that'll be soon. My 20 year

old daughter is new in the Air Force and is getting married in

January. My other daughter is 17 and finished with high school and

I'm trying to get her in college. My son 15 hates school. I've been

seperated since February, but we're trying to work on that...but I

don't really know where that's going. I live in Alabama, he's working

and living in DC now. My kid's dad died in February at age 46 of full

body cancer so there are some emotional issues for everyone in the

house that we deal with sometimes.

I'm here because I wanna be better for ME first...then for my kids, I

want to be around for a long time, God willing. My husband has never

seen me at my best weight, and although he doesn't care what I weigh,

I'd like him to be proud of me too.

I was going to make Before pics today but time got away from me...

I'm going to do that tomorrow. I am repulsed by the thought, but

doing so will be a great mental modivation for me.

Good luck with the program and let me know how it's working for you.


> Hi, I'm Marci and I'm new to the group. I joined another BFL


> group but there were just way too many members so it was hard to

> follow. I have attempted the BFL program a few times in the past

> but I always let something get in the way, college, men, stress.

> But this time I HAVE to finish. So I am hoping to get to know some

> of you so we can encourage each other and make it to the end! I

> look forward to hearing from you! Marci

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, all I can say is WOW... you have and are going through so

much... I am so glad you have decided to make yourself a priority...

this is a greeat group of women.... full of advice, suggestions,

knowledge!!! Just jump and get to know people... I haven't been here

too long but I am lovin' this place!!! Welcome to the group!! Juls

> >

> > Hi, I'm Marci and I'm new to the group. I joined another BFL

> online

> > group but there were just way too many members so it was hard to

> > follow. I have attempted the BFL program a few times in the


> > but I always let something get in the way, college, men,


> > But this time I HAVE to finish. So I am hoping to get to know


> > of you so we can encourage each other and make it to the end! I

> > look forward to hearing from you! Marci

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Thanks so much, your support is truly appreciated!

> > >

> > > Hi, I'm Marci and I'm new to the group. I joined another BFL

> > online

> > > group but there were just way too many members so it was hard


> > > follow. I have attempted the BFL program a few times in the

> past

> > > but I always let something get in the way, college, men,

> stress.

> > > But this time I HAVE to finish. So I am hoping to get to know

> some

> > > of you so we can encourage each other and make it to the end!


> > > look forward to hearing from you! Marci

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Welcome to the group Marci!!



> Hi, I'm Marci and I'm new to the group. I joined another BFL


> group but there were just way too many members so it was hard to

> follow. I have attempted the BFL program a few times in the past

> but I always let something get in the way, college, men, stress.

> But this time I HAVE to finish. So I am hoping to get to know


> of you so we can encourage each other and make it to the end! I

> look forward to hearing from you! Marci

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Welcome to the group and (((HUGS)))) sounds like you could use

some. Their are alot of knowlegdeable women here with lots of good



> >

> > Hi, I'm Marci and I'm new to the group. I joined another BFL

> online

> > group but there were just way too many members so it was hard to

> > follow. I have attempted the BFL program a few times in the


> > but I always let something get in the way, college, men,


> > But this time I HAVE to finish. So I am hoping to get to know


> > of you so we can encourage each other and make it to the end! I

> > look forward to hearing from you! Marci

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I would really like to hear what people think of carb cycling, and if they do

increase/decrease their carbs on certain days, or just stick to the BFL plan


Thank you



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I cycled my carbs and calories for several months last year. 3 days

low-(1300 calories, 50 g. carbs) 1 high.(1600 calories, 200g.

carbs) I lost 10 pounds in almost no time, but by day three I felt

like crap. It's no fun trying to lift, then do an hour of cardio

when you're depleted. But it worked really well and I got pretty

ripped. My abs were the talk of the gym, lol.

I'm fairly new to BFL, but I like this approach MUCH better and I'm

convinced it will be easier to maintain this type of eating and

exercise style indefinitely.


In , " Leigh Cantero "

<canteroe@s...> wrote:




> Hello


> I would really like to hear what people think of carb cycling, and

if they do increase/decrease their carbs on certain days, or just

stick to the BFL plan explicitly?


> Thank you


> Leigh




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Welcome to the group! So glad you joined us!

My name is and I am a SAHM to 6 boys and a soon to be Grandma in March.

I am looking forward to getting to know you.

Have a great day!

-- New Member

Hi Everyone

By invite from ...I'm here! Neuropathy sufferer, scuba diver

(Handicapped Scuba Association Instructor) and a real rocket

scientist, work for NASA. I have been a loyal patron and moderator

with Neuropathy and Living but recent happenings there forced me to leave.

Hope to get to know every soon and a I am forming my own group that

focuses on recreational activities.


~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

The Being Sick Community

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1) Individual email - means that every email sent to the list you receive.

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This group is not intended to diagnose or treat illnesses. No one on this group is qualified to diagnose medical conditions. If you feel you need medical attention, seek the advice of a qualified physician.

~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

When nothing is sure, everything is possible.

--- Margaret Drabble

~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

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I don't follow the BFL plan specifically, as I count calories and

macros rather than doing portion sizes so I'm not sure if this will

help, but I do cycle my carbs, but mostly because I cycle my calories

and therefore my carbs go with it. Although they never get low, just

lower. I, too, tried the 3 days low, 1 day high approach but was

completely miserable and my workouts suffered. Now I do more of an

every other day cycling where my Sun, Tues, Thurs, and Sat are my

high days, and Mon, Wed, and Fri are my low days. It has been

working really, really well as I've seen big changes and still feel

really good all the time. I used this site to get some starting



(which I also saw in Skwigg's blog recently...) and then made some





> Hello


> I would really like to hear what people think of carb cycling, and

if they do increase/decrease their carbs on certain days, or just

stick to the BFL plan explicitly?


> Thank you


> Leigh




> This email, and the files transmitted with it, are confidential

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I have done carb and calorie recycling also and lost 20 pounds so far. On the

high calorie days is when I do my weights and the low calorie days I do cardio.

I do 3 high calorie days and 3 low. On the low calorie days I do two separate

cardios one in am and one pm. But before this I did a conditioning period for

about 3 months to get my calories higher up to 2700 and lifted weights only to

build muscle to raise my metabolism. When I cycle down on calories it's just too

difficult and burns too much muscle to do both weights and cardio in the same

period of time. Hope this helps.


Re: New Member


I cycled my carbs and calories for several months last year. 3 days

low-(1300 calories, 50 g. carbs) 1 high.(1600 calories, 200g.

carbs) I lost 10 pounds in almost no time, but by day three I felt

like crap. It's no fun trying to lift, then do an hour of cardio

when you're depleted. But it worked really well and I got pretty

ripped. My abs were the talk of the gym, lol.

I'm fairly new to BFL, but I like this approach MUCH better and I'm

convinced it will be easier to maintain this type of eating and

exercise style indefinitely.


In , " Leigh Cantero "

<canteroe@s...> wrote:




> Hello


> I would really like to hear what people think of carb cycling, and

if they do increase/decrease their carbs on certain days, or just

stick to the BFL plan explicitly?


> Thank you


> Leigh




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