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Hello Lottie,

It is so good to hear your husband is recovering well. As a Surgical Intensive

Care Nurse, I cared for many post bypass surgery patients, and the irritability

goes with the recovery process. The lack of control is very hard on anyone, but

especially on men. They just want OUT of the hospital setting and to be

somewhere else.

Some news from Ed and I: if you recall, Ed was diagnosed with CML in January of

this year, in Mexico, and with no health insurance. After a three month search,

and a desire not to take part in the social services system, I recalled being

told that the Chamber of Commerce has a health insurance program which does not

exclude patients with pre-existing illnesses. We decided to put it to the test.

This is what was required in order to get health insurance:

1. Join the Chamber of Commerce (595.00)

2. Own a business wherein you have 2 or more employees (I am a real estate

agent, and I hired Ed to be my Office Manager)

3. Provide proof of ownership of the business:

a. Business license

b. Hours and wages for Ed

4. Check for first month's health insurance (400.00)

We did all of the above but were turned down for health insurance. I called the

Chamber and told them it was false advertising and that I had previous

experience with another company in which I was an employee where 2 people had

breast cancer and 2 others had uncontrolled hypertension and all were insured

(this was true and I named the company involved: they soon knew I had been

experience with that system and thus knew how the insurance process worked with

the Chamber). I asked them when their policy had changed regarding pre-existing

conditions. The Chamber contact said she would connect me to another insurance

person who would fight for Ed and his right to have health insurance.

The following day, a true dynamo of a woman, Jan Meier by name, called and made

an appointment to meet with Ed and me. She was there within 24 hours, and she

said the insurance was " doable " . Jan re-submitted the material to the same HMO.

A few days later, Jan called to say it was " not going to fly " through the

insurance company " unless you have a corporation or an LLC " . I told Jan we

would have an LLC by the end of the week. An LLC requires you to have at least

two members on the board.

Ed and I formed an LLC (you need the help of an accountant to do this). The

accountant wrote up the paperwork and filed the LLC name with the IRS (150.00).

We then took the paperwork to the Secretary of State and asked for expedited

paperwork (200.00) in order to get the information to the insurance company

within the 15 day limit before close of enrollment. The remainder of the

paperwork was sent to the state capitol to be processed and obtain the Articles

of Incorporation (125.00).

Step number three was to get a checking account in the name of the LLC which

establishes the credibility of the LLC. We just received the official papers

from the IRS and seal showing we have an LLC tax ID .number as well. Today, we

will set up the account and we must put approximately 300.00 into the LLC

checking account. All of this must be available in case a question pops up

pertaining to our status as a business.

This was all completed within 10 days of the deadline: we submitted all of this

to Jan at the Chamber of Commerce. Jan forwarded all of it to the

insurance company on Wednesday of last week. Yesterday morning, we received a

call from Jan: ED HAS BEEN ACCEPTED and now has health insurance.

Is it worth the struggle? Is it worth the money outlay? Well, $10,000.00 has

been spent on hospital and lab services since diagnosis, our medical expenses in

Mexico reached approximately 3,500.00, and we have not even heard from the

doctor's office regarding their charges. To us, it is a " no-brainer " !!

I am writing this to show anyone who is interested how we got Ed's health

insurance. I do not promise you it will work for everyone, but I will tell you

that your diligence in contacting your local Chamber of Commerce may generate

some unexpected help in this area. It costs nothing to try it, and if you have

no health insurance at all, as we faced, it is worth all the effort. We are

SOOOO happy!! Our insurance rate will be higher than average, but we will spend

that much and more without the insurance. Also, our insurance has NO LIMIT on

the amount which can be spent on health care for an individual patient.

Please do not think I take credit for this: I was guided by God every step of

the way, and without His nudges to remind me of previous health insurance

issues, I would never have had a single idea on how to progress. Ed and I were

on our knees praying this one through the system.

Coon BS, ABR, ePro, CCSS

Discount Realty Inc.

Office: 702-434-9170

Cell: 702-493-2271

e-mail: sandiecoon@...

Website: www.sandiecoon.com

---- Lottie Duthu <lotajam@...> wrote:

> Hi All,

> We thought Jimmy would be coming home tomorrow, but they have postponed

it again. He was in an irritable mood with the hospital today, but I have heard

that is not unusual after heart surgery. Although they removed 2 tubes

yesterday, he still has them in his neck and stomach, which should be removed

tomorrow, or so he thinks and I know he is tired of lying on his back and would

like to get out of bed. They also changed his pain meds, so he is not as



> Will stay in touch, and a warm thanks for the cards that are finding their way

to our mailbox.

> Blessings,

> Lottie



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Guest guest


Great that Jimmy is irritable - means he is on the way home soon.

As you know I have just come home from my own hospital stay of 6 days

and that was enough - so I can sympathise with Jimmy.

Hope you are getting enough shut eye yourself and keeping well

Best wishes to you both, Sue

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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

Tee Hee Lottie, the dr. called us a year after our son was born and said,

the baby IS one yr. old now, do you think you could pay the bill?We had blue

cross, but I think they only covered part of it, and it is the other part

the dr. wanted!

On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 5:23 PM, Lottie Duthu <lotajam@...> wrote:



> Dear Bobby,

> I would say that the best is yet to come. LOL I mean they will be seeing a

> lot more of you in the future, you will be around a long time. I think we

> have overstayed our welcome sometimes. So what if we had to pay those bills

> today? I remember it cost $75 to deliver my first baby and the hospital was

> $2 a day, but I had to bring my own diapers and baby clothes. I paid the

> doctor $2 a month until my bill was paid. We didn't have health insurance,

> so I wonder how much it would cost if there were no health insurance?

> Carpe Diem,

> Lottie



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