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I am having a ball. It truely is wonderful. I wasn't complaining as much as

saying that to keep on the diet is virtually impossible.

Went to a clothing factory outlet yesterday. The clothes were 'seconds' but

in North American sizes. You had to take your shoes off and climb into the pile

of clothes and sort through what you wanted. Cost of each item was 10Y ($1.50

Cdn.) I bought 6 shirts. In China, to buy clothes that fit, if you are a

Large then you need 3X. I am a 2X in Canada so I need a taylor to make clothes.

I am teaching English to freshmen at a University. So, they paid for my

airfare and my apartment/residence is free plus I get a salary.

Tamara <tamaratornado@...> wrote:

Oh I LOVE to travel! Despite your hardships you must be having quite

an adventure! Hang in there!

- T


FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.

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I would tend to agree with that article. The air pollution is very bad here and

even worse inland where there is more industry. I have a 'morning cold' every

day where I have to clear phlem first thing in the morning (probably getting rid

of garbage in lungs from the day before). The rest of the day I am fine, no

phlem etc.

Tamara Tornado <tamaratornado@...> wrote:

I read an article a while ago about the severe pollution in China, and

the author mentioned that many of the Chinese seemed to be constantly

sick with colds. He implied that the air pollution was responsible.

- T

--- wrote:

My health is generally good. Most of my students have colds and seem

sick most of the time but so far (knock on wood) I've been fine.

(except for the 2 days of " Mao's revenge " )


- PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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Sounds like you could benefit from a Neti pot to clean out your sinuses

while there...it's great for getting rid of the allergens without so much

hacking. ;-) My husband said the same thing about China, he couldn't

believe the level of pollution.

Re: China

I would tend to agree with that article. The air pollution is very bad

here and even worse inland where there is more industry. I have a 'morning

cold' every day where I have to clear phlem first thing in the morning

(probably getting rid of garbage in lungs from the day before). The rest of

the day I am fine, no phlem etc.

Tamara Tornado <tamaratornado@...> wrote:

I read an article a while ago about the severe pollution in China, and

the author mentioned that many of the Chinese seemed to be constantly

sick with colds. He implied that the air pollution was responsible.

- T

--- wrote:

My health is generally good. Most of my students have colds and seem

sick most of the time but so far (knock on wood) I've been fine.

(except for the 2 days of " Mao's revenge " )

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  • 2 weeks later...

What is a Neti pot???

<bloggertypeo@...> wrote: Sounds like you could

benefit from a Neti pot to clean out your sinuses

while there...it's great for getting rid of the allergens without so much

hacking. ;-) My husband said the same thing about China, he couldn't

believe the level of pollution.

Re: China

I would tend to agree with that article. The air pollution is very bad

here and even worse inland where there is more industry. I have a 'morning

cold' every day where I have to clear phlem first thing in the morning

(probably getting rid of garbage in lungs from the day before). The rest of

the day I am fine, no phlem etc.

Tamara Tornado <tamaratornado@...> wrote:

I read an article a while ago about the severe pollution in China, and

the author mentioned that many of the Chinese seemed to be constantly

sick with colds. He implied that the air pollution was responsible.

- T

--- wrote:

My health is generally good. Most of my students have colds and seem

sick most of the time but so far (knock on wood) I've been fine.

(except for the 2 days of " Mao's revenge " )

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http://www.sinucleanse.com/ this is a marketing name for it, sold in


But the original Neti pot comes from India, and is a Yoga cleansing

system.like these: http://www.bytheplanet.com/Products/Yoga/neti/Netipot.htm

For traveling, you'd probably want one that isn't breakable ceramic. It's

surprisingly easy to use, and I'm one who hates getting water in my nose.


Re: China

I would tend to agree with that article. The air pollution is very bad

here and even worse inland where there is more industry. I have a


cold' every day where I have to clear phlem first thing in the morning

(probably getting rid of garbage in lungs from the day before). The rest


the day I am fine, no phlem etc.

Tamara Tornado <tamaratornado@...> wrote:

I read an article a while ago about the severe pollution in China, and

the author mentioned that many of the Chinese seemed to be constantly

sick with colds. He implied that the air pollution was responsible.

- T

--- wrote:

My health is generally good. Most of my students have colds and seem

sick most of the time but so far (knock on wood) I've been fine.

(except for the 2 days of " Mao's revenge " )

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Oh, I love my neti pot and have been using it for many years. Am going to

use it today. Mine looks like a little Aladdin's lamp but there are other

shapes and sizes. I've attached a picture of what I use.

The idea is to create a warm saline solution, fill the pot, tip your head

just so, line the spout up with a nostril and let the saline flow through

your sinuses. Feels kinda funny as it flows through. I use 2 cups of

purified water and 1/2 teaspoon of natural Celtic sea salt and heat the

solution until I can dissolve the salt. Two cups of liquid will give me a

full pot for each nostril. Husband only uses makes 1 cup. I let the saline

cool until a drop feels comfortable against my wrist (baby bottle temp) and

I rinse my neti pot with hot water before I fill it. A cold neti pot will

reduce the temp of your solution. You will know immediately if the solution

is too hot or cold or if the salt ratio is not correct.

I take a paper towel to the bathroom with me because I stop the cleaning and

blow my nose vigorously during the process and a tiny kleenex will not do

the trick. Husband just blows the stuff into the sink, sans kleenex, it's a

guy thing.

Often times one side will not drain or a little trickle will come out. Don't

worry, do the other side and then come back to the plugged side. Eventually

you will get a flow.

I turn my head horizontal to the sink and if I don't get the position right

the stuff will drain out of my nose and down my cheek, etc. Grosses me out

so I try really hard to hold my head just so.

It took me several years before I could get my husband to try a neti pot but

once he did he actually started recommending them to his friends. He now has

his own and we keep a new one available at all times to give as a gift.

We take ours with us when we travel, along with a water purifier, salt and a

heating coil to make hot water. It has been a blessing more than once when

we got colds while traveling.

Hope this helps.


Re: China

I would tend to agree with that article. The air pollution is very bad

here and even worse inland where there is more industry. I have a


cold' every day where I have to clear phlem first thing in the morning

(probably getting rid of garbage in lungs from the day before). The rest


the day I am fine, no phlem etc.

Tamara Tornado <tamaratornado@...> wrote:

I read an article a while ago about the severe pollution in China, and

the author mentioned that many of the Chinese seemed to be constantly

sick with colds. He implied that the air pollution was responsible.

- T

--- wrote:

My health is generally good. Most of my students have colds and seem

sick most of the time but so far (knock on wood) I've been fine.

(except for the 2 days of " Mao's revenge " )

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  • 1 month later...

I don't know if your male of female so I want to be clear this is not a come on. I love reading about China. Are you stationed there or live there. I would love to see pictures of the buildings and of points of interest if you have some. Whats it really like over there. Like in the Middle east it's nothing like what we see on tv here. I have a feind who travels the world in their business and I make them send me pictures and post cards. It's my way of seeing places I've only herd of.

"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well-preserved body...but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, WOW! What a ride!"... Eddie Hinman

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Eddie, I am like you, I sure would enjoy seeing some of the sights that is enjoying over there in China. could you post some photo's in the photo albums here at the group. We heppers need to travel vicarously even if it is through one another. LOL Love JanetTubs46@... wrote: I don't know if your male of female so I want to be clear this is not a come on. I love reading about China. Are you stationed there or live there. I would love to see pictures of the buildings and of points of interest if you have some. Whats it really like over there. Like in the

Middle east it's nothing like what we see on tv here. I have a feind who travels the world in their business and I make them send me pictures and post cards. It's my way of seeing places I've only herd of. "Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well-preserved body...but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, WOW! What a ride!"... Eddie Hinman There are souls in this world which have the gift of finding joy everywhere and of leaving it behind them when they go." -Frederick Faber

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You could view my profile... I tried but I could not view yours... maybe is busy giving all that information to the government. <Just kidding> I'll try again later. "It's not a come-on! I'm very disappointed. " If it were a come-on, I'd have to tell you you're a little too late. I'm getting married next month. -hint- She's a wonderful woman. -another hint- China does not allow same sex marriages. Straight answers about some of the other things... I've been living here for three years now. I'm not in the service, or other wise "stationed" here, just trying to stay happy and healthy. I live in Shenzhen. (pronounced shun jun - the "u"s are like the u in fun) Shenzhen is virtually connected to Hong Kong, but life here, and the people

here are much different. HK is a very Westernized city, due to British governance prior to 98. HK residents have much more freedom than mainland Chinese. Note: Being born and living my whole life in the US prior to moving here, I don't think the Chinese have it much worse than US residents. There are travel restrictions, and they can't own guns... that's about it. There is limited freedom of the press, but people today can get away with saying about anything they want about government. Just don't push back if the government is pushing you. I really shouldn't stray into the political arena... what else? China is as much a Capitalist state as America. People here work very hard, and like Americans are seldom happy with what they have, they always want more. One Christian friend of mine told me before I left, "Don't mention God! They kill Christians in China." I sent her a photo of a Protestant Church here in SZ that I

was told cost ten million US to build. It's beautiful! I think they could have spent the money in better ways, but that's not my business. There are Christian churches and schools all over. You can't leave the house without bumping into a Christian. Thank Buddha they haven't started knocking on people's doors at dinner time yet. I probably shouldn't talk about religion here either... Here's a link with a picture of SZ in the banner. It also tells alot about what's going on here, and BIG BONUS, it's in English! http://www.shenzhenwindow.net/home.htm I can't finish before I say something about the food. I'll say a couple of things... Because .... well, I don't really know why, and my guess is just a guess, so I'll just say, "People here eat just about everything." Fish heads, (in fact most animals are served with the heads still

attached) bats, dogs, cats, basically, if it's not a rock, it's food. That said, I have only tasted a handful of things I didn't like. The Chinese are great cooks! I know, I know, you've eaten Chinese food in America. It ain't no where near real Chinese food. The Chinese people that cook for you in America are either Americans, and thus have American tastes, or they cook two kinds of food - food for sale, and food for themselves. The best part of it is I eat like a pig, and have actually lost weight living here. I think it's because I eat so much more vegetables. Americans mostly over-cook everything, especially vegetables. The thing I like most about living here is the people of course. They are very warm and enjoy anything and anyone that is from outside China. I am treated as a special guest everywhere I go. This is akin to being famous... and i didn't have to do anything to gain this

status. I recently watched a documentary on why Americans, the wealthiest nation on earth, are among the least happy. It all boiled down to because we are taught from childhood that we can be anything we want, our expectations can not be satisfied unless we reach our lofty childhood goals. (most of which revolve around having mountains of money) But even the wealthiest of Americans still are not satisfied, because there is always a Bill Gates, or Warren Buffet out there with nicer stuff than them. So why the chase for money? Because if you arrive at some event in a Rolls Royce, you are treated very special, even if you took a second out on your house to rent the car. Americans, and everyone else for that matter just want to be treated like they are special. I get that here in spades. It does wonders for my depression. All I need do if I'm having a bad day is walk downstairs and let some children see me. Their love and

enthusiasm is an instant cure for depression. But don't get me wrong, China is not all sweet cake and roses. The air here is pretty bad. I had to take up smoking just to get some fresh air. There are sometimes smells in the street that you don't get in America unless you work on a farm or in the sewers. There are plenty of people that demand your sympathy, but that may not be an entirely bad thing. Let me know what else you want to know. I've not been too many places. I don't like to travel. I haven't seen the Great Wall, or been to Xi'an to see the terracotta (SP) army. SZ has about 10 million people living here, so its pretty big. I haven't even seen all of SZ. Eat well, sleep well, be well! Tubs46@... wrote: I don't know if your male of female so I want to be clear this is not a come on. I love reading about China. Are you stationed there or live there. I would love to see pictures of the buildings and of points of interest if you have some. Whats it really like over there. Like in the Middle east it's nothing like what we see on tv here. I have a feind who travels the world in their business and I make them send me pictures and post cards. It's my way of seeing places I've only herd of. "Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well-preserved body...but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, WOW! What a ride!"... Eddie Hinman

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I have some photos, but they are mostly of my friends and girlfriends. (past and present) I really haven't travelled much, and I'm a lousy photographer. Tell you what, I have nothing else to do tomorrow. If it's not raining I'll go out and take some pictures. Sure hope I can remember where the camera is...Janet <doc_jade@...> wrote: Eddie, I am like you, I sure would enjoy seeing some of the sights that is enjoying over there in China. could you post some photo's in the photo albums here at the group. We heppers need to travel vicarously even if it is through one another. LOL Love JanetTubs46@... wrote: I don't know if your male of female so I want to be clear this is not a come on. I love reading about China. Are you stationed there or live there. I would love to see pictures of the buildings and of points of interest if you have some. Whats it really like over there. Like in the Middle east it's nothing like what we see on tv here. I have a feind who travels the world in their business and I make them send me pictures and post cards. It's my way of seeing places I've only herd of. "Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well-preserved body...but rather to skid in broadside,

thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, WOW! What a ride!"... Eddie Hinman There are souls in this world which have the gift of finding joy everywhere and of leaving it behind them when they go." -Frederick Faber

Photos Ring in the New Year with Photo Calendars. Add photos, events, holidays, whatever.

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  • 10 months later...

In a message dated 12/21/2006 3:36:18 AM Pacific Standard Time,

SSRI medications writes:

" The rules bar parents who take medication for psychiatric conditions

including depression and anxiety or have a " severe facial deformity. "

You also cannot be obese and adopt a Chinese baby. Quite frankly, I think

this is a good idea about the drugs. Why would you give your children to

mental patients????

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In a message dated 12/21/2006 3:36:18 AM Pacific Standard Time,

SSRI medications writes:

" The rules bar parents who take medication for psychiatric conditions

including depression and anxiety or have a " severe facial deformity. "

You also cannot be obese and adopt a Chinese baby. Quite frankly, I think

this is a good idea about the drugs. Why would you give your children to

mental patients????

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In a message dated 12/21/2006 3:36:18 AM Pacific Standard Time,

SSRI medications writes:

" The rules bar parents who take medication for psychiatric conditions

including depression and anxiety or have a " severe facial deformity. "

You also cannot be obese and adopt a Chinese baby. Quite frankly, I think

this is a good idea about the drugs. Why would you give your children to

mental patients????

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In a message dated 12/21/2006 3:36:18 AM Pacific Standard Time,

SSRI medications writes:

" The rules bar parents who take medication for psychiatric conditions

including depression and anxiety or have a " severe facial deformity. "

You also cannot be obese and adopt a Chinese baby. Quite frankly, I think

this is a good idea about the drugs. Why would you give your children to

mental patients????

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Wow China I didn't know that about O'Neal!!

Donna x


> > Dear Sandie and Ed,

> > We are fortunate to have someone with a nursing

> > background like yours and I thank you for sharing

> > that information. I just know in my heart that he is

> > better off there than here. The strange thing is

> > Jimmy has Thalessemia Minor and just before the

> > surgery was the first time in our married life that

> > he was not anemic. Now he is anemic again from the

> > blood loss. He was being tranfused when I left this

> > evening. He was too weak to get up for the daily

> > x-rays today, so they brought in a portable. They

> > also re-inserted the tube in his lung. I'm sure in

> > his state of mind, he was also thinking about the

> > state of his health and asked the doctor today if he

> > was dying. He assured him that he had a rough time

> > and had been to hell and back, but he was going to

> > survive this. Yesterday they took the oxygen off

> > and today it was back on, so there were definitely

> > some changes. What are some of the other side

> > effects of low Hgb, because mine is always low. One

> > of the side effects that I experience is being cold.

> > I feel like a block of ice. I am sitting in his

> > room with a winter coat on and sometimes a sweater

> > or vest under that, but my hands are cold and he was

> > sweating collar buttons.

> >

> > Jimmy and I want to thank everyone for their

> > warm messages, the cards and prayers. It's

> > impossible for me to respond to everyone, with the

> > little time that I have, but I do want to note that

> > they are all appreciated. His doctors sent him

> > flowers, have never heard of that. I feel very

> > confident that he is in good hands. Four of the

> > largest nursing schools are in LA, but we still have

> > a shortage of nurses. A lot left after the

> > hurricane and never came back, but not our city,

> > because our hospital never closed down. We took

> > patients from other areas. New Orleans was the

> > hardest hit.

> >

> > Maybe I let the cat out of the bag too soon

> > before you had all of your information together

> > about the insurance, but as I said I mistakenly sent

> > it to the group instead of to you. I know someone

> > else who does that and while I won't mention any

> > names, he's the last one in the alphabet.

> >

> > May blessings flow your way and with all best wishes

> > xoxoxox

> > Lottie

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> >

> >







> Be a better friend, newshound, and

> know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.



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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Yes, Rhonda. I wish I had dazzling photos. Well of the eclipse that

is.... We went for the longest total solar eclipse of this century

over shanghai, on MY Birthday!!! How special is that. Well I guess

not special enough for the clouds to part! We had some great view of

the partial between the clouds but for the 5 minutes 54 second of

totality -- we were all clouded in - we saw it just after totality for

about 5 seconds then within 5 minutes it poured down rain with thunder

and lightening! Urrrgg... This would have been our 5th total

eclipse. We did however enjoy Shanghai, Beijing and the Terra Cotta

Warriors in Xian.

Thanks for asking - I know this is not really heart related, but I

wanted to post to show people they can still live and travel with

ICD's. I don't let mine keep from doing anything I want to do.

Ok - Bill what can you do with that statement -- I know ALOT - I opened

the door wide for you!!!



Rhonda wrote:


got to go to China? How exciting. My sister went several years ago

& brought back dazzling pictures.

Glad someone understands me. Even if I do things a-- backwards.



last update 12-27-2008


Guin Van Dyke <guinvandyke-ranch>

Sent: Wednesday, July

29, 2009 7:40:24 PM

Subject: Re:

Rhonda and spam and so-called netiquette

Post away my dear Rhonda. Talk about anything you want. If


don't want to talk about it they won't!

I too am worried the way healthcare may be going in this country.


Rhonda wrote:

Thanks to everyone that forgives my stupid mistake.

I promise never to forward any forwards again. I promise to be more

careful with everyone's privacy. I certainly didn't intend to flame the


But I have a question still.

Are we not allowed to discuss the health care bill & question what

effects it with have on us?

I don't want to talk about politics.

But health care changes should be allowed to be discussed. I remember

after my 1st heart attack more than 10 years ago I didn't have a clue

about getting help or how the system worked. I had to learn because,

well, like all of us here, my life depended on it.

I am very grateful for my ICD as it has given me my life back. I have a

doctor I trust & can talk to. I don't want of of this to change.

The thought is scary to me.

I may have gone about this the wrong way, and I'll keep saying I'm

sorry til no one brings it up any more. Maybe that's it - maybe we're

all scared of any more changes. That's why it upset everyone so much.

I just want to talk about it. I wanted to talk to this group about it

as I figured it would be as equally important to each of us here.

Personally, the only way I know to cope with fear is to find out as

much as I can. I really don't want to join a political forum to find

out what happens is going to effect me & my life. And all of ours.

Thank you for not banning me.


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Guest guest

wow that sounds sooooo exciteing!!! your very lucky i bet china is pretty !

Thanks to everyone that forgives my stupid mistake.I promise never to forward any forwards again. I promise to be more careful with everyone's privacy. I certainly didn't intend to flame the group.But I have a question still. Are we not allowed to discuss the health care bill & question what effects it with have on us?I don't want to talk about politics. But health care changes should be allowed to be discussed. I remember after my 1st heart attack more than 10 years ago I didn't have a clue about getting help or how the system worked. I had to learn because, well, like all of us here, my life depended on it. I am very grateful for my ICD as it has given me my life back. I have a doctor I trust & can talk to. I don't want of of this to change. The thought is scary to me. I may have gone about this the wrong way, and

I'll keep saying I'm sorry til no one brings it up any more. Maybe that's it - maybe we're all scared of any more changes. That's why it upset everyone so much.I just want to talk about it. I wanted to talk to this group about it as I figured it would be as equally important to each of us here.Personally, the only way I know to cope with fear is to find out as much as I can. I really don't want to join a political forum to find out what happens is going to effect me & my life. And all of ours.Thank you for not banning me.Rhonda

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Guest guest

I had wondered about traveling on planes with the ICD's. Especially internationally. They give you a whole book on how to deal with travel when they put the ICD in. A bit indimadating.But to see China... My sister went to some of the shows & had pictures of it's glamour. Then she showed photo's of them hanging meat from their apt patio's... Such color they use. I'm the gardner in the family - but even she was awed by their gardens. She went just to take pictures for me, but she was blown away by the beauty. When's the next eclipse & where are you going? http://rhondaboo.com/index.htmllast update 12-27-2008From: Guin Van Dyke <guin@...> Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2009 8:23:57 AMSubject: Re:


Yes, Rhonda. I wish I had dazzling photos. Well of the eclipse that

is.... We went for the longest total solar eclipse of this century

over shanghai, on MY Birthday!!! How special is that. Well I guess

not special enough for the clouds to part! We had some great view of

the partial between the clouds but for the 5 minutes 54 second of

totality -- we were all clouded in - we saw it just after totality for

about 5 seconds then within 5 minutes it poured down rain with thunder

and lightening! Urrrgg... This would have been our 5th total

eclipse. We did however enjoy Shanghai, Beijing and the Terra Cotta

Warriors in Xian.

Thanks for asking - I know this is not really heart related, but I

wanted to post to show people they can still live and travel with

ICD's. I don't let mine keep from doing anything I want to do.

Ok - Bill what can you do with that statement -- I know ALOT - I opened

the door wide for you!!!



Rhonda wrote:


got to go to China? How exciting. My sister went several years ago

& brought back dazzling pictures.

Glad someone understands me. Even if I do things a-- backwards.


http://rhondaboo. com/index. html

last update 12-27-2008


Guin Van Dyke <guin@vandyke- ranch.com>

@groups .com

Sent: Wednesday, July

29, 2009 7:40:24 PM

Subject: Re:

Rhonda and spam and so-called netiquette

Post away my dear Rhonda. Talk about anything you want. If


don't want to talk about it they won't!

I too am worried the way healthcare may be going in this country.


Rhonda wrote:

Thanks to everyone that forgives my stupid mistake.

I promise never to forward any forwards again. I promise to be more

careful with everyone's privacy. I certainly didn't intend to flame the


But I have a question still.

Are we not allowed to discuss the health care bill & question what

effects it with have on us?

I don't want to talk about politics.

But health care changes should be allowed to be discussed. I remember

after my 1st heart attack more than 10 years ago I didn't have a clue

about getting help or how the system worked. I had to learn because,

well, like all of us here, my life depended on it.

I am very grateful for my ICD as it has given me my life back. I have a

doctor I trust & can talk to. I don't want of of this to change.

The thought is scary to me.

I may have gone about this the wrong way, and I'll keep saying I'm

sorry til no one brings it up any more. Maybe that's it - maybe we're

all scared of any more changes. That's why it upset everyone so much.

I just want to talk about it. I wanted to talk to this group about it

as I figured it would be as equally important to each of us here.

Personally, the only way I know to cope with fear is to find out as

much as I can. I really don't want to join a political forum to find

out what happens is going to effect me & my life. And all of ours.

Thank you for not banning me.


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Guest guest

The next one I might see is Australia 2012!

I have been traveling for 10 years world wide with my ICD - no problems


Don't let your ICD keep you home!


Rhonda wrote:


had wondered about traveling on planes with the ICD's. Especially

internationally. They give you a whole book on how to deal with travel

when they put the ICD in. A bit indimadating.

But to see China... My sister went to some of the shows & had

pictures of it's glamour. Then she showed photo's of them hanging meat

from their apt patio's... Such color they use. I'm the gardner in the

family - but even she was awed by their gardens. She went just to take

pictures for me, but she was blown away by the beauty.

When's the next eclipse & where are you going?


last update 12-27-2008


Guin Van Dyke <guinvandyke-ranch>

Sent: Thursday, July

30, 2009 8:23:57 AM

Subject: Re:


Yes, Rhonda. I wish I had dazzling photos. Well of the eclipse


is.... We went for the longest total solar eclipse of this century

over shanghai, on MY Birthday!!! How special is that. Well I guess

not special enough for the clouds to part! We had some great view of

the partial between the clouds but for the 5 minutes 54 second of

totality -- we were all clouded in - we saw it just after totality for

about 5 seconds then within 5 minutes it poured down rain with thunder

and lightening! Urrrgg... This would have been our 5th total

eclipse. We did however enjoy Shanghai, Beijing and the Terra Cotta

Warriors in Xian.

Thanks for asking - I know this is not really heart related, but I

wanted to post to show people they can still live and travel with

ICD's. I don't let mine keep from doing anything I want to do.

Ok - Bill what can you do with that statement -- I know ALOT - I opened

the door wide for you!!!



Rhonda wrote:


got to go to China? How exciting. My sister went several years ago

& brought back dazzling pictures.

Glad someone understands me. Even if I do things a-- backwards.


http://rhondaboo. com/index. html

last update 12-27-2008


Guin Van Dyke <guin@vandyke- ranch.com>


@groups .com

Sent: Wednesday,


29, 2009 7:40:24 PM

Subject: Re:

Rhonda and spam and so-called netiquette

Post away my dear Rhonda. Talk about anything you want. If


don't want to talk about it they won't!

I too am worried the way healthcare may be going in this country.


Rhonda wrote:

Thanks to everyone that forgives my stupid mistake.

I promise never to forward any forwards again. I promise to be more

careful with everyone's privacy. I certainly didn't intend to flame the


But I have a question still.

Are we not allowed to discuss the health care bill & question what

effects it with have on us?

I don't want to talk about politics.

But health care changes should be allowed to be discussed. I remember

after my 1st heart attack more than 10 years ago I didn't have a clue

about getting help or how the system worked. I had to learn because,

well, like all of us here, my life depended on it.

I am very grateful for my ICD as it has given me my life back. I have a

doctor I trust & can talk to. I don't want of of this to change.

The thought is scary to me.

I may have gone about this the wrong way, and I'll keep saying I'm

sorry til no one brings it up any more. Maybe that's it - maybe we're

all scared of any more changes. That's why it upset everyone so much.

I just want to talk about it. I wanted to talk to this group about it

as I figured it would be as equally important to each of us here.

Personally, the only way I know to cope with fear is to find out as

much as I can. I really don't want to join a political forum to find

out what happens is going to effect me & my life. And all of ours.

Thank you for not banning me.


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again from Dave of Maine's MOM.

Dave went to China on business and did bring a strong antibiotic and his medial records I think--a physician caring for you can advise on international travel.

Dave enjoyed his trip.

Adele from Amesbury, MA

In a message dated 7/30/2009 5:53:30 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, neighborhoodpoly@... writes:

I had wondered about traveling on planes with the ICD's. Especially internationally. They give you a whole book on how to deal with travel when they put the ICD in. A bit indimadating.But to see China... My sister went to some of the shows & had pictures of it's glamour. Then she showed photo's of them hanging meat from their apt patio's... Such color they use. I'm the gardner in the family - but even she was awed by their gardens. She went just to take pictures for me, but she was blown away by the beauty. When's the next eclipse & where are you going?

http://rhondaboo.com/index.htmllast update 12-27-2008

From: Guin Van Dyke <guinvandyke-ranch> Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2009 8:23:57 AMSubject: Re: China

Yes, Rhonda. I wish I had dazzling photos. Well of the eclipse that is.... We went for the longest total solar eclipse of this century over shanghai, on MY Birthday!!! How special is that. Well I guess not special enough for the clouds to part! We had some great view of the partial between the clouds but for the 5 minutes 54 second of totality -- we were all clouded in - we saw it just after totality for about 5 seconds then within 5 minutes it poured down rain with thunder and lightening! Urrrgg... This would have been our 5th total eclipse. We did however enjoy Shanghai, Beijing and the Terra Cotta Warriors in Xian.Thanks for asking - I know this is not really heart related, but I wanted to post to show people they can still live and travel with ICD's. I don't let mine keep from doing anything I want to do. Ok - Bill what can you do with that statement -- I know ALOT - I opened the door wide for you!!!Hugs,~guinRhonda wrote:

You got to go to China? How exciting. My sister went several years ago & brought back dazzling pictures. Glad someone understands me. Even if I do things a-- backwards.Hugs

http://rhondaboo. com/index. htmllast update 12-27-2008

From: Guin Van Dyke <guin@vandyke- ranch.com>@groups .comSent: Wednesday, July 29, 2009 7:40:24 PMSubject: Re: Rhonda and spam and so-called netiquette

Post away my dear Rhonda. Talk about anything you want. If others don't want to talk about it they won't!I too am worried the way healthcare may be going in this country.~guinRhonda wrote:

Thanks to everyone that forgives my stupid mistake.I promise never to forward any forwards again. I promise to be more careful with everyone's privacy. I certainly didn't intend to flame the group.But I have a question still. Are we not allowed to discuss the health care bill & question what effects it with have on us?I don't want to talk about politics. But health care changes should be allowed to be discussed. I remember after my 1st heart attack more than 10 years ago I didn't have a clue about getting help or how the system worked. I had to learn because, well, like all of us here, my life depended on it. I am very grateful for my ICD as it has given me my life back. I have a doctor I trust & can talk to. I don't want of of this to change. The thought is scary to me. I may have gone about this the wrong way, and I'll keep saying I'm sorry til no one brings it up any more. Maybe that's it - maybe we're all scared of any more changes. That's why it upset everyone so much.I just want to talk about it. I wanted to talk to this group about it as I figured it would be as equally important to each of us here.Personally, the only way I know to cope with fear is to find out as much as I can. I really don't want to join a political forum to find out what happens is going to effect me & my life. And all of ours.Thank you for not banning me.Rhonda

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